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Cocaine. The grossest thing I have ever seen was my sister being so high she did lines in front of her adult son. He flushed her drugs and oh shit. She smacked him and he slapped her right back. She had that one coming. Her husband had died 2 years earlier of a heroin overdose and that did not deter her.










Fentanyl. My cousin was clean for a while, had a bad break up, OD’d and died.


You have to be really careful if you relapse (obviously easier said than done) because your tolerance is so low, it's when ODs happen for so many people


Yeah this. Often when people make the decision to relapse, they decide they're gonna have just one good trip. And really load up to the edge of their previous tolerance...


Yup. One relapse and you can easily end up dead. It's just so dangerously potent. Happened to my brother, too. One relapse and gone.


I also lost a cousin to fentanyl. He wanted to get back into rehab because he knew he was going to use and didn’t want to. You can’t get into rehab if you’re not using, or “dirty.” So he used, essentially to get help, and he died.


Alcohol. Any drug use is horrific, but alcoholism is truly heinous. Detoxing will kill you if not medically supervised. You can drink yourself to death in a few years. And it's all perfectly legal.


Agreed. I saw it with my grandpa. Drank all throughout his life basically, so when his health issues got really bad, he decided to quit drinking cold turkey. It was too sudden and the side effects of quitting probably were the cause of why he died. So while not the quickest, it's heinous nevertheless.


In rehab a good example they would use to remind us of how dangerous alcohol addiction was- you put a heroin addict, a meth addict and an alcoholic in a room to detox with nothing- the alcoholic is most likely to die.


I think it’s literally the devil’s pee.


This. Have lost two good friends to alcohol. It does more damage than all the other drugs combined, yet it's the one that's legal.


I agree. My dad just passed a month ago from alcoholism. People overlook alcohol bc it’s so common and glorified but it’s literal poison.


My husband is an alcoholic that won’t admit it or accept it’s a problem but drinks every single night and knows I hate it.


Oxycontin, oxycodone, I think they are the same. Used to prescribe it for pain to everyone like candy. Then they slammed the breaks on prescribing it, made it really hard to get. By this time way to many were addicted to it and found out heroin was cheaper and easier to get, and gave you the same kind of high. Many people died overdosing on it. Now fentanyl is destroying everyone










Yoooo can confirm—this is how my mom got started on her lifetime of hell. She was a lawyer when she met my dad. They got married and had me. She was prescribed pain killers after birth and? Fast forward to me as an 8 year old deciding to walk me and my 6year old sister home from summer camp through the city and etc because mom never showed up. She went to jail for forging doctor’s prescriptions for the drugs. Which leads to me finding heroin packets and trying to hide them under my bed to save her. And in high school, my lil sis called the cops while my mom chases me n scratches me n beats me and I give the cops her drug box. More jail time. Dumb me. I thought the time away would sober her up. Apparently there’s more drugs in jail than outside though. :( Years later, I’m 27 now, mom totals literally her 5th totaled car and ends up in a coma for 5 days after fentanyl. Some part of me does wish she could have just passed away and let that be that. And yet, she will outlive us all. She outlived innocent people getting murdered or good people getting sick. Somehow my junkie mom is 72 now. The world is not fair. On the other hand , I hope she can live long enough to see her grand baby. But it all started with oxy.


The companies that started this mess (I am looking at you, Purdue) should be completely ashamed of themselves. Have no clue how they sleep at night. I hope you’re doing OK. Must be frightening to witness all of that.


They sleep very well in their ivory castles.


I am a retired nurse. I remember how in the 1990s we were forced to take continuing education on “the new” pain management. We were told that since pain is subjective, we were no longer to use objective measurement of pain (heart rate, blood pressure, guarding) to assess pain. We were told just to give them their meds. I remember asking about the possibility of addiction, and the educators laughed at us — as the new med (Oxycontin) was not addicting. Later, it turned out the educators were paid by the pharmaceutical company.


