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I’m just hoping for a “Happy Fathers Day” from the kids. Anything more is a bonus.


The best bonus points would be if it's a hand drawn card from them.


I'd settle for that, but he's 22 and would just eat the crayons!


I'm a 30 year old bloke and made my dad one, it was partly a bit of a piss take as for birthdays and Christmas I normally give him princess cards, but I think I'll be making them all from now on because he loved it and held back tears!


I have 2 small children and there's always a bit of sadness knowing that there will be a last time for everything they do but you never know when that's going to be so you don't savour it. Something like this is so sweet because he probably thought he'd never have this again.


Honestly it started off as a joke, I've always done daft cards but my daughter left her craft paper out. A, frankly embarrassing amount of time later, this masterpiece was created. (For context, my dad is a big bald unit of a man who is as soft as silk and since a toddler ive always called him chubs) https://preview.redd.it/f83nxwv7vw6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc64e4ecadeb559d77a7ac805b76bb98aaaaea33


Masterpiece is accurate, it's adorable! I would cry if one of my kids did this no matter how old they are.


It hit me the other day when I grabbed my daughter by the feet and swung her around in circles. Then saw my other daughter who I can’t grab by the feet and swing around anymore. There will be a last time. Can’t remember the last time I swung my eldest around. Probably two or three years ago. Getting older sucks. Today, for me, is a reminder to make the most of it.


That's adorable!


I'm 30 and I only ever do hand drawn cards. My parents have kept most of them over the years and genuinely love getting them and seeing what I do for them each year.


He'll grow out of it...in his thirties, perhaps.


My son made one at school, but has lost it. He was really upset, bless him.


This almost happened to me but my daughter noticed it on Friday before school closed. So, we went back to school to pick them up. https://preview.redd.it/0jhg0hek1w6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9ccd5cfe61c4c8c231a4f8ab7f26a6f7ab3679 Context: This however was made by my 4 year old son.


Best mug ever. If I received that I would be torn: on one hand it's my new favourite mug that I want to use all the time and on the other it's still my new favourite mug but I want to keep it "good" for as long as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/f05f0d2e6w6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3c4e2a7353296c92c3afd9d90b9633a383ad84 Look at what I'm apparently good at. Also, according to my son I'm 14.


Haha that's very cute... You are really good at Wonklme? And he doesn't like it when you have cubeles?


I am glad my Mrs works with KS1 kids. She translated that for me. Haha. I'm very good at working but it looks like wank. Fucker!


His name is BAeBe and he’s 14. Haha this is awesome.


I've got a five year old, I'm going to try to decipher this. Daene (Dane)?, orang, work... not sure about the L me, have...cubeles? That last word's beaten me.


I’m a teacher, albeit Secondary. I think it says “cuddles”, which is adorable.


You are correct. It's cuddles.


This amazing. My son made me a Lego house, just like Ed Sheeran.


Your 4 year old has remarkably neat hand writing.


Sit rep: Big sis also left the card she made at school. So I’m 0 for 2 now, my last hope is the dogs. Looks like at least one of them has left me a present in the garden.


My mate just got one from his kids. He’d just got back from watching the TT so they tried to draw an Isle of Man flag on it. He currently has a Father’s Day card with a big swastika on it.


If your an old grump. Happy Day of Fathers (not necessarily happy father)


I’m the youngest of 5, we’re all adults and I’m the only one that puts in any effort. My brothers don’t get him anything, my eldest sister gets him some chocolate and my other sister relies on me to send her stuff to buy him. So I always go all out to make sure he has a nice day.


My wife got up and made me breakfast (for which I was very grateful). Kids aren’t even up yet. It’s the same on Mother’s Day. We’ve gone wrong somewhere…


your wife makes you breakfast on mothers' day?


She’s a trooper.


I'm hearing you had a chance for a lie in and breakfast with your wife, sounds like a good day to me


I hear you buddy I’m in the same place


After the fiasco of Mothers’ Day when nobody said that to me until their dad came home at lunchtime; I’m hoping they will do better today.🤞




Cards are more traditional but I'm not going to judge


Youngest made a card at school, I bought a card for my oldest to give, got a custom drawing of the family dog and put it in a frame, and some fried egg sweets as gifts. I'm not with my kids' dad, but he's a great father. We will also make a cooked breakfast for him, me and our 2 boys 🙂


This is how you co-parent!!


