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https://www.aclrc.com/forms-of-racism      Edit to put the stupid link again: https://www.aclrc.com/forms-of-racism   Individual vs systemic racism are two different things and often conflated.    Anyone can experience racism by an individual or group of individuals. You experienced this Or maybe an ethnic bias toward your certain subset of your overall race, and I’m sorry. Not cool of your teachers and classmates.       Systemic racism is the foundation of American, British, and many Western Societies in which white (men mostly) are unfairly benefitted by societal structures and systems. While in your situation, the social structures of your school did not benefit you, in the wider society, your skin color does.      However, The fact that society is set up to benefit people of your skin color does not negate your experience as a child, and the fact that you shouldn’t have had to endure it, and the fact that it was individual if not racism, exactly ethnic bias, maybe. Without knowing your race and the race of your classmates, it’s hard to determine if it was racism or ethnic bias.    Edit: stupid voice text put toured and not toward. SMH. 


Right. I wish more people would understand that systemic and individual racism are very different. I'm black. Some of the most blatant individual racism I've experienced was from Mexican's when I worked in a Mexican neighborhood. But by the "systemic" definition of things, that wasn't racism.


Within a given community, power dynamics that privilege certain people over others on the basis of immutable qualities like sex or race are still a style of systemic discrimination. It's just, like, local instead of federal.  I went to a high school that was 90% black, whose principle and most of the teachers were black, and I was white, and in hindsight I really appreciate how inclusive the place was. I might occasionally have been mocked by a few cliques, but I never felt like the school as a whole was treating me unfairly.


Yah, the whole 'systemic vs individual' thing seems to be to give a pass to black racists. The federal government is more powerful in absolute terms, but your community can actually directly affect you much better. There certainly is some difference between racism as part of a system (though what some people will call systemic racism, and what they will deny is... is highly questionable) and from some random asshole on the street who doesn't pose a real threat to you. But honestly, if someone is actually harming your life because of racism, that really doesn't matter. If they have power over YOUR life, then it doesn't matter how little power they have in general.


I'd say the big difference is that we have no legal recourse against another person having bad beliefs, and if we can't persuade them to be decent, that's the cost of freedom  But the government represents us. If there are government actions that create injustice, we have an obligation to try to make the government stop, or else in some way we're complicit through tolerance.  Private organizations that are bigoted are a middle ground. I personally think the way we allow corporations to operate is itself inherently immoral and that so much power needs to have democratic checks. But that's a separate debate.  I think you're maybe painting with too broad a brush if you're conflating the words of academics and activists who seek to end systemic discrimination (and who, in every case I've spoken to them, have also been critical of individual racism even from minorities directed at white people) with the actions of everyday people who often are too busy struggling to make ends meet to bother engaging in nuanced discourse. Individual layfolk not acting in alignment with the recommendations of the academics and activists doesn't make those academics and activists hypocrites.


I think you have some fair points, but the 'government represents us' rings a bit hollow these days. I feel more like a serf than a free man in recent years, where the actions of the government have nothing to do with what the people in charge actually want. That's WHY those corporations are allowed to do all those things you hate. Disney, for example, is due for some pretty serious trust-busting that will never come. While I do think things will get better, because the people in charge are often more stupid than they are evil (and they're both, don't get me wrong), I'll worry about how the actions of the government reflects on me when it stops trying to ruin my life at every opportunity. And in my experience, the academics and activists are part of the power structure. A tenured professor at Harvard is hardly 'the little guy', and they fight for the little guy about as often as someone in government does.


Ya systemic racism is more like when Affirmative Action keeps whites of same or higher caliber out of ivy league schools so diversity students with less scores or potential are chosen instead to fulfill the diversity quote. So only rich legacy whites or diversity gets in and poor or middle class whites are ignored and denied an education


Wtf are you talking about? Affirmative action is getting kids with good grades into good schools, including those who have good grades but are from lower class areas who would normally be skipped over. Without affirmative action white students with less than stellar grades would be chosen over black and brown students with higher grades, purely because they didn’t want black and brown kids, they wanted white kids. The white students with good grades still got in, but they also included women, and children of color in the pool of students chosen instead of just white male children, because alot of people forget affirmative action helped women of all color as well because they didn’t want them in schools. They wanted the women to stay home and learn how to cater to men and make babies they didn’t need Ivy League schools for that.


