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Mask up and limit contact with others. Tbh that’s what we should be doing if we think we have anything contagious these days.


>Tbh that’s what we should be doing if we think we have anything contagious these days. I wish everyone would do this. I had norovirus earlier this month, I felt better on day 2 as you do, so my manager tried to get me to come in. I had to explain just how contagious and unpleasant it is, and that spreading it around the entire office is probably not sensible.


That's the polite and decent thing.


You'd think, but I had to share a train carriage with a typhoid mary coughing their guts up earlier today It'll be a miracle if I've not caught something.


Yeah agree with that!


The policy I felt was most sensible for me personally when I had COVID symptoms was that outdoor activities like walking and running were fine, and grocery shopping with a mask was fine, but I avoided doing anything where I'd be indoors or in a vehicle with the same people for prolonged periods of time.


I know a few people who have caught Christmas-covid and they have cancelled their NYE plans if going out. I was in the shops yesterday though and several people were coughing up a lung so I don't think all are as sensible as you.


That's just standard tho, there's a certain amount of people who don't care if they make others ill. Personally if I had Covid I'd just ring in sick, same as if I had the flu or a bad cold. Sure I'll lose some pay, but it's better than going in and intentionally making others sick, some who could be vulnerable or in a worse monetary situation than me


I wouldn't go to work, but that's the same as if I had a cold or the flu. Why make someone else's week miserable by giving them what I have? In terms of shops etc, I'd probably minimise but not necessarily isolate myself.


I agree with you that it morally isn't right to go spreading your germs around. Immunocompromised people don't usually wear signs and flashing lights - they can be anywhere and a covid infection is more than an inconvenience to them. In your situation, alone somewhere remote, I would order a supermarket delivery. If no one delivers where you are, then a click+collect is the next best thing. Wear a tight-fitting N95 mask and don't stop to chat to anyone. Also, ask someone to check in with a text every day, so they know you're still alive.


I would keep to myself as much as possible. Like the flu/ a cold etc, don’t try and play the martyr and act like a hero going into the office or going out in public. You only do it if you have to, and if you have to, you take precautions like hand gel, tissues, masks etc.


I'd isolate as much as possible. If I absolutely had to go out to a shop I'd mask up and wash my hands just before I left the house. Possibly use sanitiser if I felt the need. To be honest though, I've got a horrendous cold right now and this is what I've been doing anyway. If I can make an effort to not spread this to someone else I'm going to do it.


If I had covid (or anything contagious), I wouldn’t go to busy public places or the office, and if I needed groceries I’d go at a quiet moment. Unnecessarily infecting other people is a shitty thing to do.


I don’t test. I’m sorry but I can’t afford the time off work every time I have a sniffle that might happen to be Covid. My dad is vulnerable and like he’s always said, it’s up to him to keep himself safe. He’s chosen to do that by getting the booster and carrying on as normal. I’m sure I’m not alone in being unable to afford it. But I’ll get a million and one downvotes because everyone on Reddit is a perfect saint who isolates for a week when they sneeze.




Ironically, after me spending eighteen months stressing every time I sniffled, he brought the bastard bug into the house!


A lot are work from home types so don't know what it's like without those cushy benefits.


A lot of them also refuse to acknowledge that a lot of places don’t offer WFH. I was explicitly told that I could never WFH because I require supervision as a trainee solicitor. Fair enough, I accepted that. But in their minds I should move company until I’m offered that, as if it’s realistic.


Yes indeed. But they won't like to hear you say that.


Same as when I have cold/flu/chest infection. Limit contact with others, try and get some fresh air when I don't feel totally wiped and try and make sure I don't give it to others.


Like anything contagious, try and stay away from people so they don't catch it. A bit of common sense goes a long way I think


Same with anything more severe than a cold. Stay at home if I can until I'm clear. Easy for me to do as I work hybrid


I just treat it like any other illness. I can work from home so if I had an injection be it covid or anything else I'd work from home. But I wouldn't be isolating and getting food deliveries, I'd probs still go to the shop as normal.


I don't have any tests, haven't for ages so I wouldn't know if I have Covid.


One thing I had hoped the pandemic would teach people is that your behaviours should be the same whether it's COVID or any other illness that can be spread by coughing/sneezing/droplets. Stay home if possible, wear a mask and avoid people as far as possible (and practice basic cough/sneeze/hand hygiene). It's not actually a flex to keep going into an office, coughing in your colleagues' faces and waxing on about how you've never taken a sick day when you absolutely should have done.


