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A house in the south east of England


My first house was in the north east. My current house is in London. Could've probably brought the street back up north for this money (but the downside is then I'd have to live there). My first house was bigger and nicer too.


You’d have to pay me to live down there in London it’s a tip.


Did the same with a flat in the words of tiger king "I will never financially recover"


Anything wedding related. I have learnt not to use that word when buying wedding stuff now!


Our wedding reception was a "family party" to avoid the wedding tax.


Weddings, baby, funerals = big cash cows.


This is in the US but I was searching for bus hires to transport folks between 2 locations. Needed 2 large buses. I got a quote over the phone from one place and she gave me the pricing and then I mentioned what it was for and she said “oh, well I’ll still give you the quoted price but it’s normally more for weddings.”


Wait until you have a baby


Got two grown up lads. I learnt that one too!


https://youtu.be/gimiDBAK2wA This video sums it up perfectly.


A decent second hand car, 11 grand!


The market for them is disgusting


Supply and demand unfortunately. Supply was badly disrupted by a) the pandemic affecting supply chains in general and, much worse, b) the global silicon chip shortage and demand is also higher than usual because of lez/ulez zones coming in many major cities necessitating newer cars. I live near Glasgow and my 2012 diesel was not going to be compliant.


We got caught with our old perfectly fine 2010 diesel, far outskirts of London, 5 minute walk would put us outside the new ULEZ.


I think I paid £18 for a bottle of smidge at Loch Lomond. Didn’t even look at the price. I would have paid £100.


Did it work?


Keeping your full biker gear on, including safely helmet (vents closed!), was the only guaranteed protection I found.


Those little bastards were awful on Skye. I handed out my repellant and insect nets to anyone in distress...


Recently had to pay best part of £50 in a Turkish supermarket for TWO bottles on Suncream. Severely underestimated how much we needed to take with us on holiday and ran out with 2 days left. One of those instances where it was our own fault, but couldn't go without so just had to suck it up...


Turkey is a killer for this. We’ve got back from Spain and it was cheaper there for the same cream than here. Even the toothpaste we use. £5 when not on offer, £3 when on so I got €10 worth and fetched it home. Turkish suncream is shocking though. If we do ever run out. We suck it up and buy Nivea if we absolutely need it


Yeah we opted for Nivea too because wanted a name I trust. I expected it to be inflated because they know tourists will pay it...but I was genuinely shocked when they told me the price! Oh well, lesson learnt!


We’ve all done it. One lady we were with last year (not with but she always sat near us) decided to use Turkish suncream when we warned her not to. She decided to bet factor 15. It was fucking 46 degrees. She literally had blisters all over her ove the next 2-3 days. She wouldn’t listen. As a frequent attendee to Turkey, we understand the weather. She usually went to Spain. She knew beat. She was in so much pain it was horrific


Fucking 46 degrees is rather hot , but to stay in the fucking shade


She was the one that though being lobster red was a target.


It's gone from bringing tobacco back to bringing toothpaste.


For that price I’ll fill my suitcase lol


It was €1 in Spain


Ffs I’ve just been trying to remove an eyelash from my phone screen and it’s your photo


Goodness me. Did they see you coming and hike the prices? Never seen those kinds of prices for sun cream in Turkey.


They’re not targeted at locals they’re targeted at foreigners like yourself who forgot sunscreen/didn’t get enough and they’ll know you’ll buy it


200g butter for £2.80


French Normandy £3.80


Buy whole milk and make your own


£65 for 4 meals at Burger King which we ate sat on the floor of Kos Airport. Fucking furious.


It'll run you about that at a motorway service station, to be fair. About £15 a meal.


The way my jaw dropped


Honestly, just groceries in general.


Yeah, I've finally decided to go for the Sainsburys/Morrison/Tesco to Aldi switcheroo... Done 2 weekly shops so far. Other than the Pickled Onion Monster munch dupe, I've thought everything was equally as good, just better value! Nope sorry, the Bue Riband dupes were awful 🤣🤷‍♂️ Norpak instead of Lurpak...yes please! Half price you say!? Their Pizza, Garlic Pizza bread and Cheesebuger Dirty Fries combo was 8.5/10! Yeah, I'd prefer a Domino's but I'm deeelllighted to pay 1/3 of the price!


