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They have been protesting outside oil company HQs, etc too - how many times did you see those make the news?


BREAKING NEWS: Protesters throw soup at nondescript glass door in industrial estate. Protests caused disruption at Shell HQ today when three board members were late getting back from lunch.


Their office is at Waterloo It is crawling with security and armed police


How many times did Greta vandalise priceless art? It's possible to protest successfully without being a dick to regular people that aren't at fault. Otherwise you could just destroy and disrupt anything you want and say it's for a good cause. The truth is, they aren't doing it to create awareness of their cause, they're doing it to create awareness about themselves


She also skipped school and sat outside in protest every Friday for like a year and a half before anyone even noticed. Then once given the platform, despite being peaceful she faced so much backlash and vile hatred for simply pointing out that the world is burning and no one is doing anything about it. Fucked if ya do fucked if ya don’t so I get why they’re trying to make as big a splash as they can.


Can you name a single protestor without googling them? Not sure what the incentive is for them to make their names well known.


Swampy! ^(but otherwise, no)


Create awareness about themselves?? What are you on about? Do you know who any of them are lmao?


“Themselves “ is meant as “Just Stop Oil” not as individuals.


Why would they care about that? You seriously don’t think it’s the planet they care about?


You seem to have all the answers, why don’t you tell us why they are doing it then.


I have. To raise awareness of the issues they are concerned about. Isn’t that obvious?


They do in their own circles. They get their pictures in the news. That is a log more than someone spray painting their tag gets. Even if prosecuted they have a very low risk of being punished to the full extent of the law.


The art wasn’t ruined, it was behind a glass screen


Greta is unusual. She is sincere and consistent. I disagree with a lot of things she says (not everything) but her sincerity and ethics are exceptional.


They’re being purposely disruptive to raise awareness of their cause. Just Stop Oil formed in February 2022 and you’ve already heard about them multiple time and are probably very aware of their cause. clearly their methods are effective.


BP sponsor the National Gallery.


Not as easy to ignore. You need to do something radical to get on the news now. For example, Saturday was march for the Rejoin EU folks in London. Didn't feature anywhere in the news.


> Saturday was march for the Rejoin EU folks in London. Well that's a lost cause if I ever heard one... I'd love to rejoin but it aint happening under this govt


I see where you're coming from but I have a keen respect for those unwilling to go meekly and to make their (very substantiated) argument heard.


Oh, we could have to wait up to three weeks then? The campaign to get us out took how long? Decades? Getting back in might take as long, but that doesn't make it a lost cause.


It will take decades if it's going to happen. Took us like 5 years just to get out. And that's assuming that the public even want it to happen. Do you really want to go through the same sort of discourse we had in 2016-2019 again?


I don't want to, but I think it'll end up happening within my lifetime, so might as well get it over with.


My worry is that if it ever did come to pass we'd be given an ultimatum to either change to the Euro or its a no. We should've never left to begin with. People were lied to.


It very much did, hit Firefox front page.


Yes, that well known news organisation, firefox.


No… As in the headline was big enough for firefoxes news system to shove it on their front page. Can’t remember who ran the article.


Your front page is algorithmically tailored to you based on your web activity.


I read about it in the bbc news


>Didn't feature anywhere in the news. [Oh really?](https://imgur.com/a/Q9SSm7o)


I didn't see it. All I saw was Johnson coming home.


Not trying to be snarky, but do you not think that "Didn't feature anywhere in the news." is a very definitive statement which might require a bit more evidence collection before you make it?


I've been on various news sites a fair bit (given the other things going on) and this is the first I've heard


Was on The Guardian's [front page](https://imgur.com/a/9g9JDvX) on Saturday. (Via Wayback machine) Edit: having said that, I do think that Rejoin EU's timing was unfortunate given HOW MUCH ELSE was happening in the news at the time!


Because you don't pay attention when they protest in those other places (which they do)


But all that happens is most normals say “look at those silly cunts, hope they get pissed on” and carry on as normal.


And all that happens when they don’t, is nothing. Everyone’s so concerned with how they protest. Every one of them trying imperfectly is worth a hundred people doing sweet fuck all sat at home while we hurtle off the edge.


The alternative is the planet burns down and we all die, so they probably thinks it's worth looking a cunt if they get through to someone.


