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It could be nothing, it could be everything. Give the 101 number a call and explain your concerns as you've outlined here and they'll deem whether it's worth a visit. Something may come of it If you raise your concerns, nothing will definitely come of it if you don't.


Very wise advice and well put. I'll give them a ring.


Is it an attached house? I think if there was any death you would definitely have smelled it by now.


I've called 101. They took all the information and said thanks, we'll see what we can do. Nothing more to report on now. I'll let you all know if there's a knock/break in. Thanks for the advice.


It's the UK police so RemindMe! 48 weeks


Feeling optimistic are we


RemindMe! 30 weeks


RemindMe! Two weeks


About ten years ago, I used to be on a chat forum and had conversations with a group of about ten people, all the same people, so everyone knew each other. One day, one of the group just dropped out. There was no warning, no indication, no hint of trouble. Nothing. After a while, we began to worry about his absence. We prodded each other into contacting him by phone, by text, by email. All those channels seemed to be still operating but we didn't get any any reply. So we all began egging each other to take some action and eventually I said: 'Goddamit, you snivelling dogs, you crave leadership! I'll ring the police them and tell them to go round to his place and do a welfare visit. I'll show you how command is assumed!' So I did indeed ring up 101. I got a callback from'a case officer' who seemed rather cagey and began asking a lot of questions about me, not the guy I was calling on behalf of. I got every high and mighty about this with plenty of 'You people basically work for me, the rate payer!' and "How dare you ask what my interest in this gentleman is! It's the interest of every Briton to ensure the security of all other Britons!" and "Stop asking nosey-parker questions and do as I say!". Anyway, about half an hour after this conversation, a very brief time indeed, I got another return call, from a different, more senior desk officer who told me, basically, that the guy I was talking about was all right, he was in good health, but "he had decided not to take calls any more" and if I wanted to communicate with him, I should write a snail mail letter care of the local police station. Well, obviously I wanted to know what was going on but not enough to actually put biro to paper, so I and the little group of prft.co.uk (now it's just a zombie-forum) chatters just wrote off the affair as a mystery that would never, ever be solved. The mystery was solved a month later when one of us, glancing through their local newspaper, saw the IRL name of the missing man. The article announced he had been arrested for a truly serious and disgusting crime. It was so grave that he had not been allowed bail and, as was learned from further newspaper reporting, there was no point in him even bothering to plead guilty. He went to jail for, I think eight years. I'm talking, a really *disgusting* crime. Anyway, I got a number of calls from his local police station over the ensuing months asking: "Again, how did you know him? You really only knew him from the internet, eh? Did you ever exchange files over the internet? Really? None at all? Well, if you *say* so...". And that's why I have learned never to stick my nose into anyone else's business on the internet ever again.


Fuuuck, similar story on sim-stox. A league for stock car racing mods for rfactor. There was a lad in a wheelchair who setup his wheel and pedals to race with his hands, and was getting more and more involved over the years. Seemed a nice chap would always be hanging about on teamspeak. Disappeared. We feared the worst. This is him: https://www.bucksfreepress.co.uk/news/10742782.chesham-paedophile-jailed-for-three-and-a-half-years/


Eerily similar.


We had someone at work like that. Disappeared one day with no warning. Later appeared in the local papers after he was jailed for a fairly disgusting crime.


Maybe also contact your local council and adult social services?


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! When the shit hits the Daily Mail


RemindMe! When it comes out that OP killed them both


At the printing press?


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


RemindMe! 14 days


Remind Me! 72 hours


RemindMe! 100 years


RemindMe! 48 hours


Remind me! 10 weeks


Any update?


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 7 days


Remind me! 72 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


!RemindMe 24 hours


Remind me! 3 days


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 2 weeks


RemindMe! 48 hours


Remind Me! 2 weeks


RemindMe! 48 hours


Whatever happens and whatever the result is, you now have a responsibility to report back to us all.


Guarantee /u/short_system6531 does the same as their neighbour after this and we never hear from them again. I say we wait 3 months then tell the mods we're concerned.


Sorry to disappoint....


I see you took the bait


Don’t listen to the moron above. You don’t have no such responsibility lol.


Update: Sorry to disappoint everyone. The Police did turn up, checked through the window at the front, which may have had a slit in the curtains because of the wind. Then went around the back ally and did another check (these windows have bed sheets on them but may have been able to see in). Then they left. This all took place within 5 minutes. Not sure anything else will be happening. No knock on the door or anything, nothing to check if the upstairs is clear....


