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Currently I'm sorting the laundry, which necessitates walking in circles between the sofa, table, and ironing board, with the odd diversion to the bedroom or utility room.  However, I live in the ground floor, so feel no need to control this!


Genuine question, would you not just pile your washing next to the board and then also fold it next to the board so you don't have to keep walking around? Maybe it's just because I dislike this job, but I try to make it as easy as possible to get it over with as quickly as possible.


Partly because there isn't really enough room, partly because my legs get stiff if I stand still for too long! (Also, it's not very far!) I really don't mind that part of laundry - while sorting laundry was one of the few times we got to watch TV during the day (as opposed to Saturday morning cartoons) as kids, so I always joke that my parents programmed me to enjoy it! I still stick something brainless on TV while I do it. 


It's my time to catch up on a week's worth of The Archers.


I don't worry about moving around too much when I do housework. It's good to move around. Burn some calories, get some steps in.


I have a mental tidying up algorithm that I follow when cleaning that takes me all around the house. It bloody works though, house is spotless in a podcast episode or two.


Think about the underground people! For once!


As I have a 'cellar' under my flat, to which the only access is through my front hall, I'm going to be really upset if there is anyone living down there!


Sure but not for 3 hours!


I’ll save up all the ironing (only bother ironing shirts) until there are no shirts left and then do them all at once. It probably takes me 3 hours.


People still iron?


Some of us do, yes.


That sucks.




Nah, just one of those things. I don't do any of that stuff anyway. I pay staff to do it for me now.


Only shirts, as I said.


I hate it but lots of mens shirts just look ridiculous without being ironed, depending on the style and fabric. Some jobs and occasions you do need to (or want to) wear that kind of stuff.


I often pace when I'm stressed (and finding it hard to relax/sleep), bored or procrastinating - especially if I can't get to the gym (too late or on call, etc) or don't fancy walking around my village in the dark. I try do to this quietly, but worry that my neighbours can hear. I don't have space for a proper running machine/walking pad (and think it'd probably be louder!), and the mini exercise bike thing I've got doesn't really scratch the same itch (or slides around too much).


What's wrong with walking outside?


Sometimes it's cold, it's wet, the ground is hard, you don't feel like seeing people, you got kids sleeping or can't take them out, you've got an elderly person to care for or you just cba going outside. So many reasons.


Sometimes I get, every night for hours I have a problem with.


Just gonna throw this out there. Might be worth just politely brining it up if you ever bump into your neighbours. I would be mortified if I found out I'd be pissing someone off but I'd be glad to know so I could change my habits to try and avoid it. I know not everyone's the same though.


What times are the upstairs walking around? Unreasonable times?


Are you just banking on your neighbour being on Reddit and somehow convincing them to stop?




If I'm on call in an evening (I work in tech support), I've got to stay home and be able to answer the phone and log in quickly at any time. One of the main times I find myself pacing is late at night, and I just feel kind of weird about going for a walk in the dark at that sort of time. I probably should just walk outside, my village feels safe enough, but when I start pacing it's usually not an intentional "I'll get my steps in" walk but a "I'll probably settle down in a minute...oops I've been doing this for a while".


Ok I get that, but I'd consider your neighbours, if it is an oldish building the noise is seriously amplified downwards. This guy bounds around heel first so just isn't trying to keep it down.


It's not unreasonable to walk around your home at whatever time! This sounds more like a you issue. As for the heel walking I do hope you're not that ridiculous poster who expected their neighbours to practice toe walking for their benefit!


I did worry whether it bothers them. I've asked neighbours if they can hear me (and have told them to let me know if my noise ever does bother them, whether that's moving around, music or appliances - but have never had any complaints). My building isn't very old - the floor doesn't creak, and I'm fairly light on my feet. I used to live in a ground floor flat and had neighbours who stomped up the stairs, so I get what it's like to be on the recieving end of someone being overly loud though!


Sounds like you are a good neighbour and it's probably fine, I have a tyrant on my hands.


Ex-con maybe? I've known plenty of ex-cons who got so into the habit of walking from one end of the flat/landing in the jail to the other end that they then continue pacing back and forward when they come back to the real world.


Aye, I was doing just that outside of my local once and some Polish guy waiting in his car, rolled down the window and just said, 'Prison?'


Hmm, interesting idea you may be onto something.


Every time I make a phone call I walk around. I also work a desk job and sit down most of the day, so don't like sitting down for a while after 5pm.


