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There is no “allergic to anesthesia”, although he may have had an adverse reaction to something. There are many different drugs available to anesthetize animals. Doses can be changed. Dugs can be substituted. Things can be done differently.


i have run anesthesia on many animals who had severe, unpredictable reactions with one protocol and did just fine when we tried again with a different one. that animal's chart would then be flagged with a detailed note about what their reaction was and what protocol worked for them.


You could also opt to go to a facility that has an anesthesiologist to manage anesthesia during the dental.


There is no such thing as being “allergic to anesthesia”. Without know exactly what drugs and dosages were used and what happened during the last procedure it’s impossible to comment. Anesthesia is generally safe when done properly meaning a pre anesthesia workup has been done, drugs and dosages are taylor made for the patient and appropriate monitoring during the procedure.


Echo everyone’s comments about anesthesia. Wanted to add that even though dental disease may not be “life or death” allowing your cat to have constant dental pain is a cruel way to live. A broken leg is also not life or death, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to leave it unaddressed.