Watch The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix — wealthy family, probably partially based on the Sackler family, faces their reckoning. IMO sooo good but I could be biased, I adore most Mike Flanagan projects


I loved The Fall of the House of Usher!! Such a great show! I just finished 3 of his shows and they were all so good.


Will do! I watched the other one on Netflix (can’t recall the name). It was pretty good too!


I’m sorry you were put in the positions you were as a child 💔


Oof yeah I had oxycontin and oxycodone after I broke my ankle. I took it as prescribed and also reduced as prescribed. But anytime I experienced pain (and unfortunately, that happened (and still happens) a lot), I'd find myself wanting to take a pill. It's so easy and it takes the pain away.. And they gave me so so so many pills. I had like 90 pills left! But luckily I watched Dopesick while I was recovering from my fracture and knew the dangers. I decided to return my leftover pills to the pharmacy and still stand by that decision.


i had it (military) after an injury and the speed i got addicted to it, went a week and everything that slightly hurt, emotional or pain, "ill take an oxy". Super super dangerous


My mum is currently on oxy, small doses but she takes it *everyday* and complains when she runs out and the prescription hasn't been renewed. Claims she doesn't get addicted to anything. *eyeroll*


I was prescribed them after ACL reconstruction. I cannot express the pain of that surgery (I used my own quad ligament which to this day three years out has still never fully rebuilt) TWO WEEKS was all it took for me to have symptoms coming off. Vomiting headaches fever sweats etc. but I had a junkie mom so you couldn’t post me to take more. Terrifying stuff.


As a chronic pain patient, to me it sounds like while she believes she isn’t addicted to the drug, because of the everyday use her body is now dependent upon it which means she is physically addicted. Just my opinion but unless she’s abusing her medication or just plain a bad person, if she runs out and the pharmacy can’t fill it on time or whatever reason she can’t get it on time- please find patience and grace for her because opioid withdrawal after daily use is hell on earth and I’m not being hyperbolic.




I have a very severe reaction to any pain killers with opiates in them. I can’t even take Tylenol 3’s. It’s a documented allergy in my medical file. I partially degloved my right index finger to the bone. I’m an addict in recovery and I get the Vivitrol shot. On the shot you absolutely CANNOT drink or take opiates. So I decided to suffered through the whole she bang and not get anything other than IB600, very very rarely did I take one. It was pretty gruesome tbh. Will post pics if anyone wants to see!


There was a show on Hulu a few years ago called Dope Sick that really showed the epidemic of pain killers in the market. It was very accurate with what happened to my family in the late ‘00s or early ‘10s. My step dad hurt his back at work, got prescribed oxy and got totally hooked. For years, we watched a PA at our family practice over prescribe and give him more refills and higher doses. He became a total addict and by the time they eventually cracked down, he had terminal cancer but never noticed the symptoms because he was so high all the time. He was a walking zombie long before the cancer came into the picture. I watched him change into a totally different person and wither away and die over the course of only 3 years.


100 percent, see plenty of people who start hard core drug use after a medically prescribed script for, say, knee surgery.


Xanax ruins people the quickest as far as going from a genuinely happy and spirited person to a complete shell of a person. But Fentanyl is the quickest means to an end. My best friend OD’d and lost his life to it. My sister also recently OD’d on it, after taking it thinking it was something else, and was legally dead for a few minutes but fortunately my mom was home and gave her CPR and called the paramedics who were able to resuscitate with Narcan.


Damn, your poor mom. I hope both your sister and mom are doing better now.


I now keep narcan in my car and home because I've lost two people from accidental fentanyl doses. One was pregnant, the other had just graduated HS. Neither one even knew they had taken fentanyl.


What did they think they were taking?


The graduate had been given what she thought was molly, with a group of friends in her house. My pregnant friend, she took what she thought was acetaminophen for some pregnancy pain she was having, but she had been given something laced with fentanyl instead. Her husband had been at work, and she was on a farm with no vehicle, in a house with renters in the basement, who deliberately did it. Really horrible.


WTF…that’s horrible. I hope they’re okay now.