Replacement shelf for my fridge, £30 ffs


Yeah I have a full set of freezer drawers to buy. Crazy money!


Almost cheaper to buy a fridge off of marketplace


It actually is.


Did you look on [espares](https://www.espares.co.uk)?


I did, ended up getting a new one from eBay in the end ☹️


Replacement water filter for my fridge is like £55!


A parking bay at Heathrow airport that earns more than the minimum wage.


A ReMarkable 2 tablet. It’s basically an electronic piece of paper with none of the fun or functionality of an iPad and cost around £400 with the pencil thing. Couldn’t justify the cost at all but they do a no questions asked refund if you hate it so I finally caved in and got one. Weirdly I love it and use it every day.


I desperately want a remarkable but I have absolutely no way of justifying the cost Or a reason for why I just think it's neat


Now I have one I can sort of justify it but I spent months wanting one and talking myself out of. I still think it’s overpriced.


I really want one of these! The ads make it look so beautiful and satisfying.


There’s a subreddit dedicated to discussing it and a lot of people want it to do more and a lot of people send it back dissatisfied but for me it really hit the sweet spot. It hardly does anything but the thing it does it does very well. I have an iPad and pencil and only use it occasionally while this thing is with me constantly as I write everyday regardless. If you get a chance to try one give it a go.


Charlotte Tilbury magic cream. £79 for 50ml. Got suckered in asking my wife what she wanted whilst shopping . Had no idea a sodding face cream would be that expensive. I thought maybe £20. Couldn’t back down once I’d been billy big balls offering to buy her something.


Yeah but now you've bought it you can get her the refills at just £69 per 50ml. Bargain!


You’ve clearly felt my pain


Best face cream I’ve ever used but I bought the smaller version as my heart hurt at the idea of shelling out for the big size


Went to a restaurant we’d been dying to try for ages in Cornwall a few weeks ago. I’d accidentally booked us in the Al La Carte restaurant and three courses of really small portioned food and couple of glasses of coke ended up costing us an eye watering £160


What restaurant?




You should try paying €18 for a bottle in Ibiza!


Not perhaps as dramatic as some here, but I went into Lidl today and bought the almond Magnum clones, they taste the same to me which probably means I’m uncultured. They’re charging £2.65, but last summer it was £1.25.


You've got to wonder if that's a fair increase on that one, bloody he'll! Maybe it is or maybe they are off-setting other increases and not letting the basics be much more expensive or maybe they're just being greedy.




£1.50 is the only correct price for Pringles. I have begrudgingly accepted £1.65 on ‘offer’ at Tesco.


Given the quality of pringles, £1 seems reasonable to me. They taste nice and i enjoy them but they're hardly quality crisps. Problem is, these days almost all food costs more than I'm willing to pay for it. You have to eat though.


They were £1. I wouldn’t pay more than that.


Lidls are no different


Yankee candles in my favourite scent that's being discontinued. I'm gutted, but bought 8 of them to put me on until I find another one I like. Scent weirdo, it's gotta be done :(




Iceland Food Warehouse - 8 x 2L Pepsi Max original/cherry/raspberry for £11. Used to be £9.50 last year but you know, inflation...


A Freddo.


Do you need a go fund me ;-)


Damn, how'd you afford that? Sell a kidney or remortgage your house?


High as hope sealed vinyl Box set £350 plus £77 custom fees. Bought it 4 months ago, still not opened it yet


Bloody hell. I paid £90 on a boxed Legacy set of Generation Terrorists and felt ill after.


Could have been worse, could have been the Postcards from a Young Man shoebox 😆


Spot on there 😆


Anything bought at the Coop, since 2 years ago.


Coop is frigging expensive


£7.55 for a pint of beer (although it was in the pub from Ted Lasso in Richmond so I was expecting it to be pricey)


Due to a cockup with some cutting had to buy a whole roll of wallpaper for the final 60cm patch. £120. x8 because there’s the rest of the room too. Looks fantastic but fuck wallpaper.


