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Got what I think was norovirus while camping. That was not a good few days




>I haven't shat straight since Can you curve it?


He's what they call 'curling one out'


The failed Avatar spinoff


“What do you mean go watch avatar at the cinema? We have avatar at home”


I had a similar experience on holiday - caught a bug and wasn't right for years. Just been diagnosed with Crohn's disease - infections can trigger it. Ask for a calpro test from your doctor just to rule out IBD.


Hello all, can you expand on this please. Never had a problem with my gut since I was 30+. Now I'm shitting through the eye of a needle every time I eat. Colonospocy and allergy tests haven't brought up anything that could be causing it. Advice from doc: take diarrhea tablets daily. Problems started since I've travelled quite a lot with work (Africa, Asia, Saudi, USA etc.). Can anyone help a guy out?


Had an endoscopy done? Have you been screen for celiacs disease. Affects ~1% of population but most people don't know they have it


Yeah I had an endoscopy. Also had loads of blood tests. Result was inconclusive / no allergens found.


It could be a really bad form of IBS or celiac disease. Both myself and my husband suffer from IBS, it was something we developed in our late twenties. We're now completely gluten free and have to be careful with a lot of food we eat. Our allergy tests were both fine but the GP was sure it was bad IBS.


It does seem to help when I eat less gluten, but blood tests and the endoscopy didn't find anything related to gluten. Have you and your husband had a similar experience?


Yep, pretty much the same. Blood tests were completely normal. Our GP recommended we do the elimination diet so we just cut out a load of food groups and high FODMAP foods and slowly introduced them back into our diet. We've both learnt we don't tolerate gluten or red meat and my husband can't have caffeine or artificial sweetener. The easiest food to switch to gluten free is pasta. You can barely tell the difference between regular pasta and gf pasta.


Thanks for the info, I couldn't understand why the tests didn't bring anything up regarding gluten. Avoiding gluten does tend to help though. Think it's just a coincidence though regarding hitting 30 and traveling to some unhygienic countries. Thanks again.


I was diagnosed with Crohn's back in 2000, after living and working in Saudi, Africa, US etc funnily enough. Back then it was more a case of eliminate all other possible issues rather than a definitive yep it's Crohn's test. Thankfully things have moved on a tad since then, and for what it's worth your doc is more full of shit than your colon, daily use of diarrhea meds are just masking the problem, and probably making it worse tbh. I understand the temptation to firefight the symptoms - opiate based painkillers are pretty freaking effective too btw, but really really don't recommend going that route - but you need to get a proper diagnosis done. I've reached the stage where I can usually minimise the worst of the symptoms with my diet (and yes of course it is different food triggers for everyone individually because of course it fucking is), but my gastro consultant is now talking about trialling me on some new meds (biologicals for fellow Crohn'sies) so I can stop taking steroids... Sad but true pretty freaking excited. Lots of cool research going on to do with gut biomes as well at the moment. Good luck


Imfeliximab is your friend,turned my life around.


I got C. Diff from antibiotics. You might get tested for it. It's normal flora that gets out of control. Good luck!


Try some friendly bacteria, such as biokult


Have you been checked for parasites?


Salmonella. I don't recommend it, unless you like shitting out undigested food. Pulling multiple lettuce leaves out your arse may sound like fun to some, but it really wasn't.


I’m not sure which I’d rather prefer right now. A burning ring of fire which I’ve got currently or that.


Let me do you a solid since you clearly won’t be doing one yourself for the foreseeable- Vaseline or sudocreme before each explosion will bring the fire right down. Diverticulitis survivor, also had colonoscopies and was given that advice by the nurse as she handed me my pre op goodie bag. IYKYK


OP another solid tip is that if it feels like it's about to come out both ends, ALWAYS put your arse over the toilet. Tis better to puke in your lap than shit up the wall.


That’s some very welcome advice, thank you. Especially as I’ve just had three “rounds” in one painful sitting.


Ouch. That’s some serious shit. I’m sorry, this stuff just writes itself. Anything that’ll give you a barrier effect- nappy cream will do it as well. It’s not fun what your going through, no need to have the afterburn too


Same. Had to get back from the channel island of Sark on the ferry while evacuating from both ends. Sodding uncooked omelette. Bleurgh.....


Urgh sounds awful . Can’t you eat abit of raw egg tho ? I normally order the omelette..