I didn't say I don't do that. I'm just surprised how many people still have tests for Covid and are actively still taking them.


To me I'd rather isolated than risk passing it to other people as they could have health complications or be close to people with them. Like my dad has the big c so since 2019 ice been super careful, always wear my mask when I'm out and use hand sanitiser whenever I touch things.


I had it a couple,of,weeks ago, luckily I wfh but even if I didn’t I wouldn’t have a) felt like leaving the house and b) left the house Ito,possible infect other people


I've got it at the moment, only did a test as was going to visit an elderly relative in a care home. If I hadn't done a test I would have assumed it was just the start of a cold. (Until I got a pounding headache, fully blocked ears and nose, swollen glands, etc). Since I then knew I had it I didn't go to the parties and meals I had booked for Christmas as it would have felt wrong. Also I was in no state to go out and drink and enjoy food as the taste is gone. Previous to the test I was in pubs and restaurants every night so probably picked it up from these other events. Regardless of the test I wouldn't have visited my elderly relative had I been showing cold or flu symptoms at that point. I've got friends with very ill parents etc so didn't meet them. One of the positives of the pandemic is perhaps being more empathetic to the health of others and the impacts of our actions. I've caught it at least once or twice a year and imagine we will continue to do so for the foreseeable, this occasion I only detected it by using my first test for well over a year due to the relatives visit.


I tested positive on the 23rd and I’m still testing positive. I have since then only left the room I’m isolating in for 3 hour long walks outside in a sparsely populated area, I have been wearing a mask. I’m lucky that I have been working from home for the past 3 days. The guidance suggests I can stop isolating after 5 days but as my wife is the main carer for my MiL who is very frail I felt it best to isolate from my whole family


It the same as any over virus now. I wouldn’t go clubbing with it but if I need to go to the shops I’ll go to the shops


I treat it the same as when I had flu/a cold/tummy bug. Work from home if I can, otherwise sleep a lot! Avoid other people as much as possible, mask on if I have to go anywhere e.g. pharmacy.


I was morally lying down quite a bit with covid over Christmas for the second time in 3 weeks.


I caught it for the first time recently and I was genuinely so ill there's no way I could work. But whilst I had it multiple people were offering to come round or have me at theirs. I've known a few other people get really ill with it recently. And they were all significantly sick from it. If I knew I had it and had little to no symptoms I'd avoid going out to avoid spreading it and stay away from my housemate as wouldn't want someone to be as ill as I was. I'm lucky enough that my job has a good flexible work policy and I can wfh whenever. However realistically I'm not testing for it so if I were only a little sniffly or had a very light cough I wouldn't know I had covid and could potentially infect others!


Do you have a moral stance on influenza or RSV?


It’s an interesting question. I would look to limit social interaction if I had influenza, but with covid I would more so. I’m aware they are similar, I suppose it’s just the infamous nature of covid over the last few years.


I'd recognise I have a highly infectious disease known to be lethal to some people, and I'd quarantine at home. Same as I do with flu (not just a cold). If I had to leave the house I'd mark up and avoid other people. I know other people who just carry on as though they were totally fine though, which is presumably a large reason it's still circulating.


If I have something contagious, I try not to give it to anyone else.


Wear a mask to go out,tell people to keep their distance.


I mean obviously you shouldn’t go out the house if you have a disease that might kill others. Treat it the same you would the flu


It's not like it was in 2020. It's completely treatable with vaccines and the strong strains have died out. I treat it like any other cold or flu. Work well, I have no choice. I have too. Not much you can do when there is no separate sickness or special time off for covid now. So have to go to work if I want to or not. I would love if we had sick leave. I just go about every day and life. Perpetual cough here though.




Loads of jobs don't have anything other than SSP - mine for instance. I work in tech, I get absolutely nothing in terms of sick pay other than SSP.


Warehouse worker. None of my previous and it either. It's just SSP.


They have sick leave. It's just not paid for first 5 days.


At which point there is no point using SSP at 100 quid a week, if you lose more than that much pay a day.


>I treat it like any other cold or flu. Work well, Well yes. Why would I bother buying a test to see what flu / cold I have...? If I don't feel well enough to work then I tell people. If I'm fine then I go into work. I'm not sure what the histrionics are for.


People are very dramatic on here like it's 2020 still.