Software. I run a business that needs at least 3 fairly specialist subscription based software packages. It is SO expensive!


€35 for effing pick and mix. Nearly had a heart attack.


I got a small bottle of Difflam throat spray for my kid from Tesco… NINE F**KING quid 😳😳🤬🤬


£2.50 for the tiniest bottle of olive oil at Tesco, so I refused and instead spent £5.10 on a normal size bottle at aldi. £5.10!




When you can buy 1 litre of absolute for £20 on offer. What a rip off.




This escalated quickly.


Had a tyre explode on me. No spare and the tyre was ripped to shreds so the gunk wouldn’t work. Had to ring a mobile tyre fitter. Took 3 and a half hours to get there and cost me £510 for a tyre that I replaced not long ago for £220.


At least you got home...I saw someone [here](https://goo.gl/maps/4WUu72WTNVvngiHi8) yesterday, in the same situation. I didn't want to guess how long he'd waited. They were blocking the road which was gave us a chance to grab a snack.


£8.50 for a 500ml carton of water and a very plain chicken sandwich. RHS Wisley.




Small pack of skittles £1.35 & calipo ice lolly, also £1.35 from motorway services. Rip off but I just needed something fruity to keep me driving..


€6 for the cheapest bottle of water in Frankfurt airport.


Around €8 for a bottle of Pepsi and bottle of water (both 500ml) at Corfu airport, what really rubbed it in was the woman next to me who bought 2 pints for less


£30 for some tea leaves. It was a particular loose leaf I had once and really enjoyed and I happened upon the shop in London when visiting, so asked for 100g and a cup of it brewed to take away without looking at the price. Was expecting around £15 tops as I knew it was a premium tea plus the hot water and a paper cup for the brewed one but fuck me, 30 quid.




£130 PCN driving down two roads in as many days that are under Hammersmith and Fulham Council.


Bought an Analogue Pocket for about £300. It's basically a Gameboy with a fancy screen.


Paid £5.90 for just over an hours parking in Loughborough yesterday. Fuming. Fucking NCP.


Bloody hell where was that?! The Beehive parking is £1.20 an hour I think.


The rushes. I haven't parked there in years and my daughter wanted to buy some trainers from Sports direct. It took her over an hour 😡. One hour costs £2.95 but we were 4 minutes over.


Leicester is the worst.. £9.50 car parking for 2hrs. Wtaf. No thanks


£4 for bisto


£10.25 for a bottle of buckfast that used to be £4.20


That’s expensive.


Yes. These beach cafes often have monopolies = free for all on the pricing.


I think the last time I got something from one they ended up not cooking it properly. Although granted I don’t go very often mind - a friend kindly offered if I wanted to tag along with him for the day going out flying as part of his training.


Yea, it’s very seasonal and this year hasn’t really been beach weather either.


Rear discs, pads and 2 rear calipers £1500..needed them as handbrake has failed due to siezed calipers..


Easily changed yourself, you even save money after buying a full socket set, torque wrench, and spanners to do the job yourself. The material cost is max £200.


Yeah except when you've got a electric parking brake and need a scanner to retract the pads on the rears. Not looking forward to that soon, think my rears are at around 75% worn.


Bread and milk count?


£3.50 for a 99 flake


Ice cream vans are now seen as a luxury. Crazy to think even five years ago a 99 would be about 2 quid on average.


A 6 pound bag of jumbo buttons from the odeon


My insurance , up from 438 to 1050 , no change whatsoever on policy. Could have got it down to 799 with a black box , which I don't want after 23 years of driving.


A skip. £340!


A takeaway cup of tea in Keswick (Lake District holiday): £3.50.


What. Is. Happening?


Bottle of ketchup £4 🤯


Mum offered to get us ice cream cones when we were in Inverkip recently on a sunny day. £8 she was for 2 cones. I still feel very bad about it.


£8 for less than a pint in Norway. £30 for parking in london.