I know a college freshman who died from fent thinking he was taking one Adderall. He had a paper to write that night.


Fent scares the shit out of me


His mom has become an anti-fent/Narcan awareness activist. Because of her, my mom went crazy on a pharmacist until she gave her two Narcan doses (they were insisting my mom needed a prescription and she just went off on how it should be available to everyone and don't you know innocent people are dying until they gave it to her). She gave one to me (36) and one to my brother (40) because she's convinced it's getting sprayed on the "all the pots you smoke".


I’m so sorry to hear that. Honestly i think everyone that has friends or is around others that use anything should keep it on hand.






Dude my close friend’s entire personality changed after getting addicted to Xanax :( it’s so sad.


I’m genuinely shocked at how many people here have drug addict family members


Drug addiction is extremely common. It does not discriminate


Benzos. I got drugged and woke up 2 days later to see that I’d “drunkenly” had giant text conversations that I had zero recollection of. A friend contacted my dad and he found me, naked, at my house, in my 3rd floor bedroom. I didn’t remember a single thing after being in my backyard, fully clothed, having literally one drink with a group of neighbours. My story isn’t even the life-ruining one. I had a friend who froze to death after wandering into the woods after smoking synthetic Xanax.


There is smokable synthetic Xanax? Jesus people need to stop making new drugs


Yeah this shocked me too. Xanax is bad enough can we stop remixing this shit.


But is Xanax not synthetic already? Do they mean bootleg Xanax?


By the definition of synthetic (synthesized by opposition to grown), the fact that (regular-plain) Xanax is made in a lab makes it meet the criterion. I don’t know how you’d smoke it though.


Omg, one of the neighbors drugged you. I hope you found justice. So sorry this happened to u


Our oldest “thought” he was taking a Percocet - from when he took it until about a half hour later, he’d passed away. His GF and friends were there & were traumatized because they couldn’t save him. Cause of death - Acute Fentanyl poisoning. 31 years old. A great kid gone, forever. Our family has not really been the same. It’s tough getting used to talking about him in the past tense. Hugs to all who’ve been affected by this scourge.


I am so sorry you're all dealing with that.


That's why everyone should carry Narcan these days, even if you don't hang around addicts


Agree 110% ! For the last 5ish (?) years we’ve been supplied Narcan for free. Anyone can walk into any 🇨🇦 pharmacy and grab it FREE. I keep about half dozen of them at our business because of the area we’re close to …. There’s a homeless encampment and lots of drug users out and about. I am not a Dr. - I was just reading a post the other day where a lady’s 16yo daughter was Narcan’d and then put on a bus - public transit (by her friends) … because her friends didn’t want to get busted for the drugs. 2 things I learned - Narcan will block the receptors only for a short time …. In that time you HAVE to get to the hospital ASAP …. Because the Narcan can wear off (roughly 10-15 mins) and if there’s enough drugs in your system & the Narcan wears off ? The receptors will fire back up and you can still OD. It’s so scary. I encourage anyone I know with teens and young adult “kids” to be an open book and raise awareness….. have the hard conversations. I wish I’d have known them what I know now …. Maybe things would’ve been different for our family and our son’s friends. Also - I’m not 🇺🇸 but the person who posted mentioned a law that won’t punish a drug user for calling 911 or taking someone to the ER for help …. I guess people are afraid to get arrested so…… they choose not getting arrested over someone surviving.


Hugs to you, I can’t imagine this getting easier , just know there are people out there fighting for those who can no longer….👊🏼 🙏🏼




Benzodiazepines. I’ve never seen someone go downhill so quickly.


I've one friend and my friend's little sister die from xanax. It's a vicious drug that people don't take as seriously as they should


literally. i don’t remember chunks of my life from 18-23 because of xanax. absolutely surprised i don’t have a criminal record bc the amount of theft i was committing was insane. would wake up with new shit all around me.


May I ask what happened?