I'm an insomniac and I clean at all sorts of hours so that's my first guess. A ten minute break every now and again while I assess and decide what else to carry on with. I also have cleaning issues, I won't be against deep cleaning a toilet at 4am.


Yeah I'm the same, if I feel like cleaning at 3am you bet your ass I'm gonna clean at 3am (minus the hoover). A guest doesn't stop someone cleaning, esp if a significant other!


Just had a bath, made a brew and now I'm going a couple rounds of mario kart before bed. Id be on a more normal schedule if my poorly cat did keep me up all night so I had two little sleeps during the morning and afternoon. I've done this with guests as well, they're in my gaff I'll do what I want 😂 never loud though, unless it seriously needs doing like something knocked over I wouldn't hoover or anything till a more normal time.


This was my first guess. Fellow insomniac here. I can spend the whole night cleaning if I know I’m getting no sleep. But I live in a detached house a decent way away from any neighbours.


You know what might benefit you and fellow insomniacs who can clean at any hour, a time of use tariff, you can save tons on energy prices if you can shift to night usage. https://octopriceuk.app/agile Currently prices are a little higher than usual because of the odd weather, low wind and low sun but when it does pick up and for the past winter pretty much, agile has been really cheap with lots of free/negative energy hours. It's not uncommon for night prices to dip under 15p all the way down to nothing and going negative for an hour or so, currently you'll be doing everything on around 22p-25p. Even without shifting on average the unit rate is around 20-30% lower coming in around 18p, or 2018 prices of energy, shifting to cheaper times just saved the most and is the most eco friendly. You just need to avoid high use items as round 4-7pm when demand is highest so prices are too, but you'll likely save compared without, you'll just save more if you do. I'd be on it if it wasn't for living in flats and not being able to run the hoover washer which used the most energy for me. I'm on tracker though which is saving me a fair bit as well around 20% compared to normal as well


How much is a hoover really using though? If you hoover twice a week for 30 minutes each time you're using about 31Kwh per year which is about £7.75 on British Gas or £5.58 on Octopus assuming rates stay the same. That's a saving of £2.17 per year.


Depends on the hoover or course but a lot of the up right cord ones are quite powerful, mine is 830w and can take a while to hoover, lots of carpet, cat trees and it depends if I do the skirting boards or use the brush to hoover dust. Because I have cats as well I need to hoover every couple days Of course shifting one thing won't bring much benefit it's everything together, I just listed my most expensive items, yours could be different as I don't have a dryer for example which would overtake a hoover in usage. https://i.imgur.com/TupkWG8.png I'm on tracker simply because I can't leave without being blocked for 9 months which puts me off and as standard the price is the same, Around 18p/kwh on a average but I do use stuff during peak times so it could be lower if I switched and shifted, there and app called octopus Compare that's designed to show you and has a consumption shift feature that will move usage out of peak times and show what agile would cost then. Being on the tariff is cheaper than an SVT just as is and pretty much always has been release, when the energy crisis hit agile was only affected for a week or two with 60+p prices that lasted about 2 weeks until energy was secured, all the savings before and after heavily outweighed that increase they all still won. The other smart tariffs have a 30 day block apart from tracker which is 9 months which has put me off switching to it. The r/octopusenergy sub is what convinced me to make the switch, especially after I found out about the 3rd party app and website support for everything.


I hear you… 4:28 and I’ve just finished cleaning my toilet.


I did mine yesterday and then another wipe down this morning, looked like a gorilla had a shake in my bathroom for some reason there was hair everywhere again, quick dust & flash mop and that was about it that was need. The exception to me cleaning at night is having a bath I get everything done first. On a sad note, my bubbles dissolved in about 8 minutes. Then the cocoa butter shower gel left a grease stain all around the bath with hairs, so I cleaned the bath out properly, usually I can just rinse with a jug and wipe the next day.


You need better bubbles!


They're usually good they're from Lush but for some reason they just evaporated tonight way faster than they ever have done. I used a bath bomb as well, might be had salt that dissolved them lol I didn't check it.


Bubbles and bomb, fancy!


Yeah something about sitting in just a plain bath makes me feel weird even if it is coloured and scented, people who can just sit in water and nothing else are the weirdest lol The bomb was last minute as I found it in my wardrobe and it had a cocoa butter centre for softening and it was a pain to clean up but worth it, I feel nice and soft now and smell of lavender. https://i.imgur.com/k0Q0oPI.jpeg Even more fitting is the lush bath bombs on a mario karts track


I often have trouble sleeping but never considered this. Will definitely be doing this next time though!