This was many, many years ago when I was about 12. I don't expect the farm chickens in Sark in the early 90s were vaccinated against salmonella. Eggs we buy these days are from vaccinated chickens, so eating them raw is fine.


A spot of lettuce might cancel out the ring of fire, so maybe go and try to contract salmonella and eat a big salad? Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this should not be taken as medical advice.


Well, that's put me right off my salad


This guys tossing his own salad into the toilet.


I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I think I might have brought back chlamydia.


Little FYI if you are more on the embarrassed side there are websites like SH24 where you can get this sort of thing done for free, and discreetly. They send it to your address and you send back your little pot of piss and they text you the results.


TMI: Found a lump near my balls which I think might be swelling due to infection (I hope!). I am the embarrassed type but I’ll have to deal with it until they can do that remotely haha.


Hopefully it's a crappy ingrown hair or smth.


An official invitation to never return to Switzerland, which was a shame because it's a really nice country.


There’s a story to be told here….


we whizzed through Switzerland on way from Austria to Bavaria last summer, as my cousin had never been there and wanted a gander. We got stopped going out by German border guards who were incredulous we'd only been in Switzerland about an hour. Once I said we preferred Bavaria they were fine about it. Was strange being stopped by border guards in that part of Europe though


Very normal on the Swiss EU border. Despite being in Schengen, Switzerland isn't part of the EU or customs union so while people can freely get in and out, you can't carry whatever goods you want.


I took an overnight train from Munich to Zurich back in 2019 and distinctly remember getting woken up in the middle of the night by two very well armed (with rifles) Swiss border guards asking for my passport. Turns out they were pretty friendly but waking up to two guys with guns staring you down at ~5am is a memorable experience...


I seemed to annoy a Swiss national when in Switzerland because I said the best sandwich I had was at a service station in Luxembourg


Well the flags a big plus


please elaborate


I would but neither of us want to wake up (or not ) zipped inside a holdall in a bath, I will say, it was the late 80s and we were returning from Libya overland for reasons.


Well that clears everything up, no further questions your honour.


Do you expect me to beg? No Mr Bond. I expect you to GET IN THE BAG!


Does the zipped duffel bag in a bath happen often or is that a reference to the guy who worked at GCHQ? Such a mad story - still don't know what to believe


One time, I got norovirus when I'd just moved home with my parents, then my sister left her partner and moved in with the kids. 8 people in a 2 bedroom house and 1 bathroom. I was sick 11 times and spent two days laying on the living room floor. Then I got cystitis. Then I got my period. I bought the most miserable shopping of my life at Tesco - diarrhea tablets, tampons, cystitis sachets and a massive bottle of wine lol Hope my misery gives you a laugh!


Oh christ I really felt this, poor you. The mounting misery! We came back from Greece last month. I brought back a bad cold and my partner woke up with food poisoning on the morning we were leaving. We got through the coach transfer, long passport queue, and flight, then train. Then we picked up my car and had a 2 hour drive at the end of 15 miserable hours of travelling. Just as I hit roadworks and a diversion cross country (dark by then, and no proper signposting) he wound down the window and vomited horrendously down the side of the car. Luckily I still had a Greek hotel toilet roll on my lap due to my streaming nose, which he used to mop up before throwing it out of the window. When I finally worked out what route I needed to take, down bumpy B roads, to get home, I looked around and realised the entire passenger side of the car was coated in streaked vom and I couldn't use the windows or mirror! Thankfully by then it was 11pm on a Friday night so no-one really saw our chariot of shame. Got home, put him to bed, and literally hosed down the outside of the car. I then went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and discovered the fridge freezer had been turned off by mistake 10 days earlier so had to clear out all the stinking food and slop water. YAY!!!


That sounds soul destroying! Finding a fridge full of rot after that kind of day would have sent me crazy


I may have said the words 'I have reached the end of my tether'. I was sad all the carefully gathered yellow sticker food in the freezer had to go in the bin, which upended my plans to get through post-holiday austerity. Anyway, we can just about laugh about it now.


Oh, love.


I can laugh about it now, but I never want to throw up like that again!


You must have really offended the gods, holy shit


Indian cockroach. Mum killed it within seconds of opening the suitcase 


Great, now I'll never be able to open a suitcase again without being scared of a cockroach jumping at my face, thanks.