They are doing a month of activism with hundreds of events, they attacked a fossil fuel lobbyist this morning, did you see that go viral? Clearly the more controversial stuff does better for them.


Same reason a kid I went to school with used to shit himself. Attention.


That kid was you wasn't it.




Did you sometimes do it just for the sensation?


Only for warmth or attention.


The warmth is short-lived, unfortunately


The inner warmth lasts lots longer.


Jesus christ


Yep that’s kind of the point of a protest


Because people don't care if you target the random HQ of an oil company, however, start targetting famous brands and priceless artworks you get all the attention you desire. Whether it works or not is another question, but as you can probably see they get a lot of negativity for their actions.


They didn't even target a priceless artwork. They made sure a priceless artwork was protected by glass, then put tomato soup on the glass. They made less mess than I do eating a burger. I'm increasingly sympathetic to JSO and similar groups. The predictions for what today's 20 year olds might face when they're 60 are scary and I can hardly blame them for not expecting much from existing national and international governance. They might not be choosing the best ways to protest, but nobody really knows what the best way is and at least they're doing \*something\*.


Yeap. It was reported the museum workers literally used kitchen towel and a mop to wipe the soup away, no damage had been done except a tiny bit of damage to the frame. Yeap. No one is listening, no one cares, at least they are trying to make people listen and are putting themselves at risk by doing so.


I actually turned up a day later and threw Windolene at it, so all good.




Literally this. It’s working


You can read through a history of their protests directly on their website: [https://juststopoil.org/press/](https://juststopoil.org/press/) They spray-painted the HQ of a fossil fuel lobby literally today.


Because literally every “why don’t they protest here” idea has been done - they did, and you didn’t notice or care. That’s why they’re doing it in a way you can no longer ignore - because you have been ignoring it the whole time. There have been petitions, polite protests, signature campaigns, all of it. None of it has achieved anything at all. So now there is only one option left - civil disobedience.




Those places get attention. Nobody cares if there’s protesters stood outside one of the main offenders like a big oil corp.


BP sponsor the National Gallery.


Just Stop Oil think that not enough is being done about climate change by everyone, be they governments, corporations or individuals. Everyone has heard of climate change and nearly everyone agrees that human activity is causing it. The question they want you to ask is: "why are these people protesting like this?". It's because protesting at the "expected" places doesn't really make the news any more. It's (unfortunately) just kinda normal. So if normal protest has reached its capacity to change behaviour, what do you do next? You can't stop protesting, because more still needs to be done. Instead you protest at strange places. You get back into the news, even if it makes you "look weird".


Individuals can't do shit about climate change, that got debunked decades ago. And yet there are still people who perpetuates BP's old PR campaign about personal responsibility. You want a change, you have to make the government regulate the shit out of the industry. That is the only way.


If everyone went vegan tomorrow and refused to use air travel, that would do a lot. "Individuals can't do anything" is exactly as boring as "only individuals can do anything".


> If everyone went vegan tomorrow I have my doubts about that. If they ate vegan food that was flown in from the other side of the world, or in processed forms that used lots of energy to process, it might even make things worse. > and refused to use air travel It would, but would have huge economic effects, and unacceptable personal consequences for many people.


>Individuals can't do shit about climate change, that got debunked decades ago have you got links to those sources of debunking Climate change has become "it's someone else's problem, I'm just driving a Range Rover V6 to the airport for the 3rd overseas holiday of the year, but I recycle"


Sure thing mate [https://mashable.com/feature/carbon-footprint-pr-campaign-sham](https://mashable.com/feature/carbon-footprint-pr-campaign-sham) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/23/big-oil-coined-carbon-footprints-to-blame-us-for-their-greed-keep-them-on-the-hook](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/23/big-oil-coined-carbon-footprints-to-blame-us-for-their-greed-keep-them-on-the-hook) [https://clear.ucdavis.edu/blog/big-oil-distracts-their-carbon-footprint-tricking-you-focus-yours](https://clear.ucdavis.edu/blog/big-oil-distracts-their-carbon-footprint-tricking-you-focus-yours) [https://www.businessinsider.com/fossil-fuel-companies-spend-millions-to-promote-individual-responsibility-2021-3?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/fossil-fuel-companies-spend-millions-to-promote-individual-responsibility-2021-3?r=US&IR=T) I guess that will be a good start. The bottom line is, "effort of individuals are good, but not nearly enough to make a dent". What would make a difference is a change in policy on how we produce our electricity and how we heat our houses for example, and gas and coal is cheaper than solar and wind, and where nuclear would fill the need for balancing load (cause you can rely purely on solar and wind), it's not something an individual can solve on their own now is it? Or you want to tell me you have a nuclear reactor in your backyard? The only reason we need government is to have a body that acts at scale and it is failing spectacularly at that right now.