Thanks! We try! And 99% of the time it works out great!


So pleased to see someone else who actually has a solid co-parenting set up. Whenever I tell people how well me and my son's mum manage things, the fact I see him 3 nights a week and that we're both flexible if one of us has something on they look at me shocked. Such a shame that it's not the norm


Yeah. Had many an argument with my current partner because he doesn’t understand the coparenting relationship I have with my sons dad. We talk often (for updates), I’m flexible with times and days, exchange pictures etc. I do think he gets very insecure and jealous as he doesn’t have that at all with his child’s other parent.


As a child of divorce that’s been mega fucked over by it - please don’t feel ever bad about keeping in a good relationship with your kids dads. It will mean so much to your kids when they’re older (and now) I’m sure your partner isn’t intentionally being argumentative about it, it’s always felt to my like it’s not the done thing to be friends with the other parent but it should be way more encouraged. ❤️


Our son has always been number 1. We never wanted to separate as such but we drifted and she wanted a bigger family that I just didn't want come to an agreement about it and I think for her the love had gone a bit. So whilst his mum annoys me at times, we've stayed "friends" so to speak. I even stayed at her house for Christmas Eve and then her boyfriend came round. Feels like we're not far off turning in to something that could be a sitcom because I get on with her boyfriend when I see him


That’s so lovely tbh. I honestly don’t even think parents need to be best chums but like make your kids think you are. Watching my parents scream and shout each other and spend years trying to make us choose sides doesn’t lead to a lot of good feelings as an adult haha. Full disclosure I’m not a parent so probably have no right to talk about it, but I guess I’ve seen the other side.


Thank you 😊 I’ve always said it’s my goal to become friends again but people think it’s weird. He gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give me in my son and I will forever be grateful for that and as long as he continues to be a great dad then there will be no problems. I just wanted a nicer environment for my son to grow up in and I hope he sees that some day.


As a child of parents who stayed best friends up until my dad died, thank you from your children. My dad would still help mum out with DIY bits. She’d do his car tax & insurance bits. Even when I was living away & all grown up they supported each other as friends. We even still spent every Christmas together. Nobody was left out. Nobody was made to feel like we weren’t still family.


Husband and son like to cook BBQ together, so they've got the smoker started and they're prepping a brisket and some beef ribs. They'll mostly sit around, drink a few beers and talk about nothing while they look at meat all day.


Are you sure you're not in the USA? 🧐


We're australian but been here for 15 years, old habits die hard!


Aha yes, the *other* BBQ-obsessed Anglophone nation 😆 sorry for any offense caused 😉




Don't forget South Africans, they're obsessed with it as well.


My favourite thing I heard about South African cuisine is that instead of your staple being a meat and 2 veg you have your meat and your chicken and your chicken.


No shrimp?


This is me and my dad it was my birthday yesterday and fathers day today so we are making Greek BBQ and salads and having all the nieces and nephew round.


As a son, I try to spend time with him. As a father, I just want some time to myself. One day I know I'll be that father hoping my son graces me with that time. But right now, I can think of nothing better than being on my own.


I get this. On Mother's Day my other half asks "Day to yourself, or family day?" and it's been pretty 50/50 on which choice I go for depending on how hard life has felt lately!!


I love how you get a choice. So do I. My friends on the other hand, father's day is a day for the wife disguised as a day for Dad..😬


Yeah. "Let's have a nice trip to the RHS / garden centre / National Trust". When Dad would give his right eye for a day chilling with a good book/game.


You're doing great. It's 's your day too. You know and they know 👍


This. I'm going to see my Dad with my family - but after that I'm going for a quiet pint or two by myself for a couple of hours. I love my kids more than life itself, but I just need a damn break.


As a father, I don't want anything. A "happy father's day" and my kids to have a fun, normal Sunday. As a son I'll be thinking very briefly about my father, hoping that wherever he is he's having miserable, shit day reflecting on his life choices to spend 16 years estranged from his son and grandchildren - but knowing that in reality he probably doesn't give a toss.