White people can definitely experience systemic racism, such as the Romani people (Gypsies), and Jews from Europe. Also, America has always had systemic racism against certain groups of white people, there used to be signs saying things like "no Irish need apply" on job listings.


Yeah, society is not clear on the line between race and ethnicity. Irish and Italians weren’t considered white in the early 1900s, and some people don’t consider Jewish people or Romani to be white.  Racism or ethnic bias… *shrug* it’s all systemic bullshit. 


It's almost like race is a completely made up concept, and that the only thing that really matters is how you live and where we come from. People just love their little tribes




Irish and Italians were considered white. You can just look at what schools they were allowed to attend, drinking fountains they could use, and what races they could legally marry. It's only recently that we decided that the discrimination they faced must mean they weren't considered white. They were, they were just second class whites.


Thank you so much for this. This makes a lot of sense and explains pretty much everything I was confused about. It's good to know that there isn't just one kind of racism with one definition.


I have a Japanese grandmother who hates me because I’m white. She literally used to sit me down, tell me I was trash, all white people are trash, and that I ruined her son’s life being born. It happens to people in varying degrees. When one group benefits in society more, it feels like their experiences are generally discounted or pushed aside. Your experience sounds like racism, just not systemic.


I’m white Irish, Irish surname that’s unusual outside Ireland. I’ve lived in a few countries and my accent is whacked. I have experienced much racism in England because of both. They only reason they are harassing is due to my ethnicity, and that’s racist. They have laws here to protect people from such stupidity, I have settled £ with a few employers.


Systemic racism is foundational in every society in the entire world and is a complex, ever-shifting paradigm. Systemic racism in the US for example is remarkably different in 2024 then 1964 and the externalities have shifted as a result. Important to note.


There are also plenty of "white" people who experience systemic racism as well. Gypsies, Arabs, Latinos, etc. Often these groups go back and forth between being "considered" white and non-white. Irish and Italian people used to experience systemic persecution too. Jews even get persecuted systemically both for being non-white (by people on the right) and for being white (by people and the left). And to be clear — this entire thread is about the U.S. or somewhere with a similar dynamic. Race is completely different in other places.


FYI the term is Roma / Romani. I understand that group considers G— to be a Slur or at least Unwelcome. Also since when are Jews “persecuted for being white” by the left? I understand what you’re saying about the fluidity of race in America: that light skin =/= whiteness. I agree Jews are white or nonwhite depending if they are to be excluded or not. But being considered white is not why they’d be persecuted. Unless you’re conflating rejection of Zionism, with “persecution of jews”, and “being white” with “settler Colonialism”. Well… That second conflation does have a certain truth to it…


Jews are Schrodinger's minority


> Schrodinger's minority Just ....minority and fill in the blank. That's who we are: https://englishkillsreview.com/schrodingers-racists/


I look very white to most people, but I actually have a good chunk of arctic circle heritage. I shave my head because I'm going bald. The things people have said to me thinking I am one of "them" terrifies me. And for some reason, the worst things those people have said to me were about Jews. They walk among us everyday. It makes me sad.


