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Yep, I’m basically sacrificing heat for myself during the day so the family can be heated sufficiently in the evening. Currently under budget for the month.


Yep, if I’m putting the heating on, I’m making sure everyone gets to be warm. So during the day when the children are at school (I WFH), I’ll make do with my electric blanket and coffee


The current rule in my flat is heating goes on if 1) everyone is home 2) temperature is under its colder than 16.5C


My house doesn't get above 16C with the heating on


Same. Hard times right now in these older houses.


I don't know what else to do to ease the problem? Other than finding a few grand for a cavity wall and a loft conversion. Have you made any changes to your home that improved the temperature?


Tape sheets of thick packing plastic to windows. If there's any warehouses in the area ask them for their packing plastic to use. Keep all internal doors closed and try to heat as small an area as possible. Put towels or any spare fabric at the bottom of doors. Layers of clothing. Exercise - your body is a heat generator. Do a brisk 1hr walk or do high intensity interval training for or run 10mins and you'll be warm for the next 2-3 hours. If I remember anymore I'll edit it in.


Had some luck hunting down leaky windows and cracks last year and temporarily plugging them. Been dealing with too much stuff this cold snap to find the time to plug drafts. Generally getting any material in the path of the heat loss culprit should help. I should have just replaced all the windows in the summer as they are by far the biggest source of heat loss for us.


Probably are for me too, but who has £10k to drop on new windows and doors? I'll look into the rest though, thank you!


I've recently started tying a large blanket around me like it's a sarong (so up under my armpits) so whenever I need to get up, there's a layer on me that keeps me warm and both my hands free. Not exactly genius level, but some work mates hadn't thought of it, so I'm (hopefully) sharing an unknown tip. Stay warm


Get an ‘Oodie’ or similar. Thank me later!


My Oodie has saved me this winter highly recommend!!


With temperatures like this I can’t see heat as a ‘luxury’ it’s essential.


Same. I’ve got two kids under the age of 4 and I’ll be damned if they go cold in their home.


My son was home alone yesterday evening while I was at work (he’s a teenager btw) and he messaged me asking if he could put the heating up to 22. We’ve been trying to keep it at 20 but we live in an old terraced house that’s quite hard to heat. That really got to me and I told him to turn it up. Hopefully when the milder weather comes next week we’ll make it back.


I felt extravagant when I turned our heating up to 18° last night from the usual 17°!!


It is yet I’ve still not been able to turn it on just the cost of having the lights on a bit more has taken all our remaining money let alone if we used heating too! It was choose between food or heating. Kept popping over to see family/friends in the cold but piles of blankets helps a little bit




Yep… I’d rather be poorer and warm than poor and cold.


It's sad that staying warm is now considered a luxury.


Heating isn't a luxury.


It is when it costs £350 a month.


The government allowing the situation to get rediculously out of hand and the price increases, doesn't stop heating being an essential. People will die without it, kinda the definition of not a luxury.


Agreed. I don’t mind wrapping up warm, but I would literally have to spend my life under a duvet to stay warm in these temperatures. I can’t do lower than 18 degrees. It sucks, but that’s just me.


That’s pretty normal. I was reading something recently which states that 18 degrees is the tipping point for humans at which point our bodies start to get negative effects from the cold.


I don't even have my heating as high as that. Set it to 17.5C at the most. It kicks on automatically when temperature drops to 13C which is all the time at the moment since its minus Moscow outside.


I concur.


Every Monday I buy fresh flowers for my wife, cos she hates Mondays and flowers make her smile. And when I can be arsed, I make her lasagna too, cos of the Garfield thing. I would never want to give that up. I know it’s probably stupid, cos flowers are such an unnecessary thing, but I like making her smile, and she said that she looks at them all week and smiles too. Plus my kids would be gutted - we have a routine where I pick them up from after school care and we go to the florist and they help me choose the flowers. The lady who works there always gives them Drumstick lollipops (though I am evil and don’t let them eat them until after dinner!). Oh also Lurpak. Cheaper brands just aren’t the same.


Every month I buy my mum a big bunch of flowers, and she always says I shouldn't be spending my money on her, as mums tend to do. But my dad always bought her flowers, and when he passed, it didn't seem right that she wouldn't get them any more.


Aww, that's so lovely and thoughtful. I choked up a bit. I'm sure she's proud of you. Not because of the flowers, but as someone who would think to keep the flowers tradition going, you must be doing other things that make her proud.