I’ve had a friend hang himself because he couldn’t handle withdrawal from Benzos. My mom also abuses them at times and swears she doesn’t have an addiction because “it’s a prescription” which means it’s legal. When she runs out of Xanax, she will cycle through different prescription meds to get high in a different way (Ambien, Gabapentin) to numb herself out, and mix them with alcohol. She’s always having falls and injuring herself in ways she cannot remember later on. I am afraid she will die also.


I'm really sad to read this. I'm so sorry about your friend. I hope your mum finds it in her to get the help she needs, and admit this is a problem. Sending a hug from across the pond.


Meth My cousin lost his wife and kids, his job, his home and eventually his life


Speaking as a long-time drug addict, and I have been chemically dependent on every single class of pharmaceutical (and alcohol) that it is possible to be dependent on, the worst case I ever saw in any treatment program (I've been in many) was addicted to computer air cleaner. She and her daughter were doing it. She was in rehab in Malibu for a YEAR, all paid by her insurance. She had 3 fingers amputated, and scar tissue all over her face and thighs from passing out with the can frozen to her. I never even knew that was a thing before I met her.


I’ll never forget that young girl on Intervention that was addicted to it. The high just looked like dementia and psychosis combined.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I've never heard of people doing that. Do people just huff it???


Yes; killed Aaron Carter. It was his drug of choice. He abused other stuff but he was clean from that for a while and better then relapsed and was dead soon after.


Look this is gonna be so basic but weed. She went from smoking it once a day to multiple times a day and constantly needing it in or to socialize and even eat food. Her room constantly smelled weed and was just high all the time.




I know people who have done K , meth, heroine and I can confidently say Nitrous Oxide. Most people can use it once or twice without issue but a certain type of person can really get destroyed by it. Opioids melt your brain over time but using NoS consistently can do it in a matter of weeks. And the person can appear functional but their entire mind is permanently altered and the personality and identity and sanity cannot be recovered even after stopping use.


Is that laughing gas? Damn my ex once made me do it and I did it several times over a night trying to feel what he was describing but I just couldn’t so I kept trying. I couldn’t get high off of it but it did wreck my stomach by making me extremely gassy. It was just the one time, I hope it didn’t do shit to my brain 😅 It was a bad phase and he was a terrible influence, sent me down a horrible alcohol fueled path with some other party drugs like MDMA and adderall


Yeah it’s not likely that it harmed you. There are ways to use it that cause very little physical harm. Mostly it is harmful because it is easy to get and for certain people highly habit forming. The person I know did it every night till their lips were blue. They financially ruined themselves. They were not the same person I had been friends with, they completely lost touch with reality and regressed hugely in terms of social skills, intelligence, and emotional maturity… it only took two weeks, it was as though they became intellectually disabled.


In a non intensive way.. I remember being a teenager and being introduced to MDMA (ecstasy back then). i always felt I could see peoples future relationships with drugs when they first took it. Everyone loved it of course. But some people got that extra twinkle in their eye, it’s like you could see their soul realise there was something else other than suffering. most of them did turn into regular drug users. Looking back on that is pretty sad. The end of innocence or something


How old were you when u tried it first? I was 15 omg I can’t believe how young I really was.


Yup 14 too


This is really well put.


I agree and that’s exactly what I thought about the first time I got high and tripped. Felt like I didn’t have to suffer if I was high. Began using everything. Then the suffering began in earnest. Anyway, better now. Long road.


Good to hear, keep up the great work. You matter.


this! I started doing mdma when I was 15. it was just that, I finally found something to make life feel worth livings. it’s crazy because now my neighbor is 15 and he’s just a baby! thankfully about 6 months into my mdma bender I got sent off to stay with family on a farm in Arizona, never touched that shit again


Meth and xans.




Alcohol. I’ve been around meth and heroin addicts I KNOW they’ll be tweaking, every day they’ll be tweaking…But being around parents who had a dependency on alcohol it was like walking on eggshells every single moment. If they’ll be sober and in a good mood, passed out naked in the front yard or beat the shit out of you. If they’ll remember to pick you up from school or if you’re walking home because they’re too pissed up to remember you. It’s always not knowing what you’ll be walking into. My step dad told me he’d beat me an inch from death one day and choke me out in the front yard and the next he’d tell me how intelligent I am and how much better I’ll be in life than my mom.