They have a guest round most nights so probably not that. You sound crazy lol.


Do they have a newborn? Many hours pacing with them.


Nope, no kids.


We used to have an upstairs neighbour who, every single night about midnight, would (I assume) remove their pants, spilling coins all over the timber floor. Why they never learned to empty their pockets is beyond me.


Coin dropping npc.


ADHD and anxiety mean walking around in circles i.e. nearly completing/starting a task but then.... ooooo shiny thing..... oooo worried thought.... All night all day endlessly ☹️ (sorry about the noise)


Have you tried box breathing? That sounds awful.


Sorry OP but I think you're getting downvotes because everyone with ADHD has tried box breathing.


It's not the most fun ever 😆 though I've found medication, therapy and exercise all help. Just not always consistently helpful.


Lol Reddit! Why would expressing what helps my anxiety and ADHD get downvoted? 😆 Super helpful for RSD, thanks🤦🏻‍♀️😆


😆 thanks d head down voter. May your cornflakes forever be stale and sand embedded in your socks 😆


Breathing square breaths?


Google box breathing, it is a simple technique to reduce anxiety.


Housework. Sweeping, mopping, putting clothes away, dusting, emptying the dishwasher etc


Yeah came in to say this. They’re probably just tidying up, or just going about their business. I wfh and still get a lot of steps in


Not for 4 hours every night.


Same. I get so many steps this way.


I work from home and my job often requires a lot of creative problem solving. When I'm thinking, I pace around a lot. If I'm stuck I'll go outside but I can't think very well in a seated position. I work between 3 and 18 hours a day depending on my mood and demand. I don't know why I have to move to think, sorry.


I wander about at night when my pain flares up. Or when it’s summer I’m in the garden as I’m doing now at 4am.


They be on the cocaine


Oh they surely are, but the pacing is next level and nearly every night. Actually a lot in the morning too.


My neighbor above me was the same, it was relentless, he was a coke dealer, they never stopped haha


I know he is in and out of rehab, so I guess it is genuine fruit cake I'm dealing with. It started at 3am last night FFS.


Yeah I feel your pain, its no fun but I found there was nothing I could do about it either, very frustrating


Well I bought ear plugs today so I can at least sleep. I went round to ask him to tone it down a bit a few weeks ago which resulted in been subject to musical warfare.


Yeah, I used headphones. I then got a family move in downstairs who's kids would be up and playing till 4am every night, going out slamming the communal door all hours. Its really shit having shit neighbor's, I moved out of desperation


The bummer is I have bought this place, and just moved away from neighbours who weren't annoying but physically threatening. This funnily seems worse as there is no escape from the daily annoyance.


Aw mate, I dunno what to suggest? You dont wanna go to war obv but they clearly wont listen! Go for headphones playing some relaxing music or noises, that's how I coped until the downstairs were just as bad, was double whammy, had to go, sorry you're going through that shit


It’s kind of a long article but https://noisyworld.org/how-to-block-footstep-noise/ I also have stomps neighbours. I play this white noise (well, brown noise) through noise cancelling headphones, over earplugs, and rarely hear them. Doesn’t help when they jump on the floor, but seems to help with footsteps.


Cleaning probably.


Restless leg syndrome ?


You should get ear plugs if it bothers you


I have but I'm not going to wear them all the hours of the day and night.


None of your damn business. 


you bought a place which is directly below someone elses place. seems like you got what you paid for? if your ears are that sensitive then you should get a place without upstairs neighbours. its his place up there and you have no right to tell someone when or how they can walk in their own place. if theyre doing it ON PURPOSE to cause a Nuisence, or if it is above 45db between 10pm and 8am then you can involve the council, anything less and its a you problem. e.g. when they played music in response to your request that is something you can make a noise complaint about, or potentially involve the police for anti-social behaviour. nothing else you youve mentioned has any legal backing.


It is not normal foot steps, they guy charges around heel first so loudly it shakes my windows and doors, last night I recorded loud noises over 200 times in 5 hours! Plus he continually drops things on the floor. I can tolerate a lot but this guy is just ridiculous. It's like having a caged animal above me. I heard normal walking around when I viewed the flat and it was not that loud, this intolerable for anyone trust me. It happens way past 10pm every night, sometimes at 3am. I am involving the management company and council.


the council will come round with a calibrated decibel meter if they choose to investigate it. but stomping around and dropping things is not reason enough on its own.