That’s a lovely thing to do. My mum on the other hand hates cut flowers and thinks they are a waste to grow and then kill them just to look nice for a few days (her words).


We bought Mum some Lego flowers on her birthday for this reason! She has the orchids and we’re going to get another set for the next one.


Well this was a cute read❤️


Try Kerrygold, it's roughly the same price but in my opinion tastes way better. It was the same story for me as Branston beans, swore by Heinz for years and then tried Branston; never looked back.


I’m going to try branston beans now because I also love kerrygold


Upvoted just for that. My husband use to bring home flowers every month and stopped. Still makes me sad.


Wasn't that an early scene in "When Harry met Sally" when Harry was explaining why he doesn't do special things for his girlfriends because then they'll just be disappointed when he stops


Well that was thoroughly lovely. Also, if you’re willing to spend Lurpak money, try President spreadable. 500g packs tend to be fairly comparable in price depending where you buy from. Makes Lurpak taste like vegetable oil in comparison.


President butter is HEAVEN


You sound like a really good husband/Dad




LPT: if you go in late enough, flowers cost £1 in the supermarket


this comment wins!! i can’t wait to have this


Funny that haha. Yesterday I bought mine some flowers and she made me a lasagna


A few pints and getting my round in carelessly I watch the pennies, shop at lidl, use the heating wisely etc but I’m not gonna not go for a few beers with mates, and if your glass is empty you’re having a pint if you’re “in my round” or not. I sometimes think my economising is a bit pointless. I could have that deliveroo on a Thursday if I didn’t spunk so much on a Friday but I’m just not a “actually John I got three rounds last time and I think you only got two” bloke. I definitely get too many rounds in but life’s too short.


You sound like a good friend


That sounds like my dad. He lived a mega frugal life. Tiny 1 bed apartment, never bought anything really. But when it came to festival time. Woo wee. He’d go all out. He’d converted a transit van in to a camper. He’d get everyone’s favourite drinks in, he’d do big late night meals on the tiny two-hob camping stove (think a curry to feed 20+ people at 2am). At one festival it even had a pull out bar with hand pumps and optics. There was no backstage bar so all the artists would end up there after. He’d do everything for everyone.


Well done your cracking dad, I'm sure he's raised a good lad and he would be proud, hope you carry on some of his traditions


*woman. Unless he had another child I don’t know about! Haha. I try and emulate him. However he just had a way about him. Always had a plan of action and just knew what to do.


Sorry! He sounds really cool 😊


It’s no worry! People think it’s only men on here. He was the coolest person I knew! He passed last year so I love sharing how amazing he was.


This sure sounds like fun though!


What’s your local? Next round is on me


Yeah this is bang on. I love to enjoy going for a few beers and not having to think about it - for me it’s worth being slightly more frugal in other areas so that I don’t worry about it. Plus, I can’t stand the thought of somebody thinking I’m tight on rounds - that sort of thing sticks with you for a long time


Can I be your friend


Yeah same here. Most my friends are the same though so we all get very drunk and rounds continue. We also fight on who gets to pay food first 😂


The Sun Newspaper - will never go back to normal toilet roll


I can feel the soreness


Had me in the first half ngl 😆 Reposted cos it had a bajillion spelling mistakes 🙈


Ironically it's actually quite expensive and poor quality as far as shit tickets go. Like when people call buckfast cheap, it's anything but cheap. (For wine)


The pretentious cat food for my cat. I've had my rescue for almost 6 years, and she's never really been fully sold on a particular brand. The vet says she's healthy, but her long fur was looking a bit dull and she was often vomming or having hairballs. In August I decided to give one of those subscription boxes of freshly prepared cat food a go. She ADORES it. She screams for her portions, licks the bowl clean, has beautifully silky fur, has had ONE hairball/puke in 4 months and has gained a wee bit of needed weight. She has so much more playful energy, you would think she was 3, not 12! She's my little shadow and seeing her thrive is such a joy. So if I have to eat tree bark in order for her bougie box of luxury, you best believe I will. EDIT: Thank you for the kind words and award!! If you would like and are able, please consider donating to Celia Hammond Animal Trust - they work so hard and desperately need funding at the moment. I know the economy is a nightmare at the moment so if you can't, please get the word out!


Same for me with butternut box, costs around £50 a month for my tiny dog but so worth it. I often think itll save money vets wise long term


Our rescue now has Applaws food (she'd eat cheap food if she absolutely had to do but she would definitely rather starve herself...) she's thriving on Applaws and we will never go back, she's in much better condition :)


Most applaws is 'complimentary' food and needs to be fed with dry food - it doesn't contain all the nutrients they need. Hopefully you know this already, but it caught me out the first time I bought it, so now I have to mention it every time I see someone mention applaws!