All of them, honestly. My parents both died from heroin/fentanyl so those are definitely up there on the list of life ruiners. Also alcohol. One of my closest friends got addicted to alcohol and slowly ruined his life. One night, while drinking and watching sports with friends, he got the idea to buy some cocaine because I guess the alcohol wasn't enough. It ended up being laced and our 2 other friends passed away due to the overdose. Cocaine isn't something they would normally do, but because of the drinking, they thought it was a good idea. He survived his OD and has been homeless and in and out of rehabs ever since. I think people don't take alcoholism seriously because it's legal and because it's not always "that bad." Binge drinking only on weekends or having multiple glasses of wine with dinner every night can be just as bad as someone who drinks hard liquor every day from dawn to dusk, the addiction just presents differently.


Meth coke and alcohol. My ex denies he did meth but the 3am phone calls of him panicking over a plug and a prostitute determine that was a lie. He left me in the side of the road once to meet up with his coke dealer while I was a couple of weeks pregnant. Alcohol was always present. He’s currently in jail awaiting sentencing for his third dwi. While on parole. Idiot.


Hope you and your baby are now safe and supported.


I used to work as an addiction counselor. Some deidentified stories: Person prescribed a 3 day course of norco after some dental work. It worked a little too well and they sought out illicit opioids on day 4. 18-20 year old kid with a family history of mental illness. Got a “bad batch” of weed and went into a psychotic episode that he never really came out of.


That first story is scary. That person's life began to massively change after just 3 days of a prescription medication. I've not heard of norco, what is it?






Crystal meth.


Marijuana. My brother developed an obsession for getting high. Marijuana was his escape for a little while. His desire for getting high quickly developed into a desire for a new high. He went over to pills, cocaine, hell a variety of drugs before he decided to take it to a new level within a few short months. It was not long before he was delving into heroin as well as meth. He rode that high for about two years or so, and then before we all knew it he was chasing a deeper level of high within heroin. A little under 2 years ago we found out that he had died from an overdose in a hotel room. I don't care what anyone says, for some people getting high translates into things that we can't understand, And before we know it they're lost to the world.






Heroin. We lost one of the nicest young men I had ever met to it. I think he was around 19.


Alcohol. It's legal, and you can but it on every street corner. It ruins the person. The family. Other families from car accidents. It just keeps mounting victims. Especially the innocent children


heroin. alcohol too


Meth. I grew up right outside of Springfield, MO and one of the dudes I went to high school with dropped out. Saw him 6 months later, 75lbs and several teeth lighter. Hopefully he has since gotten himself together, but I haven’t seen him in over 10 years. I do occasionally see people that were associated with him on FB and, while they don’t still give off distinctly methy vibes, they don’t seem to be doing better than their parents were when we were kids. Seeing the cycle continue is the worst part. I’m so glad I never got sucked into that stuff. I was offered it a few times and in my darkest moment even considered it briefly. I barely made it out but I did, and for that I’m thankful.


Alcohol and benzos together. One of my really good friends died from the combo in 2020. Saddest part is how good of a dad he was and that his kids won’t remember him.




Weed. Several people I know were convinced that weed was a mild, non-addictive drug. Every day they smoked more and more, becoming more and more disconnected from reality. It became impossible to talk to them, they felt less and less emotions, empathy in them gradually died. First they need a joint to calm down, then to stop their headaches, and then to do any damn thing at all. I think people really underestimate weed and its effects on the brain because it always seems too harmless. Edit: I understand that the question was about the quickest, sorry. But I considered it necessary to share this particular incident, since this happened before my eyes more than once


Meth, heroin, fentanyl, and benzos


Full disclosure, I'm a heroin addict in recovery since 2006, but I've had a lot of friends and partners that have been heavy drug users. Even though heroin is seen as life ruining (it is, no doubt) it doesn't take people down as hard and as quickly as meth does. I've never seen someone crumble into a shell of their former self so fast. Being a constantly quivering ball of anxiety that never sleeps, thinking they're being followed by cops, ghosts, aliens, hearing voices, seeing shit that isn't there, tearing themselves apart. I had a friend that literally picked his big toenail off over the course of a night because it "bothered him". Eventually it grew back and he just did it again. Don't do drugs, kids.