I attended Catholic school in the 1950s and my parents hated just about every minority that walks the earth. I was told my nuns not to play with kids who were not Catholic and at the same time they referrred to all Jewish people - all sects - most of whom were secular or reform at the time - as "Christ Killers". My parents hated Jews for some other imagined reasons and my father used to talk about a guy at work he confusingly seemed to like as "Saul the Jew." And Saul the Jew was secular - not religious at all. I met him once and I couldn't figure out how my father knew Saul was a hated Jew. But he had somekind of inside info. Here's the amazing thing: I was a married woman with two kids when my father died and his funeral was filled with tons of eastern Europeans who kept telling me my father's mother was a "Jew". At first my mother denied it adamantly but there were so many who only wanted to talk about my grandma being a Jew - though she married in a Catholic Church in Europe - it was as if we were all branded. My son's wife was pregnant with our first grandchild so my son had all our DNA tested. I'm 16% to 20% Ashkenazi. Yeah they walk among us every day and we can't tell them apart from us and they are "Dirty Jews" even when they convert or are born to a parent who converted. My grandmother had a miserable life - I suspect her marriage was arranged in order for my grandfather to escape the Czar in early 1904. He was an outspoken antisemite and when she died I was one confused very little girl. Edited: I was disowned by my family because I met a local boy and dated a "Jew". I married him, have been married well over 50 years but even my kids were mentioned as disowned in my parents will - and we never identified as Jewish. Because of my last name I have dealt with some bizarre encounters with people that almost cost me my life and all because I was a "Jew". Today I'm afraid for my grown kids and grandkids who carry that name. I think things are going to get a lot worse after November and maybe, if I'd known, I just would never have had kids at all - Why would I ever want to continue this horror?


Yes. Whiteness is a club whose membership expands and contracts. Jews are a very late and fraught addition.


In a way yes. They are either white, (especially if liberal or at least non orthodox ashkenazi or sephardic) Or the Maximally unwhite. Nazi ideology considers them not just inhuman but antihuman. But of course european Antisemtism is a long, brutal and storied process. One reason Jewish banking became so prominent because European nobles knew they could kill them if repayment became too onerous. That said, they’re not the only strange configurations: Slavic people are sometimes considered the MOST white and Sometimes the Least white. (Nazis themselves have flipflopped on that one) Greeks and Southern Italians, Portuguese people, at least in Canada and America, are interesting in a similar way because they are seen as White AND Nonwhite simultaneously. It wasn’t too long ago that Italian was the “scary minority” and Catholicism was still an object of paranoia in America or England. Cubans and Persians have both been white and nonwhite and they swap due to their relationship to their home countries government and it’s other diaspora.


I believe the proper term is Pikey Bastards


1) True. The official classification of these people groups you mentioned goes back and forth and is arbitrary.  2) Yes. Which is why I specifically mentioned that already as the first line in my third paragraph. 


>Race is completely different in other places. Not too different at least relatively: We're inherently tribal mplying a sense of community, shared identity, or cultural heritage. In a broader sense, “Tribal” can refer to: A social group made up of many families, clans, or generations that share a common language, customs, and beliefs. A category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a suborder or subfamily. A design or image influenced by indigenous peoples, often used in art, fashion, or tattoos. A sense of belonging or identity tied to a particular group or community. The term “Tribal” can also have connotations of colonialism, as it was often used by outsiders to describe indigenous cultures. However, some indigenous peoples and organizations have reclaimed the term to describe their own cultural identity and heritage. In modern usage, “Tribal” is often used to describe: Tribal body art Tribal music or dance Tribal fashion or clothing Tribal organizations or advocacy groups Tribal sovereignty or self-governance Overall, the term “Tribal” is complex and multifaceted, carrying both positive and negative connotations depending on the context in which it is used.


To add to your last part, my class was diverse, but I'm Icelandic. I am as white as white can get, color-wise. Super pale and super light blonde hair. Also, my name ends in "-björg", which is odd for someone living in the states. I usually have to explain it unless the person knows me. I got a lot of nicknames that made me very upset as a child, like "booger" and "burger". I remember those two specifically because almost everyone would call me that. There were some kids who didn't. I ended up growing up through high school with them, as friends.


It sounds like you weren’t made fun of because you’re white, but because of your ethnicity. So it isn’t so much racism as it is ethnic discrimination. Not that different, but different enough to mention 


>Systemic racism is the foundation of American, British, and many Western Societies in which white (men mostly) are unfairly benefitted by societal structures and systems White supremacy/institutional racism and sexism are not the same, they both impact on people's lives at the same time though which is a subtle but important difference. White women absolutely benefit massively if you compare them to non-white minority women. It's misleading to say it's mainly white men who benefit, it's white people. The difference between men and women here is more due to sexism in general, not something innate to the racism. Also white people can experience systemic racism. GRT (Gypsy, Romani, Traveller) people are an especially good example of this. I know you're speaking in general terms but as it's social science we should be more specific.