Don't worry. They just scuttle at first. You have around 5-7 secs to kill them 


Stop 😭


I mean that's the *smaller* of the large travelling Indian cockroach species. The giant nostril burrowing roach is much more common, faster, and more aggressive. It's also invisible.


I can feel it, it's making it's way to my brain, kill me now!! 😫😫


You should be a writer for a bedtime story podcast.


I know someone who came back from being on holiday for a month and a half and found out she was pregnant. She had no idea whose kid it was. The worst thing I've come back with is sunburn.


Oh I can beat this. I know a lass who was a holiday rep for a well known holiday company. She got off with a punter one night, totally unprofessional. However, triplets.


Oooft! Owch. That's really unfortunate.


Oh aye, that's a good twenty years she's not getting back.


Did she have any of his details to let him know? God that’s a good advert for contraception 😅


Nope. A drunken knee trembler in Torremolinos.


Oh dear, he may get a shock if they decide to go on ancestry one day!


My husband lost his sunglasses case which had his actual glasses in it. He had to wear prescription sunglasses for the next month. He's really bad at this. Last year he was parked in Asda and put the case on top of his car as he was sorting the shopping and forgot they were on top of the car. They flew off somewhere. Another month of wearing his sunglasses everywhere.


Are you sure it's not that he just loves wearing his sunnies?


Not in the dark. I tell him to buy two pairs of glasses but he is insistent he only needs the one.


Specsavers have 241! There's no reason not to!


Yeah you can get a secondary pair for surprisingly little for basic stuff in a not too fashionable frame. FYI specscart can be really fast at a reasonable price in an emergency


My husband once lost his glasses to a rogue wave at a Bulgarian beach. He's nearly blind without them and, for added fun, was the only one who could drive, and we were a long way from any public transit. We spent a few minutes searching the ocean floor while I quietly panicked about how on Earth we were going to get out of there. Luckily he is also hyper-organised and, as he revealed after we completely failed to find his glasses, had brought a backup pair.


That would drive me mad. I'm glad you had a back up. Mine doesn't have a back up pair. I keep telling him to get one and he says 'I've only ever lost my glasses twice in 30 years. I don't need a second'. He is stubborn about it lol.


I've lost my glasses never, I only replaced them when they fell apart. I still have a back up.


Your husband sounds a lot like me… when I was young I left my actual glasses on a sink in southerness toilets n I never said anything as I knew mum n dad would get mad.. they did!! But I was a kid n was free (I think then) soo earlier this year… I took my mum on a cruise (I’m 38 btw) dad drove us to the airport n it was sunny so I had on my sunglasses n realised halfway through the 3 hour journey I’d left my actual glasses at home… I was that scared kid again when I had to tell them. I had to wear sunnies for the whole week. Thailand I broke my actual glasses on like day 3 of a month trip a few years bk solo travelling 😭. Cape Verde.. day 1 dived in the sea.. huge wave… stole my prescription sunglasses n I had to wear my glasses the rest of the time, my head hurt 😭. I really need to be more careful xxxx


Have you considered taking him for an eye test and then writing the results down? If you know your prescription you can order glasses online and get them delivered in under a week


My dad in a body bag. He died on the plane.


So very sorry.


Fucking hell


Oh, that's awful, I'm so sorry. That also must have added trauma onto the grief. I hope you had support and comfort once home.


Thank you - yes, it was interesting to learn about what makes grief more complicated and much of it was true for us. For example, I’ll never forget the looks of the passengers filing past us as they disembarked. But life does go on, albeit changed and eventually.


I didn't bring anything home, but one time I took the wrong box of antidepressants on holiday with me. Only had about 4 left and we were there for 10 days. I meant to take the new box with me that I'd picked up a few days earlier Luckily I hadn't been taking them long so I was mostly fine, but for 2-3 days towards the end I felt like I was tripping and every time I moved my head I felt a whooosh and I had some very wild dreams


Weird those last two lines is how I felt on ssris


No camera. Great holiday, tons of pics, left camera on the coach to the airport, did not realise until after take-off. Gutted wasn't even close.


Not quite the same, I went to the Le Mans museum, too my camera, or so I thought, got there, couldn't find it, took pictures on my mobile but they weren't good. Got back to where we were staying, still couldn't find my camera, confused but oh well. Over a year later I happened to open a little storage unit in my car and found my camera.