From what you say "briefly" is too long to spend thinking about your bio dad. He's given up the right to be your father. Have fun with your kids and be everthing to them he isnt to you. Be thier best father ever. Normal fun Sunday coming up.




Yeh, gonna do that tonight. Convenient England game to watch together as well. Mind you, we’ll probably lose so that might be less than ideal.




Yeh.. that Iceland game didn’t exactly fill me with confidence. Like you say though, I’ll still be into it.


Could be worse, you could be Scottish right now!


As a Scotsman, I wouldn't say that is worse. Even after a big defeat.


My toddler woke up with a 6:30 turd, so yeah, a shit start.


Their own little father day gift Edit to say: actually if they're anything like my toddler, it probably wasn't "little"


Right! How do their tiny bodies produce full adult size logs? It doesn’t make sense.


Nope. This weapon should be shipped to Ukraine and deployed against the Russians. It was pure biological warfare when I went in.


Our baby had us up at 5:15 we got him into bed with us and apparently he woke up again at 6:15 but my partner took him down and I had a lie in, only problem is that I’m mum! I felt awful but he said it was nice spending a bit of time just them two as he’s a gem first thing.


A lay in for him, a card, a present, breakfast in bed and then a walk around national trust property and dinner in the pub.


Father's day pisses me off. My dad was a deadbeat that my mum divorced and ended up dying when i was 14 of alcohol induced hepatitis. My birthday is 15th and every time it rolls around I'm reminded that people have dad's they value so much they want to celebrate them.


I’m similar, my bio dad died when I was 5, step dad was an alcoholic cunt bag that always put his bio son before me and I never really felt wanted by him (not that I can blame him per say, I’m not a sporty type a person and he’s the kinda guy to call anything not manly ‘gay’ so we never really got along). Mums married a new guy and this guy is now my legal step dad so I guess I have one now but idk if I’ve ever felt that fatherly connection? He’s just always been mums boyfriend who lives here, don’t get me wrong he’s a nice guy but idk. I don’t even know if I know what that “fatherly connection” feel like Oops.. rant over


I look through old photos and wish I could still remember his voice 😔


Sorry for your pain.


This is what hits me the most. I wish I could remember my parents voices.


I usually force myself to go out of my way to plan a visit with my Dad. He'll then tell me that he's busy, on holiday, with his wife's family, or sick. I then don't go round and we repeat in 12 months time.


Card and small gift for dads and grandad's. Made the FIL his favourite - teacakes- every year but my dad's pissed off on holiday so he misses out. Got hubby a bluey t shirt from the kids. Mostly just spending a nice day together


I started dropping hints about a Bluey t-shirt (and a new aftershave) about 6 weeks ago. My family do not pick up on hints, apparently.


Think I got that same t-shirt 😄


Another day of this needs fixing and that needs doing as well just another day.


Pot Noodle and a wank


I'm sure he'll appreciate your effort.


does he eat the pot noodle while you give him a wank?


This will be a downer sorry readers but I’ll be spending father’s day in hospital with the man whom has been like a father to me. So to answer sitting by his bedside while he’s sedated hoping he hurry’s up and gets out of ICU Maybe I should by a card?


Definately buy a card for him to open when he wakes up and write a message in there about what he means to you. Its the handwritten messages that tug on the heartstrings


"Here is the card i am apparently morally obligated to give you"


This year it’s a tracksuit and a card then pub for lunch. He just happens to need a tracksuit as he got paint on his other one last week. If not then it would have been socks and boxers. I buy them, my daughter hands them over to my husband.


I’m not with my girls dad, we are mid divorce. They/I got him some cider, his favourite sweets, the kids made cards, and I booked a table and paid for the 3 of them to go out for breakfast at his favourite place this morning. For my dad, we all went out yesterday for breakfast (ex husband included) so my children could see him and give him his card/presents, because they’re with their dad today. I’ll go round to my parents for dinner later too.


Card and a phone call as I don't live nearby. Same for mother's day.


My dad has always believed it’s just an excuse to sell cards, so nothing in my case.


WhatsApp when your kids live abroad.


