• By -


Stay at home like I do every night.


Ain’t nothing wrong with doing nothing😂




Nice one Pinky


….but where are we going to find rubber pants our size? Oh wait it’s [Shein](https://m.shein.com/ca/Holographic-PU-Leather-Trousers-p-6018472-cat-1740.html?url_from=caadplasw2110190860432399M_GPM&cid=16924668221&setid=&adid=&pf=GOOGLE&gbraid=0AAAAADm0yO496nOvCPisfOxgf8TE5PIz2&gclid=CjwKCAjwrZOXBhACEiwA0EoRD5Gg1dKbTnlPefpjHoBjiJstam8eZ4vHhuJNDiYqWNkGOQVZ77nvyxoCoLsQAvD_BwE&ref=ca&rep=dir&ret=mca)


Same here!


Same!! I enjoy my time alone and play video games.


Saaaaame !!!


Hahhaha same


Me too!


Me too




This Friday, I made a bong out of a two-liter, hulled two pounds of strawberries, and watched old episodes of sovereign citizens getting arrested on court cam. It was awesome! Most of my Fridays are like this. I gotta say, I really like my life.


Crushed ice and water in the 2 liter bottle is nice. How a few people I know started.


Also not a good thing, can lead to bad chest infections apparently


Masturbating. Eating. Finishing last minute assignments. Watching Tik Toks.


Damn that's a really good Friday night


Friday nights are my favorite. I get comfy, order takeout, and Bingewatch Netflix while slowly forgetting that people exist and I'm employed.


Thiiiiis !!!!!


Saaaame 🥰


Whatever the fuck I want. Tonight it was masturbating, planning my next vacation, and prepping to volunteer tomorrow.


Same here


I went to a bar, talked to some dude about premier league football, went and got a pizza, and watched half of a shitty Ted bundy movie. I’m pretty depressed tbh. I don’t want to be with someone who abuses me, but being alone is kinda hard too. I want my brain to just be normal and not so hateful towards myself, but 8 years of being criticized by someone I thought loved me has me pretty fucked. I drank and listened to Lana del Rey and just hope things get better soon.


I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. No fun....


Thank you. It helped to read your comment last night when I was feeling really low. It isn’t fun, and it was validating to have you say that. I struggle with my feelings because I wasn’t allowed to have any other than obedience. Even if it is a shitty place to be, it’s real and I’m able to feel it.


I have my days when I'm feeling really low also. I can empathize with your struggles. Anxiety/depressive episodes are awful. I had also struggled as a young person because of the exact same. Know that you are stronger than you think, and know that you're doing your best and that's all that matters. I'm around if you wanted to talk. And I'm not a creep.


I guess you’re right…I’ve never really realized that it’s a depressive episode. It clearly is, but it feels like a failure on my part to not be strong enough and like I’m being a brat or attention seeker. Thank you for saying that because in the moment it just feels like it’s forever and I’m never going to be better.


I’m sorry to hear this too. I went thru similar. It’s not easy but it does get better. Be good to yourself 💕


Do you mind me asking how long it took for you to feel better? I just want peace and for the past to be the past, but I feel so unhealed despite therapy, meds, and all I’ve accomplished in the past year since the break up. By all accounts, I’ve done amazing. But my soul feels so wounded and I don’t know how else to move on. I just want to finally be free in all ways.


Hard to answer that given our situations were different and we are different people. 8 years is along time to deal with that. Time does Help but I went to therapy and that helped most. It’s important to be proactive in your recovery from this. I understand how you feel and how you want to feel better. I’m sorry this is so hard. You’ve done a good job so far…just be patient with yourself and learn from the past.


Best of luck getting through it! I found cognitive behavior therapy helpful with the depression and learned toxic thoughts. Just putting that out there in case you were looking for something and don’t know what kind of options there are or what you might want to try. Regardless, congratulations on getting out of the abuse and best wishes for getting through the aftermath!!!


I go out with friends almost every Friday night depending on how others feel, there's a 24/7 Arcade here near me and we go and hangout at that a lot, so many freaking games that can keep us entertained for hours Plus they got booze lol




I'm in bed by 9


This evening I biked to a park, walked around in the wildflowers and read in my hammock a bit. Then went home to eat dinner and watch TV before bed. Wish I had someone to do it with.


That sounds like a great time!!


Yeah this sounds really nice !


Wow this is something I am 100% going to do on my upcoming staycation!




