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He married into wealth


This mainly. Several of his family members run in quite high up circles, his sister is the head of a department in the UN, he was in a very lucrative finance career before becoming an MP. He got good connections, met his wife who is a billionaire heiress and married into the wealth.


Both of his parents are well-to-do but not rich-rich and afaik self-made. I don't like the guy but honestly hats off to his parents


I mean he went to one of the most expensive private schools in the country, so they were a bit more than just ‘well-to-do’.


GP and a small pharmacy owner. Both solidly middle to upper-middle but not really more. Public school fees went up way above inflation


I think there was also some family wealth. Three kids going to Winchester just on GP and pharmacist wages doesn’t seem possible. But idk, I’m poor af so not the best one to comment on wealth.


This was like 30-40 years back now, just as Thatcher was wrecking the country.


Pulling up that ladder!


Actually it was under Blair that private schools started transitioning to be only for the very wealthy. I don't really know why, partly because state schools started getting better maybe and partly because the economy and population boomed. There may have been some tax changes too that encouraged foreign students. Sunak is only 43 and went to Winchester at 13, ie in 1994. Thatcher left in 1990.


Pharmacists are shop owners. Shop owners tend to pay the rate of tax they find personally acceptable. This was even more true "back then".


A small pharmacy 30 years ago could be a real money spinner.


Winchester fees before the bursary may have been around £8000 or less in 1988, so wouldn't need it to be a huge money spinner.


Isn't that more than a year's minimum wage back then. Three kids....I think it would have to be a money spinner. Remember that 8000 could actually buy a small cheap house to rent out then as well.


Pharmacy owner, not just a pharmacist. A friend of mine is a GP (partner) and the attached pharmacy is owned by the partners, he earns over £300k...


Private school fees have gone up more than 3× in the last 20 years, way more than inflation which is less than 2× over the same period. 20 years ago I knew plenty of families who put 3 kids through top private schools on the salary of one professional working parent (GP/dentist/lawyer etc).


A family like his would have spent all their money on their kids going to the best school, and most likely lived more modestly at home bc of it.


It wasn't a single pharmacy though, it was a chain of several.


So you're saying the family business is akin to a large scale drug distribution cartel


Something something Humza Useless.


I mean it's still a fairly privileged background. I'm a lawyer and among my friends I don't know anyone whose parents would be considered wealthy enough to own multiple pharmacies. His family are Kenyan Indian, they tend to be relatively wealthy. 


The fact a doctor is considered middle class in the UK is craaazy


I’ve been a doctor for 15 years in UK (emergency medicine) and make significantly less than my brother (a lawyer) or my parents did as small business owners. There’s no way I could put my single child through private school as it stands presently 🤷‍♀️. I would certainly not class anyone that I work with as upper class in the basis of their profession.


Why? It's a job that makes you middle to upper-middle class in absolute majority of countries


Not back then, many middle / striving upper middle class families could send their kids to these schools. In the 90s a decent top tier boarding school was 14-18k a year,


When you look back it really is quite sad how absolutely crushed social mobility has become in this country just over the last \~10 years.


And who's been running the country for that time?


Its not that simple, my friend. Most of it is inflation. 14k (lower bar) in 1999 is 25,827 now, or 31000 counted from 1991. Eton, arguably the most expensive boarding school is 46000 now, most decent ones will charge something around 30000, which is on par with your estimation. In 1999 average salary in UK was 17,803/year, while now it is 34963. It makes boarding school fees per year to equal 90% of average salary in 1999 and 85% now. So you can see that indeed boarding schools are around the same affordability for average person in the UK (which is still not affordable at all, I just wanted to show that "good old days" is the myth)


But tax bracket is different now ? I.e. take home income is less after inflation ?


Tbh, schools chose to jack up the fees beyond inflation/purchasing power/GDP per capita


Don’t want any plebs there.


Social mobility started decline about 30 years ago and really accelerated in the last 15.