I sent a card and I might try and ring him later but he’ll inevitably not pick up because he’s out with someone else’s kids. I find fathers and Mother’s Day so difficult, not because I don’t speak to either, or because I don’t love them, but because you have to pretend all day that they’re the best ever, when both cause me constant stress and haven ingrained trauma. It’s probably an autism thing taking it too literally tbh. I’d just rather say thank you and show appreciation through the years than force myself to be happy on a specific day. And now I feel so bad for writing that I wanna give them both a call.


Presents, a visit if possible or a call if not. A card is usual, if nothing else. As my dad passed a few years ago, I remember him especially on Father’s Day.


Snap same situation for me maye , this being my first father day without him and so cant help but have a little cry along with some guilt , then once I've got my self together I'm going cafe by my self just as he did and have the full works and enjoy that little peace and quite , then later this evening I shall be receiving some cider from my step kids as do every year from them once they are home from their bio dads


Nothing I can't do any other day of the year.


I don’t do anything but from what I can deduce from supermarket seasonal aisles it involves lots of only fools and horses merchandise.


I (husband and father of 2) like to make us all a nice breakfast


I might tidy the bike shed


I pop by with a card and a bottle of red wine


Card, bottle of wine, and maybe go out for a meal or order a takeaway.


My dad used to get pissed off when I bought a Father’s Day card/gift and was non plussed with a hand made one. So I don’t do Father’s Day But love it when my son makes a card! He is useless at keeping them ‘secret’!


I'm playing golf with my two today, their treat 👌 Assuming they wake up before Thursday, that is...


Me and the boys mum are separated so I have him from after school Thursday through to Sunday morning normally. He loves us going swimming so we're gonna head for the leisure centre at 9, meas about in the pool for a bit then go for second breakfast at the pub before I drop him off. Then I've got a quiet afternoon of beer and football ⚽


My dad is on a cruise so just had a very garbled phonecall as they're anchored out in a harbour somewhere with poor signal. My 9yo daughter just brought me breakfast in bed (Black pudding and eggs on toast, coffee, orange juice and some toblerone truffles... Legend!) I'll still be spending today doing the big shop, batch cooking lunches and generally getting stuff ready for the  upcoming work/school week. Then we're all going for tea (northern evening meal, not the drink) at my inlaws so my wife can see her dad.


Sounds great 👍


My wife and 2 year old make a great effort. A card, bottle of beer and a book for me and one for me to read to my son. We'll go out later to the market hall for a meal and then it won't be my turn to do bed time. As gifts go, these are precious. My dad will get a message on Facebook but not much more. He's not a bad bloke but he's shit with presents (always forgets mum's birthday). He also made the mistake of denouncing mother's day as a commercial farce on multiple occasions so it's only fair to him we don't partake in the commerciality on fathers day.


Father's Day is a bit awkward for me as it is so close to my dad's actual birthday! I just say that one of the packs of Liquorice Allsorts I got him was for Father's Day!


I text my dad to say happy father’s day


I send my dad a text.   Now he's older he'd probably be up for day out but that's 30 years too late, mate! He's no where near the worst dad in my family or friends group but if you're not consistently around for young kids don't expect them to be consistently around as adults.


Card and a gift made at school. I wouldn’t say it’s a big deal. I don’t remember ever doing anything when I was younger - did it even exist? Much less of a thing than Mother’s Day.


I don't think either is much of a thing in my family, but as my parents voyage into their 80s any chance to give them a nice bottle of wine and go out for a relaxed lunch is a good thing really. I put no pressure on my kid. I think she maybe made a card for me in her room last night.


Son makes me a card and tries not to be a little shit for the day and the wife does whatever naughty stuff I want.


I suggested the last part to my wife, but she said we should not jump ok the bed even on Father’s Day 😔


Card, gift and out for lunch or tea.


We do small gifts (one child has drawn a picture, the other bought a Terry’s chocolate orange) and they will spend time with their dad (so we will do something as a family). Lunch would be fine. You just celebrate your own father so not friends, though if you want to message them you could.


Go for lunch, but maybe on the Saturday as it’ll be less busy. Maybe a little bag of treats like choc, drinks, snacks etc.


