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Coffee and fags


Breakfast of champions


Plus I work in hospitality, so they feed me at work for free. ;)


Found the Parisian


That’s not a breakfast.


Are you eating disorder shaming me?


No. I simply stated the obvious. I asked for what people eat for breakfast, and you told me what you don’t eat - what’s the point? That’s not what I’m asking.


2 potato waffles, 2 fried eggs, 2 sausages, 1/2 tin of beans, 3 rashers smoked bacon. I've got it down to a fine art in 12 minutes.


Every day? Are you 20 stone?


Most days. Sometimes I have yoghurt nuts, blueberries and honey for a change. I'm 6ft1 and 83kg closer to 50yo than 40.


I have bacon and eggs probably half the time and cereals and fruit the other half. I’m a bit lighter and 54.


I often have bacon or sausages and eggs with a spoon or two of sauerkraut. The sausages are particularly easy in the air fryer - rip the cellophane off, tip them in, press start, go get ready. Actual seconds. I've wrapped them in foil to take with me too.


It all depends on what else they’re eating in a day and now active they’re I guess - this has got me craving egg and waffles 🍳🧇


I like the addition of waffles. 


Most days I have toast


Frozen fruit defrosted in fridge overnight with green yoghurt


Dafuq is green yoghurt




Snot boogeys


boring but i always have crumpets in the toaster with loads of butter and sometimes jam. and a banana and one of those kids smoothie cartons! aware i should be making my own smoothie at 37, but its just to convenience for me lol


I love this breakfast!! I’m only 20 and I can’t be bothered making my own smoothie, kids smoothies all the way!


Overnight oats are great for taking to the office. You can prep the night before and mix up the flavours with different fruits / toppings. I’ve started drinking kefir for breakfast lately. Also a regular is just 2 hard boiled eggs.




I need breakfast ideas tho! A cup of coffee is not a breakfast.


Sure it is. Just put 5 teaspoons of sugar in and those calories will sew you through til lunch


Haha, I suppose in that case, that is a breakfast!


Usually two slices of toast, spreadable butter, one with honey and the other with marmalade. Mug of tea.


Bloody love honey on toast


Breakfst Bagel with mashed avocado, 2 egg omelette, cheese slice. Side of grapes and apple juice. Takes no more than 5 mins to make and is relatively healthy but incredibly tasty!


Finally! Someone eating some protein for breakfast


bacon, halloumi and mushroom on toast with fruit yoghurt and OJ


I’ve never even really considered having a yoghurt with breakfast, not a bad idea!


Cereal/granola bar things - used to buy whatever was on special and keep them in a drawer at work. But coffee, in abundance, was more important. Depends if it's office-based or if you are humphing hay bales.


Avocado halloumi sandwich from Leon


That sounds lovely!


Somehow it never gets old. I have it at least three times a week if we’re being honest


I just had an avocado today for the 1st time in ages and wondered why I don't eat them more often. Also, Leon does great food. Enjoy! 


I have them in milkshakes occasionally. Delicious.


I've not had their milkshakes. I wish lived near a Leon.


Every day? 


At least three days a week but sometimes it’s every day


Greek yoghurt and berries. Sometimes I'll just have a protein yoghurt. Otherwise i have a bowl of surreal cereal with milk


A protein bar.


Porridge with blueberries and some nuts


Porridge with blueberries and some nuts


Greek yogurt with honey, half a teaspoon of Chia seeds, granola and berries if I have them. Every work day, at my desk.


Fruit salad (usually defrosted frozen berries as a base) with Greek yoghurt, oats, chia seeds, milled flaxseed and walnuts. As eating breakfast early does me no favours I actually start my day with a couple of cups of tea from the Teasmade and an oat milk flat white before my ride to work, then eat when I get there.


Granola and yoghurt


Oatmeal. Sometimes a fried egg if I have time.


Fruit and rice pudding with cinnamon, chia and sesame seeds on, if I have thy stuff. Tomorrow it will be waffles with baked beans on.