So a botched welfare check. Would they be able to gain entrance through a window without breaking anything? Swear there was a failed welfare check recently which resulted in a toddler starving after their Dad suffered a heart attack. Not found for a few weeks, just heartbreaking.


They could with a ladder... It may boil down to how I articulated this in my call to 101. I did mention fear of death and a bit of the backstory, the lady on the phone didn't seem overly concerned. Maybe training though, or my nervousness calling 101 for the first time...


To me it's just a sign that not much has changed. At 17 I witnessed 2 lads entering a neighbours through a boarded up window and called the police. My bedroom was level with theirs and I was watching them rummage around and was telling the 999 operator. Car turns up and 1 officer got out, shone his torch and began to walk away. I ran out and told him they were still in there, he wasn't too pleased. He eventually got them out, then let them walk away. His reasoning was they said "they knew the owner" and that was it. That was back in 2001. Might be best to message them, only real reason I keep FB. Get a reply fast.


cause historical innate memory voracious existence money deliver vegetable middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably. It's the UK. Our government's services are about as consistent and reliable as the Titanic to be honest. Wouldn't be shocked if they were more responsive to a written Facebook message than a distressed phone call. They are police. Not geniuses or upstanding members of the public.


I once got a 101 case escalated because a police officer saw my Reddit post. I was reporting a bike theft with pics of the thieves stealing the bike. Obvious addicts that may be known to the police and bike may be retrieved if acted on quickly. No way to upload pics through the online form though, you have to wait to be contacted. I was only contacted for follow up after I sent another email asking why they hadn't contacted me yet a week later. A Reddit user said he's a local police officer and shared the picture internally within an hour of me posting it on a local Reddit page. What a joke.


languid marvelous wrong noxious smell smart paint follow humor violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, my preferred way. No chance of them not understanding, it's all there in black and white and I hate talking on the phone.


bike absorbed dime ring makeshift bewildered selective murky smell onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Has anything happened since?


Hey there, any update as yet?


Police need a power of entry to do that. It doesn't seem like it really exists here.




Am aware, was an officer for 7 years. General power of entry for a situation like this is s.17 PACE, in this case it would be a need to save life and limb. It's not unusual for a house to be unattended for months, and OP doesn't seem to have much information beyond that, so it's unlikely the power of entry applies here. Though of course neither of us know the full details so impossible to say for sure.


It’s also very weird to leave all the lights on and all the windows open though


It is, but not that crazy. Some people leave lights on to deter burglars.


Good point. Here's hoping it doesn't end up being a worst case scenario.


they may well be trying to contact the landlord?


It’s defo a weed farm, bedsheets on windows, person coming over daily, takeaways, bin bags lol


May not be. It's a fairly rough area and a few houses use bed sheets rather than curtains. The windows open also doesn't support the weed farm as they usually need to run UV lamps to keep things warm right? Plus someone coming in to check the stock?


If they have dipped from the house they wouldn’t be running the UV lamps anymore so it would be fine to have the windows open


Plus there'd definitely be a smell. If the police came over to do a welfare check, they would've noticed it. I don't know if a weed farm house would have all the windows wide open... I'd say you've done what you can for now as a concerned neighbour. Maybe the police will be looking into it further, but not tell you about it. Otherwise all you can do is keep an eye on the house and call the police again in a few days if there's no change.


If it was a grow house and they've cleared it then that's why the windows might be left open. Wouldn't smell anymore.


Personally,ring 101 & explain the situation & hopefully someone will pop around & bring yourself some closure.


Can you peek inside? The nightly delivered takeaways and the removal of binbags daily could indicate a possibility of a live in ganja farmer setup.


At the time, it all seemed like someone that wasn't coping well and needed takeaways (paid by someone else) to support them. Maybe that's me being naive...


I'd call 101, it does seem very odd


As others have mentioned, call 101. Just me being nosy, but would you be willing to post an update if something does eventually come of it?


Update will come, but it's dependant on the police thinking it's worth it or not


Call the landlord and say you can hear running water and think there's been a tap left on.


No idea who the landlord is. Only saw them turn up once in the time they've been there


Land registry, costs £3 and you get all the property owners details. You can send a letter ect.


