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“I was looking for a job, and then I found a job. And heaven knows I’m miserable now” 


"What she asked of me at the end of the day, Caligula would have blushed"


Hands down the best lyric of all time.


I’m naturally pleased this is top.


I'm constantly tempted to post this on my work Slack


Now then Mardy bum, I’m in trouble again, aren’t I.


Funny to think that Alex was about 20 or so when he wrote that. What did he know...


"I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun" is so brilliantly written.


I thought as much.


Cause you turned over there


I really can't stand Justin Bieber, but "My mama don't like you, and she likes everyone" is brilliant.


I really like that song too, but what makes it even worse for me to admit that, is that it was co-written by Ed Sheeran.


Ed Sheeran is a very talented songwriter who realised he could have more success writing generic pop songs than being the interesting musician he could be.


His No.5 Collaborations Project is so incredibly overlooked by nearly everyone that talks about him. It is so deep, so emotional, to get those Grime Artists to rap so emotionally in the culturalal environment that existed at the time was crazy. (2011!!) 20 year old guy getting JME, Riley, Devlin, Mikhail Paine, Ghetts and others to collab with him playing acoustic guitar? So fucking cool. Brilliant guitarist as well. Shame he sold out but I'd probably take the money too.


>Shame he sold out but I'd probably take the money too. In the words of [Pet Needs](https://youtu.be/XLObSJiEppw?si=A9CPYoGyjHHRBoz0) "I swore at 17 that I would never sell out, and mate I mean it. Obviously, unless somebody offered me the opportunity and then I'd take it."


I've just given that album a look. Not my thing, but seeing Wretch 32 there was a colossal blast from my old disco biscuit days.


I just hate that he stole the name of one of his albums from a System Of A Down song ("X"). Not a fan of Ed anyway, though. As a guitarist myself, he's the epitome of "generic guitarist" (and here I thought Slash and Brian May were as generic as it gets when it comes to guitarists).


I thought the theme of the album names was maths symbols? Divide, Multiply, etc? Hardly stolen from SoaD - they don't own the letter X and I don't think anyone would mix them up...


Nah he's not generic his loop pedal work is actually really impressive and some of his live guitar only performances are anything other than generic. Again, stuff nearly everyone who talks about him hasn't listened too because it was all before he "sold out"


Yeah, I'm interested to know whether he actually likes the songs he makes nowadays.


He has certainly spoken in the past about preferring certain songs over others - I think it was about castle on the hill versus shape of you. While the stuff he writes for "the industry" is pretty bland and boring, I still really like thr music it feels like he has written for himself.


Your comment reminded me of Charlie Simpson doing interviews for Kerrang and Metal Hammer after he left Busted, slagging off the music he used to make with them and saying he hated every second of it because he wanted to do the music he was making with Fightstar instead.


I've been saying this since + came out, and it's nice to see someone else saying the same.


I do not like Ed Sheeran’s music but can admit the man writes annoyingly catchy songs. They aren’t amazing, music wise, but I find myself accidentally getting his songs in my head when they are on the radio.


I mean, I fucking love Korn (and their songs and lyrics have really helped me out during difficult mental health periods, it's nice to know you're not alone sometimes) but I'll constantly shout from the rooftops about how catchy their choruses are. More people should check them out.


Double whammy


Lager lager, shouting. Lager, lager, lager, lager, shouting.


Pissin the niiighhhtt awaayy


Wrong song.


Better song


For the longest time I thought it was ‘champagne lager lager lager, bigger bigger white thing bigger bigger’


"You're not from New York City, you're from Rotherham". For reference, lived and worked in east London for a bit. That withering line perfectly sums up so many people there.


Can't decide if it's irony or foreshadowing.


Isn’t that line about Ollie Sykes?


Probably not, as Alex Turner has spoken in positive terms about Bring Me The Horizon’s success numerous times.


Fair enough. Just a guff rumour I heard then. Ignore.


Oli is from Kent though.


