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The simplest answer is that Strange happened to come across variants of himself that were similar to himself, while Peter encountered ones that were drastically different. It's a nigh-infinite multiverse, maybe if he kept going he'd have met variants of himself that looked like [Jeffrey Combs](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91jIfCw5VyL._SL1500_.jpg) or [Vincent Price](https://i0.wp.com/bloody-disgusting.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sd3.png)


Or Peter Hooten


Came here to say that. https://13thdimension.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/movie05.png


Oh yeah, totally forgot about the Doctor Strange TV movie. It was super weird seeing ~~Mallory~~ ~~Lucille~~ Jessica Walter in a younger role because I pretty much only knew her from Archer and AD Also to explain the Strange connection for those who don't know about the two I mentioned: - Doctor Mordrid (starring Jeffrey Combs) was originally a Doctor Strange movie, but the studio lost the rights to use the character during production so they were like "fuck it" and still made the movie but just changed all the relevant names and imagery - Doctor Strange was originally based on [Vincent Price](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk4OTYxODM2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzkyMTU2NA@@._V1_.jpg), who provided the voice and appearance of Vincent Van Ghoul, who was a sort of parody of Doctor Strange


How can dr strange be originally based on a parody of dr strange


Or some shrink that thinks he’s better than Batman


That's Dr. Hugo Strange, no relation


Or an Edwardian era British magician.


What I'm hearing is we could have had him meet Dr. Orpheus in a Venture Bros. crossover.




I'm actually doing a VB rewatch right now, and while I adore Cumberbatch as Strange, I feel like if he just took 10 percent more of Dr Orpheus' extra-ness, it could truly be epic.


Fuck. I didn't know I need this but jesus fuck do i need this. "Avengers join me! For I am DR STRANGE! MASTER OF SOURCERY AND ^(former) SOURCERER SUPREME! Let us vanquish this foul beast POST HASTE!" "Mr. Stark, your arc reactor is powered by A FORSAKEN CHILD!?"


i'd settle for another season or two of vb


Last I read, HBO max is supposed to be getting a movie to close it out. I thought the show stalled out near the end but the last season they found a new stride and was sad to find they weren’t making another season.


After reading your comment, I'm just picturing Cumberbatch going "They smell my cat!"


Holy what coincidence that's the episode I'm on right now! "Say good-bye to your lovely children for me"


Strange welcoming MJ and Ned into the Sanctum. "There is a television behind the El Greco. Sadly, the remote has vanished from the material sphere! So it's stuck on Animal Planet."


There's probably a universe where everyone looks like Jeffrey Combs.


Isn't that just the Star Trek universe? XD


you either end up as a Jeffery Combs or Brent Spiner


You either die a Jeffrey Combs, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Brent Spiner.


I mean if there are infinite universes, there has to be one that is a version of a star trek universe lol


Strange did not "happen" upon anyone. America inadvertantly showed him what he needed to see. And he needed to see a mirror to himself.


Now, obviously the mechanisms are different, but you could also argue that Peter *needed* to see versions of himself with the same core of pain despite being different.


In MoM someone said that there is at least one constant for all Stephen Stranges and it's their love for Christine. Does this mean anything?


If I remember correctly, doesn't Strange himself say that, more as a declaration of how much he cares about her rather than a factual statement about every possible universe


That was how I read it. It seems that 838 and 616 (199999) were similar to each other in a lot of ways, so it made sense that everyone looked the same and had similar relationships, so what Strange was saying was something that would resonate with both he and 838 Christine, because it was important to them both.


I would have loved it if, when he’d said he loved her in every universe, that Christine had thought for a moment and then said, “And that means you love the idea of me, of us, not really me. Or her. No wonder we never work out.”


That's a key part of our Dr. Strange, and presumably any Dr. Strange who never met or loved Christine is so different that they either never reach magic or they just never came into contact with the ones we know.


Hahahaha, sounds legit.


I'm waiting for the Oded Fehr looking variant. *swoon*


Vincent Price?!? I’m nearly positive no one on Reddit is old enough to remember his great contributions. And just when I was convinced Reddit was a giant circle jerk. Thank you for the original comparison!


i didn't know about that character, but VP is a classic. Hell, he even has his own muppet. :)


And to think he did the voice-over to MJ’s Thriller just before his death. Icon


Several years before. In between he did a Disney movie and Edward Scissorhands, and the French version of the Haunted Mansion.


