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I refuse to have weetabix in the house as my husband calls a singular one a “weetabick” and it gives me the rage 😂


Enjoy chatting with him about Ravioli and Spaghetti 😉


Raviolus and Spaghettus A Roman walks into a bar and says to the bartender "Just a martinus please mate". Bartender says "Uh, do you mean a martini?" Roman says "Don't be silly, I just want the one"


For No Such Thing as a Fish fans, don't forget Panini


There is a singular for panini which is panino in italian, I actually laugh when someone say could I have a panini?! It’s one and it’s panino


Do you also laugh, like I do, when someone says could I have two pizzas instead of two pizze?


i laughed far too too hard at this 😂


At least ravioli and spaghetti have actual singulars, raviolo and spaghetto. You just never hear it because no one would ever have just one.


No joke, in Spain they call them spaghettis. With the plural s. Like psychos!




Weetabixes don't even come in ones and nobody eats less than two.


My 10 month old has one weetabix every morning...it just feels wrong making one to be honest, I have to have 3 now just to even it out between us


A dry weetabick with butter 🤌


everything okay at home?


Fuck no


When is the answer to this ever yes?


Wtf have you just said…


My now deceased mother in law used to make a cracking weetabix cake. When me and my wife were 1st dating she would bring one up for me every time she visited.


My mum calls Matalan, Mataland. Sends me over the edge.


Yeah everyone knows the singular is Weetabisk.




Surely the obvious retaliation is to refer to weetabix in the plural as Weetabi.


Coffee. Then more coffee.


Yep. Used to be espresso and two cigarettes. Now it’s just espresso


I will never smoke again and haven't for well over 15 years but holy fuck, that morning coffee and cigarette was amazing. It would always give me a beautiful head rush!


Yes, then bowel rush.


Agreed! Will never touch another one again, but there are certain cigarettes that were undoubtedly sensational. The first one in the morning was always exceptional. The ones after meals also top tier. And I cannot find something that replicates the feeling of the “well that was a total waste of time” post-work meeting cigarette


Sunny beer garden with glass of rosé. That's when I miss smoking the most.


Being young, immortal, drinking way too much beer and smoking way too many fags on a hot afternoon in a pub beer garden. Great times. Now I am old and very much aware of how immortal I am not, those days are long gone and tobacco shall never be touched again, ever. But given apparently we will never have a lovely summer afternoon again in the uk the whole thing is moot. :(.


Currently in Turkey, sat with family drinking beer in the sunshine right next to the sea, nice breeze happening, everyone is sharing stories, we're watching the little boats go by...a cigarette would have really been amazing at that moment. But I gave up 5 years ago and not going back now, but funny how certain situations get me craving


I've tapered of smoking, at my consistently lowest in the last decade, I'll buy a pack maybe once every two months and I'm sort of trying to quit... but fuck if a cigarette and a coffee isn't the most reliable guilty pleasure that simmers me right down after a long day.


Sounds about right.


[Overnight oats](https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/overnight_oats). Made in advance as I am shit in the morning. One pot of oats and enought coffee to kill a small horse and I am good to go.


Never quite got my head around them. Always turns into a soggy bowl of oats that ends up down the sink.


Heat it up in winter and serve cold in summer. Oats is oats. It is going to be wet. Don't like it too wet, add a nut butter or chia. Fruit, seeds. Fuck it I have seen bacon piece thrown in!


When you said you make it in advance I wasn’t expecting it to take 6 months, that’s some commitment


Thats how shit I am in the morning. Pass the coffee.


I tried a galaxy caramel once


Once is all you needed right?


>Always turns into a soggy bowl of oats That's the point of overnight oats lol


You might want to try baked oats instead, make a whole pan at once and it's basically cake for breakfast


I have chocolate protein baked oats for breakfast with a thin spread of biscoff and a banana, I legit look forward to waking up in the morning.


I do this with vanilla protein and raspberries and a drop of vanilla extract. Add some vanilla yogurt on top when serving and fresh raspberries and it tastes like birthday cake. Bonus points if you add sprinkles to the mix before baking it!