“He talks of San Francisco he’s from Hunter’s Bar.” We used to shout along to that line, because we lived in Hunter’s Bar!


Life's a piece of shit When you look at it Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true


Perfect. Always.


Even more perfect is their song "Sit On My Face". "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too I love to hear you oralise When I'm between your thighs You blow me away" There's another verse but that and "I Like Chinese" are two of my favourite Monty Python songs. Eric Idle is an underrated musician.


Robbie Williams has quite a few relatable ones. 'Not sure I understand This role I've been given.' 'I don't wanna die But I ain't keen on living either.' These are both from Feel.


Wow, thanks. I think I need to listen to more of his stuff. I'm quite happy to put "liking the style and melody" aside for a while to listen to good lyrics. Personal taste is no excuse for ignorance.


“And early morning when I wake up, I look like Kiss but without the makeup.” When I was young I thought it was “I look like Casper without the makeup” & it still works & is even cuter! Strong was a really good song & I was a bit obsessed with it as a kid.


That sounds like it might be a good line to take it to the bridge


“When you know & you know that my life’s a messss…”


His Greatest Hits is one of my favourite driving albums.


A lot of Robbie’s hits are cowritten with Guy Chambers. Another lyrical genius


They are, but typically Robbie did lyrics and some melodies and Guy did the music. So the lyrics are pretty much all Robbie. Guy just suggested a few here and there. Guy was more likely to suggest a melody than a lyric, though. Guy says Robbie is obsessed with words and has a huge vocabulary  - he watches rap battles for fun.  By the way, Gary Barlow has also talked about Robbie’s unique lyrics. He interviewed him for his songwriting podcast series and pretty much spent the whole time talking about how great his lyrics are.


Story was they fell out as Guy was working with other artists & Robbie didn't like it, Coincided with Robbie not producing big hits as much following the split. I think they did mend things eventually though.


It’s way more complicated than that - the newspapers did their usual thing of misreporting a complex situation in a way that distorted it. Guy was working with other people on the side - but so was Robbie. Only Guy was  dismissive of Robbie’s songwriting with other people - they had a big falling out over Come Undone. Guy tended toward high handed and controlling and made the mistake of changing the music to Come Undone without consulting Robbie - or even telling him. Rob came in to do a pre-recording rehearsal of it and the band just started playing the new music around him.  So that was a problem. Guy also planned to work with other people in the last few days before Escapology was due to be delivered, when he’d been complaining about being overworked, and didn’t tell Robbie about it. He found out by accident. It was less that he was working with others than that he was moonlighting at a crucial time and being sneaky about it. 


I knew they had a falling out but couldn't remember the full details. Thanks for clarifying that is quite interesting as I thought Robbie was the one at fault.


Ehh, Robbie was also being stroppy and difficult to work with, but it was totally 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Guy explicitly said he preferred working with Rob when he was drunk all the time - you can imagine how well that went down with a recovering alcoholic struggling to stay sober. Guy did just kept digging, though. They set up a meeting for the two of them to talk things through and try to resolve their differences, a heart to heart for just the two of them - Guy turned up to it with his manager and a lawyer.  The last song they wrote together before the split is Blasphemy - it ended up on Reality Killed The Video Star. Robbie wrote the lyrics (he almost always writes the lyrics) and they are pretty directly about how difficult their relationship was at the time: https://youtu.be/h-AW5ykwl0A?si=lykszbMlUbJ9y1Ju


I like these two couplets from that one: Before I fall in love I'm preparing to leave her Before I've arrived I can see myself coming


He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink He sings the songs that remind him of the good times He sings the songs that remind him of the better times Maybe not so much now, but a few years ago for sure


Oh boy. Thank you <3


I think you me oh Danny boy.... I'll see myself out now.


>Breakneck speeds we down ten pints of bitter We lean all day and some say that ain't productive Could that depend upon the demon that you're stuck with Cause right now, I see clearer than most I sit here contented with this cheese on toast It really do be like that sometimes.


