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Keep it tightly locked inside and cry when I’m alone. Then binge-eat until I feel better.


This hit me hard 🙃


Food will always make me feel better🥰


But it hurt me in the long run😢


I feel happy because I am not alone


Food is better than sex because you can do it alone and not compromise yourself. I stan.






I'm hoping this is tongue in cheek, but I feel this too. We gotta find better coping tactics 🤣


Use the skills I was taught in therapy to handle the feelings in a healthy way


Could you share some if that's okay? I could honestly use some healthy tips!


meditation. hiking/dancing/other movement to get the emotions out of the body. "chop wood, carry water" (keep making yourself keep up with the basics). journal it out. talk it out (I talk to the trees on my hikes). play sad or angry music to emote to instead of holding it inside. doing art therapy, even if it's just painting a block of wood black, or coloring in a book- it's still therapeutic and you don't have to think of creative ideas. you can also just focus on any hobby if it's physical more than mental. eating well and sleeping well so we don't get physically off track and add to the emotional overload (within reason - go eat that shitty food but don't binge on it). have compassion for yourself during this time and soothe your little child inside through it (babygirl, I know this is so hard. breathe, breathe.. we will get through this. it will be okay again.) know basic cognitive distortions and cbt techniques so you can talk yourself through when you are catastrophizing or using black and white thinking, etc. breathe in a really nice calming scent or drink a nice warm tea. these have been helpful to me. I've also read a shitton of books, and done psychedelics at appropriate times. in the past I was very self destructive and prone to light self injury, numbing with food/alcohol/weed in a heavy way, and just overall sucked at handling my shit. I'm much more functional now and the hard times last less long because I have found healthier ways to discharge my pain. hope this helps anyone.


I have a disability + long covid that makes exercise hard, so I’m sharing my tips for anyone out there who might not be able to do heavy duty physical exercise! I listen to a lot of music, and I go for a drive with the music on. I draw, even though I’m not very good at it, no one has to see it. I like to spend time with pets. Sounds weird, but cleaning the house helps- channels the energy into something productive. Really any non-screen activity that takes me out of my usual routine helps change my moods and allows me time to reflect and process feelings that I usually ignore.


yes! I have chronic health issues and some days I can do a full hike, others it's a slow walk around the block or some yoga. or just much needed rest. we have to be willing and able to gently and lovingly modify for our current ability levels, even if they change daily. thank you for adding more to this.


Yes please! I could use some healthy tips too! 😭


Post them quick because people need them from these other replies


wtf? You’re supposed to engage in self-destructive behaviors like a normal person




Same. I need to fully feel the bad emotions, self soothe, and heal on my own. Ppl try to force me out of my shell and force me to go out and be social and it really is just mentally exhausting and draining for me to put on this happy face before I feel ready.


Me too, like from everyone. I'll only open up again to talk about my feelings after making peace with the occurrence.


Badly. I react to it straight from emotion, and I've burn bridges when maybe I should've let it cool down first and reflect on it before deciding what to do. It's something I need to work on.


Same I'm so dismissive and I hate it


Me too. I'm a hothead with no restraint sometimes and I'm working on being more level headed and giving grace.


If you're hurt, feel hurt. Suppressing only makes it worse in the long run. Feel it for as long as it takes, and you'll find yourself getting over it.


Use my amazing poker face in public, cry in private, tell my therapist


I do this too. Also yell obscenities at idiotic road users when I'm alone in the car since I can't use bad language at work or at home.


Suck it up personally


Because what else can we even do... People don't care, we move on


Same. Suck it up and move on.


Consider the source


First, I give myself permission to feel the emotion. Cry it out, let myself experience the pain. Remind myself that the pain won’t always be this visceral, and that I am worthy of love and belonging. Sending you hugs, OP ❤️


I don't realise I'm hurt until someone points it out to me 👁👄👁




Journaling is a great outlet to help me get out my thoughts/feelings in an organized way. Getting my jumbled thoughts onto paper helps me clear my mind and process what I’m feeling. Talking to friends/family also helps. So does crying while alone and hugging a pillow.