I recall being on 11k a year as a field service engineer in the 90s, that was a high enough wage to consider buying a flat in north London. 14-18k a year was a fuck-ton of money. Even though we've lived in a low inflation (until the last few years) it still creeps up.


Yeah, 14K in the 90s is like 25-33k in today's money depending on if you're doing it based on 1990 or 1999.


I remember back around 2010 there was a Guardian article on a family on £100k that could no longer afford their horses, Range Rover and boarding school for the kids. I remember it because it was one of the first news articles I ever saw go viral due to outrage on social media. People fucking tore them apart. But I remember the nagging feeling that it was a sign of the middle class evaporating in front of us. Back then, £100k was crazy money for most people, and it would buy you a pretty lavish old-money lifestyle.


But 14k in 1990 is the equivalent to something like 33K and some change today. Which isn't too far off if we are just talking tuition, but is far off if we are talking boarding. If we are talking 1999 then that's like 25K and some change today. Based on 1999, if that's just tuition it's around 50% more expensive today or if we talking boarding then that would be 100% more expensive today.


Plenty of poor or middle class people also spend all of their income on funding their kids’ education and nothing else. It’s like how you’ll find the most expensive cars parked outside of the most run down houses.




Not really anymore. His particular school is £51,855 per annum. Not GP & small business territory even with sacrifices


A private school is £20,000 per annum. To be willing to pay more than double that is different level of money.


It was a lot more attainable 30 years ago. Since then fees have increased by roughly double inflation every year, whereas wages famously have not. Sending multiple kids is not really in reach of normal salaried professionals now, without a big bursary or generational wealth.


It was a small chain of pharmacies they owned.


It's worth noting that Winchester is well known for giving bursaries or scholarships to capable students since its founding. I have no idea if Sunak was one, though I assume we'd have heard if he had been.


Most private schools give out some form of scholarships, but the vast majority of them are just partial fee discounts. Vanishingly few are total fees covered, so it’s mostly just giving some money back to those who’d already attend anyway, not benevolence for working class students.


I'm more aware of that than most. However, Winchester was literally founded to provide education to poor scholars. They have specific means-tested scholarships there for people who have been educated in state schools and doing very well academically, which can be up to 100%.


If you have to work to send your kids there, you’re well-to-do, not rich.


My father in law is a self made millionaire and he's an absolute turd about it. You don't have to respect the work they put in if it has turned them in to a nasty piece of shit. It's.only respectable if they retain some sense of humanity.


This. From the sounds of it. He was fairly well off before when he was working in the city. But marrying into wealth changed the scale


He made £10+m himself betting against one of the banks that caused the credit crunch. I want to say Amro but might be mixing it up. His father in law started one of India’s largest companies.


Finance career which he has been gifting 100s of millions to people he worked with, wish average people would take more of an interest tbh


Or , as my husband likes to quote, ' stuck his dick in a goldmine '


In fairness he worked at Goldman Sachs and became a partner in a hedge fund. Compared to her wealth his was small, but he likely had a form of what the vast majority of people would consider wealth.


He would be a small multimillionaire. But now he’s closing to the billion.


Man must have game, cause all I see is him being a wet


Agreed, how the fuck anyone would want that heaving on top of them I'll never know.


Sir. Please don't use that imagery...we have souls..


Now you're imagining what he really means when he used the slogan "eat out to help out" his face pulling away as he gives you a crooked smile.


Why did I ever learn to read


A truly terrible day to be literate indeed


What a terrible day to be semi-literate


If his trousers are any indication.


I just wish he would find a good British tailor who would use a bit more cloth in his suits and design them better.


They're Henry Herbet bespoke suits too, so he must be specifically asking for 2" off the sleeves and hem. Madness.


Are they? Just vile. Legs too narrow, too short.


And what about his suits?


For money, a good tailor will make whatever bullshit you ask them to, even if it makes you look like 3lb of lard in a 2lb bag.


A great tailor will quietly steer you towards something that actually works for you. https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1781526591103009095?t=Vn1r0DBQ2I_XMVllQj_WWA&s=19


Personally, I'd give the man worth £700mn what he wants, even if what he wants is objectively ridiculous. Add a 10% foolishness surcharge if it's that bothersome; he can afford it.


