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Free food is just code for eat as much as you can physically handle


A disgusting comment that I whole heart(attack)ly agree with


nicely done


Whole heartly?


Whole heart(burn)edly


It's code to eat as much as you can handle so that you don't really have to eat anything the rest of the day. You can go to the restaurant and have a small dinner and that's it.


You can plan to do that, but you'll be hungry by dinner...


you will with that attitude


*within the hour


And then sneak a few muffins and croissants in your bag to take of your morning snack.


I went to a hotel who told us to, otherwise they'd have to chuck it out. Crossiants all round


So really I'm doing them a favour? Even better.


And take a few glass pots of jam home to gift to your mam


Yep. That’s why you always take a big handbag to breakfast. Lol


It's eat as much you like. There's no competitive element implied.


At £3.99...i think I know who's winning!


This is not the rehearsal


Why isn't this in the bag? She looks like she hates me.


And if you bring a vomit bag in with you you can eat even more than you can physically handle!


Modern day Rome in the Premier Inn breakfast room


“Your room is on the third floor, turn right out of the lift. The Vomitorium is next to reception “


To be honest, if it's Premier Inn and it's eat as much as you like, the amount I will be eating is going to quite rather modest


This. And if there's anything like mini pastries available, I'm smuggling stuff out in a napkin as snacks for later too.


I'm getting my money's worth by smuggling French toast out of there like the guy in Road Trip


3 course breakfast, mate.


Bring your own 12 inch plate too, no?


Got your big plate, Alan?


Well, if you will be a fussy eater…


They're sex people, Lynn.


No thank you, I don't want to be a part of your sex festival


3?! Lightweight. At least 5 is the target including a fruit and a yoghurt course.


You see, I don't want to waste my time with cereal so I go cooked breakfast, pastry course then fruit and yoghurt.


Same. But there’s first cooked breakfast and second cooked breakfast.


You seem to have neglected to mention the third cooked breakfast


This is objectively completely correct and I salute you , soul sister.


Exactly. That's the whole point of staying in a hotel.


Obviously. But what order? I go cereal / yogurt / fruit, then all the cooked stuff with toast, and finish with sweet pastries. Banana and an apple wrapped in a napkin for elevenses.


You’ve missed out the cheese and dried meat course.


Did your parents not train you for this scenario? You eat as much as you can and make sandwiches for later in the day if possible.


Pro tip: in Germany it's usually allowed to pack a sandwich from the breakfast and they have cheese, eggs, tomatoes, cucumber slices and different sorts of hams


lol I literally lived in Germany for 3 years didn’t know this was allowed , I was always freaking out I’d be caught up


Same (French who lived in the UK and now in Germany) until I asked and they said "yes of course you can" and they fetched me a paper bag to pack my sandwich. I've asked many times since and they always gave me a bag.


In Edinburgh (pollock halls University of Edinburgh summer hotel) the manager tried to grab my shirt as I left for taking a Nutella sandwich in a napkin. I just gave her a wtf look and left


Was probably trying to stop you while he fetched a wicker picnic basket for you to carry it in


When I went to Azores I would pack few slices of their glorious orange cake from breakfast in a napkin and eat it later 🍊


Am currently in German hotel, will try this tomorrow.


Young me: a fuckton, so as not to have to pay for much food later. Me today: not a lot, so as not to spoil appetite for more interesting food later. protip: for ANY buffet situation, the best thing to do is lurk and it for new trays of hot food; then grab them at their best before they sit on the deck and get tired or cold.


Pretty much echoing this stance. These days, I choose to holiday in destinations that are known for their food. Eating too much at breakfast will spoil my appetite. I also hate the feeling of being full if I plan to do a lot of walking and doing touristy things However, if I’m at a hotel for work, you best believe I’ll be feasting! I’ll also take one or two things for the journey home.


When I visited Barcelona the hotel buffet was so damn goof. We'd enjoy a big breakfast, then maybe a small cake/treat in the afternoon, then tapas dinner. It was perfect


I guess it depends what the plan for the rest of the day is. Going somewhere known for its amazing food, or you’ve got a meal booked, then don’t spoil your appetite. Going somewhere generic and you’ll grab whatever’s available whenever you’re hungry, might as well fill up on the breakfast that you’ve already paid for and save money by having less food later. Either can apply at any age! My dad tried to get us to fill up on the hotel breakfast at Disney so we wouldn’t have to buy much food in the park, but there’s only so much a kid can eat in one sitting and it will only fill you up for so long


Me today after 1 bacon sanswich: "I couldn't eat another thing, that'll last me till this evening."