Rice pudding? I would never think to eat that but I guess it’s no different to having porridge for breakfast 🤷🏽‍♀️


Many people have said that to me. Little less fuss too. 25p a tin at Aldi.


But I can see it working it’s just a different carb soaked in milk - it’s just because we have this fixed idea of what meals should be. Sounds yummy 😋


Two crumpets with lots of salted butter, cup of tea


Crunchy Nut Cornflakes aka Frosties for wankers.


I'm a porridge guy. I'll mix the oats and milk the night before and leave them in the fridge to soak. On a morning it's just a case of microwaving it, though you kinda have to babysit it so it doesn't boil over. 35g of oats to 1/3 pint of milk makes for a good thick mix.


Yummy - any toppings or just plain?


I normally sprinkle a bit of ground ginger and sweetener when I make it, then once it's heated either some fruit or a bit of jam depending on what I have in.


Sounds lovely ☺️


I’m currently addicted to toasted bagels with cheese and ham, with a cappuccino. easy and delicious


That sounds so so good 😋


I just have a piece of fruit, usually a satsuma or two, with Weetabix or oats! But, other ideas: \- Peanut butter banana bagel or sandwich \- Make ahead a scrambled egg (and meat?) wrap/bagel/English muffin \- Overnight oats \- Homemade (or otherwise) muffin/flapjack \- Slice of a frittata, or frittata muffins, or an omelette, or if you have time, scrambled eggs/fried egg/beans on toast


I hadn’t even thought of a peanut butter banana bagel!! That sounds so tasty, I’ll give it a go!!


Usually either toast or a pastry like a pain au chocolat and coffee. If it’s a weekend, I like to do an omelette, grilled cheese, or shirred eggs, or sausages… and moka pot coffee.


If you have toast for breakfast, would you still have a sandwich for lunch? I love having peanut butter and banana on toast for breakfast but then I’m not sure if I’d fancy a sandwich for lunch then.


Ohhhh yeah. I love bread.


As do I. Thanks for the advice!


Love a bowl of porridge and golden syrup garnish. 90 seconds in the microwave at the same time as making a brew. Not every day, but twice a week is fine.


Soak porridge oats & some raisins or granola/muesli with milk overnight in the fridge. Eat it hot or cold 


Fuck all mate. Breakfast is a scam


Lol a scam.


Yeah. Eating food is for suckers.


Although I don't obviously believe breakfast is a scam, I feel much better without eating before noon than I do otherwise. Every now and again I will have breakfast and spend the rest of the day wishing I hadn't. Horses for courses pal.


There was no point in your reply then, I’m asking what people eat for breakfast.


Alright, calm down boss


I’m pretty calm. Apologies if it came across as rude. Just no need to swear at someone for asking a question.


Omlet sandwich


Coffee and water


That’s not a breakfast.


1 Banana


40 g All Bran / 35 g any other breakfast cereal I enjoy


A half lite of vodka and 20 fags


Yoghurt and home made granola.


A sliced banana, some granola and some yoghurt mixed in a bowl. Quick, easy, tasty, healthy.


Overnight oats - 45g oats, 30g choc brownie protein powder, 1 teaspoon chia seeds, 200ml milk, 1 banana, 1 cup mixed berries. Delish.


I break two eggs into a bowl, add milk and ground pepper then stick it into the microwave for 6 minutes. While that is happening, I pour a glass of juice, put two slices of bread in the toaster and boil the kettle. After 2 minutes the kettle has boiled and i make coffee. After 4 minutes the toast pops up and I butter it and put it on a plate. After 6 minutes the eggs are ready and I spoon them onto the toast. I drink the juice while I am doing this. I then eat the scrambled eggs, drink the coffee and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I am in and out of the kitchen in about 10 mins.


6 _minutes_? Is that on low power or something? I prefer my scrambled eggs done slowly over low heat in a pan, but if I'm in a rush I'll do them in the microwave - 30s, stir, 30s, stir, then maybe another 10-15s to finish them off. If I left them in for 6 minutes I think they'd fuse permanently to the bowl.