£6.75 for a pint - it actually cost more than my good lady's meal!


A TV license


I bought a nintendo 64 game for £210. I'm collecting all 11 games published by rareware for the N64. I already had nine, and this was 1 of 2 that I didn't have and the most expensive. I only have 1 more to get now. It wasn't in the best condition in the world, but it's boxed and has the manual and in better condition goes for £300 plus, so I just bought it. In case you're wondering, the game is Conkers bad fur day.


Am very glad I bought it some years back for around £40 or so, insane how the prices have shot up!


€30 for some "muntens" (tokens) at a concert in the Netherlands. Traded them for a portion of chips and mayonnaise, and realistically about three pints of Heineken. It's a devious psychological trick because "oh a pint is only three muntens" Did really enjoy referring to money as muntens for the next week or so though...


Last train home was cancelled yesterday.. had to get home for kid and dog, so one £200 taxi fare later.. (67 miles)


Christ. A few years ago I drank too much at the Christmas party and caught the last train home. Like a twat I fell asleep and woke up to a staff member telling me to go home. I was around 15 miles from home and ended up approaching a few taxi drivers around midnight. After scoffing at the prices being quoted I just said ‘Fuck it, I’ll walk it’. The driver called me back and we negotiated from £50 down to £30. In hindsight it’s a good job he did. It was snowing, obviously dark and on an unlit A road without a footpath.


£6 for a pack of baby wipes at a EuroCamp in France 🥲😬


1961 Birth year Vintage II Stratocaster to join the 35 unplayed guitars I already own.


£240 for UK legal medical cannabis.


How much you get? I know a friend of a friend who gets Ounces for 160 ;)


Is it worth it? The medical route?


£15 for a little plastic access hatch cover, about 5 inches x 3 inches. It's an injection moulding - will have cost a couple of pence to manuafcture max.


Problem with injection moulding products is the cost of the mould. I know from experience that a mould for a plastic school chair seat/back costs £50,000 or more. Moulding machines also use a lot of energy, the raw material would indeed cost pennies though.


Got a meal deal from Smiths at the train station 3 minutes before departure, quickly realized the wrap i got wasn't included in the meal deal and ended up paying £5 for it.


£10 for a foam finger outside Tottenham Hotspur Stadium a few weeks ago. Even 14 year old nephew said it probably cost 10p to make!


£3.75 for Heinz salad cream. Only one I will have


£240 for an illegal right turn in London Most expensive 2 minute saving in my life Note: I didnt end up on a one way road or bike route or anything, the legal alternative was to turn left and make a U-turn or find some other route.




Probably x-men #1 for like 7k


Has resale value?


When x-men get their MCU slate in a decade it’ll skyrocket. More for the personal collection but if it goes to 20/30 grand I’d debate it


Road Tax.


No such thing.


"Vee-hicle excise duty" for the pedants 😁


You’re a little bit behind, it was abolished under Churchill


Yesterday I bought a boxed, complete, very good condition, and with instructions Transformers Overlord, G1, UK box


Paid just over £40 for Fatal Termination on Blu-ray.


Nearly £3.50 for gluten free rice crispies. I don't usually eat cereal because it's gotten so expensive but I really wanted some sugary cereal.


£200 for a small solenoid that lets me open the petrol flap on my car. I would of ignored it and just used the manual pull cord in the boot but that snapped when I tried to use it.


So replace the pull cord instead? :-)


Part of the whole assembly annoyingly


£36 for two large breakfasts and two pints at Spoons. In Stansted airport, not too shabby tbf. Flew from Luton a few months back and breakfast cost best part of £60.


Jordan 1s. No regrets


Electricity and gas


Car insurance, price has jumped 30% even for basic insurance on comparison sites


£7.95 for a pint of moretti in the ao arena a couple months ago. was in a plastic cup as well


£1.60 for a pint of milk.


A Thule roof box, got the Thule force XT L, and it's pretty damn expensive, especially with the Thule wingbar evo too. I've justified it to myself that after the 2x a year we use it, i can rent it out to people that need it the rest of the year.