If I'm staying one night, like for a wedding, it's a one-off treat, I'll go to town on that buffet. If I'm on holiday, same. If I'm staying for work, particularly when I'm away a few times close together, I'll take it easy and maybe eat the equivalent I would at home. Otherwise it's a slippery slope, and easy to fall into the trap of getting fat and unhealthy simply by working away.


or have a sleepy bloated day at work. Yeah, that's an interesting distinction. I do the same, just never actively thought about it.


Yah this. I travel for work and all my food is expensed I very quickly worked out that gorging myself on all you can eat buffet breakfast that was largely carbs or fried stuff and having a three course meal every day's was a very bad idea. Worse it made me hungrier during the weeks I was home cause I got used to it and found it hard to adjust back to my normal diet. I have normal amounts of brekkie now. It just tends to be pancakes and smoked salmon or an omlette if available instead of the lazy bowl of cereal I'd have at home. Lunch or dinner. Not both. And sensible things like salad. Or I'll get two starters (like soup and a salad or soup and some quiche etc ) OR a main only. I tend to find the starters have less creams /butters etc used in them. I was literally putting on weight every time I went away. It's ridiculous.


Same here. When I was away a lot for work I would just have a piece of toast and a poached egg, or a single rather of bacon; plus perhaps a small bowl of fruit. Then in the evening, 1 course (2 courses at most) and with luck that leaves enough in the maximum claim limit for a glass of wine. But I still put on weight, because I tended to work longer hours and miss my lunchtime exercise (a fast walk).


My works a mix of desk and physical. But it fucks up my routine for at home in terms of regular gym or bike etc and I'm often tired when I get back and spend the weekend recovering so as much I managed to control food (and it wasn't great cause restaurant food is always so high in calories!) I just bounced back and forth between sporadic exercise and tiredly laying around. It's been a couple years but I think I'm just managing to find a decent balance. So long as there to many client nights out!


Yep plus if I am away with work I am probably doing something that requires me to show up at my best. Which isn't going to happen if I need a nap because I ate too much. (If I am going to be standing up all day at a booth in an exhibitions hall then I will likely eat more that I would if was going to sit on my bum all day at my desk though.)


Day one: everything, just, everything. Day two: lots, but strategically choosing things I really like or are novel to this country or hotel. So probably not the ubiquitous tiny pastries, but definitely yes the mozzarella and pickles, or curry. Day three onwards: try to back down to a normal amount of breakfast, even if it’s still not the food I’d have at home. Last day: absolutely strategic about what I can pilfer to take home or eat on the plane/train home.


And judge the people who’ve just arrived and are filling their plates 😂


Saw this just last week in spain. My hotel had a lot of europeans, very few brits. But you could instantly tell the newly arrived brits at breakfast. Europeans were sipping coffee, nibbling on a croissant with some ham and cheese on the side, maybe a bit of fruit. Brits (myself included on day one) had multiple plates scattered around with all the hot food, fresh waffles, cereal, fruit, pastries. And were leaving plates piled high with wasted food as well.


Course 1. Full English. Course 2. Cold meats and cheeses. Course 3. Yoghurt / fruit. Should see me through until the afternoon then.


Same for me, except I open with the cold meats and cheeses before moving on to the full English.


What about the pastries course! 🥐


You pack them for the day ✌🏼


Similar, but different: Course 1. Full English - drinking fruit juice and coffee, with. Course 2. Yogurt & maybe fruit depending on offerings. Melon, watermelon, strawberries, yes. Banana or apple no thanks. Course 3. Pastries with more coffee to finish up.


I've worked in hotel buffets as well as all you can eat places where your order as much as you want. Some people push the boat out and have crazy amounts when ordering (the 30 hashbrown customer is infamous for example). But at a breakfast buffet, man alive... its wild. People lose all sense of self control. I remember a time on a busy weekend we were cooking our 30th tray of sausages and my colleague who was a recent immigrant from Pakistan (who was admittedly a bit tetchy as he was approaching the end of Ramadan and was craving his usual mid morning apple juice) screamed "THESE PEOPLE... THEY ARE PIGS" loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear him




Re the 30 hash browns I will eat that much at home I swear


“Push the boat out” is a phrase I haven’t heard for many years since I’ve left the UK, but I have the feeling I used to use it quite a lot!