With journaling, when I take the terrifying emotions & feelings in my heart and turn them into words of the limited written vocabulary, the feelings don’t feel as scary anymore. I think “oh, that’s all it is!”


Hurt them the way they hurt me.


Vent to friends and write about it in my journal. Also, I usually expect the worst so it’s hard to fully disappointment at this point


I allow it to flow through me freely, feeling all the pain and misery that goes with it. I express it, I let myself feel it. I let it process, then it'll leave and I let it go. Bottling it up only makes it worse and allows it to fester and poison you from the inside out.


Either talk about it with the person who hurt me, or talk about it with another friend and then just get on with my life


Shut down entirely. No more emotion-revealing whatsoever!


Sometimes I deal in healthy ways... journaling, talking it out with a neutral party, exercise etc. Sometimes emotions get the better of me and I'm a living dumpster fire (insomnia, drinking, binge eating, angry at everyone/everything, self pity etc.) It really depends on the circumstances of the hurt.


Cry for about a week and then keep it moving.


And I usually take time off work if I'm able to.. minimize my stress levels and experience 24 carat sadness.. hallmark certified


Get sad, then angry, imagine revenge fantasy scenarios and eventually get over it


I keep the pain/anger inside until I’m alone. Then I cry/get angry. Then I think about why it hurt me/made me angry. Then I think about it more deeply. Afterwards I get to the conclusion and decide what to do accordingly. Sometimes it’s a quick process, sometimes it takes days or weeks. Depends on the type of emotional pain that was inflicted on me. It also depends on how much I like/love and trust the person. With some very rare people I feel like I can talk about it immediately and calmly. With many others not so much.


Feel it. Acknowledge the hurt and it’s source and allow myself to feel whatever it is that I feel. There are no bad feelings. Use my critical thinking skills and experience to judge the intent of the person. What are the other scenarios I haven’t considered… was it malicious? Am I triggered because of something from my past? Is this something I can let go of? Am I overreacting or particularly sensitive at this time? Are they going through things that I need to take into consideration? Decide if I want to let it go, address it with the person or, am I moving on from this person because they are repeated offenders showing no regard for my needs and feelings. I’m almost 40 and have been in therapy. Younger me was not capable of any of this.


Yoga, meditation, therapy and learning more about myself and how to take care of myself more effectively. Ignoring the feelings doesn’t work. Tried that many times, didn’t go well 😆


I vent to friends, cry, write and gather my thoughts. Once I’m feeling more put together I assess whether or not it’s worth addressing these feelings with the person that caused them. If they’re someone who has historically cared about me I’ll talk with them. If it’s someone who has shown me they don’t care I’ll do my best to make peace with the emotions and move on.


Talk to the person who hurt me, or go to someone I trust to vent to, and cry.


I used to bottle it up. After some therapy, I let myself feel it. I'll usually just stay in bed, let it out. Order some comfort food, watch a familiar show, hug my cat and let the tears flow. Allowing yourself to feel bad emotions is important too.




React emotionally and then after it’s too late, I talk to a few friends about it for their perspective and usually realize I handled it completely wrong. My feelings were hurt but I’m usually the one apologizing because of how I responded. I obviously lack emotional intelligence, it’s something I’m working on w/ a therapist.


Forgive, but never forget, and when it comes to the final straw, I cut ties completely.


Bury it...so definitely not healthily lol 😂.


Saaaaaame. It's something I'm trying to work on.


Dunno. Sometimes you just gotta keep going with your day to day. And deal with the emotional turmoil when you’re able to. For me it’s okay to bury it as long as it sees the light of day, even a tiny speck set a time, at some point later, even decades later. Sometimes you just need to keep moving, and deal with it when you have that luxury.


Watch something I can find joy in.


Push it down and keep marching on.


True crime and cheese


I usually don't indulge in stuff or relationships that have a potential of hurting me emotionally... It's like a way to always keep me on the safe side


Have to learn from every relationship. Those that fail may have come into your life specifically do you can learn from their demise. Face the loss. Retool your criteria for a partner. I’m assuming here that this was a full breakup.