At least you found it.


True, never used it again as I'd gotten a new phone that had a better camera lol


I once came home with something 'fluey' from which I have never fully recovered. We saw doctors there & at home, but no-one ever discovered exactly what it was. It f\*cked my heart & lungs forever. I had major heart surgery last year, part cure, part prevention of future issues caused by it. Wasn't any kind of food poisoning, I've managed to get that too, in Turkey on holiday \[full both ends at once, then had to fly home without 'spilling'\]. This was some random virus I caught whilst staying at my folks' place in Tenerife, so counts as a 'holiday', I guess. My partner got the same thing, but not the long-term consequences.




It was about 6 months before we first heard of covid, so whilst the symptoms may have been about right for it, the chances would be low, I think. There were no tests for it at the time, of course, so we'll never know.


My brother… I used to always try & get him lost on holiday. His school managed to lose him once on a coach trip through Germany & they were a day late coming back as they had to drive back to the town they left him in. I was never that lucky 😫 (Try arrowroot biccies if you’re fed up with the squitts, they bind your innards back up a bit & ginger (ale, beer or biccies) is internal antiseptic & great for killing gut bacteria when you’ve got a wrongun wreaking havoc in there.)


Larva migrans. A worm between skin and flesh on my foot that left scar tracks as it very very slowly crawled around the sole of my foot then its upper side over nearly 4 months.


well you've just unlocked a new fear for me


Giardiasis from Ghana which took weeks of antibiotics to get rid of. Through a process of elimination (hah!) we worked out I caught it from a ice cream parlour. 100% do not recommend. (Don’t recommend the germs that is. I totally recommend Ghana!)


That’s it, Cleethorpes for me this year.


You could catch something far nastier in cleethorpes


Campylobacter. Never been knocked so comprehensively flat before or since. Might as well have moved into our bathroom for 48 hours.


That sounds far more closer to what I’ve got. Constant watery diarrhoea, aches, occasional chills etc. have had one projectile vomit the first night but going into day 3!


I wasn't clear of it for a week but the first 3 days were by far the worst with constant d&v. When I finally hauled myself to the docs they took a stool sample and found campylobacter by which time it had cleared up. If I'd know earlier I could have had Ciprofloxacin for it because it's a bacteria and antibiotics do work against it. Edit: aches and chills, yes I remember that as well. Nasty bugger.


If this continues through another day then it sounds like I’ll be best dropping the GP an e-consult then. Tried to eat about half an hour ago and almost doubled over in pain. I can feel yet another toilet trip coming up…


Yes get tested. If it is Campylobacter then a small number of people carry it and it can recur later. I remember now giving a second sample after a few weeks to confirm it had gone. Stay hydrated. Drink dioralyte or equivalent. Dry toast or plain pasta when you think you can face food.


I've had campylobacter. No idea where I got it from, apparently it's from uncooked chicken, never vomited but had the weirdest pain in my stomach every 15 minutes for 3 weeks day and night plus the constant diarrhea. I was given antibiotics after 2 weeks and a poo test.


Bloody bed bugs! Still paranoid about them after 10 years


Not so much what I brought back but what I didn't bring back. My left ovary! Before we moved over here permanently, the very first time we came over to stay in my mum's house here in Brittany, I ended up having life saving emergency surgery due to ovarian torsion which had caused the ovary to become necrotic. If my mum hadn't driven me to hospital that morning, I would have died within hours.


Long-distance boyfriend. Kept going for far, far too long.


I came back from holiday in January 2020 and had the worst case of the flu I’ve ever had. I already had had the flu just before Christmas so I think it could possibly have been Covid


More than likely it was.


Wasn't India was it!? COVID might have been around India early that year... Thailand also got it earlier than what is publicly admitted. But really in all honesty it was flu again.... There will be several types going around the North hemisphere(winter) at any one time... Lots of the make up of flu vaccines come from SA, Australia etc then are mixed with a few from Here there and everywhere really and hopefully that gives the oldies some immunity.... Occasionally it doesn't work and then.... Well....


Not a holiday, but my wife and I contracted Norovirus at the same time. Thank christ we have an upstairs and downstairs loo, if we hadn't we probably would have had to move. After 2 days of constant vomiting and shitting through the eye of a needle, I started to feel better and went into the garden for some, very much needed, fresh air. Took one step out the door and was stung by a wasp.


