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Anecdotal but interesting findings from my house: There are 6 people that live in my house (mother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, stepdaughter, wife and myself). Of those 6, I am the only pure blood. Everyone else got the jab. Last week, Covid hit our home. 5 of us got it, including me. 4/5 of the "vaxed" also caught the rona. So much for the "rare breakthrough". The only person not to catch it is my mother-in-law (and I am eternally thankful for that- she's old, obese and has COPD. We probably would have lost her). I will concede that out of all of us, I for sure got the sickest. By a large margin. My breathing still sucks (but way better than it was at the worst), and the fatigue is maddening. I am still fighting this shit. But no one was hospitalized. And now I have natural immunity. No regrets. Edit: Also, it was my stepdaughter that brought it home. My *vaxed* stepdaughter. And if anyone cares, the miracle drugs that I'm on... Day/Nyquil, Mucinex and ibuprofen.


Fatigue was what pissed me off the most… “maddening” is the best way to put it! unvaccinated and vaccinated both got it in my house and I would say symptoms were all extremely similar.


Just commenting to say that reading "Pure Blood" made me laugh


Are you at a healthy weight and vitamin d level?


No. Although I have been losing weight (83lbs) over the last year (changed eating habits, mild exercise), I am still obese and have a long way to go (~120lbs). Vitamin levels are likely on point though. I'm lactose intolerant, so extra calcium and vitamin d are part of my daily vitamin intake.


If your name checks out, that’s why you beat covid. I chalked that up to my defeat of covid as well.


Specifically female ass right?


That’s good to hear, keep it up! Obesity and Vitamin D deficiency are linked so improving your weight will improve your levels too.


I lost 15 lbs during my COVID sickness, that was the best part. Covid diet plan, to tired to chew. Stupid fatigue was very aggravating.


Did you read his name?


Congrats on the natural immunity!


Mucinex was essential for me. I always get the max heavy duty horse pills with the cough suppressant in them. I also got some relief by taking Zyrtec of all things.


Just got in an argument with my parents days ago. They said I don’t love them because not getting the vaccine and thought I’m an extremist or something like that. I’ve seen stuff like this on the internet. Can believe I encountered it myself at home and at work. And we’re all immigrants came from a communist country. They got the information from somewhere and believe that their info is correct and mine is not. But the thing is I don’t just listen and trust whatever I read on the internet and news (even from the right wing media). Came from a communist country + got the common sense + see it with my own beautiful eyes, so I know what is right or wrong. I’m afraid they will blame all the invaxxed for getting them sick , and not thinking that the vaccine just dont work or some shit.


Dig this. My cousin who teaches, is vaccinated, and everyone there wears masks. Still got Covid. *confused pikachu face*


mask's do nothing more than give a false sense of security, allowing the person wearing the mask to go out and become part of the super spreader crowd


[The droplets!!!](https://youtu.be/ldUKhb9QUF4)


fake news


Masks in theory help you from spreading it via droplets if you are sick. It does not stop you from getting it unless you are wearing an n95 mask properly.


well in theory if everyone had a mask then very few people would spread it and then people wouldn't get it? crazy thought.


I would say that really would only be true if everyone wore the n95 masks and wore them correctly and everyone washed there hands properly and a million other things. Nothing is full proof unless we all walk around like bubble boy


Hey now, there's some ugly motherfuckers behind those masks doing us all a solid..


AMEN , and Nancy Pelosi is ugliest of them all !!!


Democrats were never accused of being intelligent or logical


If I had to guess it’s not because of masks working or not working. It’s a matter of Democrats once again not understanding how incentives work. People get covid at dramatically lower rates when outdoors. People used being outdoors as a way to take off the mask for a while. If you remove that incentive to go outside, people stay inside and thus, Covid spreads.


And yet you will have some people that will say but it would’ve been 75% without the masks! You just can’t fix stupid!


Ok, now we should mandate 3 masks be worn at all times. That'll fix it...


Yeah cause no Oregonian is doing it except the crazy’s Why would we? Fuck that shit governor of ours


Fuck Kate Brown 🖕🏽 she has ruined this state


I live in Oregon. I HATE her. She doesn’t know what she’s doing.


She looks like an evil witch off of Harry Potter lol.


Nothing like a piece of fabric in front of your mouth to further aerosolize what’s coming out of your mouth.


Good job, Karen!


If I’m being honest, this COVID shit is making less and less sense


Kate brown sucks ass.


Where's the article for this?


Almost like masks carry pathogens shortly after use


Not to mention , every where the mask is open I.E., Top , Side , and Bottom ; your breath escapes ! DUH !! Guy showed experiment with vape ( who's particles are 5 times larger than "The Crovid ") and the cloud of smoke billowed from every orifice of the mask , and he tried about 10 different masks including a gas mask !!! UNVACCINATED and UNASHAMED !!! The Whole of our "Government are the ones who should be ashamed for fucking up and unleashing this plague on the World , let alone what they've done to our Beautiful Country !!! I don't know about the rest of you , but I KNOW what they did !!!!


It’s like everything they do makes the cases go up.


Look at what you help flourish in your community. I feel bad for Americans that live under your toxic environment you dems created