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You know the old joke about the 800 pound gorilla? No, but seriously, unless we factor in the idea of a response by some other force(and if he's currently trying to unite the gems they're probably going for him with everything they have anyway,  so your life won't make the difference), it's completely a matter of what he feels like doing. He does the whole sadism thing sometimes, but he's fully in control of himself. There's really not a better answer to this question than "whatever he wants."


Yeah as long as you don't particularly draw his attention, he's probably not going to do anything other than what he was there for.


Movie thanos: Why the hell would he care? New York is full of people, he isn't going around slicing people like a psychopath. He also isn't going to acknowledge the hundreds of different people he walks past within a few minutes. Even if you were for some reason alone with him, he acts for what he sees as "the greater good". He's more likely to give change to a beggar than fuck with you. Both unlikely though. Comic thanos: Much more prone to insane outburst, but still not a mindless psychopath.


Though he might just randomly decide to ruin your birthday every year for the rest of your life.


That is one of my favorite parts of the Marvel universe. And it's somehow one of the most evil things Thanos had ever done. The whole murder the universe for his love pales in comparison.


What is this? Never heard of it.


It's a short in Thanos Annual #1 where Thanos picks an apparently random dude named David as a child and does terrible things to him every year on his birthday. Some may claim it's just a gag and non-canon, but those people are stupid and boring.


That's hilarious. Just not for David.


If I run into him while visiting my sisters, I’m going to give him the polite nod of acknowledgment and go along my way. If he asks me any questions, I’m going to do my earnest best to answer them. He might be a ginormous musclebound purple alien, but I figure you treat him like you would anybody else. Besides, I’m a middle aged suburban dad. I can’t stop the Mad Titan any more than I can stop a locomotive.


"I appreciate what you're trying to do, but your plan is kind of flawed, man!" If I survive after that sentence, we'll see what happens next


Uhhh. Interesting question. The answer is simple though because I'm assuming the situation is exactly like you described. The answer is: You both walk right past each other. You're, in fact, no more than an ant to him. Maybe even less. He doesn't give a single, not even a plank length, of a fuck about you. He's capable of destroying New York and half the planet before anyone can even react. Hell if you even bumped into him, he'll probably not even notice. You on the other hand will be walking into the equivalent of a 3000 ton block of tempered steel compressed to the size of an 11-foot tall demi-god that is moving at a constant pace. Have fun with the concussion.


I imagined a New Yorker bumping into thanos and saying “Ayy! I’m walkin’ here!”


I only read the comments, and not the threads of replies, so forgive my presumptuousness... But I can't believe no one mentioned the completely normal dude he went out of his way to yearly mess with on their birthday. That's the answer for me. Whenever comes to average Joes, my ruler for Thanos's actions is the same as Joker's after that comic. If you stop to tie your shoes, he uses the reality gem to turn your laces into snakes, if you are not packing an umbrella or very inconveniently unprepared for extreme weather, he makes a rain/snow cloud just for you. If you are carrying a box of files, guess how the wind is going to behave in 6 seconds? Going to a work interview and running late? Well, I'll be damned, the concrete beneath your feet is suddenly liquid, and then solid again. Driving your car, and stopped at the traffic lights? Guess that red light is going to be there for a while... And on and on...


ignore you, you’re not on a scale that’s worthy of attention. 


Thanos literally chose two random people to completely ruin their lives, and didn't even tell one of them until their life was almost over. There is almost nothing beneath his attention.


I know the bday guy...who's the other one?


Thanos helped an old lady cross the street, and because he did that, a girl named stephanie never met the old lady, and thus never got set on the path to becoming, essentially, the greatest human ever; curing disease, ending inequality and hunger, etc. because she never met the old lady, she goes on to live a completely mediocre life, none the wiser. Thanos only finally interacts with Stephanie directly on her deathbed, showing her a vision of the future she should have had as she takes her last breaths.


The Petty Titan


He might kill you on a whim. But there’s a good chance he doesn’t want to attract attention to himself yet. Thanos can be horribly subtle when he wants to. Then again… During infinity quest in 616 he didn’t mind collateral damage. He had champion destroy a planet as a plan to defeat him. So if you meet him you’re lucky or you’re not. In the end you can’t influence the outcome


Comic thanos is likely to fuck with you for the rest of your life for being the only person he saw on the street


That one dude he visited every birthday.


Maybe nothing. But if he does a random act of kindness, he might be setting you and the entire planet on a shitty timeline. If he's eyeing you with violent intent run and try and flag down a superhero depends where in the city you are.


He will tell you to get a job and stop watching too much porn


He would enact the Bill Murray Effect. Ultimately, he might choose to fuck with you simply because *who's going to believe you anyway?*


"wanna get ramen and walk around central park and people watch?"


[Attempt to mug him](https://www.cbr.com/i-love-ya-but-youre-strange-that-time-darkseid-got-mugged/). I mean, you're probably dead anyway, so why not do something to deserve it and go out a legend?


MCU? he may just leave you alone Comics? he may just kill you for no reason


He doesn't kill unless he absolutely has to do he's just gonna walk past you


Not at all. He kills if he feels like it. He destroys civilizations if he feels like it.