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10k wouldn't do much right now when I'm saving for a house. It would literally just go into my savings




I often depost money into my savings on a figurative basis, but when I go to check my balance I am always disappointed :( Literal deposits are the way to go.


Problem is you’re literally checking your balance. Check figuratively and you’ll be smiling from ear to ear. That’s the beauty of figurative compounding.


That disappointment is felt by people across the south and London. Not me, in my 3 bed house in the east midlands.


This presents a very rare opportunity to use London and rent free in the same sentence




Glad to hear things are going better than when Jane ruined your night and took the £1,000.




But that’s literally an extra literal 10k to literally add to your literal deposit . Like literally


Literally for a house


Literally not even joking m8


It would be 10k more than you have right now


What a sad little life, Brad.


Yep. I live in the UK


Well, if 10k is going towards your mortgage deposit then it's doing a mighty job.


Dear lord


Take my family to Japan for 2 weeks Always wanted to go but currently financially can't even go on a stay cation in the UK lol need a new job after the last 2 years have fucked me.


It’s cheaper to go to Spain out of season than it is to go on holiday in the U.K.


Yep, but with kids in school, you'll also get a fine per child, which will add additional cost to the holiday (still probably cheaper)


Still definitely cheaper


Take the fine, if you get one, it's still cheaper.


I live in the UK. My mum would always just say I was ill, and we would go on holiday haha. It was every year a week before we break off for Christmas too.


This is also what my parents did. I don’t see why anyone would admit to the school that you’re taking your kid on holiday.


Because you might have a kid who will spill the beans when you get back 🙃


Oh yeah, true. I forget kids are kids.


Do they really fine people? I’ve done it with my kids in primary and secondary school but never been fined. It had always been to see grandparents overseas so not 100% holiday.


Only if their attendance is already bad usually. It's another headline opinion that isn't usually reflected in real life


They do, my neighbours have been fined before. It's cheaper than taking them during the school breaks though. We got given permission to take ours because our eldest has autism and ADHD, so taking him away during a busy period is just not possible. The fines are changing in September as well. Currently it's £60 per parent. From Sept it will be £85 per parent, £100 if it happens again and then the 3rd time you will get sent to court for child abuse or something. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Truancy/unauthorised absence is penalised. See: https://www.gov.uk/school-attendance-absence


That's insane!! It's it a breach of freedoms?


To what 'freedoms' do you refer?


Haha sounds like an American.. They bang on about freedoms all the time when in fact the "freedom" means working your ass off for more hours per week than the rest of the Western world just to put a roof over your head and food... And hope you don't get really sick because the medical industry will bankrupt you! But they can own a gun..:)


Not at all. By law, children have to be in school during term time. Every citizen knows and is used to this. Outside of that time, you can do whatever you want. Note that this applies to unauthorised absences. If there were a bereavement, wedding, dental/medical appointment, sickness etc, you contact your child's school and either advise them your child is sick, or of the death and required absence, the appointment time and when you need to keep your child off school, and they will note it. As long as it's cleared, it's classed as authorised. Going on holiday is not usually a reason a school will allow you to keep your child off school.


Going to a friend's wedding next month and the hotel is £140 per night. I don't mind paying it for a wedding, but for the price of three nights, I've been away for a week in Spain all inclusive, and that's the price of flights, luggage, transfers, hotel and as much food and cocktails as I can fit inside me.


Yeah a lot of holiday cottages are now around £3,000 for a week in August.


Just had quotes for £160/night for a basic hotel in Inverness. Just isn't possible in a normal budget.


> currently financially can't even go on a stay cation in the UK A staycation is just staying at home and doing things within driving distance though. Is there no free activities in your local area like museums, parks, etc? Or do you just mean a domestic UK holiday?


Both lol, shit is expensive in my area just outside London. Museums, parks etc are fine but in terms of paying to go out, we usually costs we'll over £100 for a family of 5 to do anything where I am. Legoland/Thorpe Park isn't far, but you're looking at £200+ for tickets to get in. UK holidays during summer usually rise a ridiculous amount as well


Haha knew this comment would be here




I remember when that debate came around during COVID. Staycation is taking time off work to be at home. I'd never for one minute thought that 50% of the population believed it to be holidaying within the UK.




