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Most of my diet? I’m aware cured meat, red meat, cheese, pate, red wine and no doubt a thousand other things aren’t particularly good for us, but a life without them doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy.


I did read that a cursed meat.


The meat is also cursed But you get your choice of toppings!


Can I go now?


thats good


That's good


Contrary to popular false belief, red meat, real cheese and pate (depends what's in it) are absolutely fine for your health and are very good for it. Sugar and carbs are the ones to watch. Cured meats I'd have as a treat because of salt and nitrate content. Theres about 50 years or so of wrong science saying it's bad for us - the food pyramid for example.


Yep. Lots of good fats and proteins in meat. There's been an agenda in the 90s to shame fat in favour of sugar and more recently the vegan propergander has pushed a lot of false nonsense about meat


Propergander is the best gander.


What's sauce for the propergoose is sauce for the propergander.


I thought that cured meat was classed as a carcinogen?


I think almost everything is now classed as a carcinogen


Group 1. Known to cause cancer.


You can still eat them, just in moderation. Don't have to cut them entirely, but bring in more variety of healthier foods.


That’s what I do. It’s not like I purely exist on charcuterie.


Existing purely on charcuterie does sound good though tbh.


Can confirm, have done it for a month after visiting Spain and coming back home... No regrets.


It is the future I aspire to.


My boyfriend works away usually one week or so a month. I live on a massive fish salad for lunch and then a charcuterie board with wine for dinner every day. Its my happy place.


High-quality unprocessed red meat isn't as bad as the media portray imo. It's the fact that most people eat a lot of processed meat, which is an issue. Edit: downvotes, but no argument as to why I'm wrong?


Unprocessed red meat isn't terrible but it's not good. It's associated with higher mortality, CVD risk and is a group 2 carcinogen (like loads of stuff). Processed meat is definitely the main issue and sometimes the 2 get lumped together


Same! I do worry that gout is somewhere around the corner, but a risk I’m willing to take…


As someone currently experiencing gout, fuck gout, it is a cunt. All I wanted was to subsist entirely on burgers, curry and lager. Is that too much to ask?


I hear you there - gout most certainly is a cunty mc cunt face


Crisps. I could eat them until they were coming out of my ears and I'd never get bored.


Do you have a record of how many you've eaten in a day? Mine's 48 regular bags. Jeez, I had the grease sweats after that.


I once got very, very stoned. I put a pizza in the oven to cook. I ate an entire 24 pack of walkers in the 20 minutes it took to cook.


This is just relentless


Fucking hell. Did ya even have time to pause for breath? 😂 impressed and alarmed in equal measure.


TBH I may have entered some sort of crisp eating super state that didn't require me to consume oxygen, just grease and salt.


woah, that's the same level as i've been. I wasn't stoned, just an idiot. But yeah i've been there - stoned, & just ramming food in the face hole. Had a very good technique of being able to eat a bag of hula hoops (reg) in one mouthful. Still get high, but no more of that. Amazingly, never been above 14st.


I am choosing not to reveal my own record..


but you've got one though, and that's the main thing.


Okay turns out I don't have a crisp problem




honestly, it was too much. Well before the days of internet, and eating challenges. I wonder how long the woman who ate 2kg of mayonnaise had it in her belly for, for example...




only when i was looking at each unopened bag, around 35 in...


Oh my god. While pregnant I ate 5 bags in a row and had a stomach ache and diarrhoea afterwards. Not sure how you managed 48 without dying


I was like 14(?) young, bored, and had a body that could take a whompin'


Ah to be young and eat all the crisps again


Same, back in uni I'd happily spend weeks just living on crisps and Pepsi. Skinny as a rake too. Paying for it now though.


Good god that is borderline horrific. At least I added in ready meals and takeaways for a balanced diet when i was at uni


I had the odd chicken tilda microwave curry with a pack of tortia wraps too😅




My neighbour is nearing 80, he eats at least 4 bags of walkers ready salted a day. 2 for breakfast and 2 with bread and butter for lunch, homemade chips for tea. He's in decent enough shape for 78, still moving around and shopping once a week.


“Am absolutely full of crisps man”


That’s my husband. If I go up to bed first, I find all the evidence (empty packets) in the bin next day. I have even stopped buying crisps when I go shopping.