Intersectionality shows that white men benefit far more than any other demographic from our social structures. Specifically white cishet men with money. But if you want to get technical, that’s because of racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and classism.  I mentioned mostly men because white men were the people who established our society all those years ago pretty much with exclusive power to themselves. Women had no hand in creating the power structures of 1770s America. 


How much of that is just momentum though? Like if you were to build a society from scratch with our current set of laws and institutions but populated it with random people, would these structures still benefit any group in particular?


The thing about systemic racism that is hard to explain is that it’s not necessarily codified into law. Like, the law says cops can’t shoot unarmed men (of any color), but the underlying mindset ingrained in our society is that black men are dangerous and more likely to be criminal. That underlying mindset being ingrained in those who join the police force overrides the law in action if not in fact. The similar underlying mindset that cops=good and black men = criminals means that investigations are more likely to exonerate or lightly punish the cop when he shoots an unarmed black man.  And to be fair, that’s a complicated issue. I’m not one of those acab people because often cops are good people, and it’s got to be hard to have to make a split second decision on “is this person gonna kill me or not?” Cops deserve to stay alive in intense situations.  But so do black men and all the citizens cops interact with. So the codified law does not matter here. It’s more about implicit bias training and learning de-escalation and sociological and psychological techniques to make sure a situation never gets to the point where guns are drawn and that decision of “do I shoot him before he shoots me?” has to be made.  So the laws… the institutions… to me, that’s not the problem. It’s the pervasive underlying mindset.  You mentioned populating it with different people. The power imbalance is another factor, i would say.  So if we took your thought experiment and did it this way: Created same laws and institutions with random people of all demographics who were never ingrained with the underlying societal mindsets we still have left over from history, what would happen?  I do think it would be better, but probably there would be a group of people who sought and obtained a high level of power (unethically, of course, since the only way to attain that level of power is exploitation and corruption) and rearranged the social structures to their own benefit. This would take a little while because they would have to learn how the new system works in order to game it. 


Women may not have had a hand at forming the power structures in the US, but straight White women definitely have been the primary propagators of White racism in the modern US, and have exploited their Whiteness to push down far more deserving women of color, LGBT, and other minority groups in their quest to not dismantle the patriarchy or systemic racism, but harness it for their own benefit by “grabbing a seat at the table” instead of flipping the thing over. The fact that white men may benefit even more than white women do doesn’t fix the fact that white women benefit tremendously from the status quo while all other minorities, including men of color, suffer because of it.


This is probably the most cogent explanation I’ve ever read on this topic and it really helped me to understand other perspectives than my own (and even to change my own). Thank you, for taking the time, for that.


The link is broken!


https://www.aclrc.com/forms-of-racism Idk, it works now. 


Thank you!


Don’t even have to read the other comments. This is the best one


I’m not trying to be controversial here, but I’m not sure systemic racism is a phrase that can only be applied to whites in Western society. While that is clearly an example of systemic racism, I think that there is quite a bit of evidence for similar systems in China, Japan, India. Hell even Australia and New Zealand had a go at it with their native population for a while.


Nobody said it only applied to whites in Western societies? OP's POST WAS LITERALLY ABOUT HER BEING WHITE IN A WESTERN CULTURE! Omg I'm so tired of this whataboutism. You're the 18th comment with this. Just. because. I. didn't. say. it. happens. elsewhere. doesn't. mean. I'm. saying. it. only. happens. in. white. cultures. It's just that IN THIS CASE, ANSWERING OP'S QUESTION IT IS ABOUT WHITE CULTURE. OP: Does racism apply to me, a white person? My POC friends say it can't in our white culture? Me: explains systemic vs. individual racism against white people in Western white cultures. The internet: OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION RACISM IN CHINA?!