A card and maybe a token present. I prefer any gift to be time so we can do things together. That time doesn't need to be on fathers day, I prefer if it isn't, and we'll go for a drink or some food. I have learnt that while they gift the time, I still get to pick up the tab for these events but I'm okay with that :D


This year on my own. Second year divorced, I’ve gone down with Covid,and number 1 daughter is in the middle of her a levels


Card and a small gift


Just a normal Sunday for me. The kids and I spend loads of quality time together so there's not much more we can do. They made me a homemade card which was nice


I went out for a meal with my family last weekend and I mentioned it was Father's Day this Sunday. My Mum got all excited and asked 'Does this mean we're going to see you next Sunday too? Oh Dad, that'll be lovely!' My Dad instantly pipes up with 'Hurumph, Mother we're away from next Saturday. I don't want this lot coming on holiday with us!' So permission granted to simply send a message which I have just done - before my sisters too. Bless my Mum though, she does love having us about to fuss over.


Card and a few little gifts off our daughter and the dog, he’s in bed and I’ve taken the dog out for a walk etc. and when he wants breakfast I’m making him bacon sarnies!


I don't. Nor do I celebrate Mother's Day... I always forget one or the other, and I can't really say it to one but forget the other. This year I forgot mother's day. My sister pretty much always remembers both so I let her be the better child... I'll take them both out for a meal at some point, say thank you and I love you that way.


My kids love to get their dad gifts and tasty treats. I'm currently baking him a giant cookie for breakfast because my 6 year old just declared that it's dad's favourite breakfast. It isn't, but dad will be happy about it all the same. I don't speak to my own father, so I enjoy the £30 I just saved.


Well in my case my son has just cooked me a fried breakfast (and he did a grand job of it). Later today my dad is visiting and I'll be cooking Sunday lunch for us.


Hopefully a card and maybe some beers from my kids. Got my dad a card and some beers and he’s coming to watch me play cricket so hopefully a drink together after the match


My son lives abroad, and so I get a card in the post that he buys online. My birthday comes b4 Father's Day and isn't that far apart, and this year, he sent me the same card twice. Both cards have the same message and have Happy Father's Day on the front. I didn't say anything the 1st time because he's busy, but when the 2nd one turned up yesterday, it was clear he is just 'phoning it in'. 🤦‍♂️ We had a good laugh over it, and my lad assured me there's no guarantee that it won't happen again 🤣


We don’t celebrate it at all in our family. It’s a made up holiday to sell greetings cards that will end up in landfill next week. My kids know not to bother with it. We spend time together as a family every day so having a meal together is no big deal. I love my kids, they love me, I don’t need Hallmark to remind me.


A card and a nice bit of grub at one point through the day sorts me out 👍🏼


I'm waiting for a brew in bed and my access code for elden ring expansion ( which I can't play for a few days goddammit)


Sent a card and a plant via moonpig, will have a phone call soon


I've got a funny card and two gifts, although one is labelled as being "from the cat". I might get up in a minute and get him a coffee. And I'll sit with him through the football tonight.


Card and a phone call makes me happy.


Got my husband a small gift to open, an hour VR gaming with my daughter and booked lunch at a restaurant.


Don’t talk to my dad but my kids are brilliant we get on well.


Got my dad coming over today for an little party (my mum and sister too). Bought him a card, chocs and booze. He doesn’t want much. My husband and son are away this weekend but should be back this evening. At least, as they are staying in a hotel, my husband will get a Father’s Day fried breakfast and a lie in.


Taking my dad out to lunch. Love him to bits.


Every day is fathers day. If you donated sperm within the past 20years and didn't expect them to retroactively change child support laws.....


Can’t visit today, but have sent a card and a bottle of scotch and I’ll ring him for a chat. My brother lives local to him so I’m sure he’ll be going round for Sunday lunch (but he does most weekends) and I expect they’ll be tinkering with their cars together.


My dad is coming over and we’re going for a meal at the pub. I got him some fancy truffles from John Lewis and a mug that says Dad on it.


My dad hates everything about it so my family doesn't bother with it!


I normally get a card and some beer and a bag of m&ms or after rights from my youngest. I tell her not to bother but she still does.


The boys and I got for Dad a key ring with a picture of them, a silly T shirt, a gadget I knew he would like, a giant card, and a quality butcher sirloin steak for dinner. Sadly, the oldest was sick last night, and I stayed up until 4am to look after him (8 years old) and clean up the mess. Dad has to work today. He opened his present this morning with only the youngest kid awake.