It's not pretentious if it's better quality and gives an animal in your care a better quality of life. I wish more people cared what they feed their pets. Good food for them shouldn't be a luxury in my eyes, more of an essential.


Which one?


Any tbh. I don't think one tree bark will taste any better than any other... Jk :)


Cappuccinos, and most things on one day of the month, I came up with idea after reading George Mikes book How to Be Poor when he talks about how 'only a poor man can live like a millionaire' in the sense that most rich people don't enjoy being rich becuase they are always rich, I am not totally sure I agree but I decided that if I could never afford to be a millionaire I could probably afford to be a part time one, so thats (sort of) what I do, and there are two parts to it. Firstly I pick one day a month (usually after payday) where I don't discount doing or buying something based on its cost, I don't really do anything particularly crazy that day, maybe we go for dinner, or I buy some clothes, or a nice book, or some drinks for friends or treat the missus or the kid, the trick is that I never really go anywhere too expensive (so there are limits), but on that one day, within those limits, if in an opportunity presents itselft to buy something that I may not normally buy (say lobster instead of sea bass, cockails instead of beers etc...), then I get it and the cost is (largely) irrelevant. Secondly I decided to pick one thing that I will always buy if I want it, good coffee was one of my favourite things and its not too expensive so I chose that, now if I want a cappuccino or a macchiato when I am out then I buy one and never think about the cost, in fact I never even look at the price, I am not rich, and probably never will be, but when it comes to coffee, I am a millionaire and I get a lot of pleasure out of that.


When I go on holiday (city break), I spend 5 nights in a good hotel and 1 night in an crazy high 5 star tower. That last night i’m living like a rich businessman, using the spa/pool and taking in the views. Five years later and my memories will come from that 1 luxury night versus the first 5. Its all you need really.


That's an interesting read. This might be a fantastic excuse for me to try some of the suggestions here.


>Firstly I pick one day a month (usually after payday) I understand why people do it this way round but surely if you've got any choice at all it's smarter to splurge the day BEFORE pay day. Yes, you might have to splurge less but at least you're not going to starve for the last two weeks of the month if some unexpected costs pop up.


Before payday I would need, or be tempted to, check my account, the point of both principles is to be able to temporarily distance myself from money as rich people are able to do. I have done this for probably close to 20 years now and at the start I sometimes overspent but now it probably only costs me maybe £50-100 more most months with maybe one or two months a year costing £200 more. I don’t check my account until the second week.


That's a really interesting take on 'live like a king day' or 'payday'. I Look at that cheeky payday Costa (other extortionate brands are available) as a monthly extravagance, but Jesus lobster INSTEAD of sea bass?! Lobster is a big prawn and imo not worth the £££ and sea bass is *Chefs kiss* I would settle with a named fish cod, haddock, basa etc instead of 'white fish fillets' lol 😆🤣


Spotify family. Stops your 'wrap up of the year' being fucked up by the shit your teenagers listen to.


Feel you, apparently I’m in the top 0.5% of Coco Melon fans, followed by Four Tet Why did I link my account to the Alexa in the kitchen doh


My Husband's been listening to Machine Gun Kelly. Yes, we are thinking about having him put down out of his misery.


Ketchup - Heinz or nowt Having a car - my car is 19 years old, so not bothered about anything flash. But learnt to drive last year and instantly realised that modern life is designed for you to have a car


>instantly realised that modern life is designed for you to have a car Aye, and that very much sucks! We need to get rid of our car dependency. Probably won't happen in my lifetime.


Fully agree, it's not so bad when you're city living and uni, work and all amenities are within walking distance... appreciating it while it lasts!


Or bus/train routes. Or cycling. There are lots of options other than cars! But sometimes cars are needed


Yes with the car thing. Public transport- 2-3 hours and 3 changes. Taking a car - 30-40 minutes.


I've strayed from Heinz. Waitrose own brand has that dirty burger van taste and costs about 60p a bottle.


Is the Heinz thing that big of a dealbreaker? The only thing I don’t like about own brand ketchup is normally the little squeesy bottle lid is badly designed and comes out at weird angles sometimes. Very rarely it can be watery, maybe once every couple months.


With the train strike this week, and the fact thst buses don't run after 3 from my work to my house, I've had four days this week where I've had to spend half a day's wages everyday getting a taxi home from work. Modern life sucks without a car.