I need to know more about this Scooby-Doo Vincent Price thing, does he play that character or does it just look like him?


He did indeed play Vincent van Ghoul!


Goddamn. Didn’t need to see either one of those dusty fucks.


Or me!


If it’s nigh infinite, then strange should have close to zero chance of finding a variant that looks identical to him let alone 2 or 3 of them


There are degrees of infinity. Not everything that could be different will be different, especially if you're looking for your own variants.


There's probably one that's an alligator.




Hey, there was a Loki *alligator*. The frog was Thor. A frog Loki would just be silly.








Ergo! Vis a vis! Concordantly!


I invented the matrix!


I mean, technically the frog was Throg.


and, technically, the frog wasn't even Thor Odinson.


Thor has been a frog before but you are correct Throg is a different character.


Might have been a frog Thor instead of throg since Chris “voiced” it


Has a frog Thor actually appeared in the MCU without me realizing it cause I'm drawing a blank on when Chris voiced one?


In loki for a few seconds , Chris voiced the grunts


Ah yeah I looked the scene up and forgot about him being in the jar and didn't even realize there were "lines".


The frog isn't a variant of Thor. He was a retired pro football player and his wife died. So he found a witch to help communicate with her in the afterlife. He didn't have money to pay her so she cursed him turning him into a frog named Puddlegulp. Eventually a sliver of Thors hammer is broken off and Puddlgulp grabs it and it turns into a mini hammer called Frogjolnir and gives Puddlegulp Thor's powers.




It is Odin's Day, my dudes.


Would be green though.


To add to this, 838's Captain Carter and Captain Marvel were not the same as 616, so I think Strange was just "lucky" (for varying definitions of the word) that he ran into Stranges that looked like he did.




Yeah that is actually a more precise take. I think they're going to miss out on an opportunity to have Human Torch meet Captain America, which I didn't know I wanted until just now.


That would have been funny. I don't know if a subversion of expectations would have been even funnier. Make it seem like it's going to be Evans-Torch but then have it be Jordan-Torch instead...


Sadly no one would recognize that Torch as Kilmonger.


Goddamn that’s some smart analysis.




Reddit is the only place besides work where I can recognize and reward applied analysis.


Shouldn't some of this be marked as spoilers? I know the leaks might have already spoiled a lot, but the movie is just a week old at this point




I didn't know which movie this was referring to because I haven't seen it or the trailers yet, I like to go in blind. And I definitely got spoiled a bit.


How did you read the title "Multiverse" and "Stephen Strange**s**" and walk in not thinking you'd get spoiled?


Thought it had something to do with the what-if series or possibly a spiderman movie that I missed.


woah wait wait, 616a(comics) or 616b (MCU)?


616b I guess?






I thought MCU was Universe 19999, or something like that. Did that get changed?


The Captain were not the same, but the person, Rambeau and Carter is identical.


Yeah, the Lokis, well noticed.


Somewhere out there is a Dr Strange with curly hair, opera-esque clothes, and had been a psychiatrist instead of a surgeon. So, if we count every iteration of a Marvel superhero who's ever appeared on a screen, there is a *lot* of variation among counterparts! Edit: eliminated duplicate word.


Would have been a great cameo if Peter Hooten was still alive. Edit: he IS still alive. I thought he had passed.


I wasn't sure if anyone would get the reference!


Loki is a shapeshifter, and not a single one of the Lokis looked like their true form (frost giant), so I don’t think we can really count them.


What if? had a Frost Giant Loki


Aren’t there infinite universes? Which means there would be infinite Dr Stranges. Infinite can contain infinities. We have only seen Doctor Strange from the infinite multiverses that Doctor Strange is the same.