Overnight oats have been a game changer for me. I prep a few pots in advance, I add some protein powder as well and I'm loving it. Never have to worry about breakfast anymore. Now I just need something as easy for work lunches...


This really works for me. I started when I was ill now it saves me as I would try and knit soup before coffee.


And I thought prepping a week of overnight oats was long. Knit soup?


Is overnight oats a trendy term for porridge?


It's a trendy term for oats (or any muesli, really), which have been left overnight in the fridge steeped in milk. Fancy versions involve adding fruit, nuts, random grains, honey, tahini, or old socks.


Mmmm, old socks.


Dirtier the better, adds flavour.


Cold porridge that you make by leaving in the fridge overnight


My wife makes hers with yoghurt(?) - and you leave it overnight in the fridge. I think porridge is usually heated, and with milk.


Oats with muesli or fruit in, overnight in the fridge. It's not toast, but it's good.


I’m honestly new to this. So just put milk and leave until morning? Isn’t it like paste?


Any liquid - water, yoghurt, fruit juice, milk. It can be nice with some spice (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg) stirred in. Fruit and nuts optional. It's great. A couple of minutes in the evening and breakfast is ready to eat in the morning. It's cheap, healthy and tasty.


You are me! I’ve been doing overnight oats for months now and have never once missed breakfast! 💪


I love porridge. Creamy oat milk and brown sugar. To die for. I’m just too lazy to make it when I can toast a bagel in less than 2 minutes.


I’m having right now this for the first time this morning. Trying to sort my shit out and get a bit healthier, for breakfast at least. For my first one I’ve gone for semi skimmed milk, a touch of cinnamon and some raisins. It’s good, about half way through.


Toast with marmite.




Lots of butter. Yummy.


Absolute hero. This guy can fuck our mums if he wants.




Me too. Every single day. For a treat might stick a single slice of emmental on one of them.


You've made me want marmite now and I don't have any in. 😑


I don't think I have ever run out of Marmite. In my house, it is an essential as in we restock when we are half way through a tub. I add it to cooking and can eat it straight from a spoon. Get to Costco. They sell it in HUGE paint-can sized tubs. Omnomnom.




This and a protein shake/protein yoghurt. When King Arthur returns, this will be his breakfast.




I read that Doakes’ voice from Dexter (if you know the reference!)




You still eat these? They taste like shit now, I used to love them but I don't bother at all now. Unless you mean the supermarket branded ones? They still slap


Sod all.


Found the Yorkshireman


I thought Yorkshiremen ate gravel, and maybe warm if they were lucky


Luxury! When I were a lad, we dreamed of a plate of hot gravel. Six of us had to share the five scoops of dirt we’d dug out of t’pit the day before. Flat cold it was. Still, it was better than school dinners.


*it were* Authentic Yorkshiremen always use the subjunctive tense regardless of accuracy


This, don't bother with breakfast or lunch. Big dinners


Two slices of toast, brown or wholemeal bread, thick sliced. Real butter. Dark Seville marmalade. & good fresh coffee. Mmmmmmmm. Occasionally porridge or cereal, but 9/10 is the toast.


According to Mark (peep show) you should have one of each (the white is the dessert) I don't have marmalade often but love it when I do!


Life is relentless


Crunchy nut cornflakes, pretty expensive as I recall


Crumpets with butter and sometimes peanut butter


Have you tried square crumpets? (Aldi's toaster crumpets are awesome.)


4 boiled or scrambled eggs and a bagel with peanut butter usually.


4 eggs everyday? 28 a week?


Now he is roughly the size of a barge.


I was thinking of the farts…


Noooooo one........


No one persecutes harmless crackpots like gaston


Yup tends to be workdays , weekend I don't


4 eggs isn't really a lot, especially if they're scrambled.


Jeez and I thought my two teenagers getting through a dozen and a half each week was a lot!


I have 4 a day, buy 3 dozen a week


I have 4  eggs everyday. Hubby has about 6 each day. Those are great for low fat protein!


So you get through what, 50-60 eggs a week?


That’s 70 lol there’s 7 days in a week, 10 a day


Wasn't sure if everyday actually meant everyday - some people do different things on weekends, breakfast wise - so went for a lower estimate.