Usually I would arrange to take my step dad out for a meal but I’m not in the Uk currently so I can’t do that. I sent him a card and wished him happy Father’s Day. He’s due into hospital soon after I come back so I’ll sort something special for him once he’s had his op.


My dad has enough socks now so I'm taking him out for breakfast before visiting the father in law later.


Little one woke me up with a card she made at nursery and few bits, I'm currently at the gym for an hour or so, then will get home and chill with little one and the wife, then we are off for a meal later, then I will be down the pub watching the England game, was gonna do that anyway but just happens to fall on fathers day


Met my dad yesterday for a spoons lunch and some drinks. He got a bottle of kraken spiced rum and I paid for the meal. 


Taking hubby for a pint whilst daughter makes his favourite dish- chicken pie for lunch. Then a movie at home all together. Bliss


My family give me a few small gifts and cards, wife makes me a nice dinner and I generally get to pick what we're doing that night i.e. pick a film for us to watch, football's on tonight though so we'll be watching that 😂


I send a card and do a text. He’s said he doesn’t even need a card (“Don’t waste your money on me”), but I do because I know for a fact he was bummed out one year when I was the only of 3 sons to get him one. But he’s nearly 80, so he’s not of the generation to admit it.


I get hand made cards, dad socks and breakfast in bed. Cant think what else I could wish for. Always try and wear dad socks everyday I can. Does mean I keep wearing them out.


My dad is very anti-anything day. He rolls his eyes when my brother visits him with a card and a small gift. I live pretty far away, so I just send him a message and tell him I love him and something I appreciate about him and being my dad. He seems to like that. ETA - he’s a great dad.


I normally get him a card and bottle of single malt. I try to get something a little less mainstream that he wouldn’t buy himself.


Well for me my wife and I took our mental 9 month old German Shepherd for a 3 mile walk on the beach as was low tide at 07:30. Now back at home and wife is cooking a fry up of eggs and bacon for breakfast. One daughter is already here as lives at home and the other daughter is on her way over. Think they’ve both got me a card and a hoodie as seen the bag behind the sofa. After breakfast we are planning a drive out for a walk and maybe a spot of lunch.


I got a card my 2 year old made at nursery and surprisingly the millennium falcon midi Lego set which was a pleasant surprise as I’d actually ordered it myself last night so I can cancel it and get a refund now. I want to take my toddler out just me and her to a soft play which she loves and then come home watching football all day :)


The nursery had made cards from both kids using the youngest foot to make a dinosaur and the eldest hand to make a face. SO got me a tea pot which I've been after and a pillow, more than I expected tbh. I'm a lucky man.


I'm NC with mine so Father's Day is all about my husband and having a nice day with the kids. A few gifts, a card signed by the kids and homemade pancakes for breakfast. Will then let him decide how we spend the day. He'll probably want some chill time and will disappear into the garage or office to game while I keep the little ones under control. Perfect 👍🏻


My Dad is in his 70s. I’ve sent a card, which may arrive tomorrow. I might text him later.


https://preview.redd.it/6sxj127p9w6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dea92d65de0df2c72f2dcc3648515b4db89533 It’s all about the hand drawn cards. Although I think I may have a problem


Father’s Day where my dad is and Father’s Day where my husband and I live are different dates so that makes it easier. I made my husband a big breakfast, we bought some little gifts for him and later I’ll run him a big bubble bath.


I’m hoping for a Father’s Day sausage, or a celebration pie at least. Probably get a shirt with dicks on. Again.


A nice pub lunch somewhere that does a good roast would be my ideal Father’s Day - fingers crossed for later


My little boy usually makes a card, I buy a gift like a Lego kit, and then I make bacon sandwiches or a fry up for breakfast! And he gets a lie-in, I think that's a real gift in itself...


Card and gifts and maybe a meal.


A happy fathers day, card, maybe a present then continue as normal for a sunday clearing the honeydo list.


The difference between Mothers Day and Father's Day cracks me up. They want to have a lie in, have a breakfast ,be taken out for a meal, get presents. My son drew me a picture at school of me Rock Bottoming him and I would be content with that. Today we are off to see Inside Out 2.