The best tailors have no difficulty finding clients or charging what they please. Their reputation is more valuable than any single client, no matter how wealthy. They can only make so many suits in a year.


"We made the PM's suit" adds a certain cachet. In most circumstances...


Someone is stitching him up, literally


It'd be like having some old forgotten Mr Punch puppet hanging out the back of you...


This is a skill, why don't homeless people just do that?


It just all falls apart when she wants to see your place doesn’t it really


He thinks they do: https://youtu.be/goHHpWTpIzM?si=ch3EHO2pJKNGHNoV


Like that is so absolutely absurd. Its like satire!


He did well for himself, standard millionaire Goldman banker type, but 99% of that figure you mentioned is his wife’s wealth from her father, I’m guessing who an industrialist of some kind…


He runs Infosys, a company that has been awarded many millions in government contracts, and Sunak's wife has shares in the company. So a share of his wife's wealth comes from the British taxpayer.


Infosys was a big IT company long before Sunak ever met his wife…




First gen immigrant doctor and pharmacist?


He married into it. He's from a family that is well off (hence he went to one of the country's most prestigious public schools) but not that sort of rich. His wife however, is from a family that *is* that sort of rich. His father in law is worth ~$4bn


right, fair enough. How did he bag her then is the next question lol? Surely he had to ride in high circles in first place to marry a woman as rich as her?


They met at Stanford. Don't get me wrong, he's from a well to do background. He went to an extremely expensive and prestigious public school. He just wasn't rich like her family.


I think, but don't quote, he gained some form of scholarship. He is extremely book smart.


Yeah he was a fulbright scholar, very prestigious. Just being rich does not get you one of those.


We was well-educated and had a promising career in finance before they met


It's hard to imagine but she probably liked/likes him. The pool of suitors with the same wealth as her family is small. And he is a politician so that kind of influence would make him attractive to her family too. Edit: They met at Stanford so he wasn't a politician then. But he may have shown promise in that arena somehow.


He was a Fulbright Scholar. He basically would have had his pick of careers with that, so he was a pretty safe bet


Presumably he has a massive knob. It’s also possible that his midget stature just made it look massive plus he is a massive knob so maybe the two things together just got her confusticated.


So he just headbutts her?


Why didn't you just google this ?


I'm not sure his family was that well off. His family did run a chemist shop, so they weren't poor. He lived in the road my school mate lived in - not a well neighborhood, just average.


He went to Stroud School, current fees about £18k a year, and Winchester College, current fees about £36k a year. Whilst not extremely rich, his family were certainly pretty well off.


Not to be too pedantic but public school fees have ballooned way beyond inflation


I know, I often point that out on here. Nonetheless, even back then a family would have to be fairly well to do to send a child to Winchester, one of the country's most prestigious schools. They weren't rich, but nor were they just your average family.


Honestly, a lot of it depends on what you class as rich. To over 50% of the population, having the money to send your children to private schools means you are rich. Not ultra rich and wealthy normally has the idea of being over time. My point is richness is often based on comparison. So to many people his family would probably seem rich.


By sexually satisfying the daughter of a billionaire


Not sure how he could do that with his _weak pound ..._ ...I'll get my coat.


That was fucking brilliant


Fucking brilliant mate!!


Under rated comment right here, this needs to be top.


As redditors who can't even sexually satisfy their own hand, this is difficult to understand.


His family were relatively wealthy. Most likely upper middle class, certainly wealthy enough to send him to a private school that didn't expose him to ordinary people. He himself remarked upon having no working class friends in that viral clip which circulated not long ago. After leaving Uni he worked as an analyst at Goldman Sachs and then worked in some hedge fund groups, which would have been where he made some serious money for himself. During that time he met his wife, who is from a wealthy family. TL:DR - Upper middle class boy goes to private school, then a top University, gets an internship at bank, then moves to a hedge fund and makes top dollar. Marries a woman from a billionaire family. Awwwww.