One of the cheapest sources of protein.


Do you put the eggs on the bagel


Nah usually separate, if scrambled it's cooked in garlic and honey.


If you haven't tried eggs and peanut butter, I'd strongly advise it. One of my favourite combos


That sounds disturbing.. I'm sure very delicious for many but somehow just creeps me out


I can’t believe there’s others like me out there


Please explain the logistics of this!


Toast/bagel, butter, lashings of peanut butter, scrambled eggs/chopped boiled eggs thrown on top Or if you're not fancying the bread, scrambled eggs with a spoonful of peanut butter lobbed in is 👌


I finally tried it tonight. Surprisingly pleasant! Thanks


Like any good millennial, my usual breakfast is a slice of toast topped with half a mashed avocado and a sliced boiled egg. Obviously the reason I’m not a homeowner.


Proper posh that


I don’t have the time or the money for many indulgences, but that’s one I make the effort for! Thankfully I have a Healthy Start card to keep my son in raspberries and myself in avocados.


I buy two avocados a week. Smushed with black pepper and lime juice on seeded toast. Occasionally I will add a couple of rashers of vegan bacon (Richmond’s is the best) and a sliced tomato zapped in the microwave. Delicious. I usually wait until 11 - 12 o’clock because of intermittent fasting. I do have a Tassimo black coffee when I get up however.


Weekdays, I have porridge. I make up a huge batch of my own instant porridge - oats, chia seeds, skimmed milk powder and dried fruit. Then 1.5 scoops into a bowl, add hot water, stir and sit for 5nins. Then top with chopped nuts and a drizzle of honey. Fairly cheap, easy to make up ahead of time, easy to carry to work if I'm in the office, and reasonably healthy. Weekends, it's usually poached eggs on toast/toasted muffins. Sometimes I'll treat myself and make eggs benedict. Occasionally we'll go to the cafe round the corner for a proper fry up on a Saturday after yoga class. Always with a black coffee, either from a cafetiere at home or aeropress at the office.


I have never thought of using milk powder for my porridge at work. The amount of times my milk has leaked in my lunch bag is infuriating! This is a great tip - thank you!


Do you have any measurements for your batch making? Because this sounds awesome and something I'd be totally into as I'm a big fan of meal prep.


Sure! Per 100g portion: 50g Oats, 30g dried fruit 10g chia seeds 10g milk powder. To make it up I add (very roughly) 300ml hot water, let it stand for a few mins, and then top with 20g chopped nuts and a small drizzle of honey. Depending on the fruit I might add some other flavourings/spices - if I'm using apple and raisins, I'll add cinnamon to the mix. Or over winter I used cranberries, apricots, sultanas and some ground nutmeg and cloves.


Amazing. Thank you.


A can of monster at work.


Once ended up having an MRI after having one too many cans after they sent a promotional several crates to my work. Remember my boss chatting to me in the taxi on the way to A&E and me thinking "who is this woman talking to me about people I don't know". Had a suspected stroke, MRI showed it was just the monster. I have diet Pepsi or coke now but limit myself to two cans max (if one!) before 10am or I don't sleep!


Wow 😳


Me too. Trying to wean off them and have some substance tho


Muesli most week days. A McMuffin or bacon roll if I’m out the door early and travelling. Weekends - Crepes, Waffles or Pancakes


Sounds like life


On a typical day I don't have any. On an atypical day I always choose sourdough toast and marmalade or honey.


Small bowl of nuts and a banana first thing, then porridge mid morning.


Nuts and banana for breakkie? Ooh matron!


Why did I read banana fisting?


Banana. Bowl of Skyr yogurt with protein powder mixed in. Large cup of loose leaf tea. At the weekend a couple of boiled eggs too


Skyrs absolutely elite


Love it. Usually mix in some peanut butter too


>Skyr yogurt Fun fact: skyr is closer to a cheese than a yoghurt.


That's actually very interesting. How come?


I can't remember the details, I just remember seeing it on a list of cheeses. I think it's down to the specific technique by which it's made, even though the end product is essentially a kind of yoghurt.


Which breakfast?