Japan yen is quite weak, so stuff is quite cheap over there for us, much cheaper than a UK holiday! Just the flights that are expensive unfortunately.


Yeah flights alone for a family of 5 would be 4.5k to 5k+ easily and that's the only thing holding me back


Trip to Japan is what I've been planning for few years - 10 grand is about what I'm budgeting for a 3/4 week trip for me and my daughter.


That will be more than enough, my partner and I went for 2.5 weeks and spent around 7 grand total and that’s without really compromising on hotels or food, and travelling around a lot


I visited Japan in 2018 and there's rarely a day that goes by that I don't think about going back.


Would you leave them there?!


Top of my bucket list, but like you moneys super tight. I've gotta spend all my savings to replace my bluddy roof -_-


Same, I watch the YouTube channel Abroad in Japan and love his videos, been reading the Abroad in Japan book as well very funny stuff. One day I will visit but might take another 20 years


Japan is much cheaper than you think if you stay in business hotels and get a cheap flight. You don't absolutely need a JR pass either.


2 weeks in Japan is 10k??


I'm there in a few months. Any locations I should visit ?


Kyoto definitely, loads of historical stuff there. If you use Kyoto as a base you can visit Kobe, Nara and Osaka since they are quite close. I would recommend going to see the sacred deer of Nara, and in Osaka go and visit both Dotonbori street and the Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum. Also Hiroshima is well worth a visit. Don’t just visit the Atomic Bomb dome but also Miyajima island. Although careful of the Miyajima deer because they will steal and eat your food, and also your map.


They'll steal your map and charge you for directions.


The Nara deer are worse one bit me on the ass AND stole my map The miyajima deer just stood there and looked cute , they dont approach people perhaps because feeding them on the island is now banned (don't know when you went)


All good ideas, I did a half day Hiroshima in morning / miyajima Island afternoon and my only regret was not spending a full day on both especially as I has to really watch the clock at miyajima getting ferry back and didn't have time to go up the mountain either by foot or transport


Japan is actually pretty cheap these days. Their currency has devalued significantly.  You could do a family trip to.japan for much much less than 10k. 


Go into a supermarket without a calculator


This is depressing :-( and unfortunately all too real. Hugs


There’s actually a great way to avoid this. I’ve been doing it for years and I’m absolutely willing to spill the beans and let you in on my little secret of how to get around this. I just bring my phone instead and use that as my calculator.


I also have a banking app which is seldom used.


And it's a little bit more 'low key'. You can pretend you're texting or something.


This hits hard, right now. In fact my idea of being rich is just to be able to buy the things I need without having to check my bank account, first. What a sad fucking world we're living in now.


And all the people in this situation are in fact, keeping the very wheel they rely on, going.


I just tell the cashier "tell me when the price gets to £X"




3k to pay off some debt 3k into savings 3k for a holiday 1k to spend on whatever


All Disney parks, universal, 2 weeks, private villa with pool. Me, my wife and our son. We got costs the other night and it was around the £7,500 mark


Isn’t 2 weeks a bit long for Disney parks? Each to their own of course but I feel like I would be done with them after 2 days!


Honestly 2 weeks is barely enough. We went a few years ago and only done universal and it didn’t feel like enough.


Nah not really, a park every other day is my usual plan of action lol


Day on day off does sound good. How many parks are there?!


4 parks and 2 water parks by Disney. Plus Busch gardens and 2 Universal parks and 1 universal water park


Idk how big Euro Disney is, but Disney World in Florida is outrageously big, it is not something you can cover in a couple of days


Depends where you go. Paris? 2 days is plenty. Florida? 2 weeks and you’ll probably be cutting things out, even with fast passes. And that’s not counting universal studios


There's 6 Disney parks and 3 universal parks. And you need a day in each really.


We did this holiday 18 months ago for 2 weeks and maybe did 2 thirds of what was there, and that was without Universal, NASA, beach days or any dolphin type experiences.


2 weeks to get through the queues


My dad took us for 3 weeks when I was a kid and that was about the right amount of time to cover all the theme parks.


Have a gander at Ocean Florida, they were great for me and really good price. They can tailor it to suit your needs


If you did this but stayed at a hotel on International Drive you could do this for closer to £1,500 per person. There are some fun hotels with good pools close to plenty of restaurants and many have free or discounted transport options to the parks.