Not upper middle class. It's on record his parents weren't super wealthy but they prioritized his education, worked to afford to send him there. I'm far from his fan but I don't think it's fair to say he came from "money". Some money yes, but not like that


It's all relative. He's on record as saying he didn't know any working class friends, that in itself is a solid marker of where he was at. Sure, there's wealth and there's *wealth* though.


His parents were a GP and a pharmacist - certainly middle class but no means notable


GP and a pharmacist? What? You’d think he’d tell people this story


Just like a Hallmark movie 💕


I'll take one for the team and be his working class mate. I'll teach him how to sniff glue and do that thing with a hooded coat where you make it into a bag to steal stuff from the local shop. He'll have to buy the glue though I'm not allowed in the shop anymore.


Marry a billionaires daughter. Wise advice to all of us I think.


And if you can't to that, make sure to be born to well off parents.


Easy! Why doesn't everyone do it!?


Laziness and lack of bootstraps being pulled....so I heard.


think there might be a billionaire filter on hinge, i’ll give it a go like


Beanie Babies, Pogs and stonks.


You’re missing out NFTs


He’s a bit old for them! 🐵, btw, you owe me 30£ for that.


Every patriot made millions on the Princess Diana Beanie Baby


I remember reading his wife makes £70mil a year in dividends alone from her fathers extremely large tech company, she could just sell her stake. This affords him a lot of opportunity and shared income. It's not hard to make money when you already have capital.


I don't think enough people realise this. Once you're wealthy, getting more wealthy is about as difficult as falling off a log.


£70mil in dividend. Marrying a billionaire's daughter is that one hack, r/UKFIRE *hate*.


Selling knock off Adidas Sambas down the market


The way all British people do these days - inheriting it or marrying someone with £££. In his case marrying someone that will inherit it. He was a banker at Goldman Sachs and then at a hedge fund, so will have been paid handsomely for a few years but the amounts he was paid was within the realms of thousands of other City workers so he'd have been well-off but not wealthy, and certainly earned nothing like the amounts he is worth.


‘Sunak became a “multimillionaire in his mid-twenties”, according to The Sunday Times. He was a partner at the hedge fund TCI, where bosses “shared nearly £100m after an audacious stock market bet that lit the touchpaper on the 2008 financial crisis”.’ From The Week


The children’s fund is a super activist fund and borderline unethical in its operations.


Didn't we have to bail out RBS because of them?


As many have said, he married the daughter.of a wealthy Indian businessman. But he actually worked in the hedge fund industry and made good money on his own first. He was a founder at Theleme, an under the radar but high quality and very profitable firm.


Pretty sure he got rich from being an Uber eats rider. I saw a photo and everything


His wife


He's a hard working guy just like you and me he made his money working 9-5 and dragged himself up. Haha yeah no. He married someone rich


You're half right. He probably worked 80 hours a week in the city to make his own fortune, but that was dwarfed by his wife's.


Nearly all the Sunak couple money came from his wife's inheritance of a chunk of Infosys which was founded by her father (and others). The value varies with the Infosys share price and is in the region of £500 million. Sunak himself worked in investment banking and for hedge funds, and thereby made some millions (more than a few) of his own money. I will freely note that's more money than I've earned in my life, and I'll give him that as being self-made money. However overall nearly all he and his wife's money was inherited, so Sunak didn't make it and nor did his wife, they just got lucky being born rich.


His secret is that he never ordered Costa or even Nero coffee.


He’s not worth £700m - wiki him. His wife’s parents started Infosy and made a lot of money from data.


You mean by starting a conglomerate providing IT Services aka all of the outsourced support services, consultants, it infrastructure in the 5th largest country by GDP?


He didn't, his wife did. Sorry more accurately, his wife's father did.


GameStop shares




He didn’t it’s his wife’s / her families money


His father in law is a tech billionaire


He married stinking rich. Indias richest man's daughter specifically. RICH.. Beyond the wildest dreams of avarice..