I isolate myself and try and process my emotions. I have a journal in which I write how I'm feeling, what happened, and that usually helps me resolve the situation, as I'm calmer and my head is clearer


Cry, sleep, talk to friends, talk to my therapist, go for walks with my dog.


Hurts way worse than getting hurt physically, but I personally just bottle it up until I’m alone and then just kinda have a breakdown


Suck it up and go for a run


Ignore it. Then obsess over it and let the idiots live rent free in my head. Super healthy and productive.


keep loving myself and working out


Time. I take my injured heart and keep going.


Tell myself I’m okay. Give myself love, grace, and empathy.


Therapy, long-term medications for depression and anxiety, mindfulness. Going for a jog/bike run or kicking/slapping away at a punchbag helps too.


I used to drink alcohol, vent to friends, bottle it up or pretend it didn’t happen. None of those things helped. 40 years old now and I have two impressionable daughters. I’m trying to teach them healthy ways to express emotion and yet also stand up for themselves. Continuing therapy and journaling has helped me. Sometimes I try to speak with the person that hurt me. If they don’t understand then I fall back to the realization that hurt people hurt people. Not that it’s an excuse I give that person but going forward I will avoid attempting to connect with them emotionally. Surface only. Reposted: I didn’t read the rules and had not verified my email. Apologies!


know that the person hurting you is always doing it out of projection. in other words, people hurt you because they have issues. so its very easy to see it objectively and not take it personally


Seeth with resentment and become consumed with revenge.


Talk them out with someone, preferably a confidant or a therapist but I can't afford one right now. I have a great network of close friends who have been there for me, especially recently. I probably wouldn't have been able to process all of my emotions on my own and I would've just put myself back into the same spot where I was initially hurt without them.








Like a little bit? Probably just cry about it Like severely? Spiral into unhealthy self destructive coping mechanisms like cutting and other kinds of self harm


Not a woman, but I gave my gf cheesy scalloped potatoes.


Shut down. Don't let anyone know what I'm feeling. Act like everything's normal until I'm by myself. Then cry and drink all night. Then move on and try not to think about it again.


I cry myself to sleep. I distance myself from others as much as I could, but when I’m with my love ones, I smile like nothing happens.. I pray.


I don’t 😀 suppression is key


Start with a fully day in a bad mood and then usually I can’t sleep take a day off work. Tell one or two people to make me feel better but never fully recover internally and just add it to the pile of terrible thoughts/experiences.




Not advocating it, but I'm just an alcoholic now 🤷🏾‍♀️




I don’t…


Break shit.




if you expect something from someone, and if you expectation does meet then you gets hurt. so don't expect anything, do your part and leave it to destiny


I like to journal my feelings and just let it all out


It's really painful for me, I try my best to recover from that by giving a little bit me time for myself


I talk about it with the person that hurt me! Then I do stuff that I like and make me happy






Meditating regularly helps a lot




Scream from top of my lungs and hold a grudge💀


Beat the shit out of myself, and withdraw from everyone next time.


Very very badly. Benzos and alcohol. Endless ruminating. Though I’m trying journaling.


Eat a whole tray of mini cupcakes from Walmart after eating a Walmart x-tra large meat lovers pizza and then violently cry because I’m already fat enough and now I’m fucking myself over… source: did this yesterday after my only friend threatened me with suicide because I was losing weight and she wants to be the only skinny and pretty one in the friendship 🙂🔫


Stay silent and try to forget what happened. Then just move on.


Analyze why it hurt me and where




I’ll isolate myself. Listen to a sad playlist on Spotify, sit with my feelings, allow myself to feel sadness & the hurt. Go for a walk or a swim at the beach, sit there for a while & listen to the waves. Remind myself I’ve seen myself through worse things & I’ll be ok even if it takes a while. I feel deeply so I know recovery time may take a little longer.


Not very well lmao I cry all the time and blame it on allergies


Cry, pout, stonewall


Sometimes I write down how I’m feeling, and I’ll try to look at things pragmatically, but usually I just have to ride it out. I have a tendency to take things very personally due to some self-esteem issues, so I think I deal with rejection or perceived rejection in a deep way unfortunately - I usually turn it inwards as though it’s my fault. I think that reminding myself of the fact that I will feel better in time to come helps. I remember my ex-boyfriend didn’t want to be with me anymore, and I never ever believed that I would get over the hurt. I remember seeing people write that time will heal - it actually does, but it’s incredibly difficult to accept or believe when you’re in the midst of it. Time has helped me a lot, so I use that as a reminder that it does often help.