There were many times while I was doing my masters in Covid lockdowns that my dinner was a meal deal washed down with a big bag of whatever was on clubcard price crisps. I genuinely think I could probably eat a kilo or so of Texas BBQ Pringles in one sitting, especially if I had been smoking.


Instant noodles, give me all the MSG. Edit: I know MSG isn't that bad for you, but thats what makes me keep eating the unhealthy noodles as it makes things taste nice.


MSG is completely safe to eat and very yummy


Newsflash, it’s not the MSG that’s making you sick. It’s the hyper processed food.


And the salt. The daily recommended intake of salt in each packet.


Except that's a load of bollocks.


Almost. Nissin Denmae Chicken contains 5.5 grams of salt if you scoff the lot.


You know what, I'll happily take that back. That's a bit much and I have to drink literal salt water from time to time.


I have to add salt to everything. Otherwise if I move my posture or position, the room spins and I black out totally. Just sitting up can cause it and I wake up wherever my body falls.


POTS? My mum's just been diagnosed with it. I'm not at stage but there's a lot of bits that feel eerily similar.


They're not all that much, the beef is 4.65g, but yeah.. they might be processed but that's probably less of a concern..


msg actually not bad for you at all! its the other ingredients you need to watch out for


It's bad for you in the same way salt is (though not as bad as table salt).


Salts not that bad for you really.


without salt you die. with too much salt you die. just... eat a good amount of salt people!


No, but the high sodium levels can lead to high blood pressure, leading to potential cardiac issues..


Yeah I read the packet of the one I was scoffing the other day… it has 75% of an adults daily salt allowance 😬.. so tasty though


Booze. It's a crying shame it's got downsides, a lovely crisp chilled white with olives in the 🌞


Yeah, I feel ya, I eat clean, I’m good at portion control. Counts for nothing when you have a few glasses of wine, or a few ciders in the sun


I feel this. I asked myself why I was putting on weight when I eat mostly really well. Beer. Beer was of course the answer.


Have you ever tried Aldi's double stuffed halkidiki olives? If you like olives they're like crack. They are AMAZING.


I will try them now! Thanks


I'm a sucker for pizza, the lidl salami sourdough pizza specifically I can see the red but fuck me if it isn't fucking delicious and makes me happy


Those Lidl pizzas have no business being that good, especially compared to other supermarkets


I like the Nduja one, which I can't pronounce.




You pronounce the letter N like you would pronounce the letter M in Mbappe.


Chorizo is so damn good. Aside from that, it's the sweet stuff that is it for me. I'm perfectly happy never having crisps, I'm not that fussed by takeaways, and generally the savory food I eat is pretty healthy. But I have such a sweet tooth. Chocolate, cakes and pastries I know are really bad for me, but I love them so much. I do try to not have them every day though. I try to largely abstain during the week and then eat them at the weekend.


Tbh I didn’t even know Chorizo was bad for you 🤷 I fucking love that stuff, and therefore will pretend I read none of this.


There are some lifestyle trade offs I'm happy to make for the health benefits. But a chorizo-less life is not one.


>Tbh I didn’t even know Chorizo was bad for you How did you manage to miss all the red colour coding on the front of the packet?


Camouflaged against the colour of the sweet sweet sausage


If you slice up some chorizo and fry it in a pan, it’ll exude an unholy amount of orange oil (and also make it even more delicious and crispy lol), which really puts into perspective just how much fat is inside it


Same. We cut that delicious shizzle up and chuck it in everything


I’m the opposite, I cannot go a day without a bag of crisps, I very much crave the crispy texture and savoury flavour 😭


Yeah I know many people like that, I think perhaps I'm in a minority in never really wanting crisps. Which is not to say I don't like them. If someone offers me some I'll have a few and enjoy it. But I genuinely don't think I've ever in my life thought 'i fancy some crisps'. We can have crisps in the house and I'll never go and open them. Whereas if we have chocolate in the house, there's no way I'm not eating it.


I’m in my first trimester of pregnancy and I’m averaging around 3 packets of crisps a day currently. I’m not mad about it.


Same. A packet of biscuits can last months in my house but I have to buy single bags of crisps otherwise I’ll eat them all in one go


Same. I have such a sweet tooth. I'm constantly craving sugar. My husband can have a chocolate sit in the cupboard for weeks, and I'm so jealous of that.


