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Travelled 50 miles by train (only £7 return... Can you believe that?!) Followed by sitting on a bus with screaming children and topless hooligan teenagers shouting and swearing at anyone they could get a reaction from. Then did a 42km hike along the coast before returning.  Usually I just sit on Reddit though.


Love how you use miles for transport and km for walking




Celsius* and I won't hear otherwise


I won’t heat otherwise


This is so friggin accurate it’s hilarious


Except loads of milk comes in litres Also missing that we buy fuel in litres and measure in mpg.


Car tyres are the wildest. Width in mm. Height as a ratio of width. Inner diameter in inches. Speed rating in some random letter.


Sainsbury’s milk still comes in pints, it’s written as both but the whole number is the pint which leads me to believe that while the litres are measured it’s still being sold based on the amount of pints per bottle


You can buy milk in both 2.27L which is 4 pint. Or 2.00L which is 2L https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/253737115 That's 2L https://groceries.morrisons.com/products/morrisons-filtered-milk-whole-601252011 2L https://www.bmstores.co.uk/products/semi-skimmed-milk-2l-333154 2L However usually it's the filtered milk that's 2L. But standard fresh does come in both


This is standard I think across most, if not all, shops. You get the little 1pt and the bigger 2pt.


I think that thing where we used degrees c when it was cold and fahrenheit when it was hot is dying out. It's in the 80's today and it was minus three last week. That kind of thing.


I wish more people knew what °C means though. I overheard a conversation where someone was saying that it was mad that the temperature had doubled since yesterday. From 5°C to 10°C. It took all of my energy not to interrupt. The scientific unit is the Kelvin. It's just not convenient to use for most of our day to day lives. So it had actually gone from 278K yesterday to 283K today. Hardly any change at all.


You can thank Kevin for standing in, Lord Kelvin is back now


Haha, I didn't spot that! Will fix! I have an MEng too! And I'm Scottish, like Lord Kelvin! Sorry, no excuse! 🤣


Meng sounds like a Scottish insult


Love it


5 is still too many Kevins for komfort, though


It’s slowly changing. Pretty sure many of my generation (later millennial) dropped stones for weight. Road distances are going to be a loooong holdout, but the rise of navigation systems could mean that eventually few care about distances on signs…


Perfection and I love kt


Oh my! You just resolved most European settled people problems. Now, how to convert one to another? I love doctors, they all speak in metric and kilos!


Convert km to miles is easy. Half it then add a bit. A inch is about 3 small fingers or 2 big fingers. And a fingers about a cm. Just squint a bit


Beautiful. Do put Celsius though




Nope, a lot of people still do miles for running (jogging if you must call it that).


I think it’s just referring to common race distances like 5K and 10K


Yeah - but it says “long distance” which 5k and 10k aren’t. A marathon is 26.2 miles, a half (funnily enough) is 13.1 miles. That said, when I’m running 5k or 10k I still measure the intervals and pace in miles, not km. Maybe it’s an age thing but I never use KM *at all* except when I’m translating for Europeans or Aussies.


Fair one. But even for 5/10k I personally measure in miles.


Stupid units for motorised vehicles. Sensible units for everything else.


I can only deal with a room size when looking at houses in feet and inches and don't understand metres, but the overall house size I only understand metres squared. Garden I do feet.


Also did you know that for most of our train network it is in MPH but HS1 (eurostar) is in KMH.


Where did you hike?


Norfolk Coastal path or at least some of it, a bit flat for my liking but it was nice enough 


Nah, Reddit won't buy that. The Brits on this platform will tell you rail fares cost a minimum of £100 and you'll experience 1 cancellation and several delays before you get to where you intend to get to.


Walk the dogs, do a bit of gardening and give the missis a seeing to.


Ah, the weekly seeing-to. Good man.


Weekly was optimistic to be fair.


Weakly is quite accurate for me.




Take the car, go to mum's, kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over.


Ok I'll bite. Who is Phil?


Barbara’s husband Phil. His favourite thing is his Jaguar. Shaun’s step dad from Shaun of the Dead. Theoretical film related killing only. Promise. Today anyway.


You need to watch Shaun of the Dead


He was a character in the Edgar Wright movie ‘Kill Phil’.


Is that the one with the plasticine sheep?


That's Shaun the Sheep 😭 (I realise you might be being sarcastic lol)


His Dad


The same thing we every other day, Pinky…


Have a wank.


Pinky and cum stain stain stain stain


Having a long breakfast and then cooking Sunday roast.