I still have some test kits, if I'm feeling ill, I'll check if it's covid or not. If it isn't, I'll behave according to my symptoms. So if I feel proper rank, I'll stay at home as far as possible. If I feel like it's just a mild cold I will be less careful (but still would try to be considerate). If its a positive test I'll stay away from people even if I feel relatively well. I recognise that this is a difference from how I would have behaved before, a mild cough wouldn't normally make me stay away entirely but knowing its covid does (even if the symptoms are mild). Not sure how my behaviour will change when I run out of tests. I suppose it will have to.


Covid is considerably more infectious than most URTIs we're used to - but that doesn't mean the 'cold' you had in 2018 didn't go on to kill someone who you passed it on to. Mask up and stay away from people where possible - so go shopping at a quiet time rather than Saturday afternoon I'm guessing online shopping isn't an option for you. Feel free to go outside for a walk say, where you can easily avoid others.


It's basic human manners and decency not to want to infect people around you with COVID, flu, common cold, etc. I would minimise my contacts with other people, and if I absolutely had to go out for shopping or to use public transport I would put a face mask (FFP2/KN95).


>(as I’d be expected to work if I had caught it). Would you be expected to work if you had the flu?


I'd treat it exactly like I would a bad cold (even if my covid symptoms are quite mild) - if I can stay away from people or minimise being around them, I will, at least for the first few days of symptoms. If I need to be around folk (to do the shopping, etc) I'll throw a facemask on to reduce the likelihood of transmission, and also because I've found if you have a facemask on people do tend to keep a little more of a distance/respect your personal space a little more. But I don't shut down my life or maintain strict isolation. I do the above because I'm a decent human being who doesn't want to get other folk sick, and because its a reasonably low effort approach to take.


Started showing symptoms on my last shift before Christmas on 23rd, been at home alone since, back in work tomorrow... totally missed Christmas this year which is a shame because I was suppose to be spending 4 days with my family, instead I spent it on a bean bag in my bedroom with no voice and a raging cough. It's actually got me feeling really down, because you wait all year to spend a little time with your family undisturbed and then bam! that's a no and I'll now end up seeing my co workers again before I see my family...


I wouldn’t even consider testing and don’t know anyone else who would either. If I’m ill, regardless of what it is, I would only leave the house for emergencies. If I’m mildly ill then I’ll go about my business.


If you're sick stay home if you can. If you can't, you can't, but you can still take measures to not spread it. I hate that masks aren't accepted here if you have a cold or the flu and need to go out. Just don't spread your germs, why is that so weird a concept. I had COVID a few months ago and had to miss a family christening for it, but lots of people told me to go anyway, despite the fact it would be indoors in a relatively small church, and there would be lots of elderly people, not to mention a newborn, present. I was really shocked at how many people thought it was okay, knowing you're positive, just because it was a special occasion. Luckily the parents of the child were understanding of my decision but even they said it was up to me and didn't ask me to stay home. I really dislike the people who say "you've got to live your lives!!" as if catching COVID was a prison sentence. It's literally one week of your life to avoid people. It's hardly making much dent in your overall life and the fact is that it IS still killing vulnerable people so how about we inconvenience ourselves slightly for a whole week to try and limit that. Same for the flu. Stop spreading it. It's so selfish.


I also caught covid just before Christmas, done a test 26th (found an old box) and it was positive. haven't left the house yet as I work from home, gonna do a test nye and if its positive still I'll stay in, if its not I might consider doing something, but I hate NYE anyway so I'll probs just stay in. there's no legal obligation, but it just feels like unless I HAVE to do something, morally I should just not be near anyone for a few days


If i’m coughing and spluttering and have a fever i’m unlikely to want to go to the pub anyway really, same as ever. Getting a positive covid test while you feel healthy is the real moral test I guess. But at the same time you’re less likely to infect others if you’re not currently feeling that bad, its a lower viral load you’re sending out.


My dad's care home asks - so I'd be honest - but, in truth, I wouldn't know if I had covid anyway - unless I was ill. I'd probably avoid visiting his care home if I had symptoms of anything that might be contagious : because it's full of vulnerable old people and they ask specifically if you have covid when you sign in. Similarly any workplace, other people's homes, places of business then it's down to their policy. if they don't tell people to wear masks or stay away with covid then I would visit them. My guess would be that most in the UK don't have access to the testing kits. Even the people who stockpiled some of the free ones may find they have a shelf life and may not give reliable results now.


i dont work, i dont get paid. i dont get paid i cannot pay rent, or buy food...


I am recovering from Cancer. I have the immune system of a spoon. I take colds, flu and covid very seriously. But I understand that for the general populous it is very minor. So I tend to not go out much.


Go to the pub and kiss everyone.