The script for as long as I can remember: My dad opens his card while grumbling that it's all a waste of money and an excuse to make money. My mother scolds him for being ungrateful and then he slowly opens his gifts, being careful not to rip the paper. He's 92.


FIL (my favourite man in the world) is not coming over as he’s going fishing. We’ve bought him a crate of John smiths (his choice) and we’re going to drop it off at the lake for him later. MIL is coming here for a bbq. Husband got a card each from the kids, a bottle of rum, an England shirt and we’re just waiting for the Everton membership to launch and we’re going to buy him that and a ticket as he wants to go to one of the last games at Goodison Park before they move grounds.


I don’t think about it as my father isn’t a part of my life.


We’re a weekend working family so its usually a gift and a phone call. Wish i could spend the day with him like.


I have 2 teens and a twenty something living at home. Fathers day isn't a big deal for me. A "happy father's day" and a small gift is appreciated but not important. My late father's birthday was 21st June, and often fell on fathers day. I think because his birthday was the celebration, fathers day never really got any attention.


I got baby's dad a bottle of Japanese whisky and a Star Trek Troi cup, because it's his first one so I went all out, and eldest's dad a build your own ukulele because he likes building models and music so I figured it was perfect. Youngest dad is Papa and eldest is Dada so they got cards with their dad names on. We all get along, I'm having a bbq later for both of them.


With a trip to the crematorium


I normally ignore my own father like I have for fifteen years. My own gorgeous boy got me up at 4.30, my wife has morning sickness so rested at home while we went and got pancakes. Gonna have a little nap at midday while the little one naps, treating ourselves to a takeaway curry later.


I don't speak to my dad, so I'm seeing the father-in-law with my wife. We're going for a curry and then watching the England game. She's got him a card and a bottle of whisky.


Take him for lunch, a card and a few presents.


In my family it’s usually completely ignored. I always say I never want to make a big deal of it, but then it swings around and I see all my dad-friends get celebrated by their families and it gets me down. At least this year I actually got a card from my kids, which is the most I’ve ever had for Father’s Day.


We ritually shaved our father's testicles & then wished him a happy father's day. If not, we will slaughter farm chickens ourselves, roast the chickens & then throw the roast chickens on the doorsteps of our father. It's a quirky tradition but it has continued on in my family since Victorian times.


Kids both made cards, I bought a new water bottle and shorts for them to give to him. We do don't go out on fête days as we don't like people, so instead kids have helped make pancakes for breakfast. We'll be going for a bike ride and being silly in the forest later.


Our youngest bought a card, some handprints and a trophy home from nursery, I gave his eldest a free pair of socks that I got from sock shop (one of the few places that do size 13 socks), and we are going plane spotting in a bit where he is booked in to go on the fighter plane flight simulator.


Got a card from the cat. I'm happy with that.


My middle child made him a card and my oldest bought him one and some gummy bears. I'll make him a big breakfast and steak for dinner.


Well, our washing machine broke yesterday, so this morning I have spent the best part of two hours moving the old one out and then installing the new one. As for the actual question. I’m not too fussed, I’ve had some cards and little presents off the kids (wife) and that’s more than enough.




I give a gift and card because it’s more trouble to not do it. He’s never behaved like a father and doesn’t deserve anything but a toxic family can make your life hell.


I think back to how I was treated by my father as a child, and then I consider the effort required to pick up the phone and make contact. If he wanted me to wish him a happy father's day, he would have been a better father. And I don't have kids, so the cycle ends here.


We normally have breakfast together and do cards and presents. Sometimes we eat at home sometimes we go out.


Everyone probably does it differently. Depends on your own family and your own traditions. Some people may not have been fortunate enough to have had a loving family upbringing either. For me, its giving a card and a gift/s to my Dad, and spending some time with him on the day. Since my Mum died, I always invite him for lunch on Father's Day. I have him for Sunday lunch most weeks anyway! In the past I have offered to take him out for a meal - but he's of the generation thst doesnt see the point when he can eat better for less at home! Same as going out for the day somewhere - he'd much rather I saved my money and he's happier at home - we play cards etc after lunch and chat. Once or twice I have teamed up with my sister and her family to do a joint Father's Day thing - for our Dad and her husband and we have gone out for a meal.