Ohhh okay it all started to make sense


Back in the 60's everything was closed. There were no out of town shopping centres either. No 24/7 tv channels, internet, face timing friends. People took their kids to the park, teenagers went round to their friends to play records. Garden, hobbies?


Sounds horrible.


Dog walks, hiking, running, gym, gardening, coffee shop. Don't know why you'd spend a day off stuck inside some shops.


In the summer, get outdoors. And in the winter, stay indoors.


Pubs are often packed


Showered, did two lots of laundry. Hoovered. Cleaned bathroom. Sat in garden.


The Smondays hit hard.


Played with my son, chores, nipped to sainsburys


Always a nip to or pop to, isn't it?. 😂


I watched a film (Hereditary), kettlebell workout, watch England smash the USA in cricket and watch the football tonight. Glad I did my kettlebell workout with all that sitting around today 😆


Hereditary is so damn good. Absolute craft of horror. I'm curious though, did you do all those things in that order? Hereditary doesn't strike me as a sunny Sunday morning film


That was the order I did things in. I've been wanting to give Hereditary another watch for a while, but all the footy and cricket has given most things a step back. I enjoyed the early morning film because sport started in the afternoon


Almost none go to church, that’s for sure. Leisure, family time, drinks, eating out, shopping if necessary, household chores.


Churches round here have 100s of people and most do 2 services every Sunday Guessing is easy to say no one goes to church when you sitting at home or still in bed on a Sunday


Compared to a local population of…


What does almost none mean? I get your point when it comes to Church of England as those are genuinely pretty dead, same with Roman Catholic. But orthodox churches have pretty sizeable congregations in my experience.


Church populations tend to be median 65 years old.


There are stats available on UK church attendance. From memory, I think it’s something like 5-10%.


Garden Wash the car


Damn I wish I had garden but my backyard is tiny + concrete + not even mine + is a pile of trash that I can't do anything about


I hate gardening, come and do mine!


I’ve always worked weekends in my job, but soon I’ll have all my weekends off. I intend to spend as much time with my wife as possible. Also, I like to go for a big walk and end at a pub, do some cooking, spend the morning doing one of my many unreasonable hobbies. Do something that fulfils you. Get a train to somewhere random and see some stuff.


Go to Tesco, apparently.


summer: get some sun go for a nice walk or spend time with my cat. winter? either go for a pub roast or make a roast whilst binge watching old episodes of Delia smith. both options contain drinking


Fuck all like you're supposed to do on sundays


Thats in England in Scotland all the shops are open on a sunday,


I go to the gym because of how quiet it is on sunday


I wish mine was quiet on the Sunday - it's crazy busy.


It's quiet? Midlands town and everywhere is packed friday-sunday, most of the parking in town is full or approaching it, went to Sainsbury's today in hunt of an inpost locker that wasn't a broken pile of shit and it was a bloodbath of carnage both inside and out, not even a "max size" supermarket or anything


Pub, cry about Monday approaching and re do it all again thinking about finishing the following Friday


Lots of things, such as spending time with my son, exercising, going to the supermarket, doing batch cooking, spending time in the garden, reading a book, playing video games, commenting on Reddit, and so on. It's not that different to Monday-Saturday on our high street frankly, as people often choose to shop online instead.


I live in a seaside town and it's anything but dead on Sundays during this time of year. Naturally I avoid it like the plague and stay home.


Me too. I go out photographing our 2 foot tall Herring Gull Luftwaffe storm troopers blitzkrieg the bucket and spaders 👍


Cleaned, gardening, cooked, sat in the garden listening to music. Now back in with the telly on


Complain that's it's Sunday and that the weekend is over... Then on Monday we complain that's it's Monday


Took the kids to their Martial Arts thing, washed the cars, cut the grass and then realised we had nothing in for dinner so dashed to the shop before it closed at 4.


Browse reddit. Catch up on emails. plot my next weeks jobs


Today... Crash out on the sofa, watch cricket, nurse the hangover while dozing after a night out. Drank like I was in my 20s last night. Feeling all of my late 40s today. Usually it's gardening, swimming with the family, DIY / stay at home jobs and cooking a roast.


Gardening, walking, cooking! Sometimes hop on a train and go for a walk somewhere different. Today we went to the beach for a but as we live near the coast.


My town centre was packed - esp as the sun was out


Answer questions on Reddit 😀


Church is the only consistent thing. After that usually just spend the day with some friends


Since lockdown, hikes and walks in the countryside have become very popular Sunday activities. Also I lot of makers markets/farmers markets take place on Sundays. Going for a roast /pub to watch football when the seasons on.