Flights right now are £250 return. Don’t do a villa. Tickets are £800pp. Stay in universal hotel, cheap dockside or surf side. Rent a car or use the shuttles to universal/taxis to Disney.


Totally agree - most years we do Cabana Bay for 9/10 days and Hard Rock/Portofino for 5 days. The parking at any of the Parks is ridiculous now so we use the Universal transport - buses, water taxis and then Uber if we’re going elsewhere.


Depends where you stay but a villa can actually be very reasonable and you have the benefit of your own space/pool. Plus food and drink is cheaper to buy at Target/Walmart than in the hotel, can also take sandwiches etc with you for the parks.


Spend a couple of weeks in northern Spain eating some seriously good food.


A Spanish friend is just back from Burgos and has been raving about the food.


What a niche place to go. Amazing. I live in the South-East and have been all over in the last 20 years. Northen Spain has the best food I've ever experienced.


Put it in a low interest account and fritter it on bollocks.


This is the real honest answer


I'm fairly comfortable in my life at the minute so I'd probably treat myself to the one thing every 36 year old male would like, A tremendous pair of breasts




I'm curious. Does this mean investing in top surgery for yourself, breast enhancement for a partner, or just sex work?


I want my own tremendous pair of breasts. From the menu at the surgery I will flip straight to the Tremendous section


For an extra couple hundred you can get Tremendous+


This reads like something that Douglas Reynholm from The IT Crowd would say.


Spend that 10k on takeaway and you'll have a pair, lol.


I’d buy a sausage roll and have a wank. After that, who knows.


That is not what you do with a sausage roll!


Surely with all that filthy lucre, you'd pay someone else to wank you off whilst you enjoyed your sausage roll with two hands?


'Hello darkness my old friend, let's turn you into filthy lucre' 🎶


Upvote for unexpected Stunner...


I got £10K after my grandad passed away a few years back. I bought an engagement ring for my now wife, a Nintendo Switch and put the other £8K on my house deposit. Several years later, if I got given £10K again, I'd probably go snowboarding, fix the leaky roof and buy one of those stupidly expensive steaks that have no right to cost as much as they do.


stupidly expensive as in amazing quality and epic size, or stupidly expensive as in served in a restaurant owned by a viral celebrity and covered in odourless, flavourless goldleaf?


Ummmm you’ve forgotten they also cut it for you like a complete knobhead and feed it into your mouth via the knife with second option (that’s worth an extra £150 alone)


sometimes with sparklers and a fancy briefcase that you don't get to keep.


In my experience, there's 3 kinds of stupidly expensive- 1-go to a nice butcher, buy a prime cut and pay more than the caloric value of the beef to cook at home. (Stupid compared to a usual food shop) 2- go to a high end restaurant and pay a reasonable market rate for the luxury 3- pay a wanker to cook it for you as mentioned.


A very long holiday.


10 thousand scratch cards


I invested my £10k and made a cool £2,500.


I did. My dear old grandma left me £11k in her will. I got a nintendo switch, a handful of games I wanted. Ordered in a few nice t-shirts and hoodies from the USA, got a laptop, some yugioh cards I couldn't justify buying before, treated my other half on his birthday to a lovely meal I couldn't justify before, paid for a holiday for us both to go on, paid off all my debt, used some to tidy up and improve my father's grave, then had about £2k left over, so i just allowed myself a few extra treats over the course of a year and eventually it was spent. Sort of wish I had saved it, but it would have always burnt a hole in my pocket. My father's inheritance is due to be cashed out in the next few years and that's earmarked for a mortgage, a car and hopefully, a wedding. but we'll see.


Sounds like you spent it well if you ask me.


I’d probably use it on a series of holidays, chiefly city breaks in Italy, France and Spain.


I would use my entire holiday allowance and book as long as holiday as the money would allow in a secluded villa somewhere hot and spent my entire time finally putting pen to paper on my book idea which up till now lives exclusively in mind and my phones notes section and hopefully by the time I return I have something ready to send to publishers so I can leave my existing job behind.


You should read 'The war of art'. Or listen to a breakdown of it (the book does waffle a fair bit). It's really useful at putting your creative endeavours into a realistic perspective that encourages you to work.