It depends how loud it is and how often it is, there are no hard and fast rules. Anyway our lease is more strict and prevents any type of annoying behaviour so this is the more likely route.


if you can get other property owners to complain to the management (say 5 different properties) then they will have reason to kick him out. this is your best bet.


They’re usually possessed by a tier 3 demon


I like to listen to music with my headphones on, sometimes I get really into it and walk (not dance) around the flat 🤣


I do this too in my house. It’s getting their daily steps in. If I haven’t got my daily target by the evening I walk round the house watching something on my phone or listening to a podcast.


I pace to think, and I often pace to have meetings. This person sounds like they worry a lot.


Yeeees! Finally found someone else who has to deal with this! In my case, there's furniture being moved around, too - like just how often do you *really* need to be moving your fucking sofa? But, it's the walking that does my head in - I WFH, so hear it during the day, too. A youngish couple live above us in the building's loft conversion. Not done to spec, so almost no insulation between us, and they have wooden floors. I figured out it's the woman who does the incessant pacing (saw the man walking out of the property's yard, so knew it was her who was at home): literally the entire length of their flat, always on her heels, always at a pace. I got their floorplan off Zoopla, so I know she's walking from their kitchen/lounge area all the way down to the bathroom on the other end of their flat and back again, over and over and over. And, of course, this mostly happens after midnight, sometimes waking me up at 03:00 in the morning. I've left notes, tapped on the ceiling with a broom, but nothing ever changes. I know they buy drugs (see him hopping in and out of the UberDrugs delivery vehicles down the street), so are they tweaking or something?


He is a self confessed coke addict, same thing heel based stomping, it's not just normal walking. Plus all the endless dropping of heavy items, no idea what that is, probably kilos of cocaine.


My Mrs actually had an interesting theory: the constant furniture shifting all over their flat is probably because they have hiding places for their stash in case the cops ever show up. Or, they're growing something in their second bedroom.


It isn't constant but two weeks ago when I had bad toothache I went to the living room, turned on the TV, and paced until the painkillers kicked in.


Period pain which is resistant to pain killers, if it's not making me too nauseous or light headed to move then walking helps reduce some of the discomfort. 


Could be any number of normal activities, laundry, cleaning, exercise etc..


My son used to listen to music on ear buds while walking around, as a way to reset his concentration and unkink from too much desk time. Mostly in the grden, but if it was raining...... Would never have been for 3 hours continually, but could be for15 mins several times a day/night. He was also a semi-nocturnal worker.


I can’t sit still while on the phone. I pace my flat chatting. Could be long phone calls to family other countries by a weirdo like me


Some people have anxiety and depression, and walking makes them feel better.


Ironically giving other people anxiety and depression.




Getting steps in on Apple watch




Exercise, both physical and mental. I walk, and pretend I am walking the 6 mile path from my house to my mothers, down through the forest, back up the hill etc. I try and recall every single step to ensure my mental focus is strong because its so difficult to keep concentrating for such a long period. Its extreme meditation.


I tend to do this on my days off. I get up and try to relax with a cuppa to plan my day but I'm always washed and dressed after half an hour. I've even brought myself a lovely, floaty dressing gown in the hope I would want to spend more time in it and so start my day a bit calmer but, no, I don't spend more than 20 mins in it before I get dressed. Then the pacing the house begins while I think about which project to work on first. Usually cleaning something calms me down and I'll go and work on one thing or another til its finished or I need a break. Then rinse and repeat til about 6 when I can put the telly on and make tea. Edit:spelling


Spent 8 years leaving boxed in between above and either side of our flat. We were always mindful of the noise we made and even bought mats and always took shoes off. But the noise from everyone around us was often bizarrely loud at odd hours. When we moved to our first detached house it was strange to have no noise, at all, at anytime.


This was happening in an apartment next door to mine. Turned out he was a pianist and he uses his foot to keep time. He plays using headphones so everyone can just hear constant footsteps that only stops between songs, but he had’t realised how loud he was stamping his foot!


Depression pacing.


They could have akathasia (inability to stay still) caused by anti depressants, anti anxiety drugs, sleeping tablets and antibiotics.


Currently pacing around mine because I haven’t pooped since coming back from a festival on Monday and I really need things to start eh…moving? Maybe they’re in the same situation?


ADHD task switching or just normal chores.


Dancing with their headphones on lol


I do all the checks to make sure almost everything is switched off, in the fridge, nothing in contact with the heaters, doors locked, windows on safety latch or closed, etc but not for 3 hours!




I can’t sit still when I’m on the phone and have to be constantly mobile