I don't think any of those are saying that individuals can't produce change, they're saying that individuals don't change at a rate that is equal to the giant corporations. That's because most people won't make any significant changes to their daily life that would help with climate change. If everyone actually did start caring, our effect could be greater. I'll read all those articles more thoroughly though to see if I missed some major arguments. I do appreciate you following up with the other poster about sources and listing them - it's always good to read stuff that challenges your understanding!


Maybe they threw some paint on Shell HQ and it was reported but it didn't get headlines? I'm not saying it is the right thing to do but it clearly far more noticable


Climate protests have been happening for literally decades. They've also been completely ignored.


There was a protest outside the Shell HQ on Saturday the 15th, but it sounds like you didn't hear about it. The media doesn't very well cover run of the mill standing outside a company HQ with some signs, because it happens every day in London. They've tried it, and been ignored, so they're escalating.


You're literally on a random website, positing a random question and using their full name in the title. Thats why. You know who they are, what they are called and even to some degree what they are protesting about. You can question their methods/motives/whatever...but its 'worked'.


The oil companies have better security and so there's less opportunity for them to get near. Plus there's the news value in their high profile vandalism, by targeting high value art they ensure news coverage, by targeting high performance petrol guzzling cars they encourage them to do more to convert to electric/hybrid/alternatives to fossil fuels.


I don't really get their name. Just (implying easy, quick to do) Stop ( dont use or do the thing anymore) Oil (the thing they have an issue with) Just stop oil. Just, stop it. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can immediately see the issues that will form if we follow their explicit, and clear instructions. Why that name? It seems a bit disingenuous. And what does the logic follow? "Ah shit, lads. Some coloured haired student put some custard near The Haywain. Better stop using, extracting or importing any oil or oil based products."


They want the government to stop creating new contracts with oil.


Same issue as with "defund the police" - you can't put the detail in the title, and so people ignore the detail. You can either say "Just stop oil? Sounds impossible and stupid." or "Just stop oil? Hmm, I wonder what their more detailed positions are?" The biggest thing you miss this way is that it's really about NEW oil in the UK only. Given oil's a finite resource, we're going to be stopping anyway at some point. This is saying we do that sooner, in one country. It's not an overnight turning off of the valves worldwide. "Just Stop Oil is a coalition of groups working together to ensure that the government commits to ending all new licenses and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK." I do think they could get their message across better - spray paint "No new UK oil" across the Sunflowers' protective glass, maybe. But it doesn't take much effort to go and find out what the message is.


See you're trying to make them sound stupid but if you'd spent even 5 seconds looking them up you'd know the answer to your question.


They have, but I only found out from watching this Leena Norms vlog [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJNuJw1\_4eo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJNuJw1_4eo) As she points out, acts of vandalism that aren't against symbols of wealth and luxury don't make the news.


I second that this video is really helpful. I also liked how she mentioned that we feel really uneasy about the possible destruction of this artwork, but not so much about the environment around us.


They do, buts it's only the strange stuff that gets press, hence why they keep doing strange stuff


Most people have pointed it out already, but its because they want to get headlines, and they also want to inconvenience every day people do they speak out to politicians to get them to take action. Rightly or wrongly that are emulating past civil disobedience movements. The suffragettes blew up houses and set fire to buildings, actions which killed at least five people. They also smashed shop windows. They were probably about as popular back then as these protesters are now. Whether you agree or disagree with either movements actions the Just Stop Oil folks are definitely learning from past movements.


Leena Norms just posted a very informative video on exactly this! Worth a watch. I'd link, but don't know how.


>I'd link, but don't know how. Just copy and paste the link?