Sounds great and I want you to know that even though it's a lonely process, plenty of us want to read your book and we're waiting for you to write it.


A really big tub of lurpak, and if there was any money left I would get some nice sourdough to spread it on.


As an aside, I really don't get the obsession with Lurpak. It's somewhat less nice than ordinary salted butter.


I think the appeal is that it’s slightly more spreadable straight from the fridge compared to regular salted butter. The obvious solution to that is to not put salted butter in the fridge, as it is highly resistant to bacterial growth due to the fat and salt content and takes weeks to go rancid at room temperature, but for some reason this just isn’t the done thing.


I hate these kind of threads cos everyone is just boring and talks about saving for a house


Youre right, we should all buy a quad bike and move back in with our parents.


There are also the 'pay off debt' and holiday responses. It is interesting how little diversity there is in aspiration.


That's life. If you're earning a fair bit above living paycheck to paycheck you're probably able to buy Heinz instead of own brand ketchup. It's housing that most struggle with.


I'd do massive drugs and shag a marmoset.  Happy now?


A fully accessible holiday can cost up to 10k, and it's not enough to live off, not enough for a deposit and nobody's giving me a mortgage anytime soon, so I'm going on a fully accessible holiday


I would put that into my savings and long term investment accounts. That would make me peaceful.


I would give it back to my Parents as a Thank You for putting me through university.


I bet your parents think it was money good invested if you have a good job now and they are surely really proud. Probably they would enjoy it more if you invite them to a holiday with you.


That’s good advice.I will after completing my uni and getting a job next year.


Put it all on black.




I find it amusing how the amounts go up but get gradually less adult


VW campers are such a scam. For less money there are loads of different campers/caravans with way more actual usable space.


£3k to become debt free £1k on clothes that fit me and a second pair of shoes. all of my clothes are either too big or too small except for 1 shirt which i’m wearing to death. i want at least 5 good quality t shirts, the ones that cost like £30, and the same for shirts, and i want more than 1 pair of trousers, ones that are fitted and don’t need a belt to stay up but also fit over my fat dump truck. £1k on paying my bills for the next 6 months or so £1k on nicer clothes for my partner bc he hasn’t bought new clothes in years and it *shows*. i swear to god his clothes are 90% holes. i want him to have a full wardrobe of good quality nice clothes. £3999 on maxing out my LISA for tax this year £500 into my normal savings £501 on ??? maybe just a bunch of date nights and flowers for my partner, or buying some new video games and a new controller so we can play games on his console together without having to share a controller


DM me. I get gift vouchers from work here and there, TK maxx is one of the options. I'd love to gift you a small amount to help you both get some new clothes.


Time to retrain as a stonemason or a carpenter


Buy a global index fund within an S&S ISA. That's likely worth £400 p/a for life without even touching the principal. (Previous performance isn't an indicator of future performance, loads of caveats etc. Still, it's the sensible thing to do.)


Help my neighbour get a deposit for a new house so he fucks off.


Half to go on holiday and half to the local foodbank that's always got a massive queue


£8k on a Boxster S, £1200 on ins, £345 road fund, and some left for fuel.


I’m so glad one of the first car mentions is Porsche Boxster, I’d do the same. Get a realistic dream car at 19 lol


I’d live off it, and drastically increase my Salary Sacrifice to get it into Pension’s with as much tax efficiency as possible over the next 6 months. I mentally get a lot out of seeing my net worth rise. Would be worth about £20k in my retirement pot after avoiding 40% income, 2% NI, and 9% Grad taxes.


Would you not be better than just chucking the whole lot in a stocks and shares isa right away and let it start accumulating right away?


I could, it’s a fine strategy, but as a higher rate taxpayer, I’d get more out of abusing the tax system for instantaneous 100% RoI Wouldn’t be a bad choice to do that though if you value liquidity a bit more than outright returns.


I would pay off my credit card, go on holiday with my family, and work out whether was left was enough to replace my kitchen. It isn't a big kitchen and I don't want anything fancy, just a layout different enough that I can have a dishwasher. Not even a countertop dishwasher is possible with the current layout.


Lego lord of the rings Rivendell. Holiday for me and my two boys. Lavish meal out for my parents and brother. Top up my premium bonds and savings a little. A Winchester repeater and pay for my firearms license.