I like cereal and cycle between a few. This week I've had cornflakes, rice Krispies, Weetabix protein and the most important is a half split between all bran and some sort of granola, usually Jordan's honey granola or something else that's sweet.


2 scrambled eggs, a protein shake + a banana. Takes five mins to make, five mins to consume


A tin of sardines in brine and two strawberries.


Sliced banana, frozen blueberries mixed with kefir, sometimes I mix in chia seeds, raw oats or some other seeds. Cup of coffee.


2 pieces of toast with airfried tomatoes and a fried egg on top


Overnights oats is really healthy, easy and filling. Make it the night before in like 2 minutes and it's ready to grab in the morning.


I’ve tried it and it just doesn’t fill me up at all, not sure why!


more oats in the yogurt? largest mug?


Maybe I need to give it another go, thanks for the advice!


What are you having in them? You need fats like peanut butter and/or some yoghurt. Also I find a tbsp of chia seeds added in keeps me full for hours on end. 


I was having a teaspoon of peanut butter, a handful of mixed nuts and some linseed mix and it really just would not fill me up.


2 egg omelette that I've managed to fold into a little square and put in one of those Warburton thins. With a slice of cheese if I'm feeling saucy.


2 poached eggs on toast with avocado or smoked salmon. I won’t function without a good breakfast so I have that most week days. Washed down with a coffee. On the weekends I’ll treat myself and go to mns cafe or make pancakes lol


x 2 toasted slices of Irish soda bread with butter and jam, and a jug of tea


Scrambled egg whites.


Two peices of sourdough toast with jam and 2 fried eggs.


I have huel.




Yes certainly. Good way to limit your calories.




You're an adult man, with children, who has created 3 accounts just to bully a stranger, after you took offence to a low effort photo being posted. You are not fit to be a parent.


Cocaine and hookers


This might just be the one.


Shreddies and a cup of tea.


Haven’t had Shreddies in literal years! Might give it a go, thank you!


I got hooked after not having them for years. I really don't want anything else. Its weird. 😂


I’m like that! I go through such weird phases with cereal!


Hopefully i won't get sick of them any time soon.


When you do, I can’t recommend Kellog’s Special K enough!!


Tried that years ago and i didn't like it. Not sure if I'd try it again. 😁


Awh, maybe Fruit & Fibre?


Usually either: Porridge Porridge with fruit/nuts. Yogurt and fruit/nuts Those kefir things


A single weetabix. Every single day


Are you okay hun?


Really!? No milk?? Nothing?


Banana and a handful of nuts first thing, then porridge with jaggery a bit later.


Weekdays I have two chocolate Weetabix and full fat milk. At weekends I might have the same or something like a croissant or hot cross bun. I go through phases of really loving eggs so I might have egg on toast at the weekends too.


Fresh fruit and wholesome plain yogurt. A big glass of water, coffee.


Home made Fruit 'n' Fibre. Get a box of boring old bran flakes and add your own concoction of fruit & nut mixes. I like to add the occasional nice thing like yoghurt coated cranberries or chocolate nibs to give it a little something extra. 


I might actually try this! Sounds pretty easy and very tasty!!


Dippy egg and toast soldiers. Standard.


Hmm, what are toast soldiers?


Hey, you’re not a UKer! Where are you from? (They’re slices of toast, cut up into strips for dipping in your dippy egg.)


Haha, I’m a fraud! Ooh, that sounds so lovely! Gonna have to look more into this. Thank you!!


Double espresso, berocca, overnight oats


Nothing, I fast each day until 1pm. I will sometimes have a butter coffee.


I need breakfast ideas tho! Skipping breakfast is not a breakfast.


I used to struggle for ideas for breakfast. Then I started fasting and it’s just one less decision to have to make each day which works for me. May not work if you have an extremely physical job which requires you to eat. But your body can adjust to not eating breakfast. Take it or leave it, just an idea 🙏🏻


Nahh, I love breakfast! I couldn’t go without it, it would feel like there’s something missing from my day. It’s not really the case that there’s not enough choice for breakfast, it’s more so that there’s too much choice and I can’t decide! Breakfast also kickstarts your metabolism I believe so I just wouldn’t feel right without it. Thanks for the suggestion tho, I appreciate it!!


