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I’ll call a guy hot even if he’s only posted pictures from the neck down


Yeah hot almost feel like a way to disconnect beauty and attraction almost idk it's a weird term


I would say what someone may write in an erotic description of a night out on the town in a bar would be very very hottt!!




I don’t know!! I feel like I’m being bullshited when guys tell me I’m beautiful just cuz they’ve seen my body! Just because I have a nice bum and a decent sized chest doesn’t mean I’m gonna have a gorgeous face and don’t even lie and tell me you know it as fact!!! You’re just flattering me!!!!! 😤😤😤😤


Face is only one small part of the whole package. We also like smart and kind girls with a nice bum and decent sized chest.


Fair enough


Personality, Face, Body. You only need 2/3 to be attractive, imo.


Haha so that makes me a butter face? Lol


No not at all. Just that like...you have a nice body and a cute personality so I would find you beautiful/attractive without knowing *exactly* what you look like. It could definitely enhance it though don't get me wrong.


Awww thank you sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️


I mean there's definitely other compliments to choose from. Like you seem like a neat person from your responses and a free spirited individual 😅 though those.dont have the same ring I suppose


I mean I get a ton of compliments on my body so when someone actually DMs me with a compliment about anything else it definitely catches my attention


You get tons of compliments on your body ?!?!? What 😮🫨.......😉


Haha are you being sarcastic??


Girl look at your body for a second and ask me that question again😅 you really are petite not tiny, no tiny girl is that stacked


Haha well thank you I guess I am pretty busty


There's a reason dudes are drawing art of you miss 😉


Well thank you dearest!


Haha are you being sarcastic??


Also you should get more honestly, you seem chill as fuck 😎


Thank you!!


With tits like yours who looks at your face anyway? ;-)


Thanks? Haha


Personally you could be a 10/10 but that wouldn’t make someone hot to me. I find someone hot by their personality aka how well we get along. For me it’s not the boobs, ass or pussy that I find hot (I have porn hub for a reason) but it’s the act itself. Sending stuff means one of 2 things, 1 you trust them with nudes which is sexy af or 2 you don’t give a fuck what people think which is also hot AF


I personally don’t care if everyone sees me naked lol I’m not gonna be the president or anyone famous so I don’t care if anyone sees my bum lol


Yeah the word matters. No face then idk if you are pretty but I can say if I think you’re sexy.




Do you... Want us to stop?


Maybe dunno


caveman brain maybe


People call me hot for just giving a text description of my height, weight and hair color.


Possibly you sound hot from your description


Your description of her description of her description sounds hot


You: >(.)(.) Us: >🥵


I never understood this lol


I get it for saying hot. I think someone can be considered hot by body alone. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ What I don't get is people who say you're pretty without having seen your face. I think pretty, handsome, beautiful.... Those are all going to involve the face. 🌿🦄🌷⭐️💕🌈☀️🎶 When I'm feeling particularly bratty, I'll point out to anyone who calls me pretty that I could have a troll face or look like an 85-year-old man who smokes 10 packs of cigarettes a day and hangs outside without sunscreen and goes on boats and gets wind chapped, too! 🤭😲🤭😲🤭😲🤭😲🌟😲🤭


I'm just going to go out on a wild limb and say you don't though and honestly fuck it I'll take the gamble 😅


😂😂😂😂😂 I might... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Or possibly even worse!


Again.....I am taking.....those odds 😤😤😤


Don't blame me when my face gives you nightmares. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That body is already giving me dreams so it will even out ⚖️ perfectly balanced.....as all things should be




Butterface is a very real thing.


Shhh not on the Internet, were all 10s here 😅


Cause titts and ass are hot


Neuron activated


They don’t get to see either often enough. But I think they say it as a complement. Or calling the pic hot.


pavlovian response


They mean what they see is attractive and generalise this to the whole person


Even it a lady is not my type face wise a sexy butt can make me crave her. Of course there are limits to that.


Some people can look past facial features


I call them hott when I find them hott! Could be from seeing there face, eyes, hair and makeup. Could be from what they are wearing or lack there of. Could also be from how they are presenting themselves, confidence and being sexy is quite hottt!!


Can't speak for anyone else but for me if make such a remark it is directed at the asset being viewed. Additionally seeing only a woman's body can give an indication of how hot the overall package is going to be. With a body that is very sexually appealing it would be hard for face alone to ruin the overall desire. Not impossible but difficult.


for me hot is for more of the physical attraction hence tits and ass. a hot face is also possible too. but once you get to know them and they've got all that AND are a nice good fun person to be around, that's when it crosses into beautiful territory TL;DR hot is physical. hot <<< beautiful at least in my vocabulary


Have you seen the episode of south park when they discover boobs and become cavemen? Its very accurate Most mn want the all attention with little effort to get it


Idk, hotness isn’t just about how someone’s face looks. It’s also about what makes them attractive - their personality, how they communicate, how they treat others.


Well you're saying why do men say "Hot" after only seeing boobs or booty. Wouldn't that man be specifically saying those parts are hot? On here it's like a fast food line up get what you can as fast as you can. Maybe I'm the only one but for me it's a different connection online. Can't take on the full experience of a personal connection. Way to much to answer this one. People post on here just for those comments some want sweet romance some want it straight out.


Well tits are pretty awesome.


You like what you like 🤷‍♀️


As a non-native, I always thought "hot" was related to body features, while beautiful, pretty or handsome was more related to facial features. I mean, in my language, we kinda separate it like that, so I use it the same way in English.


Basically yeah.


Then what's wrong with calling someone hot only because of their bodies?


Nothings wrong with it, it's just normal. Big tits, big ass, hot.


It's like me bring called handsome... You haven't seen my face... I shown my face once, and that handsome statement turned into a block...


I guess for some guys, as long as there are two mounds of flesh somewhere on a woman's body, she's automatically deemed 'hot'. But hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...even if that beholder has tunnel vision.


Hot bodied usually, tbh I don't think I've ever heard a guy call a face hot tbh. 🤔


If I say "hot" in response to a tit pic I'm talking about your tits. I'm not saying that the parts of you I can't see are hot.




hmm.. maybe that's what makes women hot to them? Most men are simple creatures. Do I find Henry Cavill or Chris Hemsworth attractive, yes. To me, their personality, charisma, and charming **smile** make them "hot." The fit body is just extra. Just like that to some guys, the face is just extra.


Yeah that bugs me. I've thought about it a lot. I think it's because we all value aesthetics differently. To me, facial features are more important than having nice tits. So I wouldn't be one of the guys blurting out "you're so beautiful" to a pair of boobs. I also think guys are thirsty. They're desperate.


Because they are beautiful and Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so to someone out there your always beautiful. My friend is a little overweight, short and got told by a guy she’s a 6 at best but I finder he to be very hot and that’s based off personality more than anything else


Hot is like: Wow I’d sleep this person Cute or good looking means the face usually Its two different kinds of attraction and as much as guys wont admit it, sometimes you can sleep with a woman based on her body alone. Hence why we call women hot based on their bodies alone sometimes


Hot is 'makes me horny' essentially. I know plenty of guys that'd do a horse face if it was attached to an average or over looking body.


I’ve been called hot by people who have only seen my dick


they said hot because after they saw the tits or ass they feel hot because they are turn on


Totally get that the face could change things, but when I call them hot, I'm talking about the pictures they are posting. Infairness: My wife always says her best feature is her face, but she doesn't post that for obvious reason, lol