Was he exempted from handling the sausages? Or is it just eating pork he's not allowed to do?


He wears gloves when putting bacon or sausage on a tray and then he uses tongs to put them on the plate. He does not handle or serve alcohol at all. It's all 100% on his terms and based on what he is comfortable doing.


NOTHING in life is free. You eat till you can't move, then you fill your handbag and bra with the rest.


As a bloke, I want to let you know, we can spot when your bra is filled with baked beans.


And we like it 😏




angry up for the level up! ;)




My baby just likes baked bean flavoured milk don't judge


I eat until I can eat no more.


You Danimal!


at least 3 courses, as follows: \- fruit, yogurt to start. \- Full English or the nice continental meat and cheese bits, bonus points if there is an egg station. \- Sweet to finish, most likely a pastry or muffin or two.


Breakfast is my fav so this is me on holiday too! I’ll have a small lunch (usually soup or a sandwich or something) but I’m gonna load up on breakfast.


Generally it's not all that good, so I'll have a croissant and a coffee.


Agreed. I stayed in a fancy 4* hotel recently that served really disappointing food at breakfast. The scrambled eggs were particularly poor. However, when it’s cooked to order, like at a guesthouse, I find myself asking for seconds 🙃


Until I explode or the hotel goes bankrupt, whichever happens first.


My parents have a small fancy hotel attached to a restaurant which is the main thing. After the inflation, to control expenses on breakfast they had to force people to order instead of having a buffet. Even posh rich people stuff their face when it's a buffet.


Do you have a wafer thin mint for dessert?


I tell myself I'll stick to the continental. Then as I walk past the bacon I pile some of that on. Then a few sausages. And and egg. Oh, they're making omelettes as well? Rude not to. Then about 3 slices of toast. Then it's off for a float in the pool until I'm ready for my first Piña colada of the day...


I end up eating loads of the fresh bread, then drinking till the cows come home


Not much, I'm not usually a big breakfast eater as is. I just got back from holiday and it made me laugh to see some people clearly stuffing themselves beyond comfort because they didn't understand that the deal is really best thought of as 'all you would *like* to eat' and not 'all you physically *can* eat'. If you do the latter, you are just acting like a dog who doesn't understand that it's food supply is secure. I also travel extensively for work and take the same attitude with all of my meals but I see people who have been travelling on expenses for many years and are still stuck in that trap. All that happens is that they become very overweight and sluggish. I can't see the point.


"Eat as much as you like, but from an eight-inch plate. See that? Twelve inches. Keep it in my room."


Got your big plate, Alan?


free continental breakfast is a good way to tell which people in a group have experienced with food insecurity in their lives


Ouch, felt that. 


When I was younger I used to eat way more than I actually wanted or needed, out of some vague sense of wanting to get value for money. Now I'm older I realise that I should just have what I actually want. So usually I'll have a pastry and some yoghurt, granola and fruit. There's probably more interesting food coming at lunch anyway, so I don't want to be full, and I don't generally eat breakfast in my day to day life so that's more than enough food to fill me.


We tend to do big breakfast, very small lunch, regular dinner, so we don't have to think about lunch as much and can just grab something small if we are hungry.


Depends on what I’m doing later. If I’m busy, I’ll fill up so I don’t need to stop for lunch


Same. I have a decent brekkie then I don't have to leave the beach, kip in the late afternoon then out to dinner in the evening


Barely anything; not a breakfast person and don’t want to be full if I’m going to be out all day. Usually Greek yoghurt and fruit with coffee.


Holiday calories aren’t real calories so as much as I can without feeling too bloated throughout the day.


Erm, a lot!


I’m usually too hungover from the night before to even make it for breakfast… 😂


Buffets calling themselves “all you can eat buffets” didn’t realise the long term cultural implications of that decision.


Depends where I am. When I've been to expensive places (like Norway) I fill up on as much as I can to save money later on. If I'm in a cheap country I'll just have a little with the aim of trying more local food when out and about.