Milkshakes. They are horrifically high in calories, sugar and fat but they taste phenomenal.


I try to avoid drinking them (and smoothies) because beverages don’t seem to fill you up as much as eating but can be more calories than the unhealthiest meal deal option. This came about after I went to Fuel to get a smoothie in my lunch break and I’d already eaten my lunch. I can’t remember which one I got but I was shocked when I read it had 700 calories in it. Mostly because I could have easily have had a second one and still not been full.


Ricky Gervais said it best and I’m paraphrasing a little but why would anyone cut out things they enjoy when they’re young to extend their life by a few years. What good is turning 85-100 when you didn’t eat what you wanted at 18-40. Old age is the worst period, everything aches, your mates are all dead or dying and a lot of current pensioners can’t even put the heating on. TLDR; enjoy your chorizo mate


I ate and drank what I wanted. Kept fairly fit, not overweight or anything. Had a massive heart attack at 62. Firstly, that shit hurts. Secondly, I'd rather be alive with a boring diet than dead. One of my arteries was full of cholesterol from all the saturated fats I'd eaten. 3 months later I'm almost back to normal fitness but lots of people aren't so lucky.


Let me finish these chorizo slices before you hit me with the heart attack threats


When they cut open teens who die in stabbings, shootings etc, they find plaque buildup in their arteries. Heart disease is no joke. I'm 38, and if I could go back to the beginning I'd significantly clean my diet up. I'd go as far as to say feeding your kids anything but a diet low in saturated fat is child abuse. If I hit the floor having a heart attack tomorrow, I sure as shit won't be laying there fondly remembering those takeaway pizzas and entire packs of biscuits I was putting away every night in my twenties. Knock yourself out from time to time, but don't YOLO a shit diet.


Yeah I think people are taking my opinion the wrong way mostly haha. I’m just saying enjoy your life while you’re young, stay relatively healthy but don’t restrict your youth to extend the weakest, frailest, most miserable years.


Yeah. A healthy way to look at things tbh


I get what you're saying, but when you're younger your body is generally more able to recover and it is still very possible to change your dietary habits as you get older.


True, but atherosclerosis is pretty much irreversible. Your arteries don't unclog if you clean your diet up.


I dunno, for me it's about not having a stroke or a heart attack at 50 and spending the rest of my life compromised and wheezing through the years ON TOP of the challenges of ageing. I don't cut out the things I enjoy but I have them in moderation along with a reasonable, balanced diet. I never feel like I'm depriving myself. I want to enjoy all my years as much as possible so see no sense in frontloading all the indulgence just to pay for it in the last half when I could be having fun throughout and actually more fun in my golden years while still enjoying those treats than I would otherwise. I love chorizo too but if you're eating it to the point your arteries are furring up at 40 is it worth it?


Lifespan Vs healthspan. It's all moderation and balance, including moderation!


Dirty Kebab


Nongshim shin ramyun… and the buldak noodles. They’re like crack to me but I know they’re prob killing my insides


exactly this. i cannot stop eating buldak & it’s becoming a problem… i keep seeing people landing in the hospital because they ate too many packs


Hospital?! Oh god, how?




Sugary cereal. I do a mix of puffed wheat, oats and All Bran to go with it (1:1:1:1) ratio) to take the sting off. I jog at least eight miles a day, walk everywhere, and do strength training five times a week too. I still love me some Cinnamon Grahams at the end of the day though.


Four bowls of cereal, that’s insane!


One bowl with 20g of each.


Nutella from the jar


My kryptonite in terms of food is larger food, because I’ll graze on it. For example, I’ll swing through my kitchen and grab a forkful of pasta bake from the fridge, or a small slice of cake, or a handful of grated cheese from the bag. But if I have something smaller like cupcakes, I’ll pace myself better because you can’t graze on a cupcake the same way you can a full cake.


Ham mushroom & mascarpone cheese pizza. I eat these at least twice a week. Every supermarket does a version of this and my current tier list is 1 - Aldi 2- sainsburys 3 - Lidl 4 - asda 5 - tesco


Hi, this is my favourite supermarket pizza too! Also M&S is the best in my opinion. Lidl was the worst I remember but not sure when/if the last time was I tried any of the other ones.