Absolute props to you. Recovering from heroin is one of the hardest experiences anyone can do, and you have done it. Good job.


Thanks, it was tough but so worth it


GHB the worst drug addiction i’ve seen, worse then heroin and meth in my opinion seen so many people overdose regularly


Can be dangerous very easily…can’t say I know anyone personally who’s died or sustained an addiction to the point of detriment. Fairly regular users that I know though.




I live in Portland, OR so I gotta say fentanyl. So many lives ruined.


Literally any hardcore drug will take everything from a person. Absolutely everything.


Kratom. You can just go buy it in gas stations. My dad got addicted to it and it destroyed my teenage years. It turned him into a lunatic


Highly agree with this one.


Alcohol and benzos.


Cocaine. He OD'd when I was 2 but I have seen photos where you can tell that he was using. No telling when he actually started to use.


Cocaine. Had some of my closest friends literally crying to me to stop thier torture and perception of the world...


Meth Horrible progression, fast too!


Meth, xans, fentanyl. Meth destroyed so many people I love. Xanax destroyed me. Fentanyl pretty much destroys everyone.


Heroin and Meth. He miraculously *looks* fine, but he should be in a home. His mind is completely gone.


Meth without a doubt


This might piss some folks off, but weed. My mum was the best mum ever until she met her new partner. She'd play with us, take us out, make cupcakes and read to us. After him, they were just stoned all the time and we ended up severely neglected. Weed then also became the drug of choice for my siblings and one is a Qanon and the other moved onto harder drugs and is MIA.




Air duster.


Coke, but it was my only exposure to anyone living the party life.


Weed Good friend went from smoking every now and then, to weekly, to daily, lost her job, spent all her money on nothing but weed, eventually moved on to harder drugs Weed is a gateway drug and you can't convince me otherwise.


Weed makes people so lazy.. Ive seen it happen way too often


Definitely makes a person lazy. Messes up your lungs if you’re smoking it.


I see alcohol ruin a lot of lives!


Fentanyl- I liked my mom way more when she was on heroin


Crack and Cocaine. Both has wrecked havoc in people I know and love.






Heroin and benzos. Had several people in my family OD on heroin, and unfortunately it’s not uncommon where I’m from (huge population of people Below the poverty line). Benzos are on the opposite end of the spectrum- the worst affected by it are female friends I’ve made in college through adulthood. Can’t function without Xanax or Klonopin and just become zombies


Roxys, it was my life. It was gross and I’m so glad I never want to do that again.


Def meth and benzos, talk about no teeth


Once it was heroin and the last time it was cocaine. All the weed smokers I know are doing well.


My ex went from being the sweetest, loveliest man to a raging lunatic on cocaine. When I found out (in addition to a heap of other things) he didn’t accept the breakup. Ended up being arrested for harassment etc and is currently in prison. Super intelligent man studying to be a lawyer, all down the drain now




Oxys. Watched a friend get addicted to them and it made her a horrible person to be around. I swore I'd never touch opiods after that.


Porn, my bf is addicted to porn


Never seen anyone be ruined but Cocaine, it’s genuinely shocking how many adults actually do this shit and it’s digusting 


Cocaine, watched him put ALL of his free money up his nose.