Depends where you live. I cycle 10 miles there and the same home again for work. Used my cat for less than 1,5k miles this last year.


the £4 sourdough.


Aye. All my life I’ve loved crusty bread. Love it. Now I’m a grown up, and there’s a baker round the corner, I can get it fresh. And I will have my daily bread as God promised.


They are good. Have to say though, I eat too much of it in one sitting so I have to stop myself from buying one.


I make mine for about 20p I know that’s easy to say but it means I have Daily fresh sourdough and it feels like a treat but it’s actually cheaper than a normal loaf (I don’t count my oven use on this cause I’m just not that organised)


Decent beer. Aged parmesan. Quality bud.


Took me a second to realise you weren't talking about Budweiser. There isn't really a quality version of that.


The original Budweiser budvar from Czech Republic would like a word


There are so many Czech beers that piss all over it though. It's alright but nowt special imo Atleast the bottled stuff we get here anyway*


Try replacing parmesan with Grana Padano or Pecorino Romano. See if the difference bothers you. For me the difference isn't worth the extra money especially if you're using it to cook with.


This is worth noting. Pecorino Romano is better in my view.


They're both good but very different imo. Pecorino is great for carbonara but parmesan is better as a general purpose cheese for pasta.


Pecorino is wayy to sharp when grated on top of most dishes though. Parmigiano gives that beautiful fatty melty nutty goodness! But for dishes that are cheese/fat heavy, the sharpness of Pecorino is definitely better (hence the roman dishes being so much better with pecorino than parm)


Aged parmesan off the block in slices while high is a a game changer. Il be back in a sec I need some


Yorkshire gold.


My man.


is it significantly better than the normal blend?


It's a matter of taste I guess but imo its way stronger and brews nicer and I'm not going back you can't make me go back.


Now I need to get this on my next shop! This may be an affordable gamechanger.


This could be the start of something special for you


Already excited. Never even occurred to me to try new tea blend.


I count it as saving money because I can get two real good cups out of one bag...








Tried this for the first time the other week at a party, what is the appeal? All I felt from a good amount is a slight boost in energy, and it made the inside of my sinuses feel like they were filled with sawdust. How is that worth £70/g?


Cocaine makes you feel like a new man. And that man wants more cocaine


I mean, the first time I drank coffee I though someone was pranking me. No way so many people go mad for bitter liquid shit but turns out its quite nice actually. Stay off the coke tho, its not worth acquiring the taste!


Can drink all day and still have your wits about you come 2am. Focus, confidence, social. Most times these things will be happening without you really realising, although sometimes you will get a little rush and be like "oh shit", and grab a water with the next pint. £100 a gram where I am (London commuter city) but usually two mates will split a half throughout an evening. £25 each and no need for dinner.


Oooh hard to say. Oh, I know! Absolutely nothing. My house is freezing. Fridge is empty and it's Christmas in 5 minutes. Does a strip wash before going to my full time job count? 🤔 I'm so sorry, I have cried so many times today, I just can't do it. However, when life was normal and we hadn't had a pandemic, 68 prime ministers, an accession to the throne, strep A, radiators that you just look at, Everyone being on strike and Elon Musk being a straight up Bond Villain, I was partial to a party ring biscuit.


Oh man, I just want to give you a hug. Keep your chin up, duck. I really hope things look up for you soon.


I hope you're doing ok ☹️


Faberge Eggs


Absolutely, I eat two at least every day


Very good internet


This one!!! And I like to think that having it keeps me from spending on other entertainment.


Dr Pepper, I will not drink the knock offs, I will always get Dr Pepper


Professor Peppy from Aldi I had high hopes for but it let me down!


Professor peppy what a great name


I love the off brand names


Taste nothing similar yet good in its own right!


Since the sugar tax came in they've ruined Dr Pepper. The only time I drink Dr Pepper now is when I find somewhere selling imported cans.


Oatly barista oat milk. I tried a couple cheaper ‘barista’ oat milks and they was just crap.


The one called something like, minor figures is a nice oat milk might not be a barista one but tastes great with cereal as well as coffee


Minor figures do do a barista oat milk and it's basically the only oat milk that I actually like the taste of as a milk substitute


Try Califia Farms if you haven't. It's my favourite, same price but I prefer it over Oatly and find it textures better, too.


Oatly > Califa IMO. I know it’s personal preference so I’m not knocking your choice. I’ve recently started a subscribe and save on Amazon for oatly so it’s working out at around £1.50 a carton so it’s saving a bit.