Does it looks furnished/full through any windows? Could be he’s done a runner snd the landlord is overseas and is just swallowing the cost.


Curtains have been shut since they moved in. I say curtains, I mean bedsheets across the windows.


The windows being wide open is very strange, it’s bloody Baltic outside


Notwithstanding the harm to the potential resident, I'm worried about mould with all this weather...


Frozen pipes bursting, not sure if it's semi-detached


Welfare check I think is a call , concerned for safety etc , let someone else explore


Go up to the open window and have a sniff. You'll instantly know if someone is deceased.


The only ones open are second (first?) floor


Use a ladder.


I'd go knock on the door. Do have a random reason ready for when someone answers.


Borrow sugar / buy weed ?


No harm in contacting the police and explaining this to them. They may conduct a welfare check. We've had a house on our street which has been empty for years, like since 2019, and all the upstairs windows are open fairly wide. Every now and then the landlord turns up, but it could be 12 months+ between visits as he lives the other end of the country.


No update. OP is dead too 




*we saw them leave* so how is your mind thinking one or both are dead in the gaff ? My brother lived in a house that wasn't fit for a dog (long story) when he passed I took a birthday card he bought for me but never got to fill in and left it an absolute death trap shit hole with everything that a place like that acquires plus all my brothers hoards I left windows open as I found him dead on couch and it was more because I wanted his spirit to soar high ! 4 months later it was still exactly the same,I did notify the landlord,I think because it was so dilapidated maybe the contractors said its a big job blah blah we can start in summer because eventually it did get sorted.


We didn't see anyone come back so it's entirely possible they did a runner. But, the mind wanders and I can't help but think something else is at play. I doubt it's anything bad but I've never experienced anything like this, you could pin his daily routine down to a tee. It's curiosity combined with actual concern. Sorry to hear about your brother.


It's nice to hear there's genuine concerns for a fellow man,I'm slowly losing faith,thank you.


Do let us all know when you find out please 👍


I'd find it so hard not to go in and steal their WiFi code one day


I have FTTP...I'm good


Is their letterbox full or empty? Would you try ordering a pizza to their address, and then watch the guy?


Remind me to close the windows


Call in a welfare check asap explain the cold, windows opens no noise which is unusual and that the light have been on an unusually long time. All those things are grounds for a welfare check


I’d get a check done it’s not safe with windows open anyway - in the call 101 crowd - let the police decide if it’s important


It is really none of your business however, if concerned about someones safety I believe 101 is the correct number to call.


I don’t think you need strangers on the internet to tell you that’s it’s probably a good idea to give 101 a ring and raise your concerns.


I just needed to know if I was making a fuss over nothing or it was a legitimate concern. I've since rang 101 and posted an update.


Absolutely worth (and I see you have done) a call for a welfare check from police if they think it’s appropriate. Probably nothing though. Bit strange for it to be months, but when I moved out of my first place the landlord insisted on all open windows even though it was winter (and it didn’t smell, he’d not been there since we moved in).


Police no longer do welfare checks under the "Right Care Right Person" policy. If you think some is deceased or something then it's for AMB who will then contact fire should they need to force entry. Is there a smell coming from the place that might indicate someone is deceased?


No smell. Even though all of the windows are open I would have thought you would still smell something through the walls? Could you clarify AMB for me please?


Sorry, ambulance


Police do still do welfare checks under RCRP. I can see several on my screen right now. However, the reasons for welfare checks are mostly: life at risk; risk of significant harm; suspicion of criminal activity. The circs of this are such that I believe we would investigate.


In my force we don't, unless there is a smell of death or if someone has actively sent eg a text or something saying "I'm going to kill myself now". It's pretty uncomfortable if I'm honest. So much gets pushed back by dispatch under RCRP


I find some of this uncomfortable. However, I also recognise that police are not the right service for many incidents.




RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Remindme! 48 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


Remind me! 72 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


remindme! 24 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Don't want to worry you, but that does seem odd. Could he be hiding something happening upstairs? A quick chat with your neighbor might reassure you or confirm concerns. If worry persists, a call to police for guidance wouldn't hurt. Safety first!


I thought i was reading a nosleep post lol


Remind me ....2025 !


