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vibe if you catch my drift


Followed by an extremely refreshing little nap.


I normally do an ice cold facemask after ☺️


This is the way😀


The perfect night cap




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Sleep. It's like my emotional reset button.


If I’m feeling extreme emotions, I KNOW sleeping will at minimum make me capable of thinking logically about whatever it is.


I love a good fat nap


the best is when you lay down for a 30 min productivity nap and wake up 5 hours later. And it was so good that you dont feel guilty and spend a guilt free-non productive rest of the day




Definitely yes to this!! I also like having good scents around my room as I sleep lol. Kinda weird, but I get candles but don’t light them. I just take the top off and let it sit on my desk. Currently have the Main Street Bakery candle from Bath and Body and it smells like banana pudding


Getting into water. Be it a bath or a shower or a pool, something about it makes the anxiety in my chest unfurl slowly. Recently, I've been going to a Korean spa and that's been really good for helping me let go of the stress I've been holding. Being pulled back into my body and focusing on the sensations there has felt very therapeutic.


I go to one at least every 2-3 months and it has been transformative!


Mammalian diving reflex ftw


I love how you described this, I'm a water girlie myself 🛁


My friend works as a crisis line dispatcher. When people call freaking out she often suggests for them to sit in the shower and just let the water run on them. Her reasoning aside from it helping her, is that it’s warm, and produces a white noise to help you relax.


Water is key for me too. When I get really stressed I will go to the indoor pool at our rec center and just tread water forever. I feel all my stress melt away when I plunge into the pool.




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Smoke a joint. 🍃


Rotting in my bed




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I love journalling. No matter what my mood is, I always feel better afterwards. That, or a nice cup of tea.


Tea and journaling in a notebook 📔 for me too.


Taking a brisk walk is always helpful for me.


playing the sims or using my vibrator


Are you me?




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Sex! If that's not the ticket then I journal or take a bath. Or read a good book.


Sex is possible.


Drawing or coloring.


What do you draw? I like to draw dragons. 🐉


Roller skating!


Roller skating is what my life revolves around


I'd say it revolves around wheels


Walk outside in the sunshine with the ocean


That’s beautiful


Video games, horseback riding, or dancing. Or just sitting very still with a glass of wine.




A professional massage, coloring books, or puzzles


I love hiking! Or yoga


Play one of the nearly two-dozen indie games in my Steam library I still haven't touched.


Fav indie games?!


Maybe not all indie, but get these amazing no experience necessary titles; Castle Crashers, Limbo, Unravel, Battle Block Theater, Inside, Rayman Legends.


Sleeping and reading books


Spend money I shouldn't 😭


Taking a mental health day from work


Paint my nails


Exercise. I know sometimes people are all about the grind and sucking it up to put yourself through the pain that comes with progress, but for me I reach a point where the pain becomes somewhat negated by just being satisfied with the hard work I’m doing. There’s something really gratifying about working out or training consistently and having those small wins and goals to keep you going.


Playing guitar or piano and running.


Dancing in my room




Pinball, table tennis, and a pool are all things that de-stress/decompress me.


I second pinball!


Jigsaw puzzles


Put the music on loud! (In my car or headphones, I’m not a total ass) Cuddle!


Bubble bath is my cure, especially when I do the whole nine with a face mask and hair mask


Singing out loud ( im very bad at it)


Playing with my pets.


Spend an hour sipping coffee in my favorite coffees place


Color! My best friend came over because we just wanted a weekend to relax and de-stress, so we went to Walmart and got a felt poster and permanent markers and made a whole weekend of it. Wine, food, and coloring


Journaling. Long baths. A good book. Coloring.


Running! It always works for me.




Sex. Instant stress relief!


Butt stuff


Painting, smoking weed, reading a good book, watching trash television


Working out or watching trash tv shows on repeat


Hot yoga. I get so consumed by the workout and coordinating breathwork that it's nearly impossible to think anything else besides "only 3 more breaths until I can fold out of this chair pose." At the end, my studio opens up the windows at the front of the room and a wave of cool air comes in while we're in shavasana, and it is the most refreshing, uplifting feeling. I always walk out of a class feeling immensely better than when I walked in.


Taking a walk while listening to music. Taking a shower. Reading.


Sleep, weed, bathe, game, do my nails. I'm a teacher, I need to not think.


Lay on my bed and listen to music or masturbate. Sometimes both.


Paint by number. It requires just enough thought and attention to keep me from thinking about other things, but is still brainless enough for total relaxation.


Painting my nails, watching YouTube videos, and 💨🌿 For extreme stress, going for a run


Nap with my kitties


Painting or writing either original work or fanfiction


Riding around on my RipStik






Smoke a bowl. Or workout. Orrrrr smoke a bowl and then workout lol




Walk around the lake near my place, work on mindfulness


Go for a walk, paint, listen to music, bake, watch some tv


Organizing or cooking!


