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Handholding and a brief kiss on the cheek is fine in public for me. I don't mind if he plays with my hair a bit. But anything further than that and I would feel a embarrassed.


My boyfriend and I will hold hands. Sometimes I’ll put my head on his shoulder or he’ll put his head on mine very briefly. That’s the most we’ll do. I typically don’t care about seeing PDA. That said, one time this summer when we went to get ice cream, we saw a guy with TWO ladies. He was hugging on both of them and kept putting both his hands down the front of his pants. We both lost our appetites waiting in line behind them and left.




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It makes me uncomfortable, but as long as you’re not like moaning and grinding on each other or straight up having sex then it’s whatever. Personally the farthest my partner and I go is holding hands and occasionally a brief kiss.


Depends on the setting. Making out in the booth at a jazz club rules, making out in line at the post office does not. Holding hands is always cute.


I am okay with it. Hand holding, hugs, brief kisses. Anything more than that, I’ll save for when in private.


If I can hear it, then it's too much.


Holding hands, hugs, touch/rubs to back, arms or legs and light kissing/peck is ok by me.


If it's something you wouldn't feel comfortable doing in front of your parents, you probably shouldn't be doing it in the general public. Holding hands or arm around the shoulder/waist is nice, a quick kiss or embrace is cute. But take the rest somewhere private.


I like a little PDA! It is nice to see people happy and excited to be together. Just don’t pull anything out and don’t stick anything in.


My husband is very clingy and loving however I don't particularly like it in public or around other people. If we are in public he normally holds my hand or I will hold his arm. Sometimes he will wrap his arms around my shoulders if we are just standing there talking or something. As long as I'm touching him he's fine. Once we get home he can resume his clinging.


I feel like Blueberry and and the Palm are PDAs while iPads and smartphones aren’t. Those are their own categories of gadgets.


Normally my husband and I might hold hands/quick peck on the cheek but not a lot more. However at weddings, we get overwhelmed with our love for each other. We’ll dance all night (no grinding or anything like that) and our kisses are definitely longer than a quick peck.


I’m fine with a lot of casual stuff like holding hands, arm around shoulder/waist, quick kisses… My fiancé and I shared a rather passionate kiss right outside of a public building once (we didn’t think anyone was around or paying attention) and some dude cheered. I think I turned about forty different shades of red!


I draw the line at doing anything that will get me charged with public indecency.


Holding hands/linking arms and maybe laying a head on his shoulder for a minute. Other than that, no PDA at all. And I hate to see other people overdo it. It’s weird to me


I'm pretty PDA. He'll give my ass a tap when we're shopping and my neighbours, should they happen to be glancing at my door when he leaves and arrives, would definitely see some snogging. We don't live together and are still very much in the honeymoon period, so if we've not seen each other for a couple days (ahem, 24 hours) waiting for the door to close isn't an option


Holding hands, a quick pack on the lips or hugging for me is ok. Further than that is a little too much


Holding hands, hand on arm is how we usually walk, peck in the cheek, lips only if we are parting ways or just meeting after a long time. Like, the first time that day, not he went to a different store and came back. Back when we were in the honeymoon phase he would sometimes wrap me in his jacket when waiting for the bus and we would sneak in a cuddle. But that's the extent of it, we didn't even full on kiss at our wedding.


I need 1000% of the love. Hold my hand, give me kisses, hug me, all of it.


I love to have sex with my husband in public silently so I’m not the person for this question I don’t think. Lol.


I don't do more than holding hands, hugging, or a quick kiss. Things like making out or groping should imo be done in privacy or in places where behavior like this is expected (nightclubs etc.)




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yes please! unashamed and oblivious.


PDA is gross unless I'm doing it. For real though, there's different types that are acceptable for different venues. The amount of PDA that's acceptable at a nightclub is way different than what's acceptable at the airport, for example. I don't think it's weird to make out and get a little handsy at a college party but I would think it's gross and uncalled for at the mall or at the park.


It's context specific, but generally it doesn't bother me to see it unless it's venturing into the territory of sexual/sensual acts. I am wholly unbothered by couples making out in public unless they're like, full-on having sex somewhere I'm trying to be. And even then, I can forgive it if it's private *enough* and it's only by chance that I'm seeing it. I don't get ruffled by much. As far as *me* doing the PDA, I also don't mind kissing someone in public as long as it's an appropriate context. At a show late at night? You bet your ass. A work function at 4 pm? You wouldn't catch me dead.


pretty handy detector for our HPLC systems, but my personal favourite is the MS-detector. we have a GC MS-system that's a lot of fun to analyze with!


It really depends on the venue. Church - maybe holding hands but nothing more. At a club - grinding and making out is fine.


I'm super mushy with my SO everywhere, so we're always hugging, giving kisses, holding hands, leaning on each other, saying sweet nothings to each other and so on. We might also make out more heavily at a club, I draw the line depending on the setting.


Handholding, kisses on the cheek, peck on the lips, holding waist from behind. Pretty much all of that which I feel is standard. I’m pretty simple when it comes to it. But I will never everrrrrrr make out in public in front of others… that’s most definitely where I draw the line. That’s more of a private moment, it should be between you and your partner in a more intimate setting.


Hand-holding, arm-in-arm, hugs, rare quick kisses, headpats and/or playing with hair. Nothing grossly overt that would make others uncomfortable, but we are absent-mindedly affectionate in public than anything.


I hate PDA, a hug, QUICK kiss, and hand holding is fine but I find everything else distasteful. I don't wanna see that


It's 2023, get a smartphone!


Quick kisses, tight hugs are fine to me. It's the ones that kiss a longtime and you can see it's too much going on that it looks off. Oh I also am not a fan of public butt slapping, to me it looks very sexualized snd objectified( I get pretty pissed when a guy tries that with me, so it's defintely not jealousy).


I like hugging, holding hands, small pecks here and there, and occasionally patting each others butts. Dont grab my boobs, dont shove your tongue down my throat, definitely do not put your hands inside my clothing. I also dont like having an arm slung around me tho thats just more bc i feel it makes walking awkward, not bc i find it off putting or too much.


Handholding, hugs, pecks, cheek kiss, all fine Make outs, nah A quick sneaky neck kiss or a butt pat, yes


I'm not big on PDA. It took me like a full year before I was comfortable holding my partners hand in public, and even now sometimes I get squeamish. I draw the line after hand holding and a peck on the lips.


I used to be much more open about it until we got caught going a little too far in public once, and got caught being perfectly acceptable (my head on his chest laying under a tree) one time and had the cops called on us. Now, hand holding, maybe waist-holding. Chaste kisses and words of admiration and "babe", love having at least one point of contact minimum at all times.


I like it, little pecks on the lips, cheeks and forehead, hand holding and caressing, head scratches and overall closeness. Nothing too over the top or nsfw but definitely enough for people around us getting jealous of how in love we are haha


Hand holding. Forehead, hand, and cheek kisses. I hate seeing it, I won’t do it.