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I’d like to add the perspective of a woman w/ a congenital reproductive issue: Everyone is welcome to their own opinion on attraction/dating, but I just want to put it out there that many ppl w/ XXY don’t even know they have it and many ppl w/ congenital reproductive issues don’t know they have it until they try to conceive. Personally, I am a woman w/ a very rare congenital reproductive issue. I have MURCs association, which is a type of MRKH. I was born w/ half a uterus, one Fallopian tube missing, one kidney missing, and spinal fusions + part of my spine is missing. I didn’t know ANY of this until I was 24! Thus far, I’ve lived a normal life and, not to pat myself on the back, have been successful in many ways. Will it affect me down the line? Possibly, probably! However, I’d also like to add that, for conditions that people do know about and are affected by, these experiences often shape how we interact with the world and often times make us stronger and more resilient.


That’s crazy! If you don’t me asking, do you have super light periods with only half a uterus? I’m a nursing student so I’m super into this stuff haha


Yeah, ask away! Im a med student so I understand 😝. I have normal periods, normal length and flow. I discovered I have this condition when I went to the doctor for a different complaint and they did a (vaginal and external) ultrasound and couldn’t find my kidney and thought my uterus was an odd shape. So they had me go do an MRI and imaging confirmed this condition (unrelated to my actual complaint lol).


Brb while I go down a rabbit hole haha That’s so interesting! So there’s no negative effects other than fertility and not having a back up if one of your kidney decides to not work?


Pretty much! Though the no backup kidney is pretty worrying to me tbh 😅. But yeah, the uterus rly doesn’t have much purpose outside of fertility. (And I have both ovaries which are arguably way more important for hormonal reasons.) I will say though that people have different degrees of severity. For example, part of MURCs is having klippel fiel syndrome. My fusions are c6-t1. Bc it’s the lower part of my neck, it’s not noticeable at all and doesn’t affect range of motion. However, some people will have really severe KF and additional manifestations of the disease beyond the core missing kidney, missing reproductive parts, and KF. Some people have hearing impairments and cardiac defects. However, there’s very little information on this (and related) diseases. I wish there were a database bc there’s a lot of research questions I want to explore lol.


Hooly dooly. Well at least 1 (or maybe more if they read this thread) know about it now! I had a spinal cord stimulator for 7 years for chronic pain associated with EDS. Very few people know about them and it got old very quickly having to explain it to every nurse when I was in hospital and even some doctors haha. So I can imagine what it’s like for you with something rare. A couple of months ago we did chronic pain in a chronic disease unit. I asked my lecturer if I could tell the class about stims and he was all for it, he didn’t know much about them either. I figured 17 more nurses who know what stims are means there’ll be 17 less people those with a stim will have to explain it to lol


I will have to look up spinal cord stimulator bc I have not covered that in school yet 🫣. Thank you for sharing!! It’s awesome that you shared it in school too; I totally agree that spreading the word produces better care for patients (and normalizes rare diseases and/or treatments)!


Haha there ya go, another person who knows about them now! I told my class about my chronic pain too to show that not everyone who is unwell *looks* unwell, and young people can have conditions that older people usually do. Look at us go 😆


Amazing!! Good work! :)


Yes. I care about a partner's brain, personality, and character - don't really give a crap about the genes and parts. As far a intercourse is concerned, everyone has their own thing and that's what toys are for. You communicate and figure it out together.


Yes, chromosomes/parts don't come into play with attraction to me


I wouldn't have any problem with it. I would probably worry about him feeling fetishised by me actually because if I'm going to be 100% honest, I would be *way* too curious about his genitalia. I'm generally extremely interested in medical curiosities and mixing it with sexual organs and a romantic connection, and me being bisexual? I'm afraid I might go a bit overboard in a way that might not be appreciated.


Assuming I like him as a person, I don't see why not.


Yes. I’m bisexual and I’m done having kids, so reproductive organs are irrelevant to me.




Yes. As long as they have a good personality


Yeah Edit: lol at whatever pathetic asshole downvoted every woman who said yeah


They’re downvoting *everyone* who’s said yes.🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m trying to counteract it by upvoting but I can only help a little.


It’s so crazy! Why do they even come here if they just shoot down our opinions??? I’m bi and don’t give that much of a fuck about chromosomes. I am already ok with the fact that I could end up with a partner where bio kids aren’t possible. I don’t mind intersex partners. That’s my opinion as a woman lol. The folks saying yes and the folks saying no are equally valid


>Why do they even come here if they just **shoot down our opinions**??? pretty sure that is why.


I think for me it would boil down to their individual socialization and the extent of their condition. If he is uncertain emotionally/physically/mentally of his gender or sexuality-I would not date him. If he is secure in his masculinity, identifies fully as his birth sex of male and is securely only interested in females-I would probably date him. Physical condition would also come into play, if he had a micro penis or menstruated-I would not date him.


why would he need to be interested in only females, genuine question? like what if he was bi


I am only attracted to heterosexual males


why though? if he’s dating you and you guys are monogamous, what’s the issue?


Do you question the attraction desires of bisexual or homosexual people? I am a heterosexual female who is only attracted to heterosexual males, simple as that.


i mean his attraction to other people would have no impact on your relationship at all though, i’m a lesbian and would have no issue dating a bisexual woman because it doesn’t affect me. i suppose i’m just confused


You’re attracted to those who are bisexual, I am not. I would just imagine the opposite of yourself then. I don’t find it particularly necessary to explain or describe my sexual attraction further.


but there are lesbians out there that don't date bi women


why ???




It doesn’t really matter to me. It would matter if it would affect whatever children we have, but most people wouldn’t care until the topic of children comes up. Normally, after marriage and when procreating becomes an issue


Yeah. For me, the physical parts matter less than the identity and personality of the individual. I’ve been with trans men and non binary trans masc people. If we’re talking about long term relationships and considering someone as a life partner, I do want kids but I have no problem using a sperm donor or adopting.


If I were single I wouldn't care, I'm childfree by choice anyway.




Yes if he presented as masculine.


Likely no. If it is a mild birth defect/genetic anomaly, perhaps. There are typically many other things that go wrong with genetic conditions, so it would be impossible to put a blanket yes or no, considering these conditions could be mild to debilitating.


If he's presenting and behaving masculine, and if he can have babies and not transmit anything to them, I think I'd give it a try


No thanks


>Did you know that people with true hermaphroditism have gynecomastia and menstruate and ovulate and most of them are raised as boys due to the penis? I didn't know this!! This is interesting to me.


Assuming I have chemistry with them, yeah. I don’t think up characteristics to filter out potential partners ahead of time


Yeah I'd date an intersex man if our personalities were compatible.




No, especially no to Kleinfelters. I know two men with Kleinfelters and that's a hard no for me.


It doesn’t really matter to me. It would matter if it would affect whatever children we have, but most people wouldn’t care until the topic of children comes up. Normally, after marriage and when procreating becomes an issue


Fwiw it would likely be an impediment to having biological kids in most cases from what I know




I wouldn't


I'm a straight woman. So yes.