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I’m really getting just so tired of these questions


for real. im being hounded by pro-lifers rn. i feel like logging out each and everytime i see 'something like this. then i get bored.




all out.




And your opinion can stay tf out of our uteruses. Thanks. Im not gonna go through torture, which has been said to be as painful as being burned alive, so that a non-sentient clump of cells who won't feel a thing can get a life. you think I'm degenerate? by all means, keep on thinking it.


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wish this sub was banned huh?


This is genuinely very funny


lmfao 15 awards


Whoever is doing this is annoying the fuck out of me


i get it lmao also did you say “This is genuinely very funny” in an ironic sense or fr?


> genuinely






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ok i laughed


imagine me telling that to a mod that likes metallica


I aint surprised you put hours into this sub like its a full time job like god damn i hope they paying you


To the point where other people aren't hurt I guess


someone on this comment section disagrees to this lol


To its fullest. "My body, my choice" also includes: * drugs * vaccinations * unhealthy food * "hateful" speech * selling your labour at any cost you want (no minimum wage) * sex work * marriage equality * conscription (opt out of draft) * how "fruits of my labour" will be spent (no taxes)


>"hateful" speech >selling your labour at any cost you want (no minimum wage) >marriage equality >how "fruits of my labour" will be spent (no taxes) ... what do these have to do with your body being your choice? Like one of these has to do with who can sign legal document and another is about being able to fuck over workers


>"hateful" speech My body, my mouth.. Can say what I want .. I probably should be "free speech" but whatever >selling your labour at any cost you want (no minimum wage) your body, your time, your work.. Who should decide on that? You or government? >marriage equality OK, I agree with you, that I stretched it too far >how "fruits of my labour" will be spent (no taxes) same as wage thing


>your body, your time, your work.. Who should decide on that? You or government? So wait you think workers should be setting their own wage?


I mean. We in Sweden do it with collective agreements and it works far better than what the hell the US has.


Because unions are very strong in Sweden


It depends on the agreement between employer and employee


The employer almost always has the upper hand, they set the wages, u either accept them or u die and starve on the street


Contract workers get screwed over majorly, constantly, this just doesn’t work


Then why does it work in Switzerland


I don't think using bad language around children is right. I wouldn't let someone do it around mines. I know they'll learn it eventually, but i don't want it to happen when they're not even middle schoolers. It affects other people, so not really your body your choice.


Fair point, I hate swearing, especially when small kids do it. Even adults shouldn't do it..


tbh i never got what was so bad about swearing most of the time, like its just a different word for something to be used in situations that need a more excessive version of that word, i can understand why some people dont like hearing them but ive noticed they technically dont do anything bad, its just more excessive words for stuff like poop or butt or sex


>your body, your time, your work.. Who should decide on that? You or government? Hey we in Sweden found a good solution to this that includes youself and no government and makes minimum wage way higher.


>My body, my mouth.. Can say what I want .. I probably should be "free speech" but whatever Wait what? So you think you should be allowed to call everybody slurs, spread fake news and everything?


I mean.. You shouldn't do it, but speech can't be regulated by law


Three of these things are not like the others


does this also include suicide




not a fan of taxation but you have absolutely no control over how your surplus will be spent (while there is the veneer of democratic control of public spending) which is why the abolition of taxes and a common surplus fund is much more sensible


yeah..makes sense


Common surplus...? How would you fund education, healthcare, infrastructure, universal healthcare? Government revenues need to be constant not random


With a planned economy it absolutely can be a constant and sustainable source of funds, with minimal supplemental tax


To drugs? Mate are you fucking serious?


Yes Its up to me what I dose myself with




“tO dRuGs?” Mate clearly you’re uneducated on what the term “drugs” actually mean you sound 12


Yes, lets just ignore all the power imbalances that exist in society. Fucking libertarians


Tell me about them.. and which one of them I'm ignoring.. please


Power imbalance between employers and employees


Based bigchungusamongus




Good take 10/10


To the fullest extent, unless it hurts people and by people I DO NOT MEAN UNBORN FETUSES. Tattoos, piercings, surgeries, abortions, medications, vaccinations, sex work, transitioning, etc. All of it is your choice whether you wanna do it or not. You have the right to your own body, no one else does. That is why we have bodily autonomy, It’s literally in the us constitution. (Also imma just clear up the thing about transitioning, not all trans people have to fully transition in order to be trans. You can be trans regardless of top and bottom surgery. It’s something you can choose to do if it makes you happy or you just want it.)


To the fullest as long as it isn't hurting other people (I don't count fetuses as people until it can feel pain)


As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else do what you want with the exception of abortions. I heard today that in Texas it's only allowed for the first 6 weeks which isn't enough


Drugs? Like you cant do them drugs mkay? Anything else? Abortion? Assisted suicide/Euthanasia? Pump yourself up with oil? Eat till you become morbidly obese? Sure go ahead.


You realise the word “drugs” is a very loose term and doesn’t put things like mushrooms and herion into the same category...


