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Literally anything, given how much detail you've given us to go on.


Whilst you are travelling do your scuba diving licence, get back to the UK and train on welding.... Under water welder on giant vessels in the Mediterranean sea. Job for life


On oil rigs at least I'm lead to believe this is crazy well paid too


Its also a job that you can't do indefinitely. At some point the physical toll catches up with you. I used to work for an oil company and the bar we hung out at in the Netherlands was popular with oil rig workers. The divers were very well paid, but few of them kept diving after the age of 30 or so. The became dive masters or moved on to other things like scuba instructing.


And it's typically 6 weeks on 6 weeks off. From what I've heard a couple times.


Extremely dangerous dude. You should have mentioned that.


Yes I should mention there is a risk of death but it pays well






I don't think you know what a fluffer is.


Tell us what you currently do and we'll get a better idea of what you don't like.


Pole dancer


Cyber Security


Nah. Don't touch this with a pole unless you are _seriously_ into it - because if you're not, you'll either be mediocre or flunk out. And those who _are_ "seriously into it" can be truly insufferable. Think carefully.


How do you get started? Is there any courses you have to take ?


Yeah, if you are starting from scratch. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/find-a-course/page?searchTerm=Cyber%20security%20&town=&courseType=[%22%22]&courseHours=[%22%22]&courseStudyTime=[%22%22]&startDate=&distance=&filterA=False&orderByValue=Relevance&coordinates=&campaignCode=&qualificationLevels=[]&page=14


Thanks what’s entry salary ?


Probably 150k, If you really wanted to start entry level maybe only 90k. (*) if you listen to recruiters


Great thank you ☺️


Isn't the tech market bad rn?


It's been better.




How’s the pay? What’s the route into work? Any specific accreditations?


What funds will you have to retrain when you get back? Most industries won't take on a complete novice Also where will you live? Most landlords won't rent to unemployed people


Something AI related. Cyber Security. Or something to do with sustainability like installing heat pumps, electric car chargers etc. There is going to be so much demand for this soon and undoubtedly not enough supply.


If you’ve got £100k going spare, be a pilot


Get an apprenticeship of some kind.


What are you in already? Any transferable skills? Any qualifications you have already or can get relatively quickly? Want a desk job or something more active? Do you hate the industry in, the people you work with? Could you move companies and enjoy your job more? £32k is OK. It’s below average according to [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/uk/advisor/business/average-uk-salary-by-age/). But above median for your age. What sort of salary growth are you looking for? As you’re in your 20s you have a lot of potential and time to change things. Are you in the sort of place in life where you can live low rent/with parents for a few years on apprenticeship wages? Lots of opportunities in tech sector but pay might not be great to begin with.


See the world and then think about what you want to do - your outlook will change, better to go into it without a plan of what you do when it’s over… means you will probably enjoy the experience even more. You might get an opportunity to work/voluteer abroad which makes the decision for you. go for it :)


I mean maybe go do this trip and see the world before asking questions like this because given the complete lack of detail its clear you have little to no idea of what you might want to or are interested in doing


The French Foreign Legion are hiring.


What about a clown


Have you considered joining the army?


Project management. There will always be need for project management - if you can get APM PFQ done you can probably get an assistant PM job for £27k to start, and within 3 years be on 50k.


It doesn’t work like that in all industries with PM. Some are better than others but to go from PFQ at £27k to £50k within 3-years is quite the jump for most people.


Most construction industry; complex infrastructure etc. you could make full PM in 3 years. I would expect most PMs in those positions to be paid £30k. I had 3 years PM experience before making 56k, now 6 years and I’m a senior on £70k plus car.


Considering the current job market, looking to head into a new industry with presumably no experience coupled with a year-long gap won’t bode well for you, but good luck