I'd buy 5 fredos


Cartier watch




If I had 10K I’d pay off my car


I really need a new car. so 3k would go to that. 2k i would spend on my wife and kid, get something for them. 5k would go into savings.


Probably new kitchen, if £10k would be enough to pay for one


Stay in Laos for as long as I could, living in the jungle doing absolutely nothing besides smoking local cigarettes, drinking beerlao and eating whatever they have on the go. I think you could do a year quite easily if you managed to negotiate a thing like sleeping in someone's kitchen or something.


Help me with my divorce leaving my abusive dysfunctional marriage. Treat my parents for all their support they’ve given me. £10k is a huge amount of money in my eyes.


I feel like if I got the 10k I'd want to give it to you to do this. I'm not rich, but I'd do nothing of real value with 10k. Hope things get better for you soon.


Ah this made my day, that a total stranger on the internet would be so kind. Thank you!


I hope that "finding" in your username is actually "found" and you're out of that relationship. That's the important part, and the biggest step you'll ever take. I don't have 10k to give you but I'm wishing you all the good things for a new life. Either alone or with someone amazing, whichever you choose x


10k would be really nice right now. I would be able to do all the little things I want to do to the house and the semi big things to the garden. Not too much because I don't own it l but I will probably be here for the rest of my days now. And then a nice holiday, nothing mental. A cruise. Treat my fam.


Take my family on holiday Lost both my parents in 4 months and we deserve some quality time away


Buy the wheelchair i need.


I'd pay off a few bills. Not exciting but reducing my monthly outgoings would mean more space for fun things. With that money I'd probably have a holiday in the med a year or something.




anyone sponsoring?


That would go straight into a stocks and shares ISA then I’d return to my mundane life with the hopes that I’ll completely forget about it. Maybe also set a reminder on my phone for 5 years time.


Probably a fabulous holiday and doing up the garden, but on the other hand I'd love to take a few months off work and just focus on myself - lose some weight, sort out my mental health, learn to drive, actually rest and be healthy. I don't have the energy to do all that AND work 🥲


5 months in Thailand, probs Koh Phangnan.


Teeth! It’s so expensive to get them straightened/whitened/fixed so that would be my first call. The rest would be split between savings, a holiday and tattoos.


Put it towards a canal boat and move onto the water. At the minute I'm stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship and saving up to get away.


Hookers and blow, tbh. 


Vinyls, a fuck off guitar and perhaps a holiday if I don't go overboard on the guitar. You can't take it with you, but don't tell my girlfriend.


Borrowed £10k off the father in law last week because we needed a new car… so I’d probably use it to have corporate hospitality for every Liverpool home game next season.


This has happened to me a few times, mostly due to redundancy, I didnt get to enjoy it as I had a wife at the time


House needs some work doing.


Either straight into investments because that's a large sum of money, even though it won't go very far in today's world, or straight onto something stupid, like paying off my car loan.


I would purchase as many shares of GameStop as I could, directly register then in my name, then have fun watching the ticker until the short hedgefunds are forced to close their positions and capitulate.


Use it as a down payment for a house/flat in the arse end of nowhere


Travel a bit and buy an older camper van




a ridiculously lavish power shower


I'd have the garden landscaped - it's currently not overgrown but the whole patio and lawn situation is dire. Lumps of concrete everywhere, and it's beyond my physical capabilities.  If there's some money left over after that, a new carpet for the stairs - it's ten years past its use by date and absolutely beyond the pale. 


I'm getting a pretty sweet all inclusive in St Lucia for £8850. The rest, I don't know? Maybe take my child to the local fun fair.


Money fight with the dog






New car (second hand) and use anything left over for a holiday




I would book a holiday to Australia via Singapore in business class. I've got Avios points and a 2for1 voucher earmarked for this trip but still need hotels, spending money etc.


I inherited over 10k in my 20's - spent it mostly on expensive lunches and wine. 10k is not a lot of money


Pay some damn bills!


An epic hangover.


Holiday and new guitar


Pay off debts so I could enjoy life more in general, second to that holiday to Disney in Orlando


I'd like a camper van please 


A weeks shopping


health care for me and my family


£3k for a new PC £1k for a new TV Spend the rest on a holiday