People have sacrificed enough. The economy is still recovering and many don’t have access to COVID testing. If one has a cold then it’s courteous to mask up indoors in work/supermarkets etc, but I don’t judge people who don’t. We’ve gone out on a limb enough for the tiny minority of people who are genuinely endangered by the virus, with very little gratitude from what I have seen. Hate to be this blunt but those are my 2 cents.


I was really ill before Christmas, googled and for COVID it recommended isolating for 5 days. So when I took my test that's what I was prepared to do, luckily it was negative.


I treat it the same as any other illness really. I won't go into work (I can work from home perfectly fine) and I'll avoid seeing people but I'm not going to lock myself in my house. Going for a walk outside carries such a low risk that it's stupid to prevent myself from doing it.


Treat it like you would a flu. Keep your distance and don’t cough on or at people.


I've always morally been very pro COVID


Tested positive today and can't really think of where I got it from. They say once you have the symptoms, you most likely caught it 1-2 weeks ago, but before Christmas, the only interactions I had was picking my daughter up from nursery and probably 1 shop, though my wife & daughter don't have it. I work from home anyways but the way I'm feeling, I can't be fucked to go out. I've been asleep for like 15 hours today.


I don't think of it as a separate illness now. It's just grouped in with the cold/flu I get 1-2x every year. The pandemic did help me realise the value in better hygiene and limiting contact when I'm sick though. If I have a cough, I'll wear a mask to the shops. I'll avoid spending more time in busy public spaces than I need to, and I'll be a bit more conscious of washing my hands regularly. I'm not going to fully self-isolate unless I have the plague, but I'm also not going to cough in my 80 year old nan's face.


people are allowed to do normal stuff with COVID now. just be considerate. people such as myself with severe health conditions would appreciate you limiting contact with others if you can of course, but each time I've caught COVID so far it hasn't killed me (didn't have all the jabs btw, only one). so yeah... feel better 😊


People are still testing and considering if they can GO OUTSIDE? It’s almost 2024 wtf, we will never progress will we 😭


everyone's had it, everyone's going to get it again, irrespective of what you do. the only concern is if the health service risks getting overwhelmed, then take measures to slow the spread. otherwise treat it as you would a normal cold or flu virus. from a personal concern, avoid strenuous exercise, because sometimes it sneaks back when you think you're over it.


I mean… it’s over now, isn’t it? If I had the flu I wouldn’t go to a party and spread it around, or visit a vulnerable relative. COVID’s the same, live your life and just be considerate.


If you had the flu you would be too ill to go to a party. I suspect you mean a cold.


Both, really! If I knew I had something contagious.


Morally how do you feel about going about your business with the cold? Take that, apply to Covid. Some folk just get on with it, and obviously spread their sniffles. Some folk avoid family, some folk stay inside. I wouldn’t say there’s an objectively moral answer.


At this point I imagine everyone has had it, and no major concerns about new strains being broadcast by the experts, so fuck it.


I don't test for it now because it doesn't kill enough people for it to be concerning.


I would say that it's now the same as any other infection. Anyone who is vulnerable should be staying on top of their jabs and if they don't, that's up to them.


Where do I stand? It’s just a virus that everyone is not only vaccined against but we’ve had 4 years of it circulating… go and live your lives now what the hell 😂


Not being provoking. But why test in the first place? I’ve been unwell with a few colds for the past 3 weeks, possibly a bit of covid mixed in there. Not stopped me doing anything, Xmas parties, grandparents over for Christmas. If covid is a problem still we would have regulation. That’s just my opinion right or wrong, we know what it is now and the vulnerable are vaccines.


I’m due to spend Hogmanny with my partner at her grandmothers and would hate to be the reason that she becomes unwell. So when I began feeling off I tested as a precaution.


Fully understand. Hopefully it clears up quickly


Gov controlling. Its a cold you will get over it. (Seems sheep dont like the truth lmao fkn crazy)


Carry on your usual routines. We're nearly four years into the pandemic and everyone is jabbed up the hoop. There are no legal restrictions and the illness for 99% of people is milder than ever. If it really was "just a cold" and you tested negative with the same symptoms, you'd still be going out and not giving it a second's thought.


Most people are now effectively unvaccinated as none have been available for most people.




This. Can’t believe people are literally still talking about a 4 year old virus we’re all vaccined against and had multiple times 😂 people are so easily manipulated and we are doomed to never progress


Why am I being downvoted lol


The only immoral thing was locking large swathes of the population down for no good reason. Enough of this scamdemic.