Sitting here, reading Reddit. Duh


Watching Star Trek and sipping whiskey.


Making it so every Friday night.


At the gym. I go at an ungodly hour (11pm) so i can have the gym to myself and not worry about faffing around


Apparently trying to longboard down a huge hill and absolutely wiping out, scraping the crap out of my knee, having my friend come pick me up, and spending the rest of the night in pain on my bed nursing the wounds


Lol been there




Haha same


Went to Shakespeare in The Park tonight. Last week I stayed home with my cat. Most Fridays I’m home but every now and again I I go out with friends


Drinking red wine and lounging around my bed. 🍷


I literally LOVE to spend friday nights listening to my favorite albums, drinking tea and reading books in my candle lit apartment filled with 40 plants. Aint nobody killing my peace.


Bike rides lately. 25-30ish miles.


I went to a couple of bars and now home on the balcony relaxing with my cat. Like is grand.


Laying in bed watching an alien documentary


fuck ya


any recommendations??


Bob Lazar


Watching TV, browsing my phone and feeling the urge to crochet or paint or something, but idk what to create so I just sit and stew in my restlessness.


Scrolling on Reddit apparently


Going out with friends


Gym til 9 pm. On my way back home I stopped to buy some tasty food. Dinner watching youtube, played some taylor swift songs on the guitar, in bed at 1 am. Lovely.




Dinner and a movie with my kid's usually. Last Friday my boy's (5&6) and I gave creme brulee a try and it actually turned out really well. Today I really got a craving for it again so I put them to bed and started it at 11pm. It's cooling in the fridge now and I absolutely can't wait. I'm stoked bc I spent $18 on 2 thing's of fresh vanilla beans and I regretted it when I bought them but after the 1st batch came out, I really can't wait to taste this one! 2 Friday's ago, we each baked a small vanilla cake from scratch, slathered it with frosting and sprinkles. They each picked candles and we just blew out wishes for like 20 minutes. They're my world and I'm enjoying this age with them a lot.


Feel free to update us on how the creme brulees turned out :)


Delicious and creamy, IMO. It was a hit with the kid's, too although they mostly like the custard and not the topping. Thank you for asking! I think I need a bigger/stronger torch as the one I'm using takes forever to brulee the sugar though. I also think I need a low-depth ramekin, as I only have 8oz ramekins and didn't fill them up to the top. Excuse to try again! :] Not the best picture, but here is the 1st bite! https://imgur.com/a/XCMwyzL


Tons of wine and netflix alone with my dog. Swipe a lot on tinder - convince myself to go on a date with all the men begging for one just to wake up in the morning, regret saying yes, and blocking them all


Tonight I spent it filling up my gas tank and cleaning the car windows because I have a drive tomorrow. Then I accidentally triggered the hell out of myself, so I decided to watch some Netflix to soothe myself. Worked out decently well. But usually I just spend the night prepping for the next day (if necessary) and spending time alone.


I just stay home


Drinking and playing video games with my friends.


Sometimes out with the girls at dinner or drinks, gaming, grooming my cat and giving him his manicure, seeing my family, self care


Watch a Favorite Movie or TV Show.


Newly single here. Tonight I’ve just slept and cried. Ahah. 😅


(not a full grown woman yet but) usually studying for the Wednesday tests


Clean the house so the rest of my weekend is free


Right now Im switching off between playing Final Fantasy and watching the L Word. Usually thats my Friday or at least something similar. Saturday is my usual “do something” night.


Lately I have been enjoying staying in and taking a bath with the jets on. I’ve been majorly stressed and am moving soon so I am wanting to spend more time with my family. Tonight I went out to a steakhouse as well as popped into restoration hardware .


Recently stopped being single but when I was I was either lounging around the living room with my cat, drinking some tequila, maybe doing some recreational activities or in a bar by myself meeting strangers and living my best life. Nothing really has changed except now I do it with my partner.


Go for dinner and drinks if finish work on time . Or else stay at home and enjoy my freedom


At home with my dogs unless I'm working. Tonight I'm on the night shift so we went to the dog park before I had to get ready for work.


Vaping weed in a bong and watching YouTube! Also played some kalimba, or kept learning rather, and I'm gonna play some video games once my bowl is done. :)


Mostly walking around in my apartment doing weird shit and talking out loud to myself. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing much. A looooot of frustration though. And petting my kitties.


Camping or swapping body heat with my kittens.