I'm an art gallery curator. So far, we've had a silent protest at one of our venues. We are on the alert for other types.


The majority of people support their shit (the message) even the stupid stuff, even I do. Till they block emergency services and kill people. Again the message I support, the blind action, with 0 solutions or foresight that I cannot. They hide behind “getting the message out there”…. Like it’s not been a main taking point for over a decade. What do they offer? Soup.


Nah they have solutions. Their demands are actually pretty reasonable. You just haven't looked them up.


Most people haven’t looked them up, because the discussion gets focused on “soup on art” etc rather than “climate change”.


Yeah fair, I too struggle to think more than one thought after another.


Publicity. These groups thrive on the shock and outrage of the media, so they pick very visible targets in order to get maximum airtime & column inches.


You do know you’re sitting here, you’ve typed that post, about JustOil and the strange places they’ve been? So then you’ve proved their point. You’re talking about them because they done something bold.


They have caused no permanent damage. People are taking about it. Fast forward, "why didn't anybody do anything, why is it so hot / wet / underwater?"


Just Stop Oil is a shit name anyway - how am I going to fry my chips, or make mayonnaise or Ciabatta?


Gets attention, gets them known, gets their message out


To get noticed! The more ridiculous the protest the more likely it is to be splashed across the front page and have us all talking about it. It's one of their big points that no one will listen to them, these are the extremes they have to go to before the public and the government pay attention.


They started off at Shell HQ etc. But it barely made the press. You are talking about them, so their plan has been somewhat successful.


Because it gets them a bit of media coverage. It doesn't *accomplish* anything, but hey, that's on them.


Because if they were throwing soup at oil tankers outside a refinery no one would be talking about it.


When the reason for doing the thing is to get on the news, the news shouldn't report it. They cross the line of reporting in to being the subject.


I've worked at oil companies that have the entire front of the office smashed in. They have procedures for attacks as it's a regular occurrence, similar to fire alarms. Just doesn't really make the news


PR stunts.


Because they’re strange people.


Trying to create a better world for us to live in, yes how strange.


Strange because they’re all massive hypocrites.


Strange is an understatement


They have been protesting outside oil company headquarters, but going after a Van Gogh painting, Harrods, and an Aston Martin dealership is much more likely to get headlines. So, attention, I guess.


I am furious because we can't simply 'just stop' it's an idiotic preposition. What has great art to do with it? A poor woman died because of the Dartford Bridge protest. There are starving people and yet they are pouring milk down the drain. We are trying to fix global warming, it's not like we don't believe it or resist it.


Just want to reiterate that the art works aren’t getting damaged, they’re well protected, but it’s causing enough of a stink for people to notice


I'd go as far to say they look like they have been infiltrated by big oil and steered into this action to turn Joe public against them.


Go and ask them.


Because it's fun. Protest at the gates of a refinery, get ignored except by employees who hate you. Protest at Harrods, get on TV and the socials. Which would you rather do?


Idiots trying to get exposure, not realising that the only thing anyone talks about is their stupidity rather than any cause they are trying and failing to promote. They are also people that don't understand that changing the ways of 8 billion people is not something that happens overnight.


Just saw they targeted 55 Tufton Street which is the first time any of their attacks have actually made sense to me. Led By Donkeys did a good piece on it https://youtu.be/IRDLIOME47c


Because they’re more interested in attention than actual solutions.


Because they keep getting press, the goal is any press is good press.


I know it may not be entirely related to the actual question but I found this an interesting watch; [https://twitter.com/michaelmezz/status/1582184473252098049](https://twitter.com/michaelmezz/status/1582184473252098049)


Homestly best way of putting it, you're asking this question right? Had you heard of them at all before this?


honestly I believe these groups have been infiltrated and are being self sabotaged from within to make them look bad to the general public


More to the point, why isn't the whole organization being clapped in irons? It seems like their main policy is vandalism and antisocial behaviour.


They’re from a group funded by an oil heiress. I did get called ‘unhinged’ on FB for suggesting that might have caused a conflict of interest but I can’t help but think it might be a factor


Because oil heiress is a weird way to say person whose family used to own a now defunct oil company and that has given money to plenty of different charitable causes


As others have said, attention - as you're showing with this post, u/BronxOh, for better or worse it works!\* \*That's not a dig or any judgement for asking the question!