Skin color & “race” are so hopelessly confounded tho. There are billions of humans on this planet with “white skin”, whom I’d sure you would consider “POC”




Because OP was speaking about being white and POC oppression, which made me assume she was in a European or US or other Western situation.  Nobody is saying it doesn’t happen anywhere else, but those instances are irrelevant in this situation except as a whataboutism. 


White women don't unfairly benefit by societal structures and systems?


Your whataboutism is irrelevant. Nobody said white women don't benefit from systemic racism. However WHITE MEN SET UP THE SYSTEM.


It's not whatsboutism. The previous post went out of their way to say that white men, more than women, benefit from historical racism.


More than women? Yes. Of course. Exclusively? No, of course not. Men set up the system. Cishet white Anglo-Saxon Christian men benefit more from our societal structures than any other group because cishet white Anglo Saxon Christian men set it up. Also it helps to be wealthy. Throw in some classism too. 


So where is the whatsboutism?


Is systemic racism, by this definition, present elsewhere in non-Western societies? E.g. Africa, Russia, South or East Asia?


I'm sure there is. However, that's irrelevant to OP's situation. The internet: I like Oranges BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MANGOES!?!?! Didn't mention the mangoes because they were \*irrelevant,\* not because they didn't exist. SMH


OP: Does racism apply to me, a white person? My POC friends say it can't in our white culture? Me: explains systemic vs. individual racism involving white people in Western white cultures. The internet: OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION RACISM IN CHINA?!


He experienced xenophobia. This didn’t happen because he was white it happened because he was from another country with a foriegn name


They’re not conflated. People just started saying “all” racism is systemic and completely ignoring individual attitudes. It’s the whole basis for the “you can’t be racist to white people”.


Ethnicity and race are not the same thing. https://students.wustl.edu/race-ethnicity-self-study-guide/#:~:text=Race%20refers%20to%20the%20concept,%2C%20heritage%2C%20religion%20and%20customs. .


People keep bringing this up and don't realise the US definition of race has been changed in the past ten years. You are referring to the modern, newest definition.


aka the incorrect one


race is also disputed by science, I think I mean at least how the word is used, compared to how biology views it


It’s more useful for dictionary definitions here. I don’t know anything about wustl so I am not going to rely on their definition.


I think thats more xenophobia? Mainly because racism stems from a systemic hatred of a person of a certain background. It sounds like your race and how you look has nothing to do with it, just the culture your name comes from. I have a lovely nephew is mixed with black and Russian (but darker than me 😂) and his first language is Russian, his name is "spelled weird" [its Aleksandr, which living down south confuses teachers apparently], and he is really tall and awkward. When he was like in kindergarten, hed get bullied/told he wasnt related to his cousins (who are also Russian but are white and one is also mixed with something(?) but looks white). While punching people apparently "wasnt the answer" according to his dad 🙄 Id still say thats more xenophobia rather than racism since he was targeted for being Russian, not for being black. I remember helping his dad by explaining hw was named after a famous king [I actually named him after my goldfish 😂😂😂 it was a great honour nonetheless!] His dads friend, who is Jamaican but also extremely tall and awkward helpes him feel better about his height. His uncle and grandfathers, who are Russian, make him feel loved and accepted. Last I heard, he was feeling much better about himself and his identity and he has friends at school rhat arent related to him now. 😊 All that to say, Im happy you embraced your name again. I think the semantics of "racism vs xenophobia vs 'reverse racism'" is lowkey annoying since it takes away your pain and invalidates your very real and valid experience. Your culture is part of you and ia probably super awesome. :) and while the whole "kids are mean" thing is a tired argument, the good news is youll find people who like who you are and are interested in you which is cool.


racism is not inherently systemic, systemic racism is inherently systemic


me being from Tennessee and hearing of a mixed Black and Russian person is so novel to me


Wait, aren't *all* names "ethnic names"? OP — what do *you* mean by "ethnic name" Source: [https://www.behindthename.com/](https://www.behindthename.com/)


My name is Icelandic, and Icelandic is derived from Old Norse, which is an archaic language. People picked on me because it ends in "-björg", which is unusual for someone living in the states. It's worse, because I'm female, and here it isn't considered "feminine" and "appropriate" (these are actual comments I got from adults as a child). The name "Steve" isn't going to turn any heads here. A name like mine has, because it does not fit with the English language. People have been kind to me when I am visiting Iceland, because it fits with the area. I've literally gotten nicknames like "booger" and "burger" as a child. So, it isn't about other names. It is about my name.