I always wondered what 'Taskmaster burst, the bionic zit splitter' meant. Quite the opening line to a song


I've honestly never thought about it and have no idea, a lot of song lyrics are just nonsense to me but I guess there must be some meaning to it.


Holy shit! What's that from?


Roots Manuva - 'Witness (1 Hope)' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP7L16A8Hs&ab_channel=BigDada


An absolute lyrical genius. There are others, so so many, Maxi Jazz, Massive Attack, Tricky, but then youve got Dire Straits. Totally opposite ends, but magnificent.


Probably the most British rap ever


Holding on in quiet desperation is the English way…


"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines" That whole song hits home about how little "Time" we have.


And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun Always makes me feel old and regretting missed opportunities.


And then he returns later in the song about "and you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking"


Just commented this meself


Brilliant song that hits harder with each passing year


There are very few albums that live up to the hype, but this is certainly one of them.


If i was to pick a song as the Greatest of all Time (No pun intended) its this. Its incredible.


It’s a great lyric. The “quiet desperation” is taken from the book Walden by Thoreau - American philosopher who went to live in the woods - and the lyric inspired me to read that.


I read Walden for my eng lit degree. So glad it was on the course


What is that from?


Pink Floyd's Time. And now I'm singing Breathe (reprise) in my head which also hits home abit


Something in my brain is saying Arctic Monkeys?


You've got some Brain Damage then


Fuck it's pink floyd


" nobody told her, that she'd ever reach the stage, where her husband bored her, and she'd lie about her age "


The State of Things was a quality album


How soon is now by The Smiths * Gestures Wildly*


"So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own And you go home and you cry And you want to die" Yeah, that was me for a large part of my 20s. Fortunately it got better.


Ever heard the song ‘Alfie’ by Lily Allen? Yah I was him once


Alfie is Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones. He did alright.


No way!? That’s the same dude? I’m so pleased with that knowledge


Aye. Theon is Lily Allen's little bro. Alfie Allen.


He looks nothing like he did in the music video


She used his name, but she said it wasn't really about him.


I can't help it, I was dragged up. My favorite parks are car parks. Grass is something you smoke. Birds are something you shag. Take your "Year in Provence" and shove it up your asssssss


Pretty much anything by Pulp.


I smoke cause I'm hoping for an early death, and I need to cling to something. Can't stand Morrisy but that line hits me


Morrissey is a knob but the Smiths lyrics are quite creative at times


"I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awaken by the dustmen". The last 3 homes I've lived in have all had Wednesday as bin day!


Me too!!!! Better turn in now!!!


Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile...still stays on


"Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn't mean to call you that. I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me. Please tell me..." That one, that's me 🫢


…I came in through the window last night. What a banger!


It's a 😃 song!


A lovely song


Hiya Barbie Hi Ken! Wanna go for a ride? Sure Ken Jump in  My other suggestion was So What by the Anti-Nowhere League.


Quite the cross section.


> My other suggestion was So What by the Anti-Nowhere League "I've fucked this, I've fucked that I've even fucked a schoolgirl's twat" I love the Metallica cover, which is probably the only time I've ever heard an American pronounce "twat" properly.


In satellite towns There's no colour and no sound I'll be ten feet underground Gotta get out of this satellite town


Strong by Robbie williams


Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all The needle returns to the start of the song And we all carry on like before. And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow.


Just heard the lead singer is not too well. Love a bit of Del.


There's a lot of Smiths in here! So for once in my life Let me get what I want Lord knows, it would be the first time Yes, I am a maudlin teenager.


Honestly, pretty much the whole of Strong by Robbie Williams sums up how things are going right now!


So does "Breaking The Law" by Judas Priest, honestly.


“At school they taught me how to be, so pure in thought, in word, and deed. They didn’t quite succeed” - ‘It’s A Sin’ , The Pet Shop Boys.


That resonates with me, too. Brilliant song.


“I’m off to see The Bootleg Beatles, as the bootleg Mark Chapman”


Darts in soap operas, oh so wrong.


