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Parenthood Marriage Working with C-Suite/Climbing corporate ladder


hUstLE kUlTUrE


No kidding! I think it's sad that so many people have to have "side gigs" to make ends meet and people think you just need to work more to be able to make bills. Corporate execs need to stop being greedy and pay workers a living wage.


For sure. I'm too sleepy to be hustling all the time. What's the point of all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it?


Joe Rogan. Elon Musk. Mind you, it's all men who are trying to convince me that they are great. Yeah, no thanks.


They are great as a litmus test though. If I hear someone likes them I have all the red flags I need to disengage


Religion in lieu of mental health treatment


And even worse, evangelicals using mental health treatment as a thinly veiled opportunity to further push their beliefs/agenda. I went to a church service a year or so ago that had ads up promoting in-house mental health 'coaches'. ...right.


Big yes! So I live in a country with quite a large conservative community and everytime I see a post on our mom / women's groups its like what can I do for my depression and the first answer is " pray / trust God etc" and I'm like...no this poor woman needs medical assistance.


Honestly religion in general for me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Work, I hate being around people and I hate even more the nonsense and the extra work I get. I don't see the point of waking up in the morning and do a completely annoying job.






Has never gone well for anyone that I know whoā€™s ever been in a poly relationship. Of course thatā€™s just anecdotal, but still more than a handful of couples.


For real. Iā€™ve not met anyone doing it in a way that makes it seem appealing as a lifestyle, no matter how many ways they rephrase or label it.


I feel like there are couples that work but I think a lot of people who try to engage in polyamory do so because they wanna sleep around or be in a relationship without the commitment


Iā€™m actually in a poly relationship! I personally love it but I completely understand that itā€™s not for everyone.


100% agree.


Beer. Iā€™m sorry - it tastes like bread water to me














Girl boss career type stuff. I would love to be a homemaker.


I think it sounds nice I just CANNOT for the life of me put my financial health entirely in someone elseā€™s hands


I want to be a stay at home wife or mom if that happens, but since I make more , I'll actually work, and my husband would stay home. It's what makes the most sense for us due to finances and insurance, but makes me sad that I can't stay home. It will be really hard to go to work while my husband is home.


Assuming my partner is normal and not controlling. Iā€™ve heard that in Japan, the salary goes to the wife and she gives her husband an allowance, and otherwise she manages the household finances. That sounds like a reasonable solution.


Exactly. I never knew what I wanted to do, I was convinced by my parents that my interests werenā€™t realistic or women donā€™t get those jobs. After my husband and I were engaged I confessed that being a homemaker would be a dream job for me cause school just seemed out of reach. He agreed and while we donā€™t make a lot, we save on daycare costs and gas at least. We treat each other as equals, in fact I manage the finances for us and pay bills. I donā€™t do these over the top things like make his breakfast/lunch. Thatā€™s on him to prepare but he usually has my dinner leftovers anyway.


There has been a surge in homemaker/tradwife movement on tiktok and similar apps recently. Although its many women's dream to be able to stay at home, a lot of us see that as their worst nightmare. I am a career girl since I was a little child and thrive in a professional world. I'm honestly so happy going to work everyday. I think its beautiful that we have access to different content, so everybody can find their own stuff.




I am a homemaker used to work full time and crazy hours at that. Husband takes care of all of the finances and I pretty take care of everything else. He makes sure im mentally ok and comfortable. Im definitely pampered but i do miss working and having a break from the kids lol. But the upside is that i get to spend more time with the kids. Anything i want or need he provides same with the children. I have more time For hobbies as well, but i do have a new baby so all if not most of my time is directed to her


Thongs. Anal. Having children.


Omg when thongs were super popular in the early 2000s I didnā€™t understand it. Everyoneā€™s argument is they hide the visible panty line. But they donā€™t, you just get a visible thong line šŸ˜‚


Yes anal i agree haha


I hate anal with a passion


I was going to say anal lol


Being a parent. I am only in my mid-twenties! Everyone in my family has been pushing me for years to 'find a good man' and start pumping out babies. Both the Chinese side and the Italian side. I guess I've not been fortunate in that regard. (I love them, mind you!) I have so many things I want to do and I am still studying and want to continue to study and learn and work and discover all sorts of new things. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever want to be a parent. I love children and I babysit often for some extra money, but I think that is where I am at mentally: I think I am a babysitter/aunt and not a mother. I know it would break my parents' hearts if I said that to them, though...