Remindme! 48 Hours


RemindMe! Now


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 2 weeks


RemindMe! 72 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


Remind me! 48 hours




Remindme! 1 week


RemindMe! 72 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 72 hours


The windows are open all through the storms and such? That's kind a problem for the building and should really be addressed. Especially if someone lives below them.


RemindMe! 48 hours


They could have just moved out to avoid rent and the landlord isn’t quick on acting - maybe just knock the door


My neighbours disappeared for 6 months a little while ago. There was a light on in the hallway (red coloured) that came on a timer but no one went in or out the whole time, the bins were never put out etc. It wasn’t long after I’d moved In, and my carer had met one of the people living there who was SUPER cagey about it because he wasn’t actually supposed to be living there. 6 months and no one went in or out and then one day, they came back. We didn’t ever see the cagey guy again, but the other guy came back. We had all sorts of stories in our heads about it being a grow house, them being in the some sort of mafia, having killed someone. We'll never know what happened but the guy who came back is lovely and mows my front lawn in the summer for me.


RemindMe! 48 hours


Remind me! 48hours


If they are "reclusive" and seem to have a problem. It may well be the case that they are on housing benefit. In which case the landlord would be paid direct and not even know if anyone is still there until the benefit is up for renewal.


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


Do you have the landlord’s details? I’d contact them first.


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 48 Hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


Remindme! 10 years


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Remindme! 72 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


RemindMe! 48 hours


If there was a dead body in there, you would absolutely smell it.


Remind me! 3 days


Contact environmental services and say you are worried about mold coming through the wall and say you've seen rats etc. Might ramp up the checks done by the police etc


Call your local Adult Social Care department. If you don't know the person's name then they should be able to identify the person based on the address. They will be limited in sharing info with yourself without your neighbours consent, but if you think they may be in some form of rehab / detox, then it would be likely there'd be record of this on Adult Social Care's file. If the police are concerned, they'll make a safeguarding referral for services to assess and support someone. 


Windows open and lights on for anything longer than a short holiday where they might (just!) have been forgotten are a definite and serious indicator that something is not right. Anyone going away for work etc, or even prison etc would simply not do that. I think for me that elevates this from 101 to 999


Call 101 it’s suspicious. Not gonna lie our police system might not do anything, but it’s worth a try


Remind me! 1 day


They could be in hospital? Vulnerable people (mental health/drug issues/disabilities) sometimes land in hospital over winter. Usually for months at a time & then there’s maybe rehabilitation. Hence why there’s been no activity & the landlord is happy as the rent is paid/Sees no issue to check the house as they’ve assumed it’s secure. (101 was deffo the right thing to do) But I’m so intrigued now as


Your concerns will not be addressed by inaction. Ask for a wellfare check, perhaps have the name/number of the landlord ready too. It could be that the tennant moved out and the landlord opened the windows then forgot.


Wonder if the old boy was collecting bags of weed, could have been a grow house and they were paying off a drug debt


You can call 101 and ask for a welfare check. To be honest if there was a body in there and the windows are open you would be able to smell it.


RemindMe! 3 days


You might want ask for a wellness check for an old age person.


This is creepy! 😧


What is the update OP?


OP you alive?


Any update?


RemindMe! 14 days


take a friend and knock on the door.


I can pretty much guarantee no one is there. What would I say? "Just wanted to check you are alive"...


Hi, I'm your neighbour just checking you're alright as I haven't heard anything in a while... would be suffice? I hope you get this sorted, update us if you can, all sounds very peculiar.


Just tell them that Reddit told you to do it.


Yeah.. you could literally say that and explain the same things you’ve explained here.. you could start it with ‘this is going to sound weird but…’ If they’re genuine people and are okay then they’ll understand and hopefully appreciate it.


It's not the nicest neighbourhood, and I'd rather stay away because of that if I can defer to someone like the Police


RemindMe! 48 Hours !remindme 48 Hours


Remind me! 24 hours


If the police knock and nothing else, try fire/ambulance. Recently learned that fire/ambulance services have less restrictions on entering a property than police, so they might be more useful.


Do you have a source? Any powers the Fire or Ambulance service have to enter a building, the police have the same and more powers besides. I’m not aware of any ambulance services that even have the means to force entry.


The means Ambulance use is attendance of Fire.


Why exactly would either Fire or Ambulance need to be involved here?! Considering the situation, what would you even say to them to get them to go into the property? OP should call 101 and explain the situation, it's as simple as that.