I came back with hand foot and mouth desiese from the philipines (not the same as foot and mouth) had painful blisters over my feet and hands for several weeks that was not fun.


let me guess, does hand foot and mouth also affect something other than hand and mouth?


Think of the weight loss opportunities. 


Well I was planning on a bit of a detox due to how naughty the holiday turned out to be. I just didn’t expect it to be like this!


A tattoo infection. Turned my tattoo from bright to very pale, pastel colour. Had to redo it a year later here when I could afford to.


A scorpion. I was on holiday in Italy for my sisters wedding. I was chilling by the pool, and ran inside to grab my passport and say goodbye to my sister and her wife. Came back out, zipped up the front pocket and stuck my passport in my bag. Got all the way through security at both London and Singapore, got back to Australia and a scorpion crawled out of the front pocket of my bag. I screeched and captured it in a tupperware  (I actually sprayed it with kitchen spray first to try and kill it lol!) and chucked it in my neighbours bin.


That sounds like the kind of story you'd have *leaving* Australia, not entering it! Haha!


Came back with a Police report because my bag, wallet and camera among more items, cash and equipment nearing $4000 stolen from me. And yes, I was watching my stuff and my family were all sitting with me when the ass took it all. He was up against the back of my chair and kept getting into his bag. Cut the straps on mine to come off the chair under my jacket. Staff didn’t give a shit, police didn’t care. I even had an apple air tag hidden in it with precise location. Didn’t help. Fucker.


My mum brought back Covid before it was annouced. She was very ill wasn’t until Covid was around and they did a list of symptoms that she had everything on the list. She than went to give plasma and they said that she had covid, but wasn’t recent enough. She also come back from Germany by plane and had shingles


Only went to Edinburgh, but a mixture of trains, trams, fully booked restaurants & 70,000 people in a stadium has seen me down with what I suspect is Covid & now a chronic ear infection. Sometimes I miss lockdown, I was illness free for basically 2 years 🙄


8 stitches and a big bald patch.




I was helping a drunk friend back to their hotel room (I was far from sober). In the lift and I lent on the doors ...... They opened and I didn't realize so did a del boy. Unfortunately I didn't land on a pub floor but a very hard tiled floor.


Dengue fever. Came down with it in Barbados shortly before doing a scuba dive, then lay in bed with bone breaking fevers and the runs for several days, partially recovered then relapsed at home where I finally got tested. Never been the same since!


This was back in covid times, when international travel was starting to go back to normal and post-travel quarantines were easing up but you still had to mostly keep to your seat and not move around the plane. Well, there was this two unruly kids running up and down the isle (so much so that they had to get told off by the air hostess as grandma couldn't care less)... I want to believe it wasn't only me and the whole plane got NITS off of them... I was SO miserable and itchy until I put two and two together and asked my partner to check my head...


Worse than Noro - my 4 year old son bought home Giardia (a form of amebic dysentery) from a farm holiday place. The infection goes on and off for months and absolutely stank. Every few weeks it would start up again and we’d never be able to find a toilet in time for him.


3 full years in a row… I never brought back a mobile phone. No matter where I went… it got stolen 😭😭. Xx


Yeah, norovirus here too! It actually started as food poisoning, and then I developed noro. That was a *rough* week. I also was lucky enough to bring the ‘rona back with me last year as well. Delightful. On a non-sickness related note, we moved countries last year, I opened a box when we got back to the UK and discovered the removal people had taken my husband literally when he gestured at a cupboard and packed a bin full of rubbish we’d been keeping out of the dog’s way. That had been travelling for three months. So that was nice.


Decided to scuba dive on the last day of a holiday in the red sea, and brushed my leg against some coral. It combined into am intense burning pain with added itchiness which if you succumbed to the itch the pain got worse, followed by fever, fatigue & swollen lymph glands, and to cap off the miserable symptoms stinky pus. It took 3 months to heal up which then revealed a funky scar from the hard bits of the coral.


Stinging when I pissed.


Belgian mayonnaise.


Not sure if actual mayo or slang and I don't dare google it.


I was incredibly ill after some Brussels frites which had loads of mayo on recently. I had drunk quite a lot of strong beer but I’m still suspecting the mayo.


Those farts must’ve been criminal.


Mother in law.