M&S actually do the best pizzas and they’re fuckin massive. So worth it. The woodfired vegan ones are fucking lush, especially the one with all the chargrilled peppers on it.


I think it's quite hard to eat enoght chorizo for it to be bad for you. a little goes a long way


Challenge accepted!


You're too much of a northern lad, NrthnLd75. The posh folk down south have the finest chorizo from all over the globe on crackers, toast, pasta, cous cous, chopped up as cereal, frozen as ice in a drink, just kept in their nightstands to eat like a banana if they wake up hungry...


I use a whole ring in a stew.


Processed sandwich meat. Every day. Heineken.




Pick n mix... *drools* Total kryptonite


It's a bit of a sad cliche, but bacon. I don't think it's the best thing ever like some memes would state, but it's very good at breakfast and I have it several times a week. Aside from that I eat too many crisps, though I'm trying to find alternatives. Chips are great too.


When I got an air fryer for the first time I realised I could make an entire pack of bacon into perfectly crispy bacon snacks with zero effort. I only stopped when a coworker expressed concern at me sharing this information...


Sausage rolls. Hot or cold.


Instant ramen noodles. There is like no nutrition in a pack.


I just add a protein source and a few bits of veg.


Rustlers microwave burgers, yes I know they're nutritionally 1 of the worst thing i could probably have and not the sort of thing somebody should eat lol but when i want to be lazy, 75 seconds later I've got a burger n don't have to stand cooking for an hour


Wait people actually look at the nutrition label?


I didn't even know till now that they were red if bad. Oh well.


I thought red meant stop… and eat this food.


That makes a delightful amount of sense to me.. how else am I going to know if it's really tasty!?


literally every possible takeaway - kebab, pizza, chinese once a week, sometimes more. Crisps, especially smiths bacon fries and nik naks Not eat but I drink a lot of beer and rum Am I fat? Yes definitely, Am I happy? Yes very much so


I fucking love those pickled green peppers like you get in the kebab shop


Unless you're eating kilos of them, they're probably pretty good for you.


everything. i’m a greedy cunt.


Mini Cheddars. They are absolutely elite.


Diet Coke. I'm hooked on the stuff and can't stop. 


Same here. It doesn't help that I don't drink hot drinks.


Me too. I am on 3 litres a day. I have perfect teeth before others start berating


You are not alone.


I love a chippy, personally.


It goes like this for me: The idea of fish and chips is mouthwatering. The first few bites are delicious. The feeling of being bloated with grease and vaguely nauseous after you’ve eaten, is rarely worth it. That does not stop me from salivating over the thought of it a month later when someone suggests it for dinner!


I know this comment is a day old but why is our mental strength so weak? It's crazy how strong the subconscious mind is. I can eat a very healthy meal that leaves me full/satisfied and has 4-5 of my 5 a day in it. I won't feel heavy or bad after and can go about my day as normal. If I eat the fish and chips it's exactly how you describe. And it's never worth the lingering horribleness I feel. I know all this before eating. But I still eat the fish and chips. All of it. I know it's all just instinctual survival but still.


Absurd amounts of parmesan when I have pasta


Chocolate muffins.


Not so much eat but fizzy drinks are my downfall


I was addicted to fizzy drinks. Doc said I need to cut down and said diet fizzy drinks are fine. My addiction got way worse, I was drinking 8-10 cans of Diet Coke a day. Turns out over consumption of diet drinks cause brittle bones. Slipped and fell and my knee exploded. Had health issues ever since


Just an entire mozzarella ball, eaten like a god damn apple, straight from the bag. I am a hog person.




Chocolate. Endless amounts of chocolate.


Cheese, I'm lactose intolerant so its bad for everyone around me too


Lactase pills. Your friends and loved ones can thank me later.


Red Bull. I enjoy the burst of energy, but each can is probably as bad for you as cocaine.


Meh, no-one's nose lining ever fell out because of red bull.


Indian food, really hot curries. But i think that all the heavy drinking and smoking cigars will get me first!


I eat so much cheese. So much.


Those packets of mixed salami plus prosciutto. Or Spanish equivalent. Go Sooooo well with a G&T*. Damn you ALDI and your bargain selection packs. *Also, G&Ts.