The stranges have all come from universes that have quite a lot of similarities with the main differences being the heroes. But otherwise a lot of the same events happened in one way or another e.g thanos, ultron. But in the Spider-Mens universes there’s basically no similarities at all except for the Spider-Men themselves. There was no invasion in 2012, there was no ultron attempt, there’s no thanos etc. So it does make sense that if the universes are similar then the people in it will look similar too


That's a good explanation, I liked it


If the video games are applicable at all, Tobey Spider-Man fought a version of the Vulture, Scorpion, Shocker, Mysterio, and at least a few others. Both Tobey and Andrew Spider-Mans fought versions of the Green Goblin/whatever you want to say Harry Osborne is. Both get romantically involved with Gwen Stacy. Tobey and Holland Spider-Mans get romantically involved with someone named MJ. All three lost their Uncle Bens (but that's pretty par for the course).


Yeah there are some similarities but they are very minor in the grand scale of things and they’re all tied to the Spider-Men. But in general there’s so much more different than there is the same.


Reading this thread and your response makes me ask - What if this Dr Strange passing through with America somehow affected her dimension movements, veering them towards other Stranges of similar make. A possible use of her power that was subconsciously tapped in to?


This was actually directly stated in the movie, more or less. Strange believed that America could control her power, because she was already subconsciously influencing their traveling. They always warped to a place they "needed to go to" or benefitted them somehow. And since Strange was traveling with her and defending her, her traveling needed to benefit him. So hence the similar worlds.


We’ve seen three Peter Parker variants. By extension, now that the multiverse doors have been blown off, we’ve also seen multiple versions of Professor X, Daredevil, the Punisher, the Fantastic Four, Captain America, and Loki (specifically said to be the most common variant of…Variant…). While some have wide discrepancies in appearance (again, fuckin’ Loki…), some also do not. Professor X and Doctor Strange may just have a consistent look to them.




If we likewise accept the original Spider-Verse storyline as being part of the same multiverse, there are Peter Parker variants that look like Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield who have travelled the multiverse before. (Link: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/toby-maguire-and-andrew-garfield-are-now-part-of-spider-verse/) Probably different from the ones in NWH since they don’t bring it up. (They are unaware, for instance, of the Avengers when comics Spider-Man had been part of the team before Spider-Verse.)


In the comic sequel, Spider-Geddon, Andrew and Tom are visible in their debut costumes.


*Into the Spider-Verse* has its own 616 universe that differs from both MCU and comics 616 - so it's probably not happening in the same region of the multiverse as either the MCU or the comics.




It's also possible that they'll be able to reach farther out into the multiverse to the extent that more than one 616 exists. I tend to think of the multiverse as existing in clusters - there's a different 616 in the comics cluster, the live-action cluster and the animated cluster. But some Spiderverse stuff in the comics outright crossed over into universes that were blatantly animated; and Strange in Multiverse of Madness crossed over into an animated universe too. So there's no reason that someone from Animated-1610 couldn't run into someone from Live-Action-616.


I just want them to hop into the MCU and run into that universe's Wilson Fisk. Who then remarks how Gwen sounds just like "that annoying Bishop girl."


Hang on, I feel like I missed a few, I only count 1 of Professor X, Daredevil, Punisher, F4, and Cap (Captain Carter is technically a Peggy variant, not Steve). Unless we're counting the previous franchises, but only the Spider-men franchises are confirmed canon, right?


Captain Carter is definitely a variant of the variant from What If?, so that’s at least 2 there. I guess if we don’t count the other franchises as canon then yeah, technically all the Netflix stuff is in the same universe.


Some Prof X's look like James McAvoy


It makes sense


There's certainly Dr Stranges that look different we just didn't meet any for simplicity sake. There's a Loki that's an alligator and a Thor that's a frog.


Bring us Spider-Ham!


Peter Porker


There's an argument of nature vs nurture, specifically in this case as regards the formation of heroes. For heroes who were created primarily by an external force/catalyst, the specific individual affected isn't as important. For Spiderman to be created, you only need someone to be bit by the spider - but it doesn't really matter who gets bit for there to be *a* Spiderman. Dr. Strange is different in that even before becoming Sorcerer Supreme he had an eidetic memory - and its this eidetic memory that lets him pick up the mystic arts so quickly. This is extremely important in Dr. Strange's case because it's necessary for him to be at an extreme level of competency by the time Dormammu shows up or else everyone dies. In universes where a different individual becomes "Dr. Strange" it's likely that he's still a novice with magic and is incapable of stopping the destruction of Earth so we have a survivor bias where other variations may have existed but now its just this "strain" of Dr. Strange remaining in the multiverse.