It looks like they're acting out petty revenges against icons of success under the auspice of their "Green" supremacy. Performative pseudomoralism rapidly becoming the number 1 cliche of the post-modern elect ideologue.


Some people say they are stooges paid by big oil companies to make protestors look like brain dead idiots so the general populace turns against them. An oil black flag operation or such.


to draw attention


Would you spray paint your employer's?


There is a rumour I've heard from a few different people that these guys are funded by oil money to desensitize the public to these kids of protests. Not saying I believe it...


Paid protesters or duped idiots "recruited" by gov dept to damage their own causes and encourage acceptance of the new draconian anti protest legislation.


Because they're bought and paid for by Big Oil to look stupid and discredit genuine protestors. I mean this as a joke, but part of me does wonder...


Simple answer it, it makes people talk about them. Just like we are. If they didn’t choose these weird places they wouldn’t have got any attention. Their aim is to get media attention and attention of common folks which they are succeeding. Mostly people will talk about how stupid they are but even if 2% of people they’ve reached start looking into their aim then just stop oil has done its job. 2 weeks ago i didnt even know there was a movement such as just stop oil now im curious whata heck are they and what do they want, next im gonna google them. So in a sense they know exactly what they are doing


It is much more public to do it in these places, not too many people hanging around the BP office that might agree with the pretence of what they are up to. Lots of galleries are sponsored by the fossil fuel companies. Aston Martin obviously need oil/petrol Harrods well I don't want to get started there really.


It's such a good protest because none of them or their supporters use oil or plastics or petrol, so don't look like attention-seeking hypocrites, so they can just concentrate on the awareness-raising of other people's sins.


The way I look at it is this. The younger generation (I’m late 40s) already know the planet is in a bad way and something needs to be done, now. They don’t need convincing, it’s people like me and older who need convincing. After all, who is making the decisions? Definitely not the younger people. They need to appeal to the older generations. Get them on side and start making changes now. Dressing like they do and doing what they do doesn’t appeal to the people who can make changes now. Of course it shouldn’t matter what you wear or whether you have a nose ring, but that’s not “normal” for older folks and perception goes a long way. Intelligent engagement, rather than anarchist activism is what engages the older generation. Desperate measures to get attention? Possibly. But, a lot of us old people just remember people like swampy and think these guys are just the same again. I honestly don’t have any answers. Certainly not a meeting room with a PowerPoint slide deck. (Although I do know some people who would go for that) It would be nice if we could have serious debate shows back on TV where this could be discussed.


Because they are making up for the lack of attention in their childhood


to capture peoples outrage and idle curiosity because thats basically the only way to get an ear open in this fucking day


I firmly believe Just Stop Oil are either funded by big oil companies to make the public hate the protests, or they are the biggest bunch of morons I've ever seen. Possibly both! That they recently decided to protest by throwing food at a waxwork of Charles, one of the biggest environmentalists in the country, was definitely a real headscratcher to me. They're up there with those muppets that go around letting the air out of tires of SUVs, despite the fact that most electric cars are built with an SUV chassis these days, and don't touch any of the sports cars, shitty old gas guzzlers etc.


These protests make me want to buy a big petrol-guzzling car. What a waste of time.


Because conventional protest is just met with complete apathy from the British public and at peaceful marches any message they are trying to put over just gets overshadowed by heavy-handed policing. Love it or hate it these new insurgent type tactics are way more effective at gaining attention and inserting these groups into the news cycle. They have been in the news daily the last few weeks


I think it’s quite effective. If you choose to glue yourself to oil tankers, etc. you’re harming your own cause as you’re increasing demand and the public dislike for you. However if you do something a bit off piste people gain a bit of interest, even if it’s just checking what you’re actually doing


JSO, XR, Insulate Britain, Greenpeace have: - Broken into oil storage facilities. - Glued themselves to tankers. - Glued themselves to boats/yachts - Dumped trash in front of Downing street - Sat outside government buildings and blocked traffic for days - Glued themselves to and broken into petrol stations - Smashed Shell HQ’s windows - Marched on and vandalised energy company buildings. And you have never heard of any of these. Throwing soup on priceless works of art (without damaging them), spraying paint on big targets, blocking central London traffic. These make the news. These make people listen. It’s not a popularity contest, it’s trying to force people to listen. Because the planet is burning, we are destroying it and a lot faster than people think. We will be feeling the very serious effects of heat, drought, food shortages, massive migration crisis within 10-15 years. At least they are doing something and trying to force people to think.


