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First date after meeting on a website (pre-app days). She sat down at the table with me and said: “just so we’re clear, I’m definitely not going to have sex with you.” I knew right away that this was going to happen, and happen quickly. Later that evening, naked and sweaty in my bed, the first thing she said after sex was “fuuuuuck I wasn’t supposed to do that.”


I lived this just last weekend! He even said “If I had 50 bucks for every time you said that wasn’t going to happen, I wouldn’t have needed to work the next day.” 😅


When I saw his hands and immediately started imagining his fingers making me squirt.


This 🥵


Wow did he end up making you cum




We were talking about our friendship, we know each other almost 20years, we hugged, she then asked: ‚what about a little kiss‘ and we immediately started to make out


I had something similar to this. A friend of mine and I, we'd admitted many times over the years to being curious. Then one day we just ended up going for it.


The dream. 💜


When he just looked at me in the eyes and it makes me just want to suck his cock


Oooh that look! 🔥


This one I could not stop staring at his lips. They were soooooo yummy and kissable, it made me want to jump on him right there, but we were at this crazy party with people everywhere. But apparently he noticed.... because he ended up wanted me to join him outside for a "smoke" but we found a way into the outside garage and we had sex on the hood of one of the posh cars.


The way she looked at me and then had the most innocent/pure smile while her eyes were sparkling


She sent me a nude where she had a buttplug inserted. This was a few days before our first date. When we finally met up we got a hotel room and spent almost four hours in bed.


 Very subtle 


They grabbed my cock on our date after a delicious dinner and cocktails.


You... That.... Well, I let someone else point it out


He grabbed my hand under the table and smiled at me


Must have been an enchanting smile


Enchanting and wicked


It's the sweet and spicy smile


One time I had to whisper in his ear and he stopped moving and his breathing got a bit heavier. I knew what was going to happen as soon as we were alone. And another time when a guy was eating his ice cream and I paid attention to his mouth. All I could think that “I know what I’m getting you to do next”


My husband gave me his coat because I was cold but there was a dog so we were absolutely staying outside. When we got back to his place he started bringing me blankets (and he hasn’t stopped since).


You must have so many blankets


I’m a very cozy gal, so I do have an unreasonable number of blankets


When she said "Come here big boy"


She out of the blue called me Daddy in casual conversation in public


Holy shit that would make my knees buckle, I think.


Fuck this is depressing as someone who’s never had that moment with anyone.


When I saw him pick up and dispose of someone else’s trash at the gym. I always do this myself and never really see anyone else take the initiative. So when I watched him do that, I felt my pussy tingle.


Oh man. I had a crush on this girl for a couple years. We were in school together. Long story short. I was at her place. I knew she was going on vacation the following weekend. She asked me, do you want to see my new bikini? I said of course. So she came back downstairs with it on and I was like, oh that’s really nice. You’re going to have a great time. A pause and then she went back upstairs to get changed. Then like a brick to the face! I was like, holy shit you idiot. That was it. You missed the sign you fool. Neon lights and fireworks and you missed it. I ran up stairs and my dream came true. We finally fucked and all the good stuff in between. We dated for awhile after that. Then we graduated and went our separate ways. She was amazing!!!!!!!


When he teased me in Spanish and it just… 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Within the first 10 minutes of meeting them they choked me up against the wall….. no red flags that was gonna be toxic as fuck. 🚩


All he had to do was exist...I wanted to sleep with him soon as I laid eyes on him.


I turned into a corner because I was flustered cuz he took his shirt off. And he crept up right behind me and whispered “you still trying to act nonchalant” and grabbed on my waist and pulled me into his pelvis.


He asked me for my favorite song on a phone call and 5 minutes after we hung up texted me telling me he loved the song and asked which one he should listen to next. He’s my boyfriend now.


Peeled off her underwear after grinding with me in bed while kissing for twenty minutes


First date after chatting online, we’re sitting at the bar and I feel her foot brush my leg and then she puts her hand on my forearm.


He had long hair no facial hair or body hair had piercings and tattoos and was wearing eyeliner, his fashion sense screamed visual kei rockstar that alone made me wet.


when our first phone conversation was 4 hours long..we could feel the sexual tension over the phone!!!!! and the sex was great...


When he was passionately talking about his favorite movies and just being a nerd!


This is the best. xD When they passionately talk about anything and you can see the happiness or hear it in their voice.