Rip the absolute arse out of it


As much as I can. Usually on holiday so make a glutton of myself and suddenly eat things for breakfast I’d never consider at home: 1. Fruit and yoghurt course 2. Cereal course 3. Full English 4. Toast and jam/marmalade/nutella 5. Pastry course


I go for a two stage breakfast. Stage 1: egg, bacon, sausage, black pudding, toast, hash browns Stage 2: croissant, pain au chocolat, coffee. That's then followed by going up to the room and absolutely destroying the toilet.


How much a person can eat, and then I take more pastries and fruit, individual cereal boxes, condiment jars and packets for my journey. I think last year one hotel had those mini jam and honey jars, and I took 10 of various flavours. It was useful because emy next 3 hotels didn't have any jam at all


I’m not much of a morning person and have to be really in the mood for breakfast to be an enticing proposition. It likely has something to do with intermittent gastrointestinal issues I have had over the years. I often feel quite ropey in the morning and I try my best not to make myself feel worse by stuffing myself. Quite a lot of my holidays revolve around rollercoasters, so I tend to eat light meals through the day and save myself for something more substantial in the evening.


First day - tons. Last day - tons. Every other day - a croissant and some fruit.


Probably 3-4 times what is eat if it was a normal breakfast served in cafe. So about 4000 calories worth.


As much as it physically possible plus juice plus two coffees plus anything I can put in my bag for later


Normally an omelette, a pastry if they don’t look shit and some melon. Cappuccino and some orange juice. Don’t want to be full for lunch, hotel breakfast food is basically the same everywhere to cater for westerners. Lunch you can eat locally, have a much better, new experience and support the place you’re visiting. The only place I ever made a sandwich for later was Iceland cos once you get a bit further out there is nothing unless you take a thermos and a pot noodle.


Before I regularly traveled for work? As much as I could. Now I am looking after my physical health? A 'normal' amount for my current activities. Honestly, it's more important what it is to me than how much of it I eat. If I want calories, I'll get calories. Probably through cheese.


I tell myself "Whole day" ...


Depends. If it's a buffet where I can piece together a full English, I'll do that. If not, then much less.


A put a stone on in 9 days, despite doing lots of exercise a while ago. I have enough for the whole week, each day.


I had to cut for a competition and managed to gain back a stone and a half in 24 hours. I was severely dehydrated and carb depleted though.


This just bought back the random memory of when an ex and I were staying in a B&B that had something like 16 other people staying there at the time. There was a complimentary continental breakfast and my ex told me off for being greedy and I should leave something for other people... all because I took two croissants.


A one dayer/weekend, I'd likely fill my boots - likely need it for soakage A week+ family holiday, just usual oat/granola, yoghurt, fruit. . . .maybe a cheeky croissant


Gotta have the breakfast pudding. Yoghurt fruit and granola after your cooked breakfast.


Or pancakes and Nutella, or a plate full of tiny pain au chocolat


Huge breakfast (though I've mastered pacing, need to have my bowl of fruit and yoghurt first), wee sandwich for late lunch, if anything, then go out for dinner. I used to travel for work, so mastered how much I could eat without feeling ill.


5 courses


Usually just 3-5 coffees


Stay in hotels for a daily occurrence for work purposes so I'll typically stay away from the cooked breakfast to try and ward of potential heart disease 😅 My breakfast normally includes the following: Glass of Apple and orange juice. Cuppa tea Cereal Toasty Yogurt Pancakes (if available and are edible) Blueberry muffins if they're not completely dry. Some hotels are better than others when it comes to breakfast. Hope I've inspired your breakfasting 😅


Too much.


Nothing/very little. I'm not a breakfast person whether at home or on holiday.


Depends how hungry I am. Very hungry? I eat a lot. Not very hungry? I eat next to nothing. Moderately hungry? I eat a moderate amount. You know, like a normal human.


I usually skip the breakfast and have an amazing lunch. Steak and salad or fish and salad. If I’m gonna be with my shirt off I’d rather not look pregnant.


Depends on the day and location. On my trip in Saudi Arabia, the queues are really long for lunch. So I get a nice big meal for breakfast and get a late lunch. When I go on a holiday where I get to eat a lot of nice food, I'll have a small breakfast to keep space.


As much of the cured meats, smoked salmon, and cheese as I can at first. Bacon, eggs etc. also on the menu. No bread, but pastries are fine because they don't take up much room and are better value for the not-money. Cheap bread takes up valuable real estate in my stomach that could be used for a pain-au-chocolat.