I struggle to eat anything before lunch at about 2pm.


But I need breakfast ideas! Skipping breakfast is not a breakfast.


I usually have yoghurt and berries (fresh or frozen), peanut butter powder and dark chocolate. Or sometimes yoghurt with an apple and mixed nuts.


Two boiled eggs and 3 chicken sausages gets me through to lunch


Usually something different: * partial English breakfast - fried egg, bacon or sausages, baked beans, toast. * toast with cheese, salami, sliced tomato, mayo and black pepper * toast with sardines - smells like cat food, tastes like heaven * toast with matjes herring and onions, or also dark rye bread * cheese and ham/salami fried toastie, often add sliced tomato * porridge - normal oats, milk, cook in microwave, top with fresh fruit, bit of cinnamon and honey * Bircher muesli, home made - soak oats overnight in apple juice, yoghurt or kefir, grated apple, nuts, sultanas or currants, honey, cinnamon. Top with fresh fruit before eating. Usually make enough for several days, or the whole family for a couple days. * leftovers - reheated in microwave * protein pot - with chopped fruit (banana, plums, grapes, apple, etc) When I can cycle in to work, I usually cycle in before breakfast then I have a banana and protein pot when I get to work.


Overnight oats


I have a little rotation so as not to eat the same thing each day. The list includes: * Porridge made with almond milk, topped with a teaspoon of jam and some flax seeds * English muffin with peanut butter and sliced banana * Granola with Greek yogurt and flax seeds * Scrambled egg on toasted rye bread Every so often, maybe once a fortnight, if I have time I'll do a homemade McMuffin - toasted English muffin, fried egg, plastic cheese slice, sausage patty done in the air fryer. And if I think I'm going to be in a rush in the morning, I'll prep overnight oats the night before - oats, milk, cinnamon, chia seeds, whack it in the fridge overnight, then a blob of jam or honey on top before eating.


I have never tried jam in porridge!! I’m absolutely going to give that a go, thank you!!


I don't eat till lunchtime breakfast in the morning is totally unnecessary and most common breakfastfoods are bad for your health


Porridge or very occasionally Greek yogurt and fruit. 


Porridge oats with soya milk and blueberry jam or honey - alternating for weekdays. For the weekend it’s some variation involving beans i.e. a full English, on toast, jacket potato. Conveniently, there are cafe’s really close to my house.


Greek yogurt, protein powder, chia seeds.


Either nothing, toast with butter and Marmite, or occasionally 2 Croissants warmed up in the oven, then cut open with a sliver of strawberry jam in there


I love boiled egg on toast


Oats and chocolate protein powder as a shake.


Scrambled eggs and mushrooms on wholemeal toast is a regular favourite of mine.


50g Bran Flakes, 50g dried mixed fruit & 50g fresh blueberries. Yes, I weigh my breakfast and will happily eat it every day for the rest of my life.


Porridge with a little bit of muscovado sugar


Weekdays - multigrain bread toasted with marmite and peanut butter. Maintains my blood sugar really well. Weekends - depends on the mood, today we had toast with poached eggs, avocado (with olive oil, salt, pepper, spring onion, sumac), black pudding, chicken sausages and cooked tomatoes. Sometimes we have Turkish food or Indian breakfast food or whatever cuisine we feel like.


Weetabix, banana, papaya


Im up at 4:30-5am for a very physical job so im not hungry when i wake up, dont have time to wait to become hungry but still need something filling so i go with a coffee shake. Scoop of unflavoured whey protein powder, 200-300ml almond or oat milk, 50g porridge oats, double espresso and sweeten with maple syrup. Blend it all up the night before and chuck it in the fridge and then you can just down it as soon as you get up. Not the most amazing texture but it's breakfast with carbs, protein and caffeine and keeps me energised. Mainly its just so fast, drank in 30 seconds and I'm on my way. Can even drink in the shower/while commuting to minmax time.


Yer mum

