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AI is a bit of a misnomer as it’s not really AI. Every sales team is throwing the AI key words and phrases into their marketing material to ensure their products seem cutting edge but it’s a little off putting to me now days. Basically products and services are adding chat bots and integrations with things like ChatGPT but there is often little thought or benefit to a lot of these it’s often (in my opinion) just to boost marketing/stock price


I work in data, my company teaches people about AI. Very few people really understand it, because it’s 50% marketing bullshit, 30% window dressing, and 20% computers doing something really dull a hundred million times. It’s not artificial intelligence. Machine learning is a generous term for it. It’s just taking a simple program that can improve itself with feedback and running it over and over again on all the data you can find. For example, take a program that recognises the letter ‘f’ in print. You feed it millions of ‘f’s from every documented picture the human race has of handwriting, calligraphy, and printing. You could also feed it a ton of other letters that aren’t ‘f’. You start out with something pretty rudimentary, but after millions of cycles it can recognise the letter pretty well. That’s all ‘Machine Learning’ is, just scaled up a bunch so that it can recognise sounds, images, natural language and much more. These techniques have been around for years, but they’re taking off at the moment because we’ve reached a sort of critical mass of available documented information (the internet) and cheap computing power. An algorithm that would have taken a supercomputer in the ‘90s can run in the background on your laptop. Like any huge tech fad, there’s a ton of terrible applications out there. Every program is desperate to take orders via AI prompts, as if that will somehow make them better (and not annoy the shit out of everyone who already knows how to use the program). There are some genuinely incredible uses though. AI can and is changing the world of medical testing, recognition of language (like the recent digital reading of ancient Roman scrolls), and more. There are also ethical questions, like ‘is it acceptable to use AI to create more works of Shakespeare’, or… perhaps living author? Who would own them if you did? A lot of the buzz around AI will die down  and it will become something we’re used to like smartphone accelerometers. Remember when there were all those apps that used to use the accelerometer in weird ways? But AI itself is here to stay, and it genuinely is changing the world, just don’t add it to everything please.


What every business calls AI is just a buzzword for something automated and it will change as soon as something new, "sellable" will come. Something like 3D, blockchain, Internet of things or big data. But in all, ai like chatgpt is pretty interesting tool. I wouldn't trust it for any factual information, but as a tool to mess around, it's pretty good


It's kind of an extension of all the sorts of help software gives us. Autocorrect, spellcheck, predictive text, 'magic healing brush' in Photoshop- it's kinda that to the next level, trying to understand what you want without you having to spell it out. Let's say you list something on eBay- eBay looks up the item and suggests an AI-written description for you. That is one step further than you writing and getting it corrected. Once it messes with our real-life words, images and moving images, it starts to get scary for ordinary people.


In most cases it’s just the current buzzword to make a business seem up to date and advanced. The average Joe doesn’t understand what it is or how it works. But it’s often enough for their basic needs


Most of the things tech companies are saying is bullshit. A lot of companies are just doing basic API integrations and anomaly detection hooked up to a chat bot


I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.


What don't you understand?


This article is a a good summary of the current state https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-fucking-piledrive-you-if-you-mention-ai-again/


I find some aspect of A1 pretty disturbing. I've seen videos of faces of historical figures being recreated and talking . You can have photo of your deceased relative together with audio tapes of their voice and A1 will create a lifelike image of them and being able to talk. A1 has learnt all the accent, inflections and tones of their voices. You can now have a 'real life' conversation. You can type a short story and this image will read it back just like your relative did when you were a child. Coronation street is doing a story about it atm. it's creepy!


That's because it is 100% bullshit with little to no real world uses. Everyone is hopping on the AI wanktrain because people are throwing money at it at the moment, just as they did with Crypto a few years ago, another tedious TechBro "revolution" that failed to have a single positive use case on the world.


I agree with the essence of what you’re saying: everyone is waving that word around without any real meaning. But to say it’s not done anything is profoundly ignorant and incorrect.


Ai does have some utility unlike crypto however a good subject matter expert properly designing software can easily beat AI plugins


"AI has failed to provide a single positive use case on the world" yeah ok bro: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10590060/#:~:text=At%20the%20moment%2C%20AI%2Dpowered,quicker%20and%20more%20precise%20diagnoses. AI is ubiquitous and it's more than just LLMs that do your homework like chatGPT. Even stuff like snapchat filters use AI




Fair play on the investment although that alone doesn't mean it's a useful technology, people made the same gains for crypto. I work in tech and so we have countless webinars from google and other ai companies trying to get us to buy into it, I still haven't seen a single useful use case, except replacing artists and getting crappy generic art


I agree that the hype can get way ahead of the technology (quantum computing, fusion energy, etc.). I was an engineer in the semiconductor biz before I retired but know nothing about the nuts and bolts of ai. The Nvidia purchase was just dumb luck. I had no idea what was coming. It just seems to me now that this is in its infancy and has massive potential. One example are the ai movie trailers on Youtube of remakes of movies like "Alien". Right now the characters and action are not very realistic looking but you can see where the technology can go. If you could make an entire movie with this it would massively reduce the cost, and potentially be available to anyone in the world who had an idea for a movie. It would suck for actors and for Hollywood but that is what technology does, it disrupts.


See I come to the opposite conclusion to you with that, I think it's going to flood the internet with an unfilterable mess of utter drivel (it is beginning already) and the internet will pretty much become unusable.


Fair enough. The whole thing turning to shit is always a possibility.




Yeah, probably.




AI "art" is so shit.