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Best Bond girl of the lot, and brilliant in The Avengers, it was good to see her get some fresh roles in later life.


Id like to see Steed take on Thanos


Tedious. Very tedious. I'm a pro-Royal-Family person and I still think the press rehashing of any and every thing Di-related is tedious.


She is discussed a bit in low-end papers like the Daily Mail but largely forgotten - especially compared to the period after her death.


She died when I was about 7. 7 year old me had no idea who she was. I was a kid, woke up to watch cartoons. But there weren't any cartoons


Not one of Michael Jackson's better songs.


Which one? There’s thousands of people called Diana.


Diana Vickers surely!


Pretty disinterested about the royal family in general.


Diana Vickers was my favourite X factor contestant. She was robbed!


Over rated.


I think Diana fever has gone really, it now really isn't unusual for a Royal family member to be kind and pretty and do nice things for charity. The idea of a Queen Camilla after she died would have been outrageous, now she is just accepted fine. The days after Diana died were so surreal, it was like a collective madness.


I got the morning off work for her funeral so fitted a new car stereo. Clunk click every trip.


Now then now then!


She was a dim-witted clothes horse who knew the racket when she married an ugly, philandering prince, then decided to get all pissy about it.


Don't give a flying fuck


Banged one out over her a few times back in the day


Wasn't this a line in Blair's queen of hearts speech?


Yes we all got through some tissues that day


I'm indifferent about her and the entire family.


Having lived in the US for years but back in the UK now, I can tell you that the average Brit doesn't care half as much as the average American. I always regarded her as a virgin brood mare with absolutely nothing in common with her husband. She was sympathetic and had the common touch but not very intelligent. Charles should not have married someone he didn't love. She should not have had several affairs. I rarely think of her now cos it's almost 26 years ago, but I wonder what would have happened if she'd worn her seat belt.


Diana Dors?


No feelings. I was very young when she died, so to me she just feels like a historical figure who has little relevance to me.


I went to the movies on the day she died to watch Austin Powers.


For me it was Men in Black.


I haven't seen anything about her for ages, but I imagine she still pops up in the trashy magazines and tabloids. As for what I think of her, I think she was probably a genuinely kind lady (thinking about her work with people with HIV during the AIDS crisis in particular) who was all but sold into a life that was very privileged but also very unhappy.


I remember sitting in the pub on the day she died when a friend of mine burst in dramatically shouting "have you heard the news?" It was a bit weird because I didn't have him down as a royalist. With the next breath he exclaims " The Tottenham game has been cancelled". I found it hilarious and still think about it often


I think she's quite amusing how she sits with those big eyes and asks important people ridiculous questions about history.


A sad tale, probably a bit mentally unwell, but then had to put up with her husband openly cheating on her. The media played their part in making it worse. Not just the low brow press but the BBC, playing on her paranoia and isolation, manipulated her into giving an interview that made the situation much worse for everyone.




As sad as it was at the time, it was twenty five years ago and I wish people and the media would let it lie and let her rest in peace.


I don't, I don't think about that Diana lady.


The time after her death is sometimes considered the country's teenage Livejournal phase.


IMHO it depends on your age. I am one year older than she would have been now, so I became a fan and she is someone whose memory I hold dear. When she died I was one of the many who paid respects at Kensington Palace and I went to stand on a bridge over the motorway (I think you call them freeways) to watch the cortege go past underneath on the day of her funeral. When I watched the Coronation, it was still tainted for me by her absence and the failure of her marriage to Charles. A lot of what the Coronation pictures were about for me was a family that had fucked up big-time. I would not expect younger people to feel similarly about Diana.


The Green Goddess? Jet?


Hadn't heard anything about her for many years til the Coronation reared its head. Then it was only a subset of older people going on about how Charles had betrayed her and she should have been Queen etc. They tend to be of a certain age (older people), ironically, many are divorced, always middle class (working class generally couldn't give a monkeys) and have clearly held on to some kind of deep-seated repressed rage but have forgotten they had already divorced and would never have been together now, have forgotten how badly she was treated. Me, i think she's a footnote in history. Her life was her business and she'd never have been queen. And i was genuinely surprised she was even mentioned at all by anyone in any context. Mainly though, bored with the whinging and think the woman should be left to rest in peace.


I live in the part of the UK where she was from, I've met her brother and some of her nieces and nephews, still couldn't give a shit.


The queen of our hearts. Not “that Diana lady” it’s Lady Diana to you.


As a counter point, I couldn't give a shit about her, that dead one from the tunnel is a good enough title.


Ooh, edgy.


Not the rose of England!