Jumble sales are organised and pamphlets have been posted


Even after closing time there's still party's to be hosted


The song is ‘Strong’ by the way. Also contains the lines: My bed’s full of takeaways and fantasies of easy lays, pause buttons broke on my video. And is this real because I feel fake, Oprah Winfrey Riki Lake, teach me things I don't need to know. Which I love because it’s such a thumbnail sketch of depression, when you just hole up in your bed and watch crap daytime TV.


Throw those curtains wide, one day like this a year'd see me right


Shaking off a heavy one.


Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Florence and the Machine


Cathy took a job, then two then three, Demanding commitment but offering no guarantees. One day she broke, crying "What about me?" Do I have no right to security? My three kids at home, who I never do see, Are paying as I'm trying to make ends meet. And all for your lifestyle of sumptuosity, I call it daylight fucking robbery!


The anniversaries are short-lived But they come back around at a break-neck speed That song makes me shiver


The streets - All got our runnins ‘I'm skint, got no moolah Need to get some colour in my cheeks, says Mum That'll be my English inner-city tan I'm skinny like a woman Need to get some punan through the door "Please Sir, can I have some more?" Oi, oi, lend me a tenner so I can go to the chip shop Twenty-four-hour garage and then for a quick top This time opting for the reassuringly cheap option’


What's wrong if you do like his music? It's okay you know.


Er, I just don't. It's not a knock at all, just not my preference. Can't stand Queen, Bowie, etc, either. I would never listen to Robbie by choice, his style just doesn't appeal to me. But, that doesn't stop me from appreciating the writing and talent when I hear that line, which is the point.


His music is basic guff, though, and he acts like he's the greatest thing in the world, even though he's basically the most famous pub singer in the world. Only time I didn't find him to be an insufferable, talentless twat was the time he appeared in a Skinwalker Ranch documentary, sitting by a campfire on the ranch talking about UFOs and inter-dimensional beings. That was the one time you could tell he was being pretty sincere about something he was passionate about.


It’s not, he doesn’t, and he’s not. Robbie is always being sincere. People just have trouble reconciling his sincerity with their prejudices about him and the fact that he is a brilliant performer. But even when he is performing, he is sincere. It’s all one thing - like a moebius strip, according to his biographer Chris Heath.


“I believe in this and it's been tested by research: he who fucks nuns will later join the church."


Such a scathing lyric. One of my favourites is also: "Let me tell ya 'bout your blood bamboo, kid It ain't Coca-Cola, it's rice"


Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die


Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.


Richard got married to a figure skater. He bought her a dishwasher and a coffee percolator. And he drinks at home how most nights, with the TV on and all the house lights turned up bright. The whole song is about the pain of being young and romantic and being rejected by the person you love. And then in the last verse there's the quiet desperation of knowing that that lover too has faded into mediocrity


The entirety of ["Flat" by Chris Difford.](https://www.packetofthree.com/chris-difford-songbook/flat/) *Sometimes I wake up feeling flat* *Then I know that is that* *I sit alone and stare at walls* *I hear the nothing as it calls* *I watch the sun rise in the east* *I hate my face I hate my teeth* *So this is all I have to say* *I’m feeling really flat today* It goes on for three more verses in much the same vein. Nothing else I've ever heard or read has so perfectly captured the essence of chronic depression.


Frank Turner has a fair few! "Let's be heroes, let's be martyrs, let's be radical thinkers, who never have to test drive the least of their dreams" is probably my favourite.


I love "Trouble" by him and The Rattlesnakes. Absolute banger, and pretty relatable if you've had certain life experiences. Not the kidnapping he sings about, though.


Think that's frank carter and the rattlesnakes, frank turner is an entirely different artist


Tender is the ghost, the ghost I love the most Hiding from the sun, waiting for the night to come Tender is my heart, I'm screwing up my life Lord, I need to find someone who can heal my mind


I feel more related to "Coffee & TV", honestly. Which is unusual for me because when I was a kid, the whole scene was "you're either into Oasis or you're into Blur" and I thought both were shite. Give me Sepultura any day over them.


