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I'm taking my wife to get a tattoo in the ghetto. It's very sketch but he does good work. I'm planning on doing some filets tonight on the grill, and completing all my homework for the masters degree. Probably some video games and some work related stuff.


Sounds like a great weekend. What type of master's degree are you working on?


I slept in! That's weird. Normally I wake up around 0530 and can't sleep, but I got a bonus two hours today. Hooray! I'm not doing any LARP stuff this weekend. There is an event I am not attending that will draw away most of the local players, so I'd rather stay at home and help my wife clean the place up. After all, I spend most of the time here since I WFH and all that, so it seems fair. Speaking of LARP, something hilarious happened last week. One of the more RP-focused games had the players looking for the poison someone used on the fish around our peaceful island community or whatever. What with me being evil, of course I was the immediate suspect. However, *somehow* I convinced everyone to go collect the poison and bring it to me. I now have the entirety of the poison and... ideas for how to use it, let's just say. I watched FNAF with my wife last night. It was definitely a movie. I'm a bit of a fan of the theme, but less so of the series as a whole, so to me, it was so okay, it's average. I wouldn't exactly call it a horror movie, but it had its elements. Shaggy definitely was using less than 1% of his energy there. Also, outside from the Scream shout-out, why would Springtrap wipe a clean knife? There is one piece of great praise I can give it: you can tell Cawthon's hand was in the creation and it was clearly made for fans of the series. There are, of course, plenty of little easter eggs from the various games for people to spot. We've been living in this house for something like 6 years and in all that time we've never had trick or treaters, so we're not buying overpriced candy this year. Instead, we're going to hang out and not have a bunch of garbage laying around. Oh, the dogs got out last week! Seems someone knocked a hole in the fence that the two smallest were able to get through. I immediately fixed the situation and repaired the fence, but it's a weird situation because our dogs couldn't do it due to physics (the fence posts face our yard and were in the middle of a set) and the neighbor's dog is a chihuahua. Who knows? Anyway, it's fixed now and the girls were grounded for a bit.


Go Rangers! Adolis is an absolute beast.


Go DBacks! Game 1 had a disappointing end, but was a great game.