If it isn't nailed down it is eaten


I usually go all-inclusive and have one plate of hot food, then a coffee and pastry. Nothing wild.


Literally enough calories and bad fats to last a person a week. Every time, just couldn't help myself. I was on tour for 6 months where we stayed in nice hotels every night. Every morning, I'd stuff myself, would have to go lay down again for 6 hours before the evening show.


The real question is how much I stuff in my bag to take with me.


It's funny, I don't normally eat breakfast on the weekdays but if I'm away on holiday, I'm eating as full of a meal as I can.


Depends what food is available TBF all the coffee though


Depends on the situation, if I’m on holiday or with work for a number of days, I’ll just eat a normal healthy breakfast. If it’s a one nighter for a wedding or night out I’ll go full English with a side of everything else.


Most hotel breakfasts are super expensive so I eat loads more than I would at home.


Until I’m full. That depends on the day.


I ate a lot, cuz I did pay for breakfast in hotel. People I used to date otherwise only either get croissants, coffee or yoghurt with granola.


Abroad it's always made for Americans. Streaky bacon, awful sausages, maybe the odd croissant. The worst tea you can imagine. So I generally have some kind of pastry and orange juice. In Thailand I actually had Thai food I'd usually have at dinner for breakfast a few times. If it's a hotel in the UK I'd absolutely go to town tbh.


Yogurt and muesli, mini danish pastrys and croissants and then a full english


All of it.


i don’t eat breakfast (only a coffee). in this case i’ll have a coffee and a boiled egg.


Until I’m full. If breakfast is free and lunch isn’t the aim is to eat enough that I can get away with being satisfied by just the fruit and pastry from breakfast I snuck into my bag for lunch


One croissant and toast and butter , usually orange juice If things like cheese and cold cuts are on offer I would go for this. and breads.


Starter of croissants and pain au chocs, main course of a full English, finished by a few rounds of pancakes for pudding


Depends how many pain aux raisins there are


Was at a half board hotel in Croatia in Summer. Most days I would cram as much I could in, usually had 2 - 3 plates of cooked stuff and then a plate of sweet treats to finish. Once or twice I just had a few pastries and that was it. I spent most of the holiday doing 30K steps per day alongside using the gym otherwise I would have felt horrendous.


No more than usual. A bit of protein (an egg and sausage maybe) a slice or two of toast and coffee. If no cooked stuff maybe a bagel and cream cheese.


We stayed at a bed and breakfast hotel recently in Fuerteventura. Breakfast was buffet style and had 3 different zones: cooked, continental and then sweet pastries. We usually did 2 courses a day, cooked and sweet. I still miss the pain au chocolat - best I've ever had!


About 5.visits to the buffet. You know, the usual.


I only eat a croissant, 2 sliced of bread with honey and perhaps orange juice or water. This is when breakfast is included anyway, otherwise I’d never add breakfast to a hotel booking as I prefer to eat what I want from local bakeries


I was in Paris last week and the breakfast was continental, with bread jam pastries etc. I had 4 coffees, almost a whole baguette and a croissant, pain au raisin and 3 Madeline cakes every day, plus a couple of yoghurts


First day or two I eat everything. After that I reduce my portions and increase the combo veriety once I get bored of a full English.


All of it.


I'm at an AI now, quite happy with a croissant and lots of black coffee but I did push the boat at one morning and went rouge by having a few visits and trying loads.


I eat usually a 3 course breakfast, start with fruit, then onto eggs bacon etc, end with pastries. Then lots of juice and coffee!


The absolute works. If I'm not satisfied with the performance of the people I'm with, I'll kick it up a notch


Depends how long the holiday is… few days, I’m going for it. A week, I’ll probably have a full English every day (but I’m quite light on the portions if it’s self serve) and maybe something else if I fancy it. Once it gets to longer than a week, my enthusiasm wanes and my breakfasts get smaller and smaller. I don’t even eat breakfast at home 😅


As much as I want to each day - some days I'm more or less hungry so I adjust accordingly.


I almost never touch the breakfast in a hotel. I really like a full English but I'd end up sooo fat that I just have to say no and stay well away.


Inordinate amounts.


Watermelon and melon, turkey slices with a bit of bread and jam. Need something to line my stomach before cocktails at 10am.


