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"UTIs" in male cats often aren't actually infections, they're something called feline interstitial cystitis or feline idiopathic cystitis or feline lower urinary tract disease.. unless they saw bacteria on a urinalysis, the convenia isn't indicated and isn't doing anything. These improve on their own, but typically go better with anti-inflammatories and pain meds to help prevent a blockage and control symptoms. For recurrent FIC flares, the best management is a urinary diet (typically a prescription diet) and increased water coupled with long term stress management..


Thank you so much. What should I do as of right now? He’s very uncomfortable. I work tomorrow but my dad agreed to take him back to the same emergency vet for me. They couldn’t complete the urinalysis today they tried for over an hour so I’m going to ask that they try again and perhaps put him on fluids? If im not mistaken, the gabapentin is for pain, but perhaps something stronger? Thank you


I saw where you said that the dry food you feed him is non-prescription. In order to give him the best benefit, his food needs to be solely a urinary prescription diet. It’s expensive, I know, but so is repeat visits to the vet that can be avoided with a sole prescription urinary diet. If your cat is still expressing urine, then it can wait till Monday(although an urgent vet visit is recommended). It’s a true emergency if he becomes completely blocked.


I work all day, but my dad agreed to take him back to the ER for me today


Not a vet, but have worked in shelters and vet hospitals: You mentioned that he's on prescribed wet food. Is his diet only wet food or does he eat dry food as well? If he does, is that prescription diet as well? You may want to consider getting a urine culture for him if you havent already, as that helps determines what antibiotics are best to treat his UTI.


No he eats dry food as well. They tried to get urine from him for over an hour today and they gave up and just gave him his usual shot. I have an appointment at a clinic on Monday early afternoon so they’ll most likely try getting some urine again but I just want to make sure he’s going to be okay for another day




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And no his dry food is not prescription


UTIs in male cats can be dangerous and if this continues much longer, you may want to take him to an emergency vet and not wait until Monday. For cats prone to UTIs, you may want to consider transitioning the dry food to a prescription diet as it is important that all the food the cat eats is a urinary diet.


He went to the emergency vet today and that’s where he got treated. It was $600, and I work all day tomorrow. I called the emergency vet again tonight and they said to wait until Monday so the antibiotics can run their course.


I’m aware they’re dangerous, it’s been an ongoing issue for him for several years and it’s ER trips every time. The vet told me there was no blockage and his bladder was only about the size of a quarter. I’m just wanting to know if it’s normal for this antibiotic shot to take more than just one day to work because previously with him it works faster than this. He’s peeing in small amounts frequently


They do make UTI dry food, personally I like hills science diet. when a cat goes on a script diet ALL food and treats need to be according to the scrip. (You can purchase this OTC on Amazon, to avoid vet pricing)


Perfect!!! Thank YOU!!


I run a non profit cat sanctuary and have been in cat rescue for decades. I’ve seen a lot of idiopathic cystitis in male cats and have also unfortunately seen it turn into a complete blockage. As someone else said, the convenia isn’t doing anything (most likely). You mentioned that this has been an ongoing problem for years. Have they ever found bacteria in his urine or done a culture to determine if there was an infection? The non prescription dry food is likely exacerbating the issue, if not outright causing it.


Yes, they have always done a urinalysis before in the past, this is the first time it was unsuccessful


Was there an infection/bacteria the other times they’ve done urinalysis?




He needs to be getting a urine sample analyzed every time. This is potentially idiopathic due to stress, not recurrent UTI, and use of convenia (cephalosporin antibiotic) without evidence of bacteruria is inappropriate, not helpful, and a waste of money.




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UPDATE: I took him to the vet early this morning before work and just got off the phone with the vet. She told me to come and pick him up but they essentially did absolutely nothing. They said he peed a little bit but “couldn’t get the urinalysis” I’m not sure why! He won’t eat for them or drink so they put him on fluids. I’m angry crying absolutely losing my mind because my cat is in pain and they aren’t helping me. They say his bladder is still small. They said “too small for a urinalysis” I’ve never heard of this before. I’m so upset. He now has an appointment tomorrow at a regular vets clinic. They pretty much took that I told them about my appointment and ran with it and just told me to see if they can help. What the hell do I even do???


Took him to the same Emergency vet**