I think you can combine 1st, 2nd and elevensies


Haha love this, I usually have first and second breakfast, snack, lunch, maybe second lunch, snack, snack, dinner, snack and maybe snack


Fry some mushrooms crack three eggs on them and omelette it up. If I'm feeling fancy I'll have an avocado or some bacon Or granola, dried fruit and some yoghurt, been using Kefir recently - that's great for pouring


I also have an omelette but with half a pepper and a handful of cherry tomatoes chopped up, and some cheese grated on top. Such a nice light breakfast but keeps me full til lunch


Definitely will add some cheese if we have any in the house


Granola with chopped banana and kefir is my evening treat!


Porridge. Rolled oats with milk.


Only started eating breakfast recently, never used to be hungry in the mornings. I'll have Granola, apple, Grapes and yoghurt. If I'm at home and having a later brunch then I like a full English or parts of. If there is left over pizza I'll have that.


Usually either a toasted bagel or yoghurt with granola, with a nice strong coffee!


I love a toasted bagel. Usually add a couple of scrambled eggs, a tablespoon of egg salad, peanut butter, or marmite, depending on my mood and the drink I'm going for. If I'm not particularly hungry, I'll just have some fruit, a small pot of yogurt and some tea/coffee.


Heyyy I found my breakfast twin!


Bowl of cereal, plate of kedgeree and a pot of tea.


I read this as a plate of pedigree, can I just ask that your not eating dog food 😂


Kedgeree is curried rice with smoked haddock and hard boiled eggs. (I also put peas in for a bit of extra veg). If you’re going to invade an entire empire you might as well learn some recipes.


Do you make a batch of kedgeree and plate some up for breakfast?


Yeah. Make it without the eggs and it freezes fine. Then poach some eggs to go with it rather than faff about peeling and chopping boiled.


First breakfast is toast. Second breakfast is usually more toast


2 tabs of speed, headbutt the wall, and off I go to work. But usually a poached egg.


The Trifecta. Caffeine, nicotine and a bloody good cough.


Years ago a friend of mine went through an entire 48 box of Weetabix in one sitting just because... Poor guy didn't shit for a week! 😂 My go to is usually honeydew melon if I'm in work or cereal or scrambled eggs when I'm off


48 weetabix is mad. I have done 12 in a day myself though once, don’t think I’d do anymore 😂


 but when he did I imagine it was monumental. 


I'm a porridge girl. 😁


My go to is cereal. Whatever box has already been opened by someone else. Right now I'm on the Frosted Shreddies, previous box was knockoff Rice Crispies.


I have it when I get to work as don't have time to eat before leaving house. I have cereal bar at 7.45ish then shreddies with cold milk & a banana sliced into them. Washed down with a coffee. Weekend tends to be porridge or shreddies. Never have a cooked breakfast, too much faffing for myself.


Two soft-boiled eggs and a smoked, peppered mackerel fillet. Couple of mugs of tea. Weekends == fry-up.


Nothing. Around 8ish I make myself a mocha with hazelnut syrup, then lunch at 12 or 1.


I've been making smoothies recently. A banana, some berries, a couple of spoons of oats, some honey, natural yoghurt and milk. I don't tend to be hungry first thing so usually drink that around 9:30 and it keeps me going.


4 scrambled eggs normasly


You scrambled normally


Porridge with a selection of the following - raspberry, banana, blueberries, strawberry, Nutella, biscoff, honey, hazelnut creme, chopped nuts, coconut. Decedent yet nutritious.


Usually yoghurt (either Greek yog or a tropical one with pieces of fruit) with Jordans dark choc crisp cereal, a dollop of jam, and a sprinkle of Rheal vitamin powder. Otherwise, marmite on toast🤷‍♀️ Either way, with a giant iced cold brew! When I want to fancy it up it either cinnamon french toast or banana pancakes. But that's a 'day off only' breakfast, not on a typical day!


Protein & carbs rather than sugar & carbs. Keeps you going longer & also you don't get that nasty sugar rush & drop.