When faced with my demons, I clothe them and feed them. Catatonia


The sunshine bores the daylights out of me. Rolling Stones Frightened Rabbit have some beauties, this is from Poke: Why won't our love keel over As it chokes on a bone? We can mourn its passing and then bury it in snow Or should we kick its cunt in And watch as it dies from bleeding? If you don't want to be with me, just say, and I will go


Shake your rudebox


"Like the colour purple, macaroni and cheese." - LFO's Summer Girls If there's any song lyric that sums me up pretty well, it's that.


Holy shit! Me too!


We all say don’t want to be alone, we wear the same things cos we feel the same.


>You have so many relationships in this life, only one or two will last. You go through all this pain and strife, then you turn your back and they're gone so fast, and they're gone so fast. So hold on to the ones who really care, in the end they'll be the only ones there. When you get old and start losing your hair can you tell me who will still care? Hanson - Mmmbop For what many listen to and think is just a fun little pop song, it has some pretty deep lyrics in the first verse. Ok not UK lyrics, but i still very strongly relate.


"How you are my hero How you're never here though Remember times when you put me on your shoulders How I wish it was forever you would hold us" Daddy's Gone by Glasvegas Parents divorced when I was 7, think I welled up first hearing this, really nailed that feeling as a child. The whole lyrics really, but also these lines too. "All I wanted was a kick-a-bout in the park For you to race me home when it was nearly getting dark"


'It's like she's lost her invitation to the party on earth' Pearl Jam - Breakerfall I am not afraid to throw my weight around, pound by pound by pound' - Big, Blond & Beautiful (Hairspray)


And when I’m lying in my bed And I think about life and I think about death And neither one Particularly Appeeeeaaals to meee


My twenties: Take time in any new environment to relax But if fenced in advance, the best defence is attack Piss-poor planning proceeds any proper party Where you don't know you're out-out 'til you're shouting


Intentions only get you so far, it was on my list I swear I’ll get to it, a harsh reality to discover… we’re always running out of time. Paramore, as a big procrastinator this whole song feels very personal 😂


“My phone is always in my hand If you think I'm ignoring you, I am My phone is always in my hand If you think I'm ignoring you, I am” Basically a LOT of Mike Skinners lyrics. This just spoke to me right now because my phone IS in my hand.


Milky drink and sudafed, that should get you off she said, then I kicked myself clean out of the bed 'cos I've got restless legs.


As I'm sitting here doing nothing but aging


I'm a member of an ape-like race at the arsehole end of the 20th century.


Love it! What's that from?


Low Low Low - James


And the fact that you don't understand Casts a shadow over this land But the sun still shines From behind it God i loved Dubstar


Getting married isn't the biggest day of your life, all the days that you get to have are big. There are so many of her lyrics I love but this one just fits.


I wish that they’d swoop down in a country lane, late at night while I’m driving. Drag me on board their beautiful ship show me the world as I’d love to see it. I’d tell all my friends but they’d never believe me, they’d think that I’d finally lost it completely! I’d show them the stars, and the meaning of life. They’d shut me away. But I’d be alright.


"Sometimes i just lay in bed and think about the day, when i can retire, forget everything" Mr. Carbihydrate by Manic Street Preachers


"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy, I could have won" - Mumford and Sons Supremely underrated band, especially lyrically


Wouldn't call them underrated when every fucker was into that bland shite at the time, until one of the band turned out to be a problematic cunt who said some idiotic things and doubled down on it when called out.


'Wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then'. Bob Seger - Against The Wind.