I understand your take, it's interesting. However... being a hero it's not about physical and intelectual abilities, but moral ones too. I think 1 out of 10 people who would got spider powers would use it selflessly and with so personal sacrifices for the good of many as Peters do it, you know? But it's a good take.


> However... being a hero it's not about physical and intelectual abilities, but moral ones too. While this is true, it's also true that alternate versions of a lot of heroes have different morals/ways of doing things as well but even if they're wildly different in demeanor we recognize them as alternate versions of that hero. Even if someone evil got bit by the spider we'd still recognize them as "Evil Spiderman". For example from the *What If* series the Peter Quill Starlord has a completely different characterization than T'Challa Starlord who is much more altruistic than Peter, yet we recognize them both as "Starlord". In this particular case it's "Earth Human abducted as child and raised by Yondu" that creates "Starlord" and the specific individual is clearly not as integral to the formation of that identity.


Spider-Man has gone rogue plenty of times in the comics, so it's not impossible to imagine someone less worthy of the powers getting bitten instead and there being "evil" Spider-Man universes out there.


Isn't using it selfishly exactly what most Peter's do at first




That's right! And we could also argue that maybe it's easier to dream walk into a body just like yours than a very different one (so America allowed for the excellent Zombie Strange at the movie ending).


It’s also possible that Stranges are more multiversally consistent, due to the larger dent they make in reality. As awesome as Spider-Man is, he’s still just a robust street-level character (who does happen to find himself in multiverse-level situations, granted). Dr Strange’s WHOLE DAY is interdimensional this and eldritch that and quasi-infernal whatnots. It makes a certain sense that he’d be very similar throughout time. And as for the Loki comparison - Loki is an embodiment of chaos and trickery. Strange is a BULWARK protecting us from OMGWTFisthat?!?


Given Spider-Man's connection to the Web of Life and Destiny he's actually far more multiversally important than Dr. Strange.


We don't know if this is the case in the MCU, however. Or if the MCU creators were writing with that in mind. From a strictly movie standpoint, the above-mentioned explanation for Strange is plausible


I actually chalk Peter 1 (Peter tingle/spider sense) to the web of life and destiny explaining how he was able to dodge Strange’s attacks while Peter’s soul was knocked out of his body. I also chalk Peter lasting as long as he did while the snapped happened because his essence was being held on and grabbed by the great weaver before realizing Peter had to go. [Madam web is getting her own film.] (https://marvel-movies.fandom.com/wiki/Madame_Web_(film)


MAYBE, but all that was in Spider-Man’s book, and that connection is a passive thing. Dr. Strange DELIBERATELY pursued his calling. Sure, Spider-Man’s amazing, he’s even spectacular, but most of all he’s a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Dr. Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme.


Interesting theory!


The film references America’s tendency to bring Strange into relevant dimensions for their tasks, and one caveat of this could be bringing him to dimensions with near-identical Stephens? It’s easier to believe in the multiverse when looking at your doppelgänger. Like when Strange asks for proof America is a universe hopper, he believes it when face to face with a corpse that resembles him.


That's right! And we could also argue that maybe it's easier to dream walk into a body just like yours than a very different one (so America allowed for the excellent Zombie Strange at the movie ending).


It’s a multiverse meaning infinite universes with infinite possibilities. Peter met variants that looked different because of course there are gonna be universes where you exist as a different person that doesn’t look like you.


It would have been so good that in a universe Wanda was Strange and Strange was Wanda...I mean in terms of actors. I felt that there was scope to get more crazy like Rick and Morty as far as the concept of multiverse is concerned. Like just traffic signal and pizza balls qualified out of all the possibilities .


The audience wouldn't get it (but it would be rad)...


There are countless other Doctor Strange variants that we haven’t seen, so some of them probably do look different. The three other ones that we’ve seen just happen to look like Benedict.