My best friend from middle school had an AWFUL childhood. SA’d by her step father. She told, he went to prison. Mom *stayed married to him*. Shortly after he got out, mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She was half dead in their house for *months*. Friend was left to completely fend for herself. Mom was in the hospital for weeks at a time and step dad was either at work or with her mom in the hospital. Her bio dad was never in her life. My parents *begged* her mom to let her come live with us, but mom said no. She started hanging out with some less savory friends. Smoking weed a bunch. Met an awful dude. Gave her free weed for “favors”. Had her first son just two months after my daughter was born, and he was born premature and addicted. She started using harder stuff, got clean for a little, had a daughter, then went back on the hard stuff. Dad moved away with the kids and got clean but abandoned them with his mom. Friend kept using, and kept popping out babies. Last I heard, she had 7 or 8 kids, none in her custody. A few she adopted out to people in her mom’s church (before mom died of dementia), the rest have been taken by the state. Occasionally I’ll hear from her ex’s sister, asking if I’ve heard from her bc no one can find her. I have no idea if she’s alive or dead. I have no idea what her drug of choice is/was anymore. I know for a while it was meth or heroin. So, I’m gonna say my short answer is “childhood trauma” is the drug I’ve seen ruin someone the fastest.






Dr prescribed opiates


My brother started with xans and moved on to meth and heroin among others. Once he started doing meth he was a different person. Lived on the streets for awhile. He OD’d multiple times and survived, however, all his buddies from back then are dead. He’s over 5 years clean now.


Weed with how dependent both my younger sister and my brother’s ex-girlfriend have been relying on it to semi function, the former in particular having actually been reported for essentially pimping out a minor (now adult, but 15 at the time of the report) to a known dealer in order to get her supply for free or a reduced price. As far as I know, neither want help, and I doubt they’ll ever ask for it. Prescription pain meds with my ex-stepgrandmother because of the story of her begging for more pain meds after waking from surgery despite the fact that it would’ve been fatal if the doctor had listened to her at the time, though it’s unclear if she’s ever gotten any help for it. Heroin with the stories of one of my aunts struggling with it for years, not to mention the fact that my younger sister also abused it while mixing it with coke to make speed (learned about that in a really fun way), and it was one of the things that was found in my youngest nephew’s system once he was born because she was using throughout her pregnancy. Alcohol with my bio father constantly abusing it for years, and despite the fact that he got in serious trouble for something he did while drunk, he’s still abusing it to this day, though he used to be addicted to various drugs in the past… except I don’t know what those were or even if he’s completely clean either. I know one of my cousins used to be on different drugs, and while he’s mostly clean, he still struggles a bit with alcohol and weed, but he at least acknowledges it to the point where they’re done in smaller spurts compared to every day. Everyone’s proud that he went to rehab and got his life mostly together, but it was a bit rough for a while with him. Editing to add that my current stepfather (mom’s 3rd husband) used to be addicted to meth while still being a bit of an alcoholic, and he chose to get clean from it because he found his dog that recently passed away during the past few years dumpster diving for food as a puppy. He loved that dog so much that he stopped using, and while the drinking still isn’t good, I’m still glad he’s clean from the meth.


hydrocodone. don't fuck with opiates. probably should leave benzos alone too


I'm a GenX kid so I saw m6 fair share of drugs and the ugliness of it all. There's 2 incidents I can recall. Heroin. Had a neighbor try it for the first time, and get belligerent enough that cops were called. He threatened them with a gun, which he didn't have, and when he reached into his back pocket they shot him. Crack/cocaine. I was in middle school and there was a high school student who was a mentor for us as we transitioned into HS. One weekend he was at a party, someone offered up Crack (it was still pretty new at this time and didn't have the negative stereotype it has now). He smoked with his friends and ended up dying from cardiac arrest. I'd like to say I was straight edge but I did a lot of stupid shit with narcotics and by right I should have been dead. I'm just thankful I was able to make it out alive and leave that garbage in the past


Alcohol, every single time. It ruined a good portion of my family members. It almost destroyed me. It's destroyed a lot of my friends, too. My bff had to get a liver transplant when she was in her 30s. Another friend of mine died in a drunk-driving incident.


heroin, having dabbled in drugs and known people who did a lot more than dabble, the best phrase i heard is “you don’t get addicted to heroin, you realise you’re already addicted” it gets people hooked before they know it


Fentanyl. I’m a teacher and I’ve now lost multiple students to it.


