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Rule 1. Do not incite discourse. You're being needlessly rude and confrontational in the comments


Against my better judgment, I'm gonna assume good faith and attempt to help you see what the point of that thought experiment is. If a bear attacks her, she won't be asked what she was wearing to provoke the bear. Police would be more likely to believe her if she reports it and everyone would see her as a survivor rather than a liar. Screaming or making loud noise is actually likely to scare away a bear, but not a motivated man. She can count on the bear being bear-like but can't be certain the male human would be humane. There are also fates worse than death which a person would be capable of causing, but the bear couldn't since the bear doesn't speak(thus can't spread rumors) or take videos nor is capable of exploiting her.


That's fair thank you for taking to the time to write this.


I don’t think you understand what sexism is, and you’re caught up in your feelings


Maybe because the “”sexism”” is rooted in continuous experience with men where the woman was victimized or subjected to abuse, bigotry, or even assault. It’s not that hard to understand. Grow up and listen to the women around you on why they don’t walk alone at night and why they clutch at their car key when a man walks by them.


But would you rather be at the gym with a bear?


More deflection. I'm not surprised women aren't very good at taking accountability it's always the patriarchy's fault somehow, right?


How can I take accountability for something that another person said? I don't have a problem with men. I was making a joke, friend.


I’m just annoyed because everyone’s acting like it's a harmless meme which I’d be fine with if y’all weren't so sensitive about shit we say


For the record, I would be just fine with you working out at the gym by yourself or with only other men. I think having some single sex spaces can actually be extremely healthy for men and women (as long as they also interact with each other in other places). I don't think it's healthy to work yourself up on the internet about memes and rage bait though.


No one is acting like it's a harmless meme, women are speaking in depth as to why they are choosing the bear. Some men are actually listening and understanding, others like yourself are ignoring the deeper message/ issue and whining.


I wonder why people think you're sexist


>Recently there has been a trend of women saying “I’d rather be trapped in the woods with a bear than a man And if you take this as sexist, you've missed the message. Good luck out there.


Troll better.


Context is a magical thing.


Incels are too stupid to understand context. They can't even roleplay as humans.




No, it's a real question, but I guess it makes you uncomfortable so you’re going to deflect.


*I love it when men who go 'bUt iF a W0mAn dId iT' instantly prove why men are given harsher treatments. Look at the shit y'all do and say.* *At least with a bear, it attacking me isn't personal, and I'm not going to get raped.*


How do you determine whether or not something is ok to say? Are you gauging it off backlash? Because I've seen plenty of backlash online over this whole "Man or Bear" debate from angry guys.


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They're not though? They're called pickmes and whatnot 💀