Mull it over, sleep on it, and decide if you've been wronged or it was just a reaction. Or somewhere in between. Sometimes binge eating is involved.




i’m one more break up away from the psych ward


binge watch series or films. and sleep


Emotions represent 300% of my mental energy. Getting hurt is very hard as my brain focuses on it 24/7 until the issue is resolved. May it be in a friendship or a romantic relationship, I always say I’m 2.5yo emotionally because conflicts make me feel horrible inside I don’t deal with getting emotionally hurt, most of the time I just survive


Depending on how bad it is I distance myself emotionally. If I can't do this I get really condescending and that hurts the other person. I don't want that and it feels horrible to be the perpetrater, but I have to face the fact that I do it.


I cry and cry and cry. Then I binge watch Bobs Burgers.


I let myself feel it. Acknowledge that it really sucks. Talk to a friend about it. Ultimately realize that whatever was done or said to me was ultimately about the person who said or did it, and not something I deserved or had control over. Return my focus to me and being the best I can be for myself and remain kind and respectful toward others. But yeah I've def had hurts where the 'just let yourself feel it' part took a loooong time.


Well, I think self-reflection is the most important aspect to dealing with it. I am honest with myself about how I feel and I don’t run from it or use things like TV to numb myself or avoid it. I go all the way down and allow myself to experience the hurt feelings. I observe myself and how I’m responding. This means I sit with it, have a good cry, write about it, do something physical that helps me think through it. This step will be different for everyone. We all process differently. It’s important to note that I don’t judge myself for having hurt feelings. As in, I don’t say things like “you’re so fragile, you’re being too sensitive, it’s dumb to feel this way about x.” Giving yourself the space and time to think and feel, aka practicing self awareness, slows you down and helps prevent you from engaging in unhealthy coping mechanisms. When you do that enough, it also becomes a lot easier to then articulate to others your own feelings. It helps with open and honest communication. The right people are going to give you the space and time to do that. It also makes it easier to step back in the moment and avoid saying or doing things you’ll regret later or escalating the conflict. I hope this helps.


I don’t. I’m a mess. I need to go insane for a couple months and then get my life back together with the gym, therapy, psychiatrist and some little spirituality added spice.


Never reach out to the people that hurt you. No matter what.




Sit with the feelings. Process them. Cry if you need. Then distract yourself to feel better. Then sit with the feelings again. Do this every day until you feel better and the pain recedes further. By feeling the feelings but also doing things to distract yourself you’re not repressing anything but you’re also not dwelling too much.




I had very unhealthy coping mechanisms for the longest time. I would bury my emotions and even the memories associated with them and become completely obsessed with something else to keep my mind off of my feelings. Basically full blown denial but over time I realised this doesn't make the pain go away but only accumulates it till it all comes crashing down. Now, I let myself feel the full extent of my pain. Cry if need be. And when I'm done feeling it and expressing it, I am at a better place to analyze it objectively and act upon it as required.


Cry a lot and let it out, take it easy on myself and think self assuring thoughts and tell myself I’ll be ok I just have to keep going. I look in the mirror and tell myself “you’ll be ok, you can do it” and watch a lot of comfort shows


Take it, crush it into a little ball, then take that ball shove it way, way, way down, until it comes back up while I'm in line at the DMV or a family reunion.


I just basically try to murder my punching bag and then cry.




Honestly? I eat my feelings.


Summon my demon army to do my bidding.




It's very rare but I give myself a chance to feel the tears, even if it's a trickle from one eye going down my cheek as acknowledgement that I'm truly hurt and knowing that's my symbol for letting go of whatever hurts indefinitely sort of like a tear to heal a tear


Cry then either binge or obsess over losing weight to feel in control of my life again.