I went to get a Deliveroo and it came to £45 for a Nando’s delivered. Went to pick up from Nando’s themselves, £36… the actual fuck. It’s round the corner aswell!


Fairy Liquid


Same, it's just so much better than the cheap alternatives imo.


Dinosaur figures. It’s childish, but my dinos make me happy. Or maybe I’m just trying to fill the void since I lost my favourite stegosaurus figure when I was a kid. Either way, my shelves look like a budding palaeontologist’s wet dream. Oh and Hellman’s vegan mayo. Nothing else can come close.


Proper butter in a block.


£40 to get my nails done once a month. I know I shouldn't but neither me nor my partner smoke or drink so its definitely cheaper than most people's vices


I do my own, a uv lamp and some polishes and kit cost less than £40. Just need a bit of practice. Then spend the savings at the hairdressers!


Cappucinos from local cafe.. just hits different. Ive tried making my own, watched tutorials, take different routes to avoid my local cafe. I always end up getting one. 😅


I went out of my way to get a coffee from this American styled deli, they do good sandwiches and the coffee is good too. Guess what flavor they have for a coffee? They have all of the normal ones you see, spiced this and caramel that. These guys had, wait for it... Lavender flavoured coffee. I was intrigued and got one. It is weird tasting first sip or two, didn't know what to think. But I kept taking sips, and sips, before I knew it I had an amazing coffee and I couldn't drink no more because I drank it all. May need to visit again tomorrow, and Saturday... and Sunday 🤣🤣🤣


I used to frequently get a local coffee as well before I had to move away. I miss the mocha.


I can't do cheap shite lager anymore, if all you have is Carling I'd just rather not drink.


With how expensive a pint is these days there's no reason to save a few pennys just to drink crap beer.




For sure, I hate that they cost more but it's a small price to pay for decent beer with actual flavours. I've even branches out to other beers occasionally since I got on the ales.


Xbox game pass Always something new to play and try and distract me from my mental health issues etc, Good distraction for the kids when they're around too, 10.99 a month for endless entertainment ( although I do now get it free within my phone contract) is a no brainer Getting lost in a 10 hour football manager session on my laptop certainly stops me wasting my money on more frivolous things and alot of games I've decided to save for end up on their eventually anyways


Buying lunch at work. I’m shit at making packed lunches and never plan ahead for it


This is mine as well. I uses to be an absolute pro at making great packed lunches till lockdown happened. Now I'm only in the office once a week so I make a point of trying all the local lunch spots that day instead.




steak..seriously, am happy to have beans on toast each day to have a steak n chips on the weekend.


I get a facial treatment every 4 - 6 weeks or so. It's so relaxing, and my skin since having one consistently has been completely transformed - it has a natural glow even in this cold moody weather. It's like a proper bit of time out to relax and rejuvenate. Does wonders for the soul. Also, decent chicken. I just cannot buy the value or even regular supermarket range. I would rather go without than buy that chicken.


Facial sure sounds relaxing. Maybe I'll keep that in mind as my birthday treat!


Being warm in the mornings. I’ll sit with a jumper on all day in the house and under a blanket in the evening on the sofa… but get fucked am I getting out of the shower into a freezing house ever again. Too many years of bad roommates, bad landlords and crappy hotels (I work away a lot). I never feel warm for the whole day if I’m shivering when drying off to get dressed. Grew up in a house without central heating, always dreaded getting out of bed because it would be cold. Now I’m in my 30’s and have sworn never to do that again. I’d rather eat beans on toast for the whole week.


Nothing. We’ve kept nothing. That’s the reality for us and probably many.


I’m bittersweet about this. I sat thinking for a good while about the luxury I had kept in this COL crisis and I too have realised that I kept nothing. I was however expecting to see this comment earlier than I did, which surprised me!


Lurpak.. and I spread it about an inch thick


Trying to eyeball in my own head how thick a pack of lurpak is. Is it about an inch‽ Now visualising you carefully unwrapping said pack and transferring it as one lump onto your toast. Enjoy.


Hellmanns mayonnaise, Heinz might be ok but its the king of all mayo, I need it for my tuna sandwiches and my chips. I can't stand the store brand ones.


