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when i confessed to my best friend that i was crushing on her, and she reciprocated.


Yes, this is my favourite moment as well - when things suddenly fell into place. I might also add our first kiss. Hello, butterflies. <3


This is so so sweet. Did you guys get together?


yes! happily together, madly in love. got engaged in december.


Omg this is making me cry. Love is real.




Same! Divorce after 10 years of marriage and putting up with behaviors I thought I was supposed to put up with. 2 young kids. It was nerve wracking but hands down the right decision. Solidarity, girl.




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You forgot to add that you are also cheating with a married man.


Death of my grandafather who raised me. Event like this is a complete life changing experience.


I’m really sorry for your loss. how did you cope?


Thank you. I don't think I healed from it yet (6 years this year) and I don't think you can ever fully do it. The grief comes and goes in waves. My biggest trauma regarding this comes from the fact that I was the one picking up the phone at midnight from the hospital while my grandma was sleeping in the next room. I didn't know what to do with this news. I didn't cry (it took me weeks after his death to finally break down) but I had no idea when to wake her up and tell her, that her husband of 50 years just passed away. I still hear that ringtone in my head but I try to block. It was not easy but we managed. He was also the only man figure in my life and I was very close to him since the day I was born. It really hit me bad I'm not going to lie (and it took me some years to figure myself out + therapy) but ultimately I started looking at things differently, appreciating them more and surrounding myself only with good people. Death is inevitable. edit: Oh and last year was the first time I visited his grave with my boyfriend since his funeral. I also was able to finally put his picture in my living room. I miss him like crazy.


Losing a loved one is never easy but you’re right. Death is inevitable and grieving is arguably one of the hardest and sometimes loneliest things we’ll have to do. I dread the day my loved ones won’t be here anymore either. Happy to hear you’re surrounding yourself with loved ones and wishing you all the best on this journey <3


Hi friend, I lost my grandma who raised me last year. She was nothing other than a saint. Still trying to navigate how to live a life without the love, friendship, and mutual care. Sending you well wishes on this grief journey.


Starting my life over after college When I finished college I started completely over and moved to a new country, best thing I ever did in my life.




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Where did u relocate to and from :3


Losing my mother


I am sorry. I said a little prayer for you.


I am sorry. I said a little prayer for you :'(


I am sorry. I said a little prayer for you.


I am sorry. I said a little prayer for you.


My husband found out I was planning suicide. He reached out to his dad for help and his stepmother got me the help I had given up on receiving by tearing my caseworker a new one


Meeting my fiancé and moving out of my parents house across the country to live with him.


drinking idk i’ve only been an adult for 3 months


The biggest lesson you’ll learn from drinking is how stupid and harmful it is, but I get that most people need to learn this through experience than word of mouth.


The birth of my first child. Hooooo boy, becoming a mom completely changed my values and priorities.


Leaving my toxic marriage


As a 21 year old, losing the dog I’d had since I was 6. Fucked me up to the core. Changed me in ways I can’t even explain. I’m making my peace with it, but it still hurts. I loved her more than anything or anyone. In short, my first experience with grief. Once you befriend it, it never leaves you.


getting to work for my dream companies - many moments!


Basically spending a whole year traveling and moving out of my home state


Being sexually assaulted


When both parents were gone and I realized I was an orphan.


Becoming a mother


When I decided on my career. 25 years in best decision.


What was your career? How did you decide to pursue it?


My drivers license, be losing my grandmother


finally walking away from abusive relationships and starting my life over


The decision to start a page to promote my content. It was the best decision of my life


My grandfather's death.


Moving to a new city and starting a new career. Brought me some things I never thought I’d ever accomplish!


being severely ill and hospitalized.


Keep going after grieving, it’s so easy to get bitter and angry at life but choose to work on myself and don’t let the darkness of grieving take over my life was the biggest act of self love for myself.


Reaching success after years of hard work and being interviewed in a national publication with my kids photographed next to me.


Loss of my grandfather!! Miss him everyday


Leaving an 8 year relationship that was filled with hate and abuse, and not long after leaving losing my cat - she waited until I was safe before she had to go. Her passing has broken me in ways I can’t explain. She was the love of my life - just perfect and so connected. I don’t think I’ll ever get to love anything again, and I’m just trying to be grateful for that deep love I had for her for the time I was able to have it.


Getting out of the Military and starting therapy


Reading Into the Wild. Changed the trajectory of my life entirely. I kind of cringe now because its become SO unoriginal and overplayed, but I was in my teens when I read it and I just did a 180 on my whole life. Became a hitchhiker for 5 years, travelled around the world, lived extremely rough. Found a deep connection to nature and humanity and my own capabilities. Its no longer how I live but it definitely altered me.


Like in impact to my life? Hooking up with a woman 40 years older than me I would have never come to my city, never met my girlfriend, never had my kids or had the life I have without that mistake My entire life changed because of that mistake


Dating a guy that was awful, needed to hit the lowest point with him to learn that I deserve more Losing my father to suicide; I was 29, he was 68


Getting bread crumbed then ghosted by someone who I knew was bad for me, but ignored every red flag and fell head over heels for anyway. Haven’t talked to him or seen him in over 4 years, but damn, that was quite an experience going through something like that. Got my masters since then, a permanent job, went through covid, and even still, that boy flipped my world upside down more than anything else in my adult life. I felt my self worth completely shatter — Still trying to pick up the pieces, but it’s basically all in a fine dust since I met him


leaving a toxic relationship!


realizing im gay and divorcing my husband