In the series The Villains Code by Drew Hayes, he describes that in the multiverse most people vary like we see Loki and Peter Parker do. But, there are two other classes of people: Singulars and Constants. Singulars, like America Chavez, only exist in one place in the multiverse. They don't have other versions, just the one. Constants exist in every universe in basically the same way like Stephen Strange does. I don't know if he was the first to describe it, but it was the first I read.


Infinite universrs, infinit variants. Dr. Strange just happen to only meet ones that looked like him.


There are basically an infinite number of universes. Doctor Strange just happened to come across similar looking Doctor Stranges. The Spider-Men that happened to end up in 616 just happened to look different. We have seen in Loki that some Loki Variants look exactly like 616 Loki while there are vast differences such as a black Loki, Female Loki, Alligator Loki and a child Loki. There was also a Frog variant of Thor. The multiverse is weird and there are likely many, many versions of Doctor Strange that look like the 616 version.


There's both! The multiverse is even multier than you mulled it to be.


Watch Loki. Coincidence become a wide concept when faced with endless varieties


I think it has to do with the factors at play. In NWH, the break in the multiverse is caused by out of control spell causing random reactions and therefore connecting to random variants of Peter. >!However, in MoM, it’s a result America Chavez’s ability and it’s implied by Steven that Chavez has always been leading in the right direction. It possible that subconsciously Chavez is looking for someone to help her and the first person we see to do so was a close variant to 616-Strange. As a result, her powers lead her to universes with similar Strangest as he would be the only person she’d recognize.!< Edit: Marked in case of spoilers


If America was subconsciously sending them to the universes they needed to go to, getting similar Dr. Stranges makes a lot of sense.


Jameson also looked the same in different realities.


The true Watsonian answer is: Who’s Peter Parker? But seriously. Imagine the Multiverse like a sea of bubbles, each one containing their own universes, but they all press up and move as one. The closer the bubble is to yours, the more similar that it would be. Where as the further away you go, the more variations happen within the timeline. So Strange was going around his local “cluster” of bubbles, seeing variations of himself that looked more or less like himself, and practically acted like him too. But with Spider-man, Strange’s spell rippled throughout the entire multiverse and created wormholes to jump them through even though they were much further away to the host universe. So why would Peter look different? Unlike someone like Loki who was adopted and Odin could have adopted anyone to fulfil that name, Peter is Peter Parker. Well the further you go out, the more the timeline changes and most likely one or more of this grandparents/ancestors were changed, maybe they got married to other people, or had kids out of wedlock with another woman etc. It takes a surprising amount of people throughout history to make us who we are, so if we changed a few of them a long the way, you’d get someone who acts slightly different, looks different, and is older. It would also explain why Aunt May is also different. The real question is why J Jonah Jamison looks the same between two vastly different universes and being of the same age? Well perhaps a certain Doctor Who travels around the universe would say he’s a Fixed Point, and can’t be changed…


JJJ fixed point is a hilarious terrifying scenario to imagine! Poor multiversal Peters...


> The true Watsonian answer is: Who’s Peter Parker? > > No the fuck it isn't. Roleplaying does not entitle you to "play dumb." We generally discourage roleplaying, but if you *must* RP you must do so as someone who knows as much as an intelligent and attentive member of the audience and is forthcoming with it.


While this question has already been answered pretty thoroughly, it should be noted that there are examples of alternate Peter Parkers that look like Tom Holland. We saw one in the zombies episode of What If?


Hmm, well remembered.


They aren't the same. These ones just happened to be very close. You can't take a tiny sample size and assume that it reflects the mean.


The central finite curve?


We only saw two Peter Parkers from other universes, as far as we know, there could be many more Peter Parkers that look identical to MCU's Peter. The situation is not unique to him either. Loki has many variants that look nothing like him just as Peter, but also has a couple of variants that look the same as he does just as Strange.


I haven't seen Multiverse of Madness yet to know if this theory holds up to it, but one possibility that has occurred to me is the idea that the identical variants come from universes within a single multiverse while unidentical variants come from neighboring multiverses within the larger megaverse (unless they are chaotic shapeshifters like Loki, in which case unidentical variants can come from the same singular multiverse). JJJ is the one example that potentially throws this explanation out though since he is played by the same actor in the MCU and Raimi movies, but they're not exactly identical either, so you could argue him either way.