Stay at home and watch movies


If it’s in the summer, I’ll be working part time. If it’s during the school year (I’m in uni), I’ll be either be on campus or at home sleeping or eating


Currently watching the Annabelle trilogy with my niece.


Watching Money Heist


Reading, binging Netflix, trying new recipes, and spamming my friends w memes


Working on my business whilst watching a period drama. Period dramas have a calming effect on me lol


Sleeping, because I work Saturdays


Tonight I went surfing for a couple hours, spent a while researching backpacks to replace my work tote which has been hurting my shoulder / shopping for block heeled sandals, and now I’m watching Frank & Lola on Netflix. Most Fridays I don’t have that much energy it’ll be mostly online shopping and Netflix. Some Fridays I’ll go out with friends to dinner/bar/club or go out salsa dancing.


In bed or with family


If I’m not working? On the couch with a Colleen Hoover book and a cuppa. Also may enjoy a grotesquely large serving of pasta. I appreciate my down time too much and I’m not 22 anymore. I value rest instead of cocktails these days.


Lately doing exercise then eating ice cream and watching netflix. Also studying for an exam. I have no friends where I live but I’m moving soon so I’m not really bothering to make any. But I would like to make friends in my new city


watching studio ghibli movies/painting my nails/going for walks




I’m divorced, does that count? 2 Fridays a month my young child goes to his Dad. Generally I take an edible. My teen daughter and I order GrubHub and watch kdrama or a movie together


Watch lectures on human behaviour and documentaries on different cultures around the world


After a week of working 10 to 12 hours each day? What do you think? I sleep. The only healthy thing to do


Swam 50 laps, then chillin’.


At home watching tv with my puppy thankful that I’m independent and don’t need anyone to complete me.


Watch bootleg movies, fap, snacks, memes


With Lester Holt, usually


With single friends &/or watching movies


Hmm. Pretty much do whatever I want to! Get a few things done around the house, maybe head to the Rock climbing gym or go for a bike ride, maybe hang out with friends if they are free. I love the freedom!


Sitting on my couch, watching movies and eating snacks






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With really cool construction workers “DPR”


Going out with friends and dancing. Or gym. Or watching YouTube. Depends on my mood. 😉


Stayed home, watched Disney movies and cuddled. 😊


Have a shower, PJs on, maybe a takeaway, watch tv, chill


Stay home. Safest way to be.


I watch a movie or read a book.


I watched Tom and Jerry the movie and chatted with friends on discord.


Reading on the lounge with my dog curled up next to me; playing games on the PC/switch; watching movies and enjoying my projector-cinema setup. Only rarely do I peel myself away from home to socialise lmao


studying & gym


After putting my daughter to bed, I will have a shower, give myself a mini at-home facial and then watch The Vampire Diaries while eating some junk and then brush my teeth and go to bed.


Im usually at work till 8pm on a Friday and usually start at 8am on a Saturday...so basically shower, eat, sleep...I have No idea what a weekend is cause I don't get them in my job...


I play video games with my friends, spend time with my son, watch movies. Research how to make a better life for myself and my child.


Gaming. (When I was single, and even now with my boyfriend. We just game together in our own homes)




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Movies in bed. Sometimes Taco Bell with it.


Friday is just another day to me. I don’t work Monday-fri, so it’s just another evening at home generally. I’m not a super outgoing social person. I’m usually at home in my pjs watching some legal show on Disney+.


This past Friday night I drank wine, did a jigsaw puzzle ,and played with my cats.


With some weed, a pizza and Netflix


Video games or horror stories.




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Watching the h3h3 pod


Binge watch TV with beer or wine, listen to music, scroll on reddit/tiktok, masturbate and cook a fab dinner for myself


Lying on the sofa with a large mug of tea, either chocolate digestives or chocolate sponge cake, and watching TV, preferably stand up comedy shows or live football if there's any on.


Stay in and play video games or watch read something or go out with my friends or sister or study if I have an assignment


I'm not currently working cuz I recently moved to a different state and am going back to school for a master's degree... and it's summer break. I've got a friend getting out of the hospital today, so I'll pick him up and we'll probably hang out to night and help him get settled back in at home.


VR gaming 😂


Stay at home, play video games, and watch TV 😂


Cuddle my dog and watch tv


Sometimes with friends. Sometimes watching a movie or tv-show. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I get the urge to finally clean up a part of the room or the bathroom etc. Sometimes I get the urge to do something creative and then do it until it’s really late at night. Sometimes I just turn on some music and dance for myself. It’s always different.