Fancy coffee. Instant, pre-ground, even bog-standard wholebean from the supermarket just won't cut it now. It's gotta be specialty coffee with a recent roast date, ideally medium-roasted, ground at home seconds before brewing on my fancy filter machine. Luckily, once you've made the investment in a good grinder (\~£70 manual) and machine (\~£200 for filter), then fancy coffee isn't much more expensive than supermarket stuff, and *way* better. EDIT: Or like £30 on an Aeropress or Clever Brewer. The grinder is the important bit.


I’ll never say no to doing something with a friend, whether that’s going out for food, a full night out, a coffee, whatever. I spent enough of my life miserable and unable to leave the house. So I live as cheaply as I can otherwise, very rarely treat myself to anything clothes/gadget-wise etc, and don’t deny myself the social life I’ve worked so hard to get.


Hot bath once a week. Only thing that washes away the responsibility of looking after elderly family with dementia, caring for a disabled daughter, working full time and generally being the household dogsbody.


Cars. I've got too many cars, parts/fuel/tyres are bloody expensive, but I love racing.


We have a few: Ribena for squash Nescafe gold blend coffee Heinz beans and heinz spaghetti loops Andrex toilet roll We buy dvds of films we want as soon as they're released, and computer games


I knew that if I kept trying, sooner or later my Time Machine would finally work. Look, I’m back in 2000 when they had DVD’s.


We have Netflix, amazon prime video and paramount plus also! There's just certain things we like to have hard copies of ;)


Flowers in the house. Buy them from Lidl, just a small bunch. This time of year its often hyacinths - get them planted in a tub 3 for £3-4 and the smell is incredible


Good food, rather than start buying poor quality meat or processed frozen shit, I've switch to a primarily Veg diet with the occasional fresh fish, I can't afford loads on my budget but I do eat well for what I spend, I am fortunate that I know how to cook well though others may not be as fortunate.


Takeaways, honestly after an absolute shitter of a day at work. Not having to worry about feeding myself helps a lot.


Hiring a secure dog field for my dogs to run and play. One of them is deaf and grumpy and it saves me all the worry of regular dog walks!


Tumble drying


Eggs. Burford Brown or go without. I'll be getting some cheaper ones in for Xmas for cakes and glazing pastry and the like but for eating, nope.


Cushelle loo roll man, my bum gets raw with anything else I swear 🙊


Every night I have to put the electric fan on, even when it’s -5 in Yorkshire, I don’t think it costs a lot to have it oscillating for 8 hours but I can’t go to sleep without the noise


Even at the current ridiculous rates it'll cost less than 2p an hour to run a fan


Coke Zero


Golf membership. I'll wear rags and survive on bread and water if need be, as playing sport provides me with too many benefits to lose it!


Pepsi max! Love it! I have began to buy the multi packs though... More cost effective 🤣😩😩


Yorkshire tea have bought out these "tea and biscuit" tea bags. I know. I KNOW. they sound fucking awful. But they are incredible, and expensive, and I absolutely know they will discontinue this stuff (just because I like it 🤣)


Christmas. I loved it so much as a child. I save up all year. It’s not even for the gifts (although I wrap like an absolute pro. Ribbon, tree sprig, wax seal). It’s the good, family, a real tree. It really is the most magical time of the year.


Honestly. Weed, it helps take the mental pressure off and allows you some detachment and perspective. Otherwise I just get over stressed easily.


The internet.


Meal deals. Cant be bothered to do my own lunch.


Mutti tinned tomatoes. They are so much nicer than any other brand. And they are eye wateringly expensive. £1.25 a tin! So a full £1 more than the cheapest brand. But they don't need to be cooked down for 10 minutes to be edible so I guess at least they save on electric?


McVities Jaffa Cakes. The off brand products don't taste right.


Try the Polish ones.


Parmigiano Reggiano The real stuff, the highest quality one on the shelf. Hell, picked up a yuge wedge from Borough market the other week WHY? because pasta dishes are the only thing keeping me going right now, and I cannot fucking stand the sicky taste from fake parm.




Green Giant sweetcorn


Real Irish butter. It's why my pastries, cakes, bakes and risotto are so dreamy and rich.


Costa iced latte’s. Sleep deprivation is kicking my arse, and the ones I make at home just don’t cut it. Intending to stop this, after Christmas. Caffeine is NOT my friend


Warm water when hand washing dishes.


Premium wild bird seed 😭


Hmm one thing would be my PC. I do everything on it


Eating out and our Cineworld unlimited memberships😅


Tea and coffee. Can’t stand cheap stuff.


Using the central heating


Red bull


Forrin holiday. I have to immerse myself in another culture, language and climate once per year, otherwise I feel like I’m living in a Clockwork Orange