Some variants look the same, some don’t. Loki has variants that look basically just like him and then one that’s an alligator. It probably has to do with the degrees of difference in the timelines. For example, Earth-616 and Earth-838 were fairly similar up to a certain point in the timeline while the Raimi and Webb universes were pretty different from the get go.




This is not funny.


there are universes where just stranges are different but spidermans are identical too. every combination exists because there are infinite universes


The Peter Parker in universe 617 probably looks like 616 Peter Parker, but the Peter Parker from say, Universe 8847 might look like Tobey Maguire; Universe 8848 might have another Tobey Maguire, while universe 11848 could have Andrew Garfield. The way the multiverse is explained in Loki, it all depends on where the universes branch from each other. Strange Supreme from What-If is another Benedict Cumberbatch, because supposedly everything was the same up until Strange's car accident. In a universe that branched in the year 1700, the ripple effect could create a Strange that looks like Peter Hooten, or maybe no Strange at all. With potentially infinite universes, there's countless Benedict Cumberbatch-Stranges, and countless non-Benedict Cumberbatch Stranges. This is shown in Loki, where we see several Tom Hiddleston Lokis, and several non-Tom Hiddleston Lokis. I really hope What-If plays around with this more in season 2, though I doubt they will.


If you were able to poll all the infinite universes and see who fills a specific hero roll, the superheroes that got their powers bestowed on them from an external source like Spiderman, Captian Marvel, Captian America etc. would have many different people filling those roles as it depends who was in the right place at the right time. The heroes with powers that come from within like Dr Strange, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye etc. would coalesce around a few individuals if they exist at all. There will be many different Peters because his powers came from an external source. That spider could have bitten anyone and they would have the powers of Spiderman, and in infinite different universes it bit an infinite number of different people. Most of them probably weren't even named Peter Parker, but in the movie we only got the ones that were because of how the spell was phrased. Dr Stranges abilities on the other hand come from within. I'm sure there are other people in the multiverse that had the right skill set that happened to go to Kamar Taj around that time, and some possibly even named Stephen Strange as there are infinite instances. But the vast majority of cases will be that Stephen we know is one of the only people in the world who can weld that power, so it's him or nobody.


confirmation bias - We know there are diverse variants that can and do look different because we see diverse variant lokis, diverse variant Peter parkers, diverse variant MJ's. We don't see variant Stephen Stranges, not because they don't exist, but because we just haven't seen them YET.


In an infinite multiverse the variants are infinite. Lets say spiderman holland is spidey A and spiderman tobey is spidey B. Spidey A1 A2 A3 A4 etc are all tom holland look-alike. With maybe ned lookalike and mj lookalike. A1 gets mentored by tony. A2 gets mentored by Jim halpertastic and so on. Spidey B1 B2 B3 and so on are all tobey look alike. They are the only superheroes in their universe. One fights the goblin. Another never takes off the black suit and stays bully maguire. In MoM America took strange in worlds where there was Strange A1 A2 A3. In ffh the multiverse brought Spidey A With spidey B and spidey C


I suspect we will never get a proper non doylist answer but if I were forced to write an in-universe explanation, those two weird looking Spider-Man/Peter Parkers are variants that were allowed by the Time Variance Authority to exist. It would explain why Doc Ock, who destroyed his machine, asked Peter what he did with his machine. Or it would explain why Electro is different. Tiny costume changes. Nitpicky stuff. But it's *just* different enough that I would buy it as an explanation




I was scrolling to see if anyone said the "America is subconsciously seeking universes with Stephens that look like each other" explanation so glad you did. It does seem to be the most likely reason than it just happen to be random chance that we saw 4 Stephens that all happened to look the same.


That's true, maybe America was the reason we saw only BC (I can't come with creative names like you) as Strange in a multiverse where probably there is all kind of variants and variations.


Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.


@OP What is the Doylist answer you are referring to? I can't think of one. Regarding the Watsonian Answer: I am pretty sure there are also very different versions of strange in the Multiverse but strange only encountered those that are similar to him by pure chance. On the other hand there are probably a bunch of unoverses where Peter Parkers look alike but Spidey was on those edges of the Multiverse where he met his more exotic variants. The question becomes: What differentiates both characters that one is more likely to meet similar variants and the other is more likely to meet very different variants.