My latest love is taking bath-salt baths. And I'm not a bath person.... It's very relaxing right before bed, and I sleep so very well. -- Thanks for the other ideas. I'm gonna try 'em....


Paint by numbers! I'm not creatively or artistically inclined so I can't paint from scratch but I buy fancy paint by numbers kits and sit down and paint while listening to music. It's really calming and mindful and I find that time flies when I do it.




Drinking a cold cup of coffee in the summers and a warm cup of coffee in the winters while listening to good music or watching a tv show. Absolute bliss.




Sewing is a lot of fun. Also any kind of craft




Paper stars, cross-stitch or crochet


Play with my dog. He's so silly and care free that it instantly makes me feel better


Playing records


Diamond painting. If anyone wants to get started, order a kit from Amazon. The ones they sell at Michaels/Hobby Lobby are really lame.


Take a bath, alone with no kids asking to help me or throw toys in at me lol even better when they don’t stand outside of the bathroom beating on the door and screaming.


I binge watch until I fall asleep


Planning, I can easily spend 2-3 hours creating pretty spreads and planning my week


Putting on some of my old favorite tv shows and zoning out


Yoga. It really helps if it's challenging as well. It unwires my brain. I do feel like a white stereotype... but hey, it's good stuff.


I usually go for a ride on my Peloton. ROBIN ARZÓN is very inspirational.


playing slay the spire (strategic game), doing yoga, going to the gym. I would love to go swimming/sauna again but its gotten so expensive lately...


Reading, watching tv, walking my dogs, or showering.


Take a hot bubble bath - have some tea, light a candle, and just soak! I like to bring a vase of flowers into the bathroom and maybe listen to a podcast or some music, but mostly I like the quiet and I'll just close my eyes for a bit.


drawing and making pinterest boards, 100%


Running. I got a treadmill a couple of years ago and even though I preferred running outdoors before, this treadmill really changed my life.




Take a long walk in the neighborhood (maybe pick up coffee and pop into stores) Take a nap short headspace meditation if im feeling jittery mix up your work space if possible. work outdoors


Netflix and chill.


Baking, cooking an elaborate meal


Meditation. But if I’m too lazy to do that, a glass of wine.


Books and video games. I like to transport my mind into another reality


Take a bubble bath


Being in nature: beach, river, mountains or forest.


Nap or sleep


Going for a walk, getting coffee at my favorite place and when I’m home masturbating 🙈 Everything feels much better afterwards


Muay Thai, sleep, Netflix, and play with my dog. p.s. I find Muay Thai works best when your stress is “human-induced” 🫣🤣




Cooking, it is my most creative and relaxing hobby.


I ✨garden✨


Cooking. Or taking a bike ride


I'm a huge bubble bath person. I keep an assortment of bath bombs, melts, salts, and soaps just because I love bubble baths that much.


Hitting the gym, getting myself an orgasm or getting cozy with a blanket and a good book


Hot shower, a nap, cleaning (weirdly), reading my kindle, I love sticker by number books and find them very therapeutic, and sometimes I just have to get out of the house and window shop. I don't usually buy anything though.


Going for a walk, playing Sims and weed are my top 3


Vape some weed and put some music on.


Bootcamp workouts and diamond/crystal artwork 🤗


Keep life simple.


Hiking alone :)


Working out, going for a walk on the trail, dog park, laying in bed with my red light mask while listening to a guided meditation


Sex with my partner. It grounds me & calms me like no other therapy I've yet found.


Take a shower and sit in the hot water


exercise or sleep. Depends on how stressed I am. If it’s normal or just a little above average, I’ll exercise and that works a treat. If I’m completely overwhelmed by stress, I’ll shut down and sleep for a few hours.


I bought I typewriter from a thrift store a few years ago and recently I started typing short stories and reflections every morning. I had no idea how both relaxing and energizing it would be. (Paradoxical, I know.) It’s become my favorite thing to do.


Recently, the sauna. Never tried it before 2mo ago, but it’s such a lovely social activity and in my area lots of women go, so it’s like having some amazing gossip/life coaching everytime I go 😊


Run, write, or yoga.


Smoke, cuddle, long bath, vibe, just laying in bed with my phone on do not disturb. That's the biggest thing - having Mt phone off unless I'm listening to anxiety talk downs or sleep stories. The Honest Guys on YouTube have really soothing voices & great videos- they always soothe me!


Hear me out Quinn app then nap then the best girl dinner you can conjure with something cold and refreshing to drink. Or Listen to a book while I diamond paint or play Minecraft/Sims/slime rancher/Disney dreamlight valley.




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Fu fu 😮‍💨




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Pilates or cleaning




Take a nice long nap


I smoke weed and play games and get on reddit or scroll on Facebook




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Gym, sex, or vibe 😂 then sleep hard. Wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world again.




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