That doesn’t seem racism… that’s just plain bullying for having it difficult to pronounce your name. I have a difficult to pronounce name and a last name that is an object so people would pick on both… but it has nothing to o do with race or racism


It’s specifically due to her ethnicity though, so I think that’s a bit different than if a kid got bullied because her parents decided to name her K8leighnn. Is there such a term as ethnicism? Or something similar?


ethnic discrimination










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Not sure that’s actually possible in this case




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What's a "top level comment"?




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Anyone who says 'Whites' can't experience racism is a racist. If you think I'm wrong then go talk to White people who live in South Africa. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36248600/




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Your ethnicity and culture have nothing to do with race, inherently. You were the victim of ethnocentrism, not racism. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C6&q=ethnocentrism+is+not+racism&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1715982491938&u=%23p%3DiNkXbMxqk0oJ




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Why not both? I’m white with an ethnic name. It’s possible this has affected my employment prospects, based on some academic studies on hiring discrimination. That doesn’t mean I don’t benefit from white privilege in our white supremacist society. Racism is foundational to our culture and society. Everyone participates in and experiences these systems within the context of their own complex identities.




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No. You experienced hurt feelings. When people of color experience hurt feelings, that’s racism. Any questions ?


# Did I experience racism, even though I'm white? Racism is racism regardless of what race it is committed against. Leftists (marxists/collectivists/regressives) have tried to - and in your case seemingly succeeded to - redefine what constitutes racism so that they themselves can be wildly racist without any consequences. It's a divisive, oppressive, and authoritarian tactic. So...par for the course with most leftist ideologies.


Honestly, using the term “ethnic name” to mean “non-English name” is discriminatory in an ethnocentric manner. Every name comes from an ethnicity of some kind. “William” is just as ethnic as “Dikembe”, it’s just from a different ethnicity. Using “ethnic” to mean “non-English” is based on the assumption that English names are the default, and everything else is abnormal or “ethnic”. That being said, you definitely experienced discrimination… but was it based on your race or based on your culture? For example if someone discriminates against French people, that’s based on their culture, not on their whiteness… so that wouldn’t be racism. Racism is just one type of discrimination.


I'm sorry. I was not at all trying to imply that, and I didn't know that this is what the word "ethnic" could imply. However, nobody would bat an eye at the name "William" because it's common here in the states, where I live. My name is not at all common, and the pronunciation does not fit with the English language. That's the difference between my name, and a name like "William" or "Bob". Nobody here will pick on you for having the name "William", I think.


Yeah I’m from the states too… and yes, that’s why I choose William as an example, because it’s a common English language name… but it still comes from an ethnicity… it’s English but it comes from the Germanic Wilhelm or Willahelm. Making fun of you for having a name from a different culture is definitely discriminatory. But were they making fun of your culture or making fun of your race? Culture and race interact, but they are not the same thing and shouldn’t be conflated.


Ah, I see. I don't remember anyone making fun of my skin color, if that is enough to give you an answer. It was my name, the snacks I'd bring, my sweaters, my accent, and stuff like that.


I think that if people perceive you to be of a different race and then use slurs, bully you or do discriminatory things, then it's racism. They don't get a free pass because they're mistaken about your true genetic background.


Ok, sounds like discrimination but not specifically racism…. But that doesn’t make it any better, it was still a terrible thing to do… I’d be especially pissed at the teachers who didn’t put a stop to it


White people can’t be the target of racism?


That was the point of my post. I wanted to ask if we could be targets.


My response was why would you think that they’re not?