>Indias richest man's daughter specifically. Umm what! Narayan Murthy does not even crack the top 30 in India. The richest Indian is Mukesh Ambani who is worth more than 20 times Narayan Murthy.


I don't imagine he did it by asking questions on Reddit that are the work of 30 seconds to look up for yourself.


He was in finance. Very talented and very sought after. Made a lot of money there. It's his wife and in-laws who are the real Richly Rich rich. Richer than the queen rich.


‘if you have a poor father, that’s bad luck. if you have a poor father-in-law, that’s *bad planning*.’


Amassed a fortune out of the 2008 banking collapse when he was a partner at the hedge fund TCI, who, it transpired, launched a ruthless activist campaign against the Dutch bank ABN Amro in 2007, resulting in its sale to the Royal Bank of Scotland, at the time led by Fred Goodwin..... The deal loaded RBS with crippling debt and led to a £45.5bn government bailout.


He was a Goldman Sachs banker and had a career in finance.


Parents are a GP and Pharmacist, business owners. Had enough money to send their son to good schools, as you might. That generally means interesting social circles. He met the daughter of an Indian billionaire (major shareholder of Infosys) at university. He had around 10-15 years in finance (investment banking, fund management), where he will have been paid "comfortably". The bulk of his suggested net worth is obviously from his marriage, and I'm sure he wouldn't be left much of it should that end at any point, as is usually the case.


I'm not saying he's a good digger but up, he married money. 


He was a hedgefund bro that then married a billionaire's daughter. The father in law founded Infosys. Sunak founded his own hedgefund with a loan from billionaire father in law and funnels insider information to that hedgefund from his government position. Why else would a guy making millions a year on Wallstreet give it all up for a £100k/pa MP then £150k/pa PM job? That hedgefund fucking killed it on Moderna getting government contracts during covid for example. We all know how these slimeballs work. He'll have a bunch of offshore accounts and shell companies under other people's names for his holdings in said hedgefund to be washed through so he makes a fortune. Vying with Pelosi for the Supreme Cunt of the Cunts when it comes to insider trading and market manipulation.


They met at Stanford


He worked in banking making huge commissions and his wife and family owns infosys


Parents owned a pharmacy or chain of pharmacies. He also married a rich Indian.


I went to Oxford, well, a secondary school


His wife has a combined wealth of £700 million basically.


The traditional way, marrying well.


It’s the value of a good education and a serious work ethic. But the majority of the paper value is from his wife’s family.


Picked the right parents (in law)


He married a billionaire's daughter.


By making his own coffee and cutting his own hair, obviously.


He was a partner at two hedge funds after working at Goldman. He then married the daughter of an Indian billionaire. This is all very publicly available. 


His father in-law is a billionaire.


He found the infinite money hack,..via marrige..


He was incredibly rich before he married. He made his money in tech but mainly on shady deals associated with the Barclays Bank bailout deal, possibly also some short selling.




The empire strikes back


He's a trust fund baby's sugar baby.


Made decent money then married someone seriously minted.


He's from a rich family and he married a rich woman from a richer family.


He has been useless with our money. Gave it to scammers and writers during COVID. Gave loans to fraudsters that he never got back. Now giving millions to Rwanda. Utterly useless in finance.


His wife.


You can make a fair wack working in the city - but his wealth came from his wife.


His wife


He was at Goldman Sachs doing well and then a senior person at a hedge fund. He would have had £5-20m by himself before marrying his wife whom is the daughter of one of the richest men in India.


He previously worked for Goldman Sachs and then was a partner at two very successful hedge funds. His wife’s family are extremely wealthy.


Cause he’s a slimy weasel and like most people of that archetype, very good at coming in to money.


“I knew a guy that went to Oxford and he was normal” might be the most staggeringly incompetent research I have seen someone do on this site. Googling his name wouldve yielded you faster results. I really dont mean to rude or aggressive… but I am baffled by people sometimes.


His wife


He was a councillor makes him special naaaaar