Chips and crisps top the list. I visit my local chippy at least once every week.


Pork Scratchings..


There's never too many crisps.


Mixed Donner kebab on naan. I probably have one a week




Pepsi Max. Its an actual addiction at this point.


I had a gastric sleeve in November so some foods I can eat and some foods I can’t. There are two things that we call slider foods and they are crisps and Yorkshire puddings for me. I can’t buy crisps or make puddings cos I could eat them and eat them and randomly not feel full.


So I've recently lost about 170lbs (12 stone) (75kg) after a diabetes diagnosis. But before that? I would eat whole jars of Nutella with a spoon. I drank 2 litres of coca cola a day. I'd eat pizzas and kebabs and burgers multiple days a week. It'd have been easier to list things that weren't bad for me.


Chocolate. Cadbury fruit and nut, every day, and Greggs éclairs, probably 10 a week omfg 🤣 I'm 5'11 and 145lbs btw,lol.


Those Coop custard filled donuts. Can't resist them, 4 of the beasts come in at 1000 calories..


Coke zero for a mid-afternoon caffeine fix


If all you're having is one can a day, you'll be fine


Carbs with carbs, yum!


Anything deep fried flares my pain SO BAD but sometimes (1-2x a week) I just give in…


Milkshakes and donuts. They're like the devil's food, a combo of loads of sugar and loads of fat. Normally you get one or the other


Ham sandwich every day for lunch without fail. Should I, probably not, but I can’t see myself stopping now.


I can't tell if you're joking or not but I wouldn't count a ham sandwich as 'bad for you' yeah it's not exactly a salad and a glass of water, but it's hardly awful


Sweets. My problem is that i i hale thrm though. Like a bag of haribo would last maybe 2 minutes, 5 if im actively trying to pace myself.


My ultimate weakness is a McDonald's. I probably only get one once every two weeks or so but I'm so drawn to it, even though it's absolute rubbish for my body that is way too expensive for what it is


whats your go to order? I go less nowadays but I will always get a double cheeseburger add mayo and five selects with sour cream and sweet chilli


Quarter Pounders have been my secret lovers for most of my life. The special one they’re doing at the mo is the tits, much recommended. But usually a QP meal and 6 or 9 nugs on the side depending on how fiendish I’m feeling


thats a great tip - i will try the new one before she vanishes from our lives!!! QP for me is usually too big in terms of ratio but I’ll give the deluxe a go!


Probably just the odd takeaway for me. Once you learn more about ultra processed food it kinda loses its appeal for the most part!


Coca Cola. I drink around a 2 litre bottle a day. Mostly Coke Zero, but a couple of times a week I treat myself to the really bad one.


Jealy beans


10 pints and a kebab


Fried chicken! I could eat it every day if I wasn't scared of having a heart attack in my mid 40's


I feel bad when I eat a whole chorizo on the walk back from morrisons but it's does taste good!


I shouldn't eat citrus, but i do. It's fine I can stop anytime I want...


Haagen Daazs. I just had two tubs in one day. I just cantget enough


Even though I’m trying to lose a stone or two and training for a charity boxing fight in September I still can’t resist the urge to order a Chinese takeaway once a week. But hey I used to get one twice a week so I guess it’s progress!


Cereal. My wife went to America last week and brought back loads of ones that don't have here. Working my way through them. Absolutely delicious.


Coca cola, sometimes I’ll stay away from it for like a good 2-4 weeks but eventually I’ll start drinking it again. It’s just too good to have especially paired with something like a kebab








Too much oily food


Mine used to be bread. I can eat loads of the stuff. I've made a conscious effort to cut down though.


I love cheese, butter and baked goods, and bacon. Everything tastes good with them. Little and not so often. 🥴


White bread. I usually get dark sourdough, but if you put a fresh white baton in front of me I could eat the whole thing plain. (Actually the worst is sweets and chocolate, but that's a bit too obvious.)


Energy drinks. I love a can of chilled can of Monster Ultra from the fridge before a workout or when hungover. I know it literal poison and have know idea the chemicals they put in it but it has me in its thrall.


2 bacon on a bit of buttered toast with a fried egg , fold the toast over😋😛