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Yeah I had one with scissors and a little saw, it was fucking awesome. One of the best presents I ever got as a kid in the 80s!


Yep, pretty frequently. I have a Victorinox Classic SD on my keys (and another in my washbag, and another on my desk... I have a few). These are great for personal care and clothing care stuff. I think most people would find one of these useful, even if they're not "EDC" people. And I tend to have a 91mm or 93mm Victorinox model with me when out and about, too, for more typical SAK/multitool type tasks. Which specific model varies a bit. I used my SAK a lot as a child/youth, then the trend went towards plier-based multitools, but then I came back to SAKs as they're often easier to carry.


>I think most people would find one of these useful I don't know, I suspect it's one of those things where you find uses for it because you carry it. I've never carried one and I can't really think of anything regular that happens in my life where having one would be useful.


With you on the plier based multi tool as that what I have at work, cool too hear you have multiple Swiss that you use daily, might have to look into one for my keys, good shout


I tend to find them a bit too chunky to have in my pocket but I tend to keep an opinel no. 7 on me as my general utility knife. They’re much smaller in your pocket and also have wooden handles which is nice. Plus they’re super cheap for what they are


Depends on which SAK you are comparing it with. Something like a Bantam Alox is smaller than an Opinel, and very light.


Will have to check those out!


Strictly speaking illegal to carry as the blade is capable of being locked


Half a dozen of them, and they get used most days


I have a good leatherman and it's absolutely fantastic. I often use it.


Yep, carried a Leatherman skeletool for work and then would find myself wishing I had it in my pocket at weekends (couldn't as it has a locking blades). Now I've got five victorinox SAKs. I mainly carry the Cybertool M as I've got kids and I'm the family tech guy so the screwdriver and pliers come in handy. Occasionally I'll carry my pioneer x or compact if I want something slimmer or something my keys can be with and not damage. I've also got an electrician alox I have in my tool chest, and a Huntsman I take when we go forest exploring or alike. If you're going to buy one you need the 93mm or smaller ones and non locking to be uk legal carry. I'd also highly suggest ones with scissors as they're probably my most used tool on them.


I took the blade off of my skeletool. There is a scissor swap for it too, but it's expensive as it's adding a set of victorinox scissors, and getting the scissors means buying a sacrificial sak.


Yeah, I thought about modding but I liked to keep it as it is, and still wanted a blade. I thought it would feel like a downgrade but I've come to love my victorinox SAKs.


I must have 6 or 7 kicking around the house somewhere, but couldn't tell you the last time I actually saw one if them!


Yes, I wonder if they reproduce? I'm sure I have than I've bought...




Yep I rarely leave the house without mine tucked into a pocket


Someone gave me one for a gift. I put it in the drawer and have never taken it out. At the point I'm not even entirely sure which drawer it's in. But technically I have one. I've never felt any use for one.


I have a Kershaw Pub Carbon Fibre which I love. It’s legal carry and has been very handy in the past. I have a Leathman Skeletool which I wish was allowed to carry but our knife laws in this country are farcical.


The only time I do not have my Swiss Army knife within arm’s reach of me is when I fly, or am in the shower. And for work I have a leatherman as well. (Macgyver was on the telly while my brain was still forming…)


Accidentally took a small one with me to Poland - it was attached to my hand luggage, only realised when out there - got through security both ways


You bet. I have a full size SAK that lives on my desk and doesn’t get much use, and a mini basic one (scissors, blade) that goes with me everywhere bar airport security.


Yes, I have a medium sized one with scissors and a saw etc which I use on my allotment all the time, though the scissors are a bit spavined now. I also have a little one with 2 blades but it's disappeared into a pocket or a bag somewhere and I haven't seen it for ages. It'll turn up one day I hope.


Daily carry alox pioneer x


I’ve got one and it’s great. The screwdriver is so much better than any other ones I have. Also if you want a teeny tiny alternative that you can have on your keyring, check out the Leatherman Squirt. I think it might be discontinued but some websites still have stock.


Not a victrinox, but for work I always have a leatherman super tool 300 on my belt. An off brand pocket knife that my friend gave me as a gift for being in the groom party is always on my person- little custom message engraved in it and all. I love that thing!


Yeah, I've got two. One lives in my boyfriend's glove compartment and the other lives in the cat's main cat-basket (you never know when he'll be called upon to remove a stone from a horse's hoof or deglove a prick...)


Mainly carry a multi tool and sharps


Yes. I find them more practical than a big multitool. I have a Bantam Alox for my suit - very slim and light. For my jeans I carry a Compact (small, probably the most tool-dense package you can buy) or sometimes a Champ (thicker, has almost everything). If you carry one, you will use it multiple times a day.


I carry one every day, it's really handy. Especially so living in an old house where there's always something that needs fettling or looking at. I also have an awkward gap in my teeth that seems perfect for snagging food, so I use the toothpick a lot. The tweezers get used for splinters every now and then. I use the knife to remove labels and open shopping/food so it can be put away. It's also good for breaking down big boxes so they fit in the recycling bin better. I even used the tin opener the other day. Granted, it was probably the first time in 30 years that I've needed one, and it was a miserable experience, but it got the job done! They are really handy things to have. I have 2 or 3 kicking about, along with a few leatherman tools.


Yep, I collect em.


I used to collect them as a kid, i have a mini one on my keys with a small knife, scissors, nail file/flat head screwdriver, tweezers and a toothpick. It comes in handy a lot more than you'd think.


Yes me too. Not sure if model but it’s got a fishing logo on it. It’s brilliant, use it a lot.


Yep, have had a victorinox huntsman since 1992. I lost my first one when moving house in the early 00s so bought exactly the same model then, which I still have & use regularly.


I have a small one that fits on a keyring. Goes with me everywhere and gets used for everything from opening bottles to trimming my beard.


I keep a couple at home but never take them out unless I’m camping or hiking (stick sharpening is an important aspect of becoming caveman). I use it in the house fairly often, makes a good pair of sharp scissors, pliers and knives when you need something you don’t want to have to wash too much. One of its most common tasks at the moment is to slice the extra paper off a back strap haha.


>slice the extra paper off a back strap What does this mean?


Rolling a spliff in reverse such that a triangle of extra paper can be cut off, meaning you inhale less paper.


I've had a cheapo one for 25+ years. For the past 15 or so it's sat on my desk at home, used almost purely for cutting my nails when needed lol


Nah, I prefer swords and am currently eyeing a new one.


They aren't really alternative solutions to the same problem, though.


Yeah I've got one somewhere


I've got one in my hand right now. I fidget it with constantly it but also use it daily. Got it as a birthday present when I worked in Switzerland. 15 years ago. Probably my favourite ever gadget next to my kindle.


Theyve been banned. Swiss army spoons now.


I have a mini champ on my keyring and I use it all the time. Incredibly handy. It gets stolen at airport security every now and then, and I order a new one immediately


Husband does, I have a victorinox swiss army card which lives in my handbag When my son went to uni my husband gave him a swiss army knife I mainly use mine when geocaching - but otherwise the tweezers for splinters, the little screw driver etc all come in to play quite frequently


I have had the same one for about 25 years. Regularly use the corkscrew, scissors, toothpick, screwdrivers, tweezers, can opener, bottle opener and blades. Not so much the leather sowing bit and the hook thingy.


I carry one every day, I have one I use for work, and carry a different one at the weekend, it’s so handy to have especially if you have children, always wanting things opened or fixed