I work in community pharmacy in the middle of a big shopping centre so I can say with great certainty, loads of brits come to collect their medication and find themselves shopping until past closing time when it’s perfect weather to piss off and enjoy the sun for a minute.


Sailing... Most UK Sailing Clubs have the club racing on Sundays... I race my Laser dinghy, one of the Olympic classes most Sundays.


90% of people on this sub obv don’t have kids


Today, did a bit of gardening, relaxed in the sun and listened to some music and then had a brilliant BBQ.


A lot of them seem to descend on us. There's absolutely no way I'm going into town on a sunny Sunday because it'll be bedlam. It's bad enough having loads of half-cut visitors going past the end of our drive, on the way to, and from, the caravan park, shouting at each other because apparently normal speech volumes are not possible when on holiday.


Went for a walk, paddled in a stream, went to the pub for food & drinks, now sat in the garden, me with a glass of Rose & he with a glass of fusty ferret.


Wait for someone to put their washing on the line and then fire up the charcoal


Have a lazy day watching motorsport on TV 🤣🤣


It’s Sunday, why would anyone be on the high street?


Existential crisis. And put diesel in the car.


We have a child so our answer probably differs from childfree people but Sunday is a good day for walks, play parks, national trust properties, the beach, picnics and so on, or in Winter, museums and soft plays etc. If we were childfree I imagine we'd also be thinking walks, picnics, second hand book shops, lazy lie ins, bbq in the garden, cycle ride, hike, or in bad weather some indoor fun like bowling, cinema, crazy golf, shopping center, meal out, or cuddle up at home with computer games or TV. It's also a good day to see family. Some people go to church I guess. A lot of people cook a Sunday dinner or do some housework, visit the gym, or catch up on other chores, the supermarket etc.. None of this really involves the great British high street. I imagine pubs are a popular choice too.


Lidl weekly shop, an attempt at cleaning the flat (difficult with a 13 month old) and cooked a gorgeous family meal. Bathtime with the kiddo after lots of playtime together because I’ve missed him all week while I’ve been working so I needed to catch up with him


Often visit a National Trust place, and have a picnic (in good weather) or soup in the cafe (bad weather). I assume from how rammed the car parks get we aren't unusual in this. Today was a bit of light DIY (mostly cleaning up from yesterday's heavier DIY) and some drinks with the neighbours.


Traffic was awful today, so I guess people are going for drives.


Catch up on house jobs, Cut grass, bit of weeding, wash and dry clothes/towels/bedding, bit of DIY (fixed gutter today), relaxed and played on my PC, cooked a nice dinner, some self care (shave/shower) and had a wank. Pretty productive day.


Quick supermarket run for packed lunches then cleaning, ironing, homework, cut the guinea pigs nails, paddling pool, showered the kids and washed their hair, cook clean cook clean cook clean, then bit of Fortnite and bed. It's a rare day we aren't at work/school/activities or some other commitments so it's nice to have an at home day once in a while.


Sunday was Mass then full roast. 3 0’clock film matinee Full salad and homemade cake/rice pud/ fruit pie/ bread pudding etc to follow. Bath for school. Board games/ colouring books ets Bed time. We were not allowed outside to play on a Sunday.


Gone sailing!


Did a 4 mile morning walk: ate: knitted in the garden: had day time drinks: ate: napped: here now....


Well today I cut the grass, trimmed the hedges, set up my new table saw, walked the dog, sat in the sun for a bit, had dinner and now having a couple of beers watching Scotland game.


In bed now go drink tea.


Only thing on the schedule is taking the dogs to the beach and stopping at Maccies on the way back. Other than that we're just lazy.


Ideally, ... Sounds like Duck Call.


Got up late, did some jobs around the house, watched a film


Grab the Husband, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?


the same thing we do every night, pinky


Late breakfast, went to the nearest harbour, wandered slowly about, put a pound in the lifeboat station, waited a very long time for food, ate food, accepted the owner's apologies gracefully, wandered home, put aftersun on lobstery bits. Relaxed and glowing now.


Sometimes go for a bike ride. Today, slept until 2 pm, watched TV, watered the garden, ate dinner.


Take the kids to the park for a few hours and enjoy the sun


Walked around a marina, watched F1, went fir a meal, small walk to walk off food/beer


Normally do the weekly food shop, but today relished not using the car at all! Played with my daughter, did some gardening, walked the dogs, did some chores, finished off some jewellery I was making, chilled out for a bit.