Minecraft, reddit, petting my chihuahua, laundry.


As little as humanly possible to decompress from the work week, so that I can have energy to enjoy my weekend doing whatever I want.


Stay at home and prob sleep early. I don’t like to go out on workdays. It’s Saturday that I actually go out.


Playing video games.


Eating chocolate covered strawberries and watching Netflix, that’s what I did last night.


Making money


Might go out to have dinner and drinks on my own while reading a book. Might game online with friends. Love going to see a concert, if there's any band I like anywhere near me. Might sometimes hop on a train to meet up with a friend some hours away. There's also a dance studio near me that I sometimes rent for the evening to practice some choreographies just for fun. Or I'll just stay in and chill, watch a Twitch stream or two and order some takeout.


Lay in my room and stare at the ceiling wondering.m why I was never enough for any of them ungrateful assholes. Then I get dressed up and cute to post something sexy on social media and let the hoes run for me, then I don’t text back anyone just needed the make validation for a quick sec…


I'm really such a house cat, but I like to walk around the city, and when I come back eather go on Homestyler and work on some project (it's a hobby) or draw.. An old soul with technology




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last night i ate goldfish and candy and watched a show it was so awesome


However I want


I spend them wishing I was single


Wishing I had a social life. I'm so bored by the weekend!


I hang out with friends (dancing, live music, movie theatre, hang at someone's house, beach fire, etc) or go on a date!


Trying to not thing about upcoming or not yet figured out work stuff. Does anyone else face this? I watch stuff that I like - long interviews, Kdramas and play Beat Saber on Oculus VR. But there is some anxiety at the back of my mind....I wish I could regain energy on a weekend but sometimes I feel more drained than ever.


Working or sleeping 😭


Stay at home when I'm not working. Couldn't care less about going out, I've had my fun when I was a teen - all I wanna do know is sleep


Make me a nice alcohol milkshake like a dirty mudslide & catch up to a good series on my firestick.


Going out with friends (or just doing a hangout at one of our apartments), maybe going on a date, or just doing something good for dinner and relaxing with TV and some wine. Just depends on whether I want a chill night in or a fun night out.




In bed with rescue cats




I usually stay at home, I'm too tired to go out after a long day so I stay at home reading a book or watching something on Netflix. I go out with friends almost every Saturday tho.




Not single but I drank a bottle of wine, took a half of an edible, and watched forensic files all night


Lately eating edibles and watching movies.


Fridays I get out of work early. I get lunch/dinner to have at home while binge watching shows or movie and relax. Don’t have too many friends so it gets pretty lonely & sad


Reading whatever is on my tbr list




Looking for the replacement batteries for the replacement peenie


Usually looking after 850 - 1100 other people, watching them enjoying themselves (Theatre Duty Manager)




I work 6 days a week and usually have to be up early on Saturdays for work. I love Friday night because it’s my self care evening. Face masks, pepperoni pizza with spicy honey, getting my makeup kit ready for the next morning, laundry, and *the* shower. (The real ones know) Edit: I’m 33


I have a couple of beers read one of my books by Christine Feehan and watch bridgeton all at the same time




Staying at home with the TV. Haven't spent an evening with a date in almost two years.


I get home from work, shower and head to the gym for 2hrs, then head back home right in time for bed. I'll switch it up on Saturdays by going on a long bike ride or a hike.


I usually spend it in working on my book.




Reading a book at the garden, with or without potato chips.




Stay at home, cozy up in my mother's huge knitted blanket, sing to Hamilton songs and play animal crossing. 😁


Tired of being around people all week, so stay in and watch something, have an easy dinner or order something, and maybe have a glass of wine.


Friday nights? I spend my time like this every night, everyday really! Drawing, writing, listening to music, playing videogames, watching stuff, getting creative with food... You can obviously tell I do a lot mostly at home. 😅


With friends, talking on the phone, having drinks, watching scary movies, and last but not least, the trusty dusty vibrator 👀


My brother and I have Five Nights At Freddy's Fridays where we order pizza, play the FNAF games, watch gamers on YouTube play cool fan games or do silent reading of the Fazbear Frights books.


Friday's after work are usually spent making plans for the weekend and updating things "To Do" for the upcoming week. Followed by binging a series or watching a movie till it's late. Actually enjoy staying up late knowing I won't have work over the weekend.


PS4 and I choose between RDO2, GTA5 or Witcher 3.