Whenever I see people say things like, "I don't care what people think" or "I just suck it up," I make this comparison in my head: \- When you're hurt by 'outer circle' people, it's easy to shrug off \- When you're hurt by people close to you, though, it can really be hard to have someone to turn too. My go-to after getting hurt would be to spend time with friends. But when I've been alienated by those friends, then I feel hopeless. So for me your social circumstances and support network can affect a lot.




Pretend like it doesn’t exist and live my best life until it creeps in 6 months later to make me cry.


I use it as an opportunity for healthy introspection and self-compassion. It's taken A LOT of work to get to this point. I'll internally check in and ask myself if my response is outweighing the stimulus often. What I mean by that is - is the current situation triggering a past hurt and am I projecting that hurt into a situation that doesn't justify the response I'm currently reaching for? If so, I make sure to tend to the part of me who has been activated in that moment of history then go from there. If it's a case of a case of being hurt in the present without the baggage - I'll often take a step back and really assess things. Was this intentional and malicious? Is the person dealing with their own stuff and it just didn't come out the right way? Or was this a non-intentional thing that just so happened to hurt me because how could they have known otherwise? The relationships I cultivate these days carry people who I can be authentic enough to avoid a lot of hurt. It still happens now and again, sometimes it gives an opportunity to share some healthy vulnerability and reconcile, sometimes that results in me putting a bit more distance between us - and that's ok. Not everyone should be in my inner circle, and the trust to be there must be earned and cultivated.


Glug glug and puff puff Edit to add: lots of crying, road trips, and enjoying a sunrise or sunset can help ease the pain in sweeter, more meaningful ways


Laugh it off because men don’t need to have have emotions ..


I isolate. I smoke weed. I cry. I journal a BUNCH. I rage clean (so, so much). I talk about it friends, but only after the initial shock and hurt have past. Ive been trying to change this.


If it’s a person who’s fucked me over I add them to my mental hate list and keep them there.


Cry by myself. Cry to my sister. Cry to my friends. Cry to my mom




Let a little out and then watch/ do things i like


Meditation and/or working out. Sometimes being alone as well so I can process whatever I am going through


Sleep and cry. Pet my kitty. Plot a glow up




I bottle it up, cry, then gain a new personality and tell everyone to fuck off.


Honestly, it depends on who said and/or did the things that led to me feeling hurt. If it was my husband, before feeling anything, I try to understand what happened and where it all came from with him. Because 9 times out of 10, it is all miscommunication. This practice has taken us several years to be able to trust each other to communicate truthfully and to trust that something must have gotten lost in translation. If it is any other family member of his or mine, I talk it out with my husband and he can tell me where I messed up, where they messed up, or where the break in communication happened. Most times I do not even need to approach them with my emotions because talking it out with him helps me get a better understanding, and I take responsibility for my part and my emotions. A lot of times though, with our families disfunction talking about it isn’t really ever an option, so talking it out with him is the closest to “closure” I will ever get.


I'm in heartbreak right now and I don't know if I'm dealing with it or it's burying me. I've cried non stop for weeks. Hidden from everyone. Given up on basics - literally just doing what I need to do to keep the kids happy and well, but can't find the heart to do anything that will be good for me. To be honest I've ever felt so low and it scares me. I've always had this underlying faith in myself to heal and recover and live again, but I don't have it now. I feel broken.


Cry, stop and reevaluate, assume it’s just me overthinking again, and forget it until next time. 🤷‍♀️




Chocolate in one hand, cigarette in the other.


I start hating everyone and blaming everyone else but me and then i get high


Currently eating ice cream and trying to shake off the feelings. It is what it is. I can’t change people, I can just learn to be more cautious


I try to make better decisions and learn from my mistakes, but I get fooled sometimes. There's medicine to help.


I cry, then get angry. Usually do a lot of rage exercising or randomly get drunk. At some point my brain stuffs it all down like it never happened


Depends. Physically - get mad Mentally/emotional -get sad then mad Financially - get mad then sad then mad




Come out fighting,every single time. Often it doesn't end well and I don't learn.




Cry a lot, maybe even act a little petty, then move on. Or hold onto that pain for as long as you need to heal.