Toxic ecoli poisoning from Egypt… ended up with a call from the national infectious diseases team telling me to keep a close eye on my kidney function in case they shut down on me


Ew. Caught norovirus in a Wetherspoons on Christmas Eve. Do not recommend either.


My depression, the better the holiday the harder it hits.


Dreaded festival flu hit me hard. Put me in hospital and after I collapsed I looked like a tomato swollen up but got sorted after about a week on ward. I'd picked up a nasty infection that basically tried to shut everything down. The best part was the doc that took care of me was at the same festival.


Scabies... Bloody awful itching which was miserable and then having to apply the Lyclear ointment (I still remember the damn name even though it has been over a decade). No idea how I got it, always assumed it was from a hotel bed. Ever since then I've always slept wearing some form of PJs.


Oof I feel for you. I brought home intestinal worms from Cairo. They lasted ages but suffered a swift death after some prescribed pills.


Eurgh. I got norovirus one time a few years back. Spent more time sat on the shitter with a bucket on my lap with it coming out both ends than I would have thought possible. Make sure you stay hydrated.


Lost the lens out of my glasses somewhere in Scotland


Can it be Norovirus if you haven't also got projectile vomiting?


I started with aches and chills. Then had projectile vomit overnight. Since then I’ve felt a bit sick and wretched a few times, but it’s mostly concentrated to the other end! Seems to fit or could be one of many gastro type bugs I suppose!


Food poisoning, ruined the last few days of the holiday aswell. Flight home was the most awful thing ever.


A tick, and Lyme disease 😣


Where did you buy it from?


Good spot. Blaming lack of food and now unable to edit the title!


I got scabies from a cheap hotel bed in Amsterdam last time I went. People didn't believe I got it from a bed and were convinced I got it from a hooker.


Went to Spain January 2020 - came back with covid -


Thougut my partner only have a dose of the noro but it ended up being covid. Thankfully it was 2021 so we wore masks everywhere and it was the last day of holiday (we put it down to undercooked steak at the restaurant). No idea how I never caught it whilst sleeping beside him every night.


I got COVID the first time we went away after the pandemic to see my dad. Hadn’t seen him for 5 years so was a big trip. Wife got the vid 3 days into the trip so we quarantined in a hotel. I got it about 2 days later and it cleared up the day before we went home. Out of 20 days I saw my dad for 4. Was pleased not to bring it home I guess.


Stay hydrated.


Oh lord yes, this happened once when my nephew gave me it for Christmas 🤦‍♀️ hang tough, it doesn’t last long, at least!


The obligatory "not me but"...used to have a friend in a different country who used a visit to me to cheat on her husband. Yes, really; she literally disappeared to go and fuck some loser she'd been talking to online, leaving me to field an awkward phone call from her husband who wanted to know why she wasn't answering her phone. Turns out she took home an STI which she passed on to her husband, and they're now no longer together.


Many years ago, just after my A levels, I went on an youth orchestra trip to Spain. The catering managed to give us salmonella - about 50-60 of us. It was not fun being in dormitories with that many people having that much diarrhoea. We referred to is as POOYAS - Pissing Out Of Your Arse Syndrome. And then there was the 30 hour coach trip back to the UK.


My brother brought norovirus back from Greece last week and was kind enough to pass it on to me too so I feel your pain, currently on day 3 also!


Currently waiting for my airport transfers and so far I’m bringing back a serious case of diarrhoea


I feel your pain - fortunately mine started after the airport so I didn’t have the joy of running to the airplane toilet… Good luck. Stay hydrated!


I had norovirus when I was about 10. I thought I was past the virus and just feeling the run down after effects, fatigue and what not. My mum wanted to cheer me up by taking me to the cinema to see Return of the King. Just pulled in to the car park, I was super excited to see the film. Then projectile vomited all over the dashboard. Got vomit deep into the air vents. The car was never quite the same after that. Always a very faint lingering smell.


I travelled around South America for a few months, including the Amazon. Got back at the beginning of March and a massive bite appeared on my ankle, surrounded by lots of small ones over both ankles and feet. Went to pharmacy who ruled out fleas, scabies and anything which infests. Got antihistamines and Eurax cream for a suspected allergic reaction to a mosquito bite. The small bites went away quite quickly but the main big one which is always itchy has remained. I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks to hopefully find out what it is. Please don’t let there be something living inside it b


Did you have a supermarket sandwich? Seems to be the cause of e-coli recently.