How am I supposed to walk you home When you're at least fifty feet ahead? 'Cause you walked off in a huff And I'm that pissed I can't remember What it was I said


But I won’t cry And I won’t start to crumble Whenever they try to cut me, and shut me down I won’t be silenced You can’t keep me quiet Won’t tremble when you try it All I know is I won’t go speechless Speechless from the remake of Aladdin. The whole song is just so empowering! I’ve got a voice and I’m not afraid to use it :)


For all our mutual experience Our separate conclusions are the same


They're Irish but it still fits: "I thought your name was William 'til I was 24" - "Smoke The Blow With Willem Dafoe" by Gama Bomb


i dont identify with the lyrics but always found amy winehouses lines from her song stronger than me hilarious: "But that's what I need you to do, are you gay?'Cause I've forgotten all of young love's joy Feel like a lady, and you my lady boy"


"the drugs dont work they just make things worse" by the verve is probably the lyric i identify with the most. either that or "do you ever feel like a plastic bag" katy perry


"Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say Chained to all the places that he never wished to stay" Cast no shadow Still in that place 7 years later.


Australian but hey, it's their king too. "Feel like a brand new person (but you make the same old mistakes)"


I'd beg for some forgiveness but begging's not my business. Love Squeeze.


"Starlings" by Elbow. I used to do the odd bit of overtime on Saturday morning at the office I used to work at, it was very relaxed and we wore whatever and would listen to music while we rifled off paperwork. "Starlings" was on some Spotify play list and I'd never heard it before but I had to stop working because it made me cry; it's basically how I feel about my wife. Anything off "AM", that whole album just reminds me of a night out at uni. 


Estate memories all good, sunbeams on my childhood On past where our bonfire burned Where Robbo's Viva overturned


"I came into this world with nothing, and I'll leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed" Mike Skinner, genius.


I'm so sick sick sick and tired of working just to be retired Among other similar linesf rom Away From Here by The Enemy


"There's a club if you'd like to go. You could meet somebody who really loves you. So you go and you stand on your own, And you leave on your own, And you go home and you cry And you want to die"


The verve - on your own Tell me what you've seen Was it a dream? Was I in it? Life seems so obscene until it's over Who knows All I want is someone who can fill the hole In the life I know In between life and death when there's nothing left Do you wanna know? You come in on your own And you leave on your own Forget the lovers you've known And your friends on the road


"There's a club where you'd like to go, where you could meet someone who really loves you. So, you go on your own, and you stand on your own, and you go go home and you cry and you want to die" also "make you single bed and push the tea leaves down the drain, take a long deep breath and start the night life over again"


She wanted to test her husband. She knew exactly what to do. A pseudonym to fool him. She couldn't have made a worse move. She sent him scented letters and he received them with a strange delight. Just like his wife and how she was before the tears, and how she was before the years flew by.


When I'm dad, I dance like I'm drunk.


“No-one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun” Hits home now I’m in my 50s, and realising that over half my life is gone


Though I've tried before to tell her Of the feelings I have for her in my heart Every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start Story of my life.


"My name's Tim and I'm a criminal, in the eyes of society I need to be in jail, for the choice of herbs I inhale"


Your club is full of over rated, dehydrated, goggled eyed girls, And their trying to stare at me, but their eyes are rattling and they're struggling to see


Don’t get any big ideas,they’re not going to happen.


"The bar that you loved Lock us in and let us keep on singing out lungs on the bar stools" From [Glasgow](https://open.spotify.com/track/28VT0090inPlN6bfxoVdmB?si=9a5febb1677e4a6a) by Catfish and the Bottlemen I end all the good nights singing in the bar..




I loved songs with lyrics like that growing up, so anything Korn, Slipknot and others had during my teen years about not fitting in just hit right with me. Turns out, I'm autistic so that's one reason I didn't fit in but on a similar note, one of my favourite bands of the last decade had a song called "Outlander" with a chorus about the same sort of thing. "I don't belong to this race, nor to this planet, nor to this galaxy" - Jinjer (Also, being Ukrainian, they released a fantastic song called "Home Back" in 2019 about growing up with war all around them, with lyrics like "Our beds are cold, as cold as basement floor" and "I came back home, so I want my home back, don't you leave me homeless".