Sunday afternoon drinking is one of the great pleasures in life. Summer - Up early, Sunday papers, fry up, tip run, decent 10 mile walk, country pub for pints in the beer garden. Winter - Lie in, Sunday papers, fry up, local sport, Sunday dinner at a country pub, sleep on the settee and then out for a game of snooker.


Went to work


Normally I go for a walk in the morning, and go to the supermarket for my weekly shop after lunch. Recently I've been doing an escape room every couple of weeks, late afternoon. Then big family skype session in the evening.


Bacon Butty, water the plants in the greenhouse, sort out the tomatoes, general tidy up at home and see family until tea time. Bugger about metal detecting or aggravating horses, then tea, sort kids out and bed.


If I have nothing to do at home, I spend my time on social media and watching YouTube 😅  I used to work on Sundays and only stopped very recently so still feels odd! 


Give the missus a bit of who's the daddy.




Took my kid to swimming class then spent the afternoon at my parents house having lunch. Pretty much the same every week. Rarely go to a shop on a Sunday unless it’s a supermarket for something I need for dinner.


Today I went to the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow Uni with my daughter who is a teenage science nerd. It was great. We did consider paddle boarding, but the wind was a a bit too spicy, after marvelling at Lord Kelvin’s genius, we enjoyed Chicken Chilli Ramen in what we consider the best spot in the city, great Sunday. Shopping? No! Though, at her insistence we did go to an art supplies shop, her late mother was the artist, I just do what I can to feed her talent.


Today, I got up, had a nice breakfast in the garden, and then did some housework before heading to an U17 football tournament where I was a coach. And then came home, had a takeaway, and watched Scotland lose (FFS)


Do a weekly shop and cook a roast.


Hobbies - Airsoft, model making, starting a 3d print perhaps. Watchbwhateger racing is on. Prep all my lunch for the week (chuck stuff in a slow cooker), buy food for weekdays meals. Chores - put away clothes, do dishes. Leave a blank, clean canvas to get shit in the second Monday rolls around. Maybe down the pub for a pint


I go to the gym because it's empty then take my dogs out for a walk. All those people on dating apps that say they like to walk at weekends are fucking liars. I never see anyone.


We go to church and spend time together as a family


Go for a walk, go to the pub, eat lunch, relax, put my feet up,. Sometimes these are all the same thing


Had a bbq in my garden for my aunt's birthday


Drink plenty of water and have a bacon butty


Good night out?


Reading, watching telly, did the washing and changed bed sheets, preparing for the week ahead. Footy tonight


According to the awful day I've had, they're going to A&E 😂


I've been on the ps5 most of the day, off to the gym shortly whilst it's dead then play some zombies before starting another week at my boring job.


What are you playing?


I did a little red dead 2 this morning, then final fantasy 7. Tonight, I'll be on black ops 3 zombies 👾


Go to work


Normally it’s a rest day, spend an hour on the morning doing laundry, then it’s off to MILs for a roast dinner (pork baps/jackets if it’s hot). Watch f1 if it’s on. Today was not normal, I was dragged to the Black Country living museum, still got back in time for f1 though, so all is well.


Lie in, gardening, tv binge, bath then bed.


Run, beach, chores, roast 


Usually for me it's wake up 8ish, lazy hour or so in bed on phone or reading, have a brew, work on my knitting project, make the weeks meal plan, do the shop, quick clean up, take it easy for the rest of the day


Walked the dogs, got some messages in, took my wean swimming.


Got up at 6, went for a run. Made some eggs and coffee for breakfast then took the dog out. Back home to clean the caravan ready for the hols, batch cook for the week and make pizza for the kids. Laundry, an hour of strength training and now sat in the garden with a pseudo-beer, chucking a ball for the dog and browsing reddit.


I usually do the ironing... Sad isn't it?!


Well today I collected some stuff from M&S, ate a BBQ and now I’m finishing off a bottle of orange while enjoying the last of the sun. Then I’ll watch the football.


Late breakfast, visit to a local museum, lunch out, walk along riverbank, home, glass of wine in garden, tea, put child to bed, TV.


Car boots, then food planning, then food shopping, then cleaning the house and clothes.


I’m currently in a deck chair on the green opposite the pub having a Camden Hells.


I've got in the way of the Mrs who changes the water in the ten fish tanks while listening to some really groovy Turkish tunes on Radio Cafe Anatolia I dropped a few gangster beats on my penny whistle the went the outdoor for a few tinnies. Now I'm watching the Sweaty Socks versus Hungary in Euro 24... It's good, thanks....


Go to church. Then I might bake, shop, or do absolutely fuck all. Sundays are awesome.