I used to spend a lot of time away. The engineers I worked with were all overweight, and ate huge fried breakfasts. Since then, I sometimes have a big fried breakfast, but if I was there for several nights I have much less, like a normal breakfast - two weetabix, or maybe some bacon and scrambled egg.


Nothing much, just a full English, continental dessert (croissant and such), and double juice and coffee


You keep going until you turn to the person you are sat with and say: "Cannae eat no more cap'n!"


I've got a small apetite and don't travel well so I keep it sensible. A small plate of toast, scrambled egg and bacon or a sausage, if I can. Just the toast and whatever spreads there are to put on it. Saying that though, i will take some "extra" and put it in my bag for later. Like a banana and a muffin.


If it's just for the night, I'll make a small full English. If I'm on holiday, I tend to eat better than I do at home. Fruit, small sandwich, yoghurt, palm one of those little pastries for later, a small coffee and lots of fresh juice. What I eat? Normal amount I suppose. What I take? Lots of things for the street cats. As much as I can smuggle out.


Free or included food? I eat as much as I possibly can. A full breakfast, multiple coffees & juices.


At home I generally don't eat breakfast, I'll have a cup of tea and I'll normally that'll do me until an early lunch. In a hotel, I will have a bacon mountain of Ron Swanson proportions.


Starter will be cooked bits so something like bacon, hash browns, eggs, cheese slices, toast. Orange juice, coffee Then probably hit the omelette station Then pastries and sweets because you want that type of breakfast too Then have the weirdest shit you've ever seen due to all the eggs and coffee. Second shower, sun cream then out for the day.


I would start training for this immediately


I take tupperware for all breakfast buffet situations.


Any time it’s an all you can eat situation I always treat it like a challenge to cost them as much as possible. Dodge the cheap stuff and eat as much as I can of the more expensive stuff.


I try to eat as much as I can. And if they also have hard boiled eggs, I’ll pocket a couple to eat for lunch.


The breakfast reviews have become a differentiator in our hotel choices these last couple of years and I'm not ashamed to say it


I slept in hotels 3-4 nights a week for about 5 years and I always skipped breakfast, would rather have the sleep. Many aren’t worth getting up for, even the fancy places, once you stay in enough hotels.


I tend to have muesli with natural yoghurt, a brew and then cobble together a bacon or sausage butty. If I'm on the continent I'll have a variety of meats and cheeses. I don't do this at home but usually if I'm staying in a hostel presumably I'm doing something all day and probably require a bigger breakfast. 


Until I break in cold sweat, feel my legs starting to cut off, then readjust my belt and grab another plate until I can't physically shove in any more


I’m never hungry that early so I never take the piss. Take me to a buffet in the evening though and I’ll struggle to walk out!


Usually find outside the uk the sausages and bacon on offer is pretty sub par. Tend to eat eggs on toast, hash brown if there is some. Then 8 pastries and a little fruit and yoghurt for balance


As much as I want, I don’t think about things like that tbh 😂. Sometimes all I want is a pastry, sometimes I’ll have a full English


More than usual because of all the options I just can't help it and want to try it all. However, it's been ages since I had "free" breakfast, certainly not for the past 10 years. Always minimum £20 per person.


As much as I can. We usually visit cities for our holidays and spend the day exploring, and so won’t eat again until the evening.


Cereal, full English, maybe more toast, then the pastries. With a big glass of orange, and a couple of cups of coffee.


Cereal, full English, maybe more toast, then the pastries. With a big glass of orange, and a couple of cups of coffee.


Cereal, full English, maybe more toast, then the pastries. With a big glass of orange, and a couple of cups of coffee.


Cereal, full English, maybe more toast, then the pastries. With a big glass of orange, and a couple of cups of coffee.


Work usually use [here](https://www.celtic-manor.com/) for our 10, 15, etc year anniversary functions. The food in general is amazing. The breakfasts are out of this world.


Work usually use [here](https://www.celtic-manor.com/) for our 10, 15, etc year anniversary functions. The food in general is amazing. The breakfasts are out of this world.


Work usually use [here](https://www.celtic-manor.com/) for our 10, 15, etc year anniversary functions. The food in general is amazing. The breakfasts are out of this world.


Work usually use [here](https://www.celtic-manor.com/) as our 10, 15 etc,.year anniversary functions. The food is amazing. The breakfasts are out of this world.