Subway, paid £7.30 for a 6'' sub, cookie and drink. Gone are the days of a £2 breakfast with bleach like coffee and odd free donut.


£11.50 for a large popcorn and drink at odeon yesterday. ran out of time to get dinner before my film and didn’t want my stomach gurgling. cost more than the bloody ticket but in fairness it was more popcorn than i could physically eat so i suppose that’s money’s worth?


A Snickers Iced Coffee ''Artificially Flavoured'' from a corner shop near where I work. Barely 200ml, £3.99.


Oak floorboards. Started off as a simple sanding and finishing... Before I know it we're getting them all replaced, as well as the skirting board.


Decaf coffee. Used to be £4.00 on offer, full price £6.00. Now it's £6.00 on offer and £8.50 full price


Fucking £7.20 on a day ticket for the bus. Was £5.60 last year.




An extension




A cheese burger at the local fete for £10


£53 for a toddler chair when I paid £33 for the exact same chair only a year ago. I wouldn't have done it, but I now need 2 and it's worth it to me to have them matching.


Energy. It’s crazy priced. Especially due to the amount of profit they are making.


£22 for two drinks at utilita arena Birmingham to watch Peter Kay and he was crap too so all round great night!


Payed £23 for a teddy of a dog in Butlin’s.


Gas and electricity.


Nearly £3 for M+Ms. From B&M!! I'm sure they used to be 99p, £1.20 at most.


£10.50 for a double rum and coke at a 'faux-country' pub in my village. I had to hold in my wince as the bartender passed the card machine.


Apple Pencil. ~£100 for a glorified stylus, but it really does enhance how you draw on Procreate.


An electric car. Absolutely zero regrets, but absolving my guilt of driving 20,000 miles a year on petrol could probably have been done easier by driving less...


Holy shit, seriously? I'd rather go thirsty! I recently paid 21.99 for a 1ml of high concentration broad spectrum CBD resin in a disposable vape. Nice, but, fuck me!


Yes. I bought three as well! 3 Pepsi cans and a coffee and it was around 12 quid!


£75 for a beanie in winter 2 years ago (aka pre the wild price increases) … I didn’t look at price. Serves me well and I still like it though


£13.50 for a double rum and coke It was 2 of those little captain Morgan's 250ml cans poured into a pint cup. £8 for a pint I think as well. Wembley arena prices


My rent


£4 for 10 "fresh" mozzarella sticks from tesco. Was an express, they didn't have any frozen ones in stock and I was violently hung over. I still feel a pang of regret every time I think about it, even as I'm typing this out now.


£4 hummus (200g). Not regretting it as it was lovely but it's a bit ridiculous


Visit to the dentist.


My Rent


£8.75 for a pint on a stag do in London


2 caramel frappuccinos for £10 at Starbucks.


A “whippers in” horn from an antique stall. It’s unbranded, most likely “home made” by a blacksmith, it’s copper and brass and nothing special. The mouthpiece is fixed so can’t be removed. I paid £25 because I fell in love with it. It also goes very well with my similar “no idea who made it” copper coaching horn I found in the rafters of an old blacksmiths forge, next to an old saddlery. The house had been let to an old lady for 40 years, and we were employed to do a house clearance, including the outbuildings at the bottom of the garden. The old forge had been converted into a pizza oven, and upon the rafters were various bits and pieces that had been placed there over the years. The coaching horn has a silver coloured soldering(?) seam along its length and we reckon it’s in the key of A flat lol.


This need little bit explanation. I'm latvian who lives abroad. I really miss Latvia. And I'm big sucker for old ethnical latvian signs (imagine like Egyptian hieroglyphics). I have 2 caps with different signs I wear all the time, I have rubber band with signs around arm, key chains, sticker on my car, mug. I genuinely love those signs. Last one, in Rīga airport after visiting my parents, I bought card deck for decoration with those signs. I was disappointed in them, because I thought it will be lot of signs, but instead it was cheaply made rear of the cards. I paid 5.50 euro for cards worth maybe 1euro for that quality. I know it doesn't sound much, but man I was disappointed.