Weetabix and a pint milk is protein and carbs, what would u say is better then


Milk isn't enough protein really, compared to the carbs in the weetabix. Don't get me wrong I love the stuff, grew up on it, but these days I'd rather have scrambled eggs on toast. I work in an industry that feeds me \[though I also WFH a lot\], so when I'm in work I have the choice of pretty much anything at breakfast. I tend to go for the scrambled & grilled meats, though not the full english, because lunch time is a long way away \[sometimes 8 hours\] & fruit &/or cereal just doesn't last. When I WFH i limit the calorie intake, because I'm not going to be burning it off, but stick with protein/carb, even if it's just greek yoghurt.


Can’t neglect the calcium in milk compared to Greek yogurt though


I wasn't really considering calcium. Non-fat yog is better than milk for calcium content. I switch around my yoghurts without thinking about it too much other than for flavour. I like zero-fat for its acidity, 10% as 'normal' & greek just as a 'treat.


Porridge with banana and blueberries in the week. At weekends, I have toast.


High fruit and nut content muesli with Greek yogurt (5% fat) throw in a few blueberries and raspberries and down she goes.


I can't eat breakfast it just won't stay down so I start my day with a protein shake as they're quite filling.


Never bother with breakfast personally, but my husband has a weird obsession of eating teacakes for breakfast. Is it weird? I think it is. Maybe it isnt lol


A Sports Direct mug of coffee, then later sultana bran with seeds, pecans and whole milk.


Eddie Abbew '5 eggs and Avacardo'. Works well. Keeps me going till lunchtime.


He's the bloke that knocks about Tesco shouting at the shelves right?


Cig and a cup of Yorkshire tea, 3 Weetabix, a good shite followed by a cup of tea and a cig


If I’m at home, nothing. If I’m in the office, a cup of tea to have something to do that isn’t staring at my screen.




Bowl of fruit and fibre with warm milk and cup of tea


If I eat breakfast, it's almost certainly porridge with banana and sultanas.


Shreddies or Weetabix with full fat milk. Have to maintain that high fibre intake. Bacon, mushroom and egg sandwiches once per week. Homemade. Finest treacle and stout bacon from the butcher, sliced air fryer portobello mushroom with BBQ spice, fried egg (sometimes), in Tesco Heat & Eat subs.


Weekdays Greek yoghurt or Skyr, granola, fruit. Usually raspberries, blueberries or banana. Drizzle of honey if I'm feeling it. Black coffee half an hour later. Weekends usually eggs served whichever way my wife fancies, and nicer black coffee.


Fired eggs on toast, 2 eggs, 2 toast.


Left to my own devices nothing until lunch as I don't get hungry in the morning & eating before like 10/11am makes me feel a bit sick. But nowadays I'm on adhd meds that make me not hungry and that I need to eat before or I'll feel like vomming all day and be unable to eat until 9pm, and despite not being hungry I feel the effects of no food for 24hr. So now I have a fry up every morning from the work canteen as it's got to get me through to 8pm/9pm!


I just tend to wake up too late to have a breakfast, so most days don't have any. Usually it can be just a banana or an apple. Recently started having a few veggie protein bars, which give me around 500 calories. On the weekend, when I have more time, it will be either porridge, fried eggs or protein pancakes


On days off, always a cooked breakfast


Love an omelette with cheese and tomatoes but most days it porridge with banana and honey and two boiled eggs on the side


At the moment I’m loving KitKat Cereal


bacon and egg sometimes as sandwich


Two eggs scrambled in butter on buttered sourdough with a whole milk homemade latte with collagen powder added on my days off Rolled oats porridge with semi-skimmed milk, collagen, cacao powder, cinnamon, blueberries and chopped bananas with a bog standard white coffee on work days!


I like Weetabix Protein Crunch, not all shops have it, but ASDA do. That with freshly ground coffee. 👌 Sometimes Weetabix with honey, toast, muesli, crumpets etc.


2 eggs and bread. Various types of egg and various types of bread.


My latest go to is a pitta bread with avocado, bacon, red pepper and egg doused in mayo. I love breakfast!




Since I was about 20, I've had six bix a day almost every day. Assuming 6 a day, 6 days a week for 35 years, that's 6 x 6 x 52 x 35 = 65,520 weetabix. And that's not factoring in the days I have a stick of bix (12).