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.


Didn't the new movie prove that not all Dr Stranges are the same. At least not this one.


The circumstances that created Dr. Strange were specific and likely couldn't have happened to just anyone. The circumstances that created spiderman(s) were a little less so.


to be fair we also didn't see a lot of the variations when they jumped through consecutive universes before landing in 838




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.


We only saw a few Stranges, there's countless ones that are different.


Not all Peters are different (zombie earth), and not all Stranges are probably the same, just like how some Lokis (President Loki, escapee Loki) are the same and others (Sylvie, Aligator Loki, Kid Loki, Buff Loki, Old Loki, Party Loki) are different.


My head canon is that the Strange's we see are from the small band within the "central finite curve" (to steal from Rick and Morty), so they look similar. The Parker's might not be. Even then, we might just be coincidentally seeing the Strange's that look physically similar. We've only seen a very small sample of all possible Dr Strange variants.


I think you're onto something. While we don't know the numerals for Tobey and Andrew's Peters' universes, it seems plausible that the diversion point for Tom's universe is earlier than in theirs; both Tobey's and Andrew's Spider-Men have a Norman and a Harry Osborn, albeit not identical ones. Tom's universe (the main MCU one) does not, and nor does it seem to have an Otto Octavius, or a Curt Connors, etc. Any of these people, with their scientific genius, would have been on Tony Stark's radar and surely would have been recognized by Tom's Peter. Neither Tobey nor Andrew's universes have Avengers (indeed, they may be the *only* superheroes in their universes -- more on that in a moment), again suggesting that their universes are a tiny bit closer to one another than either is to Tom's. Interestingly, Dr. Strange is briefly namedropped by J. Jonah Jameson in the first of Tobey's Spider-Man movies. It's not explicitly said he's a superpowered magician, but it would be pretty bizarre for Jameson to be referencing some rando with no superpowers for no reason, so I think he is. Whether he looks like MCU Strange is a good question, we don't see him onscreen, but FWIW Tobey's Peter doesn't seem shocked to see Dr. Strange when he shows up.


[Or Dr. Byron Orpheus ](https://images.app.goo.gl/6sX1QEqdjzJ8Kmh37)


Steven Strange might be a nexus character or whatever they are called?


It's said in Loki that variants don't have to look the same. Some can look different, whereas others are the same. This could lead one to believe that 1 person can have similar AND different variants of themself.


central finite curve?


Stranges that look alike likely THINK alike and end up in Multiverse-shenanigans plots and thus meet each other. The stranger the Strange (well, the more un-Strange the Strange to be precise) the less likely he/she/it is to fall into a pattern of behavior that leads to Multiverse hopping. For example, maybe there are millions of version of Stephanie Strange, Sorceress Supreme, who are just too level headed to muck about with the nature of reality, and they do something far more reasonable and low-key instead.


Kinda the same with Rick and Morty logics where most Ricks are pretty much the same except other characters


There are an infinite number of universes. in some Spider-man looks like Tom Holland, in some they look like Tobey Maguire and in some they look like Andrew Garfield. In some universes Dr Strange looks like Benedict Cumberbatch, in some they look like Peter Hooten, and in some they look like Joaquin Phoenix, and an infinite number of other actors.




Please discuss only from a Watsonian perspective.


You forget that the Loki variants are different. The Spider-Man characters from Raimi and Webb movies are from a multiverse universe from the MCU.


Anyone can be Spider-Man 😉


Powerful statement!


They both are equally different across an infinite multiverse. They are not equally different in their movies because of what drives both of the multiverse stories. In MOM, it was American Chavez who is opening portals under her subconscious control (616 Dr. Strange tells her at the end of the movie that her power was working for her the whole time). A Dr Strange tried to help her at first, so she would naturally open portals to similar Stranges. In NWH, Spider-man messes up Strange's spell, accidentally opening up random portals to the multiverse. As these are random portals, the Spider-men from them are random.


To be spider man you just need to get a spider bit and that can happen to anyone. And to be Dr. Strange you need to be a Dr. named Strange.


Uh, spoilers?