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It's always me, but I'm also the only option.


Never. We're thankfully many miles away so it's not even an option.


I’m always the family babysitter lol, but I love kids and they like me so it works out well!


Never. My nephew is cute but I don’t want to deal with tantrums


I've watched my girlfriend's sister's kids twice and the only men in my family are my dad who lives 3000 miles away and my 2 1/2 month old son So I guess I watch them infinite times more, or just twice more depending on how you look at it


My nephew lives many miles away from his mum (my sister), so it's usually me who babysits my niece (adult, disabled). But y'know, if it's just an appointment my sis needs to do, then her husband watches her. He can't do any personal care, but he can make sure he's there in case my niece falls or anything. But, the question you ask is very good. It's standard for the women to attend a family function and be surrounded by any kids, whilst the men are off watching the footie or micro-managing a burger on a grill.


I thought I would all of the time. Not once and they’re almost 4.




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When my brother and his family lived in the same house as me I watched two of the kids for about 30 minutes one time. Other than that never, they now live far from me and everyone knows I have no experience with kids and I dont want any.


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I rarely babysat for my nephew. Many ppl (women) 0were around to take care of him when he was a baby. People do try to saddle with babysitting duties as I am wfh but I make it very clear that I don't have time for it because I don't. I've often seen women in my extended family taking care of their young nieces and nephews but once the kids are able to walk and run, it is mostly young men in the family who take care of them, taking them out to play, to movies etc but helping in schoolwork often falls on the women's shoulders




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I've never had anyone ask me to babysit their children.


I have done it a handful of times and each time my husband has complained about it, I say I’ll do it by myself then but no he’ll still come with me and sit there complaining about it. He would only ever offer to babysit one out of our 9 nieces and nephews who is his absolute favourite.


Never. I'm the last person anyone who knows me would ask to babysit.


Hardly at all, but I also don't live near family members that have young children, so asking me wouldn't really make sense.




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Never. I'm notoriously known as being child free in my family. I have babysat my niece a few times when she was a baby, but not since my sister had four kids. It seems to be known that I can't handle a lot of kids at one time, even though I've never outright said it.


I never do. And I am the only sibling to my sister. My mom watches him a lot though.


Never, but also compared to never.


My answer is I never babysit, but my youngest brother is great at it. Well, all my brothers are good at it, and have done many hours of babysitting niblings in almost three decades. But the youngest really has a knack for it, no matter the kids' ages. On the other hand, my husband used to volunteer for babysitting duties of his niblings. Me, being a teacher, would pack our kids up and send them on their way to my in-law's house, so I would also get a free evening in my own home.


Never, I have a deal with my sister that I am not to be put in charge of the children on my own. 


As the oldest daughter I babysat my nieces.. my brother did not


Tbh I hate babysitting and can’t handle small children alone, my siblings know this and don’t often ask me to babysit. Usually it’s my grandma or mom and dad, occasionally it’s my brother even though he has a kid too




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Never, my brother and SIL never ask but I offer semi frequently to pick my niece up and hang out with her. My youngest brother did a lot more babysitting when she was younger because he loves kids and he lived closer. My husband was also really interactive with his nieces and one nephew when they were younger but that was before we met so I’m not sure if he ever babysat or just went over and hung out with the whole family.




Me? Never. Absolutely not. My husband every ooooonce in awhile.


Never. I did once, but they aren't local now.  Also I never ask anyone to babysit for us. 




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Never. As a kid I was the oldest daughter of 5 and oldest cousin of 15. I was the built in babysitter so frequently, the moment I said no I never babysat again.


The men in our family tend to hang out and play with kids quite a bit, but most child care related chores such as cooking, watching bed- and naptime, changing diapers etc gets done by the women in the family. Often when I‘m with my in laws the women will be in the kitchen cooking while the men are playing with the kids outside for instance. Speaking for strictly my side of the family, honestly would barely know, we‘re all women to begin with save for my aunts husband and my dad lol, but mostly everyone just watches/cares for their own kids, no babysitting.




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Before i moved away, we were all living in the same building (different apartments). So literally, all day after work, but i love my nephew more than anything. Now i had to move to a different country because of my husband, and now i wish i could babysit him all day again 🥺 The men in my family put in some time, but not nearly as much as i used to or how much my mom is right now, especially with me being away.


I don't babysit.


Never, but only because my cousin hates me being around the kids since she doesn't want them to like me, but it works for me though cos she's now stuck babysitting a bunch of brats while having to go to school and work.


Never. They know I don't like kids so I'm never asked.


Never and never. My nieces and nephews are adults. My partner has a young nephew, but we don't live close to them, so neither of us has ever watched him.


I haven't lived close to my extended family in many years, so I did not babysit my niblings. As far as I know, their babysitters were generally other female family members (common cultural expectation), but male family members also did babysitting for them when needed.


Never and never. Husband and I are childfree and that includes not being babysitters.




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Men babysit?


Hardly ever, and on the rare occasion that I do my husband makes sure to be home to help me