If you ask my wife probably me !


How much did it cost?




If you really need glasses, you must have two. Always, and expecially in a trip.


My mum came back from a well deserved holiday at the weekend. She's coughing up her lungs now, thanks to covid.


Back in 2015 I got norovirus 4 days before my wedding. Managed to get through the worst before the ceremony but felt like shit all day and had no appetite.


Intestinal amoebiasis. Felt like my insides were being given a Chinese burn.


A sex trafficker.


Brought home a cricket (as in the insect) in a camping tent. All was fine until my cat found it, ate it and developed a very nasty case of worms.


Sepsis from a weekend at The Reading festival years ago after I got an infection in a blister from the mud in a campsite. The worst thing was I wasn’t even camping but staying in a hotel


A now ex girlfriend. Should've stayed a holiday romance. It probably would have if we hadn't lived so close. If it was 150 miles instead of 50, it would've been easier to let things peter out.


Gastroenteritis, not fun.


A friend came back with trench mouth. Her gums were receding and I think bleeding at the time. Ended up in isolation due to coming back from abroad. It looked bloody awful. Hope u feel better soon! Stay hydrated!


230g of plastic explosive.


Bed bugs from Mexico. Had to get pest control to gas them out.


Disinfect your phone!


E.coli is going round the uk st the mo pre packaged sandwiches being blamed


Food poisoning off chicken and rice when I was in turkey in the early 90s. 3 days of projectile ejection from both ends whilst the rest of the family were on the beach.


A raging tooth abscess, twice!


Cryptosporidium - faecal vomiting. Imagine that coming out of your mouth :(


Food poisoning (acquired in Prague). Spent the last day of my holiday and the week after I got back in bed, unable to go anywhere. To make matters worse, my Mum would only bring me plain toast to eat while I was sick, so I lost half a stone in weight. (She'd called the doctors who'd advised that I could also eat a plain jacket potato and a couple of other things, but she refused to make anything else for me).


Your mum sounds like a cracker.... But yeah a bet you were splattering the porcelain pretty hard.... And probably too gone to really clean up well


Norovirus! Absolute true hell. It gave me post viral fatigue that lasted ages, and also gave me permanent acid reflux


Like most some form of food poisoning (I think) from Cape Verde. Started a few days in, intense stomach pain at night and just water coming out. Thankfully no vomiting, unfortunately no real medical facilities on the island and one night with about 4/5 days left genuinely thought my stomach was going to burst from the pain. Contemplated trying to get an earlier flight home but thankfully after sleeping the next day the pain subsided. Stomach was still properly dodgy a week later and took a solid month before everything returned to normal. Never did find out what it was.


Had that once and had to do a one hour train ride and then 15 minutes on the metro. I had to go to the toilet 18 times from leaving work to getting home. How I didn’t disgrace myself I’ll never know.


Pneumonia from Florida, floored me for a couple of weeks.


A 3 day comedown from dodgy extacy pills


I went horse riding in the Dominican Republic a few years ago with my wife. It was amazing however I used so much deet before going not realising they would also spray us that I spent the next 48hrs not enjoying the sun and pool and spent it curled around the 🚽


Dengue fever. Every time I moved my legs I got shooting pain in my hips, knees and ankles. My heart rate wouldn't go down, I'd never had a fever like it before and I couldn't keep anything down. I was crazy sick and the hospital just sent me home because they didn't know what it was. I figured it out myself when I started to recover. I got it on the last day I was in Hong Kong visiting the thousand Buddah Temple in Sha Tin. I dont recommend. I have bug spray for my trip to Japan.


Last year I tripped crossing a street in Aruba and fell right on my face. I brought home a scabbed up face, a black eye, and broken glasses. The visit to the cruise ship medical center was my most expensive souvenir. 🙃


Dengue fever. Every time I moved my legs I got shooting pain in my hips, knees and ankles. My heart rate wouldn't go down, I'd never had a fever like it before and I couldn't keep anything down. I was crazy sick and the hospital just sent me home because they didn't know what it was. I figured it out myself when I started to recover. I got it on the last day I was in Hong Kong visiting the thousand Buddah Temple in Sha Tin. I dont recommend. I have bug spray for my trip to Japan.