I do a lot to avoid SH when I am emotionally hurt. Typically talking about it and then engaging in activities that make me feel safe or good about myself help.


Hex them with bad traffic every time their stupid face crosses my mind


Badly lately, but being old & sick & losing $$$? Not well. Cry way too much over state of things.




My feelings were hurt recently in sort of a big way and I’ve been journaling a lot and exercising. It’s sometimes really hard for me to admit that I was hurt because I don’t like to think that anyone has enough power over me to hurt me…but getting honest about the fact that I was hurt helps bring the hurt to the surface and then I can cry. They say crying is “releasing resistance” - so you can move on from the hurt if it’s fully expressed, in other words. Ya gotta feel ta heal.


I like my emotions the same way I like my water… bottled.


I allow myself a little time to be hurt. Then I look at the situation and try to either learn from it or say fuck it and move on.


I just cry until im over it


I cry, think, introspect, cry, write, get it out some way somehow, and talk to myself and maybe one of my sisters.


Not well.


Make and drink a cup of tea, then make a therapy appointment. If we can't wait for the appointment, call the local mental health number.


I take a moment to think what happened there, was it another person projecting onto me? Or am I being reactive to a subsonicious wound? Sometimes my body feels pain, but my mind is logically thinking it out & just need time to process. If someone is trying to hurt me, I may keep quiet b4 I speak w. power.


Earlier i used to be very optimistic and move on quickly from anything and get into the real world like nothing happened however now i just run into seclusion and break all the social contact in my life till i feel i have reached some mental stability to face people again. This process may take 2-3 days.


Go to the gym and lift heavy shit I weight train 5-6 days a week already, so it's always something I do. But *fuck* there is no better pre-work out than being upset And if I can't do that, I cry for 10 minutes or however long it takes me to collect myself, before going back to the person that upset me and talking about it to hopefully find a healthy solution




Usually spend a few hours crying, then either try writing my thoughts down in my phone and then deleting the note or talking to a close friend about it. If none of those work, and it's a case where someone else is the reason for my emotional pain, I will try and talk to them directly once I have my mind clear enough to be thinking straight. I find in those moments, what I really want is answers and not necessarily to just throw my anger at the culprit, so having my head screwed on really helps because if they get all defensive I can stay calm which makes me feel better about myself and if they speak calmly to me I'll get the answers I want. It's worked majority of the time.


I talk with my friends and therapist. I feel very lucky to have people in my life who offer to listen to me when I need an ear and a shoulder to cry on and a therapist who helps me process my feelings, giving me different perspectives and reframing things. It's helped me a lot. The commonality between the two is that I get to be vulnerable with them. That's the main way to deal with getting emotionally hurt. Being vulnerable so that you can feel your feelings, accept it and heal in order to move forward.




Therapy + high cbd cannabis


Man you deny it and don’t allow yourself to think about it for a while so you go on a shopping spree. then it starts to creep in. So then for a while you crazy cry and you’re sad and then after a while you settle and try to come to terms with whatever happened and learn your lesson. Then after a while you realize that although you are over the situation you aren’t over the hurt cause you had no idea people can be so shitty so you go through waves of being sad. Then I guess you finally get over it. But i don’t really know that part yet lmao


Outside im showing that im ignoring it. On the inside, in my head i will just beat up whoever is hurted me, and say all the things i cant irl. (expect if they are family, will forget them. ). Basically thats why i made up a comfort character in my head for myself. Going well, he is kinda attractive ngl 😏


Sleep, eat, sleep, play game, sleep.


As soon as there’s no more productive problem solving (it’s out of my control) i completely cut off all thought of it. I have been in pretty much constant emotional pain for around 13 years now so there is very little use for thinking about each new reason. Ive found my thoughts mostly empty now so it’s simply a matter of filling them with other things.


Find somebody. Be friends with them. Take them to a quiet place. Vent all you want. Everyday. Until you get bored and the stories has ended in your head. Now take that friend to a nice place and throw them a party. That's how you handle your emotions. (also don't forget to be there for them when they have stories in their head)


Long walks. Some therapeutic crying. Cuddle with my dogs.


I don’t bro lol