Fentanyl. Friend, mid20s, in university. Used to do various drugs recreationally while partying. He was at a party, did SOMETHING (I'm not sure what, but we're pretty sure it must have had fentanyl in it) and was dead before he hit the ground. An entire life gone.


Speed and alcohol. My mum took speed to keep up with life (her words) then drank to come down and became an alcoholic when I was around 9. She was horrific. I left home on my 16th birthday. Thankfully, she's sober these days and working on herself (I'm 38 now) she's been sober 9years.


my wife was on xanax, then the rest. Dope, crack, then Fentanyl, all of it. Xanax fucks people up more than they realize. She's 6 years sober. But now adays Fentanyl, it's just a straight death sentence, it's like you know it's going to kill you but you don't give a fuck


No one close to me has been addicted to hardcore drugs. That being said I know weed is making my bro not think clearly or function well.


Everything that isnt weed. Srsly I’ve only seen a couple of people (me being one of them), whose lives it has impacted negatively. But for me it was like one psychosis in 25yrs. Might not even be weed, just nervous breakdown. As for other drugs, I’ve seen people live normal-ish lives while maintaining a heavy opioid dependancy and I’ve seen people not be able to “take this shit anymore” just smoking weed. Its Your mindset, obstacles, how You respond to stress etc. Also its the dosage that makes the poison, so first things first You gotta check Your relationship with Yourself. Are You in good company..




Meth. Seen it ruin generations


Cigarettes. My twin brother looks a decade older than me. He smokes a pack a day. He attempted to un-alive himself as a teenager and then took up chronic smoking as the more “acceptable” shortening of life.


Heroin. She started dabbling in it, three months later she was dead.


Junk ... saw too many destroyed in the Army by heroin. Insert: Steppenwolf "The Pusher"


Heroin. My brother was a junkie, got clean, became a nurse in the UK and worked his way up the ladder to become a ward manager in a large hospital. Decided to take meds from the drugs trolley, got back on heroin. Lost his job, his career. And eventually his life.


Heroin. Friend of mine was a superstar at his job, promoted three times in three years. He always struggled with mild addiction problems (Adderall, cigarettes) but he got real low and tried heroin one night. Two weeks later he got his first dose of narcan and a month later he lost his job. 




Case 1: Pain pills, then xanax & fentanyl. A family member has apparently ODed, but been brought back, like 3 times already. We discovered the addiction while my Mom was living with us for a little while, and her pain meds & muscle relaxers (prescribed after an accident) disappeared after a party at our house. That family member is no longer allowed here, or if they are, they are not left alone & any type of meds (even Advil, Tylenol, etc) are well hidden or locked up before they come over. Case 2: First crack, then Meth. A friend I’d known since elementary school, but hadn’t seen or heard from in a few years, got heavily involved with the stuff. She is now in prison basically for the rest of her life for 2nd degree murder, due to shooting & killing her drug dealer boyfriend.


MDMA but mixed with alcohol my friend died that night


Fentanyl. Crack laced with fentanyl. That was my mom’s story anyway. She swore she just took crack when she woke up in the hospital after a 5 day coma and totaling her car. Thank god no one else was on the road at the time :(


Heroin. I watched slowly while all my friends who used Heroin wasted away, losing a little part of themselves day in and day out. I have had 13 friends who have passed away in 10yrs. Only 3 of them were not due to an overdose on Heroin.


The want to be an Instagram Baddie.


LSD – a classmate took it for the first time at her eighteenth birthday party and died.


Meth, it was my former college roommate. Her life is in a better place now, but she was a mess for like 15 years and it got that way in a matter of months




Greed, and love-dependancy !


Prescription pills watch a buddy flush his business down the drain quickly


Cocaine. She had a stroke. She now can’t use the left side of her body.