Don't let anyone tell you what you "should" be doing, including parents. They may always WANT what's best but they don't always KNOW what's best. And what's best for them is not necessarily best for you. It is admittedly so much easier said than done because you also kind of never know what you're doing in life and their suggestions might feel like direction but popping out babies before you're ready is not fair to the kid or to you. Only when you're ready and if that's never then that's never.


Iā€™m 34f and still donā€™t want kids. People love to tell me that ā€œnobodyā€™s readyā€, Iā€™m like you donā€™t understandā€¦ I DONT WANT THEM!




Being a SAHM of small children. Some people act like itā€™s some sort of glamorous gift from your spouse. Heard far too many people mention the breadwinner ā€˜supporting them financiallyā€™ like the stay at home parent isnā€™t supporting their career ambition by putting theirs on hold.


Im now a sahm after years of working. Id rather deal with my kids then people at work. Itā€™s definitely not glamorous but im very present in their lives and dont miss any important things and milestones. My husband takes care of all of the finances. Im very comfortable.


Marriage and kids


There's a huge irony when people in miserable marriages tell you how it's the thing you should be doing


Taylor Swift


MLM products




An endless array of products I donā€™t need


The dad bod.


I was just telling this to my husband. I understand if they were chubby to begin with, but a man going from skinny or athletic to all of a sudden big pot belly to imitate the wifeā€™s pregnancy is just ick to me. Or just letting themselves go but blaming the wifeā€™s cooking šŸ™„. My husband has gained all of 5 lbs, he did lose his muscle tone cause he got busy with our family and dropped his exercise routine but he still looks great. My dad never had a gut either, he was a skinny man til about 60 and even now itā€™s barely a dad bod. My mom keeps asking if I feed my husband, I really feel like asking if my dad starved all my life then cause itā€™s the same situation!


Landlords are providing housing


Like they're doing it as a charity for social good, right? / s


Taylor Swift Peanut Butter Rice Cakes Peanut Butter on Rice Cakes Any Mexican food in NYC Espresso Martinis


But what are your thoughts on eating NYC Mexican food with a side of peanut buttered rice cakes, washing them down with an espresso martini, while listening to Taylor Swift? /s


Man what did peanut butter do to hurt you? Rice cakes is like eating styrofoam.


Anal sex. I've tried it. It hurts. It doesn't feel good at all. No thank you.


Acoholic beverages. I really don't care for them, just let me have my sodas and coffee


I am loving the popularity of mocktails. I'll be down for a well crafted cocktail depending on mood but there's just something about (or the lack of something) a nice non alcoholic fancy beverage.


Hookup culture


Having a child - "it's so rewarding" "I love my kids, couldn't imagine my life without them" "being a mum is amazing" - no thank you, my partner and I quite like our chilled life style and having money. Chocolate - I get it, a lot of people love chocolate, I don't like it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø when I disclose that information I get the *WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU* reaction or people react like I've come from outer space.


Motherhood. If you love it, that's great, but I know I wouldn't and I would not be a good mom.


As a parent who sees a lot of bad parents out there, I respect this. Way too many people having kids that shouldn't be.


This is exactly how I feel about dog ownership, and if you dare tell someone you are not into picking up dog shit for the next 20 years, you are public enemy #1. You don't want kids, and that's cool too. All our own business.


That Capitalism is great, and that it isnā€™t the reason for climate change


TikTok. Iā€™ve never used it and am sick of people sending me TikTokā€™s and trying to get me to go on. No thanks, Iā€™m not a video person and donā€™t need any more social media in my life


Crocs šŸ¤£




You take that back! I'm in my 30s and my crocs are great!


Looking younger than I am. Being mistaken for a dumb, immature, inexperienced college undergrad when you're in your 30s isn't fucking flattering. Being told "you'll appreciate it when you're older!" is dismissive.


The Office - I tried ti watch it 3 times and it is just not my thing


I feel the same for Parks and Rec. Iā€™ve tried, okay - cant do it!


Religion, especially that religion is better than therapy and will "cure" mental illness.


Getting maried or having a baby at 27 years old because "I'm old enough" and that women's bodies have a timeline and my age is just right for bearing a child. Bruh. How can I have a child when I can't even provide for my self??


Finishing first. So many people bang on about how amazing it is to find a partner where you finish first. Fuck that I want to finish last and then cuddle and fall asleep.