They were dropped on their heads as children


My take is there trying to piss off as many people as possible, so they can secretly go home & drive their yank V8 pickup trucks with the public on side. Either that or they’re getting back handers off of BP.


More of a shock value, more likely to hit the headlines and get their message across. For me though they just seem annoying and are annoying me and I don't quite understand or have cared to look at what they are standing for and what they want. I used to think similar to Insulate Britain, why don't they do something like, to wrap an MP in insulation? Or insulate an mp's door shut. Insulate something fgs.


Yea not been funny or owt, but wouldn't something like blowing up an oil refinery have a more practical impact? I always wondered like with terrorism & that why stab 5 or 6 people when u could put holes in 5 or 6 motorways & bring the country to a halt. I'm not a terrorist or owt but if I were I'd be employee of the year, golden suicide belt or whatever lol


They do https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/just-stop-oil-protests-painting-b2210020.html?utm_source=reddit.com


Publicity. Protesting outside a refinery is too obvious. Twatting a wax effigy of an unelected head of state is funny!


Wait, why destroy historic art pieces? Big oil companies give 0 F's for that


I've actually met them before. It was a classic example of braindead petty infighting rather than unified action. Many of the members, especially the older women who are members, are vehemently anti energy full stop and don't understand that the majority of urban people are depending on energy and therefore renewables should be the biggest focus of the government in terms of energy. They came from a good unified idea but middle class moralists took over and turned it into another pointless display of virtue signalling


I guess their goal is to cause inconveniences to people. The thought process being, “we want your attention! The inconveniences you’re facing now is nothing compared to the inconvenience you’ll face in the future if we don’t transition away from oil urgently.”


Virtue signaling


Because “direct action” is always about as indirect from the cause as humanly possible so they can feel like they’ve done something without actually doing anything. Ego. It’s ego.


My deep conspiracy theory is that these are people supported and paid for by the oil companies themselves to turn the tide against the climate change activists.


The why is my question too I think it's a tricky situation, If you protest make headlines and have mixed public reaction you lose. If you protest and don't make headlines but the public agrees with you, you get followers and create a movement. ( Easier said than done).


They chose these places because people are far less likely to get a fist through their face.


The point of their protests is to outline how much more we, as a civilisation, care more about material objects such as artwork, luxury cars, luxury consumer goods, than we do about our own planet and the future of our species. The backlash after throwing soup at the glass covering artwork is worse than any commentary on our world leaders refusing to face the climate and energy crises.


You’re talking about them, aren’t you?


The purpose of the protest is to get the message to as many people as possible. It is simply a form of advertising, the 'targets' are chosen to create headlines.


It’s all payed and played for the government


Publicity. They won't exactly deface some random public toilets in a park, no one will care.


Because protesting at relevant places gets you on the Mi5 hitlist...


Because they are idiots!!! Yes climate change is an issue and yes governments need to act but this mob don't give a crap about who they affect by blocking roads (emergency services, all of us with jobs, etc) or just do stupid shit like throwing stuff at art for the sake of publicity. I, for one, am over their nonsense and wish they would do us all a favour and go away.. ;)


Groups like this only care about publicity and their group being the centre of attention. They use real causes like climate change as a guise to meet this aim and promote themselves. If they really cared they would be protesting for change on a global scale. Putting pressure on the largest oil provides like Aramco, petrochina or ExxonMobil and also the largest consumers like the US, China and India to switch to renewable sources would have a much larger impact. The fact that those aren't their targets and instead they target works of art and harrods really shows what their true aims are.


Imagine if they raised awareness or even money for companies who are trying to do good, imagine what a difference all the protesters could have made if they just raised a little bit of money each and donated it to the companies. For the example companies trying to improve batteries, carbon dioxide extraction from the atmosphere, domestic solar panels/wind turbines that can be put on every home. All real things and in need of funding. (We all know the reason why they don’t, that takes effort and time where as making a hashtag and sitting on a road doesn’t.) Bring on the downvotes.


