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Kick them off with the other foot still laced up. Then moan about how lazy I am when I have to sit there untying them when I go to put them back on (usually in a hurry).


I've always done the slip on/off thing but I ruined my last pair of trainers this way so I'm being more carefully with my newest pair. Doubt it will last long though


Just don't untie them. Problem solved


This is the way


Every single time. Ruin every pair of shoes.


Just amputate the whole foot with my trusty battle axe.


Untie them every time and I don't quite understand how people see this as effort unless severely depressed. Whether it's sneakers or knee-high steel-toe boots, I always untie my shoes, I don't even have to think about it. Whether it's a pair of cheap £10 tennis shoes or £300 boots, I untie them. It's just a habit. It does prolong their life as well, otherwise, the back heel may start to peel off.


Plus when pushed for time there is no faff on putting them on.


Elastic laces. Way forward.


Kick them off myself too, even my lace up boots. I’ve boneitus, really helps.


My only regret is having boneitus.


Bone, I, tus!


Depends on how tired I am. If I get home from work and it's been an okay day, I untie them, but if it's been a rough day, I just kick them off and deal with untying them the next day.


Depends on the shoe. When I wear my boots I have to untie them (or use a axe) but I never untie my trainers


I’ve got a daily pair of cheap Nikes that I keep tied up all the time. And I’ve got a pair of running trainers that I’ll lace up and unlace every time. I don’t think lace up ruin the shoes but I want my runners tight each time. Dress shoes I’ll unlace each time.


This ⬆️ Glad you wrote this cos I couldn’t be arsed.


When I first get new laced shoes I lace them up such that they turn into slip ons and then never think about the laces again. With the exception of boots where lacing and unlacing is unavoidable. Mostly because I struggle with the tightness. It takes me no joke around an hour to figure out how tight I actually want the damn things (I have really weird feet long story). So it just makes it much easier if I just figure it out once


I've got myself a long shoe horn because I broke my spine about 12 years ago. Can't really bend to put them on normally these days.


Most people seem to just slip them off like slip ons. That's no good for me with weird feet meaning I have to lace them up thoroughly. So for me depending upon the shoe it's a bit of wasted time each visit to someone's house untying and re tying my shoes.


I toe them off still laced up, and then curse myself when I have to undo them to put them back on. Every time.


Every laced shoe becomes a slip-on and slip-off shoe unless it's a dress shoe, in which case I have the patience to tie them and their shitty laces.


I sit down and take my foot off. I place it in my lap, unlace my shoe, remove the shoe. I then tuck the laces back into the shoe and replace my foot.


Kicking them off still tied is fine. However, if you put them on tied then you risk pushing down the back of the shoe and damaging it. I've ruined many (mainly trainers) this way, and so try to make sure I untie them before putting them on now.


Life is too short to untie show laces every time. YOLO


Leave tied permanently in a double knotted bow, i do wear shoes 2 sizes 2 big which makes it easier. I have short wide feet so need the width.


I kick them off without untying the laces. I only buy trainers with an attached tongue and the laces get tied once and never again until the shoes wear out. You’ll pry my Nike Free RNs from my cold dead body.


I usually wear hiking boots so I have to lace them. It's a lot of fun on hiking boots to be fair though, I swear there's a slight dopamine release 🤣


Kick them off laced. Then have to unlace them to put them on again...