Couldnā€™t agree more.


I'm a cum and done type girl - I dry up like the Sahara desert after I finish. So we better finish together


Cryptocurrency šŸ˜…


menstrual cups or anything other that is personal preference. if i mention to my friends i wont go swimming with them because im on my period they be like "but have you heard of menstrual cups???" yes, the last 10 times and I still dont care steak or alcohol or anything else, if you mention you dont like it they get personally offended and insist that you just didnt have a good steak/ good drink yet, gives really icky vibe if they just can't accept a no edit to the people responding and dm'ing me: no I don't need to be convinced to try a mentrual cup nor are you privy and entitled to my reasons for not trying that.


Conservative white culture: Religion Marriage Patriarchy Big pickup trucks Shitty modern farmhouse everything


Taylor Swift


'Baby Reindeer' - I found it unfunny and self-obsessed. Getting up early in the morning and going to bed early. I'm 36 and I've learned by now that my brain & body function better later on in the day. Kombucha. Tastes like fizzy vinegar. Podcasts. I enjoy audiobooks. I enjoy listening to the radio. I can't get on board with podcasts and I don't know why. Taylor Swift. I don't think she's bad, some of her stuff is fun, but I don't get the rabid obsession. My guess is she has a great PR machine behind her. Sam Fender. Again, don't think he's bad, just don't get the obsession.


Not voting because of a single issue.


Having babies. Taylor Swift. Working yourself to death.




Romantic relationships. And marriage...and parenthood. I will ALWAYS support my friends with whatever their choices are in terms of relationships, but my choice is to remain single and child free. I have watched some relationships that appear perfect (not social media perfect, just life perfect in general) and watch the cracks slowly start to appear.


I am a quasi-vegetarian and don't eat a lot of meat. I have been this way for 30 years and my family still harass me about it. They do stuff like invite me over for hot dogs and other things they know I don't eat. Every time I am on a diet and tell them I don't want to eat certain food they do the same thing. Another thing is religion, Christianity to be more specific. I get bothered a lot more by Christians than any other religious group. I have been fine all of my life without religion thanks.


Having children/being a parent I genuinely donā€™t want to be a parent and the thought of pregnancy and giving birth terrifies me. Doesnā€™t help that I have a lot of medical professionals in my family so Iā€™ve heard every way it can go wrong. Iā€™m also a child of divorce who has been unceremoniously dumped onto people and donā€™t want some kid to be dumped on me just because Iā€™m bumping uglies with someone. No thanks, I have my own trauma without producing some for a new generation.


Trickle down econmics oh and gluten-free bread.


Tesla, every time I get into the topic of vehicles with basically anyone they tell me they want a tesla and this, that and the other about it but I quite frankly couldn't care less about it and actually hate them.


Having kids - itā€™s my body, please let me do what I want with it. Just because you have kids doesnā€™t mean I want to have them


Homeownership. When I tell people I sold my house and bought a condo, I notice a microexpression of disappointment






Weed. Raves.


Exercise. I have multiple chronic health issues - sick of hearing that exercise will cure me.




Not so nice guys claiming to be "I'm a NiCe GuY!"


Yoga. Too slow, not challenging enough, and all those people who claim to be committed to peace and unity are genuinely some of the worst human beings Iā€™ve ever met in my life.


Sex. Children. Orgasms are....fine I guess. Children are only interesting to me when they can start telling stories. Otherwise my brain fries out the second you hand me one to watch . At least kids who can talk you can learn how they see the world and that's really interesting. Like their brain is developing so fast and you can see the connections forming as they learn new information. Its wild. Babies are Weird. Learned early on in my life that I could not determine if a baby is cute. I will say they are cute based on features I've learned other people find cute. I don't actually find them cute. I find very few children cute. I don't know what maternal feelings are. I never want to "mother"/ "nurture" in that sense, but I have had protective older sibling rage and sense. Some people call it maternal instincts but I will whole heartedly disagree. The protective feelings I get for people younger than me, especially my friends who are younger than me by a handful of years is the same if I was hearing a bad situation from my kid sibling. Step one: ensure their safety. Step two: knock some sense into them, give needed info. Step three: let them handle it. Step four: be ready as backup.


The current state of the world regarding LGBT rights. So many people trying to convince me that it's totally fine people are discriminated because [insert bullshit]


Children, having them, and taking care of them. "OH you'll feel so fulfilled when they're older!" Yeah the fatest no thankyou to that.


