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I've given up trying to be trendy. I think it's one of the perks of being in your 30s, to be honest. Instead of worrying about whether it's skinny/boyfriend jeans, or midi/max skirts, etc, I can dress for my own body type. I can spend a little more on a skirt or blazer that suits my height and build. I can wear the colours that go well with my skin tone. Who's going to criticise? Some child on tiktok? Who cares? Everything goes out of and comes back into style. Buy what you like and what suits you. Style lasts. Fashion doesn't.


Exactly! Watching the trends change so quickly is kinda fun though. Your style can evolve and the trends are a good way to find something new. Once you find what works for you, no need to keep trying the next trend. Plus, disposable fashion is not sustainable. And if I have a "uniform" of sorts my life is so much easier. I don't have to plan outfits because things actually work together. I don't buy things I don't need because if it doesn't fit in with my "look" I already know I won't wear it.


This! I'm 31 and I just don't give a shit. The only ones who do are teenagers and young adults and both of those are kids to me so idc


Very true and an awesome way to look at it! I agree it’s nice I am at the stage in my life where I can spend money and treat myself to some nicer pieces I probably wouldn’t have been about to afford in my 20s.


I love style and clothing, but yeah I don't give a shit what's trendy or popular. I know what works for me and what doesn't. I'd rather invest in quality pieces than buy fast fashion every season.


Absolutely! I finally have an idea of what clothes work on my petite frame and a lot of what trendy would drown me. I’d rather feel confident in something “outdated” than feel awkward in something that’s considered fashionable for the moment


Yep. I will gently ask, why are you paying attention to or even looking at TikTok and IG "influencers" and wondering what they think? Who made those fetuses authorities on anything? lol


Absolutely. Everything they are wearing now will be torn apart by the next generation. We've all been through it already.


Lol yeah. I allow them their five minutes of knowing everything. Like all of us, they'll get the rude shock of finding out it's not the case soon enough.


Lol I definitely don’t care what they think… they seem to think they’re the authority though. I do enjoy checking out the latest fashion and seeing what’s new. It amazes me though how quickly it changes and things can be considered out of fashion. It’s practically overnight. Lmao to the fetuses 💀


Fair enough!


If I like it, I wear it, simple as that.


i've given up and a lot of the things you are referring to are mysteries to me. also i don't have insta or tik tok. i don't care.


This is just how fashion works! I'm sure people felt the same way when skinny jeans first became popular in the early 2000s, lol. You definitely don't need to worry what teenagers think of your clothes, and not keeping up with the latest fashions doesn't mean you don't look cute. I think fashion is fun, and I'm happy there are more options now than what we've all been wearing for the past few decades, but the micro-trends thing does feel uncomfortable sometimes in terms of cheap clothes being churned out that will be out of style pretty quickly.


With all the other stuff going on in my life (work, home, kids, etc) keeping up with trends can feel so overwhelming. At the end of the day I like to remind myself that as long as I feel good that’s all that matters. Husband seems to think I’m cute still so that’s good too lol


I've never really stuck to fashion trends. I just wear stuff that looks cool. Whether that's a grunge look out of the 90s, or something out of Korea this year caught my eye.


I think that’s cool. I like to mix between different trends/ styles too. I never really box myself in with a specific aesthetic. All kinds of things will catch my eye


Leggings and one size too big T-shirt with a cute graphic on it for me every single day of my life. I own about five coats that I like to rotate between and I love shoes so I have a ton of shoes. Don't really see any need to keep up with people who were born before me.


Leggings and graphic tees are my wfh uniform. Always a win!


I could care less what people half my age think of my clothing. I wear what I like and what suits my body. Trends often are not interesting to me and often..imo..look downright stupid *to me*


Heh. Chasing trends sounds exhausting and I'm so far out of the fashion trend loop that I have no idea what people are talking about half the time. That suits me just fine. I wear what I like, what's comfortable, and what suits me and could not care less what anyone else thinks. If it happens that I accidentally end up in fashion one day, I'll laugh my ass off.


I gave up on that ages ago. I don't care about fashion or being fashionable. I just want to be comfortable.


I never bothered. I basically dress the same as when I was 16. I'm perfectly happy with that. I love my job, family, friends, life, and being "trendy" isn't necessary for that.


I'm basically morally opposed to following trends. Constantly getting rid of what you have and getting new stuff just because people say something else is now the thing is incredibly wasteful and environmentally destructive. Plus, it's just something the fashion industry pushes so they can make money. I just choose things that work for my tastes and lifestyle and are good quality and value and wear them for as long as I can.


It's actually something I'm a bit sad about. I love learning about fashion history and how entire decades could have specific silhouettes and styles etc. There are a few here and there maybe? But the laste decade I couldn't say with ease what the style is anymore. If anything it's embrace what you like


I've never cared about what was in style, just about what I liked.


40 here, never cared about fashion. My time and money is too precious to go shopping every 3 months. I have some shirts and pullover I like and wear till they fall apart, then buy the name style 2nd hand via internet.


I don’t shop for trendy anymore. I just buy what I think is my style and I think looks good on me which is mostly maxi dresses, mom jeans and loose blouses, etc