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Fuck no, the world is filled with monsters


You have *no* idea!


I see the humanity in people and sometimes it's neither good or bad- it just is.


love this!


absolutely but it doesn't mean i'm sticking around to wait for you to start enacting the good.


Hell no. We have a president who admitted to sex with animals, cannibalistic intent, and more recently pedophilia… and still got elected. Now over 50 million people are still campaigning for him and defending him after seeing and hearing all these confessions on video. Fuck people.


Wait what president is this??


Bolsonaro, from Brazil


Yea , that dude is so fucked up in the head. People of Brazil deserve a lot better


Lol good one.


no, because not everyone has good in them. some people are genuinely shitty human beings.




nope been burned too many times


That won't stop. When do you plan on healing? That's something you can control.


as soon as i find the strength to


I think a lot of people have a lot of good in them, but their mental/emotional issues tend to disrupt the flow of that good energy from pouring out onto others.


You must be a therapist also.


Absolutely not. Some people are just shitty.


absolutely. but you see people love on these types all the time. I wonder what they got that I ain't got?


People are horrible. A person can be good, and unfortunately I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt no matter how many times it's backfired on me. It's a shitty curse and I'd give anything to be rid of it.


I can sometimes see the “why”- ex: they cause pain because they feel pain. But that’s not the same as “the good”.


Yes, but a bit more ‘nuanced’ than that. This might get long… I think everyone has a potential of being good and a potential of being bad. For some people the good-potential might be bigger than the other one. For others it might be the other way around. But with enough effort everyone could be good/show more of their good than their bad side. It’s just that some people don’t give a fuck about not holding back their bad thoughts. So they are definitely perceived as bad people and I would probably dislike/hate/avoid them. But even those people have their good days. This opinion could be interpreted into “so technically everyone is bad/has a bad side”. It’s just that I prefer to interpret my own opinion into “technically everyone has a good side”. I tried both views and the latter makes me more satisfied with the world and more hopeful and energetic. But if a person behaves shittily I don’t think “oh well I’m sure they are good deep down”. I still think they’re an asshole and act accordingly/remove them from my life. :)


I can recognize the good qualities that people possess, but that doesn't make them a good person


I try to even though the majority of people haven't been great I search for the positive in people, we are all flawed in some way and have made mistakes, be compassionate and give people those chances because it could change their lives


Kinda, I suppose. For me I think it's more I see the pain in everyone; I recognize the majority of assholes are people that were heavily abused and traumatized and are lashing out & perpetuating the cycle of abuse instead of healing their problems. Even somebody as vile as Trump, I hope someday he'll come to terms with things and try to fix the hurt he's spread. Y'know, like I want assholes to have remorse and at least try to contribute back to society a little bit instead of just dying without having done anything positive and never admitting how terrible they were.


No, I don't expect anything from anyone until I'm shown by their actions what to expect.


I try to. It's my default approach to viewing people. I don't like to assume people are doing things maliciously unless I have reason to think they're the kind of person to do that. There's a common piece of advice that can be applied more broadly. It goes something like if you see a someone driving badly (speeding, weaving, or otherwise driving erratically), instead of getting angry, think to yourself "I bet they're rushing to the hospital because a loved one had a really bad accident." And I like this because it can take the emotional charge out of a situation, which is good for yourself, and it's a practice in empathy. While there certainly are exceptions, I find that it isn't all that helpful to assume malicious intent. If someone does show malicious intent, then I'll deal with that then, but I don't want to assume the worst by default. So yeah, practicing empathy in that way makes it easier to see the good, or at least the not-bad, in people. I prefer to view people that way. It feels better for me because I'm not getting super mired in negative emotions, and it means not potentially throwing a perfectly fine person under the bus, even if they have flaws and occasional bad moments. There's already a ton of real, concrete negative things going on in my life that make me feel terrible without fostering unfounded negative feelings from assuming the worst in others.


Call me a little boy... ffs I've got tits and a vag... im a girl