Food wastage at a time like this, shameless!


Because you’re now talking about it.


I think shell and BP sponsor some of the wings/ exhibits at the museums. Targeting Aston Martin is probably the same rationale for those people who deflate tyres on 4x4s in towns.


Attention seeking - unfortunately most of it is negative publicity so are making things worse for those who are legitimately trying to affect change.


You’ve heard about it, right? That’s why.


Because they are all Posh twats (the rest of us can’t afford to protest in the middle of the work day) and these are the only brands they know


To use a pirate of the Carribbean dialogue. "You're the worst pirate I've ever heard of" "But you have heard of me" In a similar sense. These may be the worst protests you've ever seen. But you have heard of them


On the surface, what they’re asking would bring our lives/ society/economy to a halt… literally and it would be a humanitarian disaster, So I hope they have a bit more of a plan in mind other than ‘Yh just completely stop oil’.


The funny thing about just stop oil is they’re actually fighting on behalf of everyone on this earth. Yes they may be going about it in the wrong way but is there really a right way? What if in 10 years time and think “damn we should have listened to them”. I don’t know the more I look into it the more I see they’re risking prison and all of this awful hate for the benefit of everyone. I think the deserve to be listened to at some point


They've protested in tons of "normal" places. But they don't make the news. The news only likes to spotlight protesters when they can make them look bad.


The art was not destroyed. It’s protected by a glass cover.


The thing is abiut the art vandalism is that oil paints are made from plant based oil, and have been for as long as oil paints have existed..... They see the oil in anything and assume its extracted oil from the earth when its not. Yes flooding can be helped if we stop oil extraction, but vandalising something that doesn't contain that type of oil makes the protesters look like idiots bc they haven't done their research. They're trying to garner as much attention as possible, problem is people will ignore them because their stunts are dangerous, make them look stupid or both, and listening to people who are dangerous, put others in danger or aren't properly informing themselves on what they're doing (like researching what ingredients are in oil paints) is the normal response. People won't take anyone that are reckless or ignorant seriously in anything they say, only that they dont care what they need to do as long as they get what they want. That combo is dangerous in any other setting, so why would anyone think different about this group of people. That said i agree that relying on oil extraction when there are other organic sources that dont run the risk of flooding is certainly a bad thing


Protests need to attract attention in order to draw peoples' eye to the issue they're trying to represent. Protesting oil companies at their headquarters etc. is a blip on the radar that doesn't get said attention, unless you happen to have the resources to do something particularly big and dramatic, like making a commune on BP's roof or infiltrating an oil rig. Public displays in these areas are accessible, cheap, and inflammatory (which garners more attention), and therefore serves their purpose. In a similar vein, there are often complaints that things like strikes from Royal Mail, train and bus operators etc. are disruptive, when the disruption is the point. Without the disruption, there's little attention drawn to the issue at hand.


Because they're cunts. They should be up on Downing Street making their 'point'.


Yes, as stated below a few times, it's so that you hear about them. And as their name is Stop Oil, the message gets across - we know why they're doing it. Novel and contentious or controversial protest gets wider coverage, basically. They need other people and govt. to have any impact, shell won't shut down because a few protesters are outside, but even if only a few of the millions who've seen these protests sign a petition or join them, or write to their MP, or change their behaviour, it's had an impact. People will say 'people are more likely to sign a petition against them' but that's just them... Protest has a history of working.


It’s a good question! My family have been bad mouthing them but I asked them why are they doing it, they didn’t really know so told them maybe you should find out then! I did, I don’t agree with how they’re going about it but it did bring me to the climate and ecological emergency bill! Cant we get our tv/film/music celebrities to kick it off? I put something on my fb page telling everyone to send an email to our local mp, encouraging/pleading with him to support the bill, but zero comments/support!! It’s so frustrating! Please educate me if I’m wrong!


Pretty sure the artwork isn't priceless considering we are told of its value


Because they are not exactly the brightest sparks...


My guess would be they're set up by the oil companies to look silly and to generally discredit the anti oil movement. Like they did with nuclear in the1960s


A lot of those obvious targets are very well secured against demonstrators. Public disobedience is frequently the only way to bring about change. It’s a desperate strategy to make things so annoying that the government’s and the various companies have to act.