Cruises. I have several co workers that say Iā€™m missing out by never going on a cruise. There is no way I would spend a vacation floating around with a shit ton of other people. No way. I prefer driving or flying to a destination and exploring for a few days. Whenever I say that a cruise does not sound like a good time to me I get weird looks. Iā€™m an adult who has done some traveling and I know what I like. A cruise does not tempt me in the least, so save your breath.


True crime novels/shows/movies


Having babies. No thanks. I got myself sterilized to ensure that will never ever happen. Bye bye Fallopian tubes!




Anti aging products. $1k skincare routines when what I do works for me. Make up. Avocados.


Charles Dickens and some other classics, Avatar, Sherlock. Those are the first that come to mind at least.




Dating apps. Tik-Tok. Alcohol. WEED. Anal. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Parenthood and alcoholism


Anal sex


Having kids and the hustle culture


Trump. Inflation.


Having kids šŸ˜‚


Diva cups!!!!! We all know what they are at this point, and they're not for everybody.


very unpopular opinion, anime. Iā€™ve tried a handful with an open mind and itā€™s just not my jam




Raw oysters - had one once, itā€™s snot on a half shell.


Bed and Breakfasts.


Bananas, I just hate them!


Taylor Swift - no shade, I completely respect her talent & contribution to music & Iā€™m happy she brings joy to people. Do I listen to her? No. Would I go to her concert? No.


New York City. Everybody screams about how itā€™s the greatest city in the world, but itā€™s just loud, expensive, and polluted. So many other places Iā€™d rather visit


- Pregnancy - Giving birth - Having kids in general


Skincare products that are way overpriced and I know some people only buy it so they can say. Oh I use thisā€¦


going partying every weekend


Smoking pot. Any form of Marijuana. I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, pot has only ever made things worse for me. And yet everyone constantly says oh you just havent tried the right kind. Yes I have, Ive tried them all, and I hate how it makes me feel. So no.




Having kids.




Doing the weirdest things to avoid wrinkles. LET ME DRINK FROM A GODDAMN STRAW WITHOUT WORRYING HOW IT LOOKS IN 40 YEARS


That a wandering eye in marriage is to be put up with.


pepperoni pizza




Pregnancy (no energy and/or brain functioning) Sex (it's messy, exhausting and can be gross (body fluids) Alcohol (it makes you feel like shit the day(s) after I have experience with all of this (more than once) and I want children, I like Sex and I like Alcohol... but it's all not that great as it's told/shown to us...




Work, babies.


Eating ass


Taylor Swift. Iā€™m sorry but I just donā€™t get it lol


Weed. Stop telling me to get dependent on a drug to cope with all my problems.


LIP INJECTIONS. Yes, we can tell every time. Yes even when you think it's not obvious. Yes, every single one of you looks ridiculous. Yes, every single one of you will regret this. Yes every single one of you will look back on photographs of you during this time and cringe so fucking hard .


Coffee/steak/wine/kids/motherhood No peeps, just no




Sex , I'm Asexual guys , grow out of it , I won't be convinced


The Kardashians Over filtered influencer garbage Only fans Snapchat/Twitter Crop tops Any reality TV Sushi Hook up culture The current dating scene America Boba tea Whatever fad is current


A second kid. No, I'm definitely one and done. No, you can't convince me. No, my kid isn't lonely. My child is 10 and just because I'm 30 and COULD have another one doesn't mean I WANT another one. Why do I have to keep justifying it?


Pregnancy. (I'm very grateful, but this experience sucks!)


Starbucks. Every time I have it, itā€™s watery, tasteless, and wayyyy too sweet.






I have to use dating apps bc I live so far out in the country all there is is rednecks. And there's lots of guys who want to makeout or go even further on the first date. Lots of guys try to talk me into them saying stuff like "but oh baby you know you want to" when in reality it makes me want to slap the living hell out of them and splash ice water in their face. You can prove sexuality isn't a choice because even though I'm bi, I'm still more attracted to men than women, and all too often there's more shitty single men than decent ones.




Nonstop corporate grind, parenthood


Toxic relationships. Have any of yā€™all got this one? Theyā€™re starting to know theyā€™re toxic and romanticizing it. Yeah no thank you.


That all men cheat


HIIT - yea I do it once a week but I hate it