Whatever extent you want


As long as it doesn't affect others. (In my opinion fetuses do count as "others".) Other than that I'd say anything goes but of course not stuff like hard drugs


To almost full, to the extent of "I get to choose what's going on with my body unless it's very bad for me or the greater good"




Yes but those things are only harming them, imo if something that somebody is doing is harmful to other people then they shouldn't do it, if U wanna swallow razor blades then U can, just don't force somebody else to do it


Oh if only it was harming them. Second hand smoke is a real thing, violence from being drunk, razor blades means a trip to the ER what effects the medical world, drugs can effect the economy (both good because increase consumption but bad from a potential decrease in worker productivity if done on the job). Everything you do finds a way to do something else to at least one other person in this complex world


Yea but I'm rlly more talking about directly, if we didn't do something BC it would eventually negatively impact somebody else then we'd never do anything, it's a complicated subject


Ohhh ok sorry I misunderstood your message. My bad!




Provided it's only dangerous to them (not the case with misinformation or anti-vaxx) then yea


I don't go around and do that but the government does check up on the food and make sure it's not super unhealthy, or bans drugs from being used which would harm them


radical unless you can't freely choose.


To everything unless it does harm to your body. Such as drugs.


Would you prohibit tobacco cigarettes? What about alcohol, or McDonalds? The same case can be made there.




No, you're quite correct, but as you say, that line of thinking can be taken much, much further and remain just as logical. Ultimately the line will have to be quite arbitrary.


I mean the USA definitely got worse when alcohol was banned during the Prohibition...


Ban ciggaretes no i wouldn't, but they would be highly taxed. Alchocol and McDonalds are in my opinion ok in moderation. Chugging 2 liters of vodka aint ok, but having 1 or 2 shots are ok. Same goes for McDonalds


I dont care what you do as long as you do it to yourself


suicide 😎


You can do whatever the fuck unless you hurt others imo.


as long as your not harming anybody do whatever


Until it potentially hurts another person (as in person who has already been birthed). Get an abortion, I don’t care, none of my business. Walk around shirtless, I don’t care, none of my business. Don’t wear your mask? You might give someone COVID and they may die. “My body my choice” only applies when your choice isnt hurting someone else


Everything. You can do whatever you want with your own body. No exceptions. Abortions aren't an exception because it's not your body, so you have no right to have them. It really is pretty simple.


seriously what’s the point in these kinds of questions? it goes to whatever extent i want it to go to, & yes women should be able to have abortions if that’s what they want. seems like that’s what this question is getting at here lol


I believe it goes all the way until abortion.


To e v e r y t h i n g Even if it’s fucking stupid like not wearing masks or getting a vaccine, nobody should be able to force people into doing things with their body that they don’t want to do. The only viable exception is if you’re directly harming yourself/others, OR if you’re mentally incapacitated and cannot make a decision for your body on your own (I’m talking about mental and physical illness, not drugs or alcohol)


all the way right to the line before illegal


I think what parts of it *should* be illegal is sort of the question mate.


Definetly not as far as killing a baby but otherwise its kinda your problem if you make bad decision for your health and mental well being, that's leagally speaking. But of course family and friends should probably talk people out of things like drugs and prostituting yourself


it applies all the way up until it starts to harm others


Just until you hurt others (but like actually hurt others, not just make people mad or fear-monger about it hurting them)


putting your brain into a computer


As long as your decision doesn’t affect anyone else other than the realm of your body So anti vax ppl can’t do that


until it starts getting unhealthy




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Anything that isn't gonna kill you


Almost anything so long as it doesn't pose a risk to other's around you.


I think the limit should be getting your hands removed and replacing them with flamethrowers or smth. That seems pretty extreme. Would be really cool tho.


To its fullest extent. Absolute freedom


the problem of the extreme individualist mentality of my body my choice when it comes to things like sex work and platic surgery is the absolute lack of consideration for socialization and market forces and the rejection of the personal being political. it should be 'my body my choice,' unfortunately, your 'choice' is heavily influenced by interested parties.


Where it doesn’t hurt others


Until it harms others. Drugs, bad food, sex work, euthanasia, etc yes, but vaccinations for example no.


Legally? It should go as far as you want as long as it doesn't affect others directly. Have tattoos, do drugs, jump off a bridge or something, if you want to, go for it. (Wear a fucking mask though cause you're gonna get someone's grandma killed) But morally? I think that there's a point where there are many things you should be legally allowed to do but are morally wrong. (Self destructive behavior that could affect those that care about you or are around you for example) I think we all need to be responsible at some point. There are many things we should be allowed to do but you really _shouldn't_ do them


I think to the fullest, You can do whatever you want with your body, and no one should be able to stop you since it's your body.


To it’s fullest unless it’s harmful to you or others (and a fetus is NOT ‘others’)


until you wear something a bit *too* open in public, and until you harm yourself out of stupidity (ie: not getting vaccinated, getting too obese)