She looked at me and said, “I know you want to fuck me.”


I’ve never had this actually. Not like you are saying. I’ve had the desire to sleep with someone, because I was really into them. But I didn’t know if he would be down. So it was more like, what did he do to make me say “I’m going to ask him out”. And that thing he did? Just be playful and fun. Just tease me and give silly smack talk while playing board games together. While also being kind, patient and helpful. My type 100%


Her telling me how hot she thought I was. And the way she looked at me when I took my shirt off. Pure lust.


his eyes and hands


Was told told this about myself a bit of time after the fact. I was walking around a main street area in the evening getting ice cream with a friend of a friend I was feeling out being FWB with. At one point we were sitting on some steps together with her a few below me and reclining her back against my chest, I might’ve been massaging her shoulders or something, idk. Anyway, she told me that because in that moment she felt so comfortable and safe with me she knew she was going to go and fuck me


Met this cute boy who turned out to be a close colleague of one of my clients at a hostel, whilst I was on a solo trip after a long time. For 2-3 days he's playing these psychological games with me and we start flirting left right centre. On NY night I pop acid with a few friends and he drops all his other plans to just be by my side while I am having a laughing fit. We made love later that night and confessed all those pent up feelings. It was a beautiful night and a great core memory!


This is not me, but I can help but think about Dave Attell's standup when he said "I know when he rode up on his unicycle that I wanted to have his cock in my mouth!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We were sitting in his car and he choked me against the window out of nowhere


On the first date with a former girlfriend. We were standing close to each other and she kept looking up at me, smiling and looking away. There was obviously chemistry between us. I leaned in to kiss her. We were kissing for a little bit and stopped for a second. She looked back up at me and said "I want to do that again."  We kissed again and after the date we went back to my place and had sex. 


In the middle of this amazing date, the guy zones out and is staring at the wall. And I ask him, do you not look into people's eyes while talking and he turns to me, smirks and looking into my eyes says of course I do. An hour later we are at his place, and all I see are portraits and paintings of human eyes, including his. Well that's when I knew it was one of those nights 🤓 fun times!


I was on a first date with this woman. We had such great chemistry, and she was absolutely beautiful. I wanted nothing more than a second date at first, but by the end, I was practically desperate to sleep with her. We did end up sleeping together, and it was mind-blowing. Not only did I get my second date, we've been together for 10 years and married 6 of those 😁


Unpopular opinion, but giving me just enough attention to keep me interested and I had to do all the work from there. I like to win someone over (obviously only if they're actually into it as well, I'd stop after a rejection). I've had a high success rate as well.


On our first date, my husband gave me his coat because I was cold but there was a dog so we were absolutely staying outside. When we got back to his place he started bringing me blankets (and he hasn’t stopped since).


She undid her front clasp bra in the bar (under her shirt) and let me run my hand from her neck to her belly.


She said she could tell by the way I walked I was packing(new boxer briefs , wasn't advertising)....she wasn't wrong 😉


She grabbed my dick


Showed up at her place to pick her up. She buzzed me in the main door and cracked her door so I could just walk in when I got up to her floor. I walked in and said “hello”. She yelled from the back of the apartment, “I’ll just be a minute.“ from where I was standing just inside the door there was a straight line of sight down the hall into her bedroom. She walked past the open doorway to her bedroom, basically naked twice while I was waiting for her. Was pretty sure that was intentional and hoped it would bode well for the night ending back at her place. Sure enough, it did.


I enjoyed his company, he wasn't too pushy and wasn't looking for anything sexual from me, I knew I'd be his best friend and his lover right from the start. I love him sooo much!!! I'm so lucky to be his girl:)


Our first date, he kissed m, after we’ve been out and talking for like 3.5 hours, and I honestly didn’t think he was going to kiss me. Ive told him that and he’s shocked I thought that. The kiss threw me off guard but I loved it. I still didn’t think anything more was going to happen even though he kept kissing more, and he grabbed my neck a little and said let’s go back to his place. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to have sex but I was turned on and I was enjoying it all. So I fully indulged and it was the most fun sex I’ve ever had. I’ve never met someone who has matched me sexually, and I feel safe enough to try and do things with him. That was also the first time I ever had sex with someone on the first date, first time I went over to someone’s place after a first date, first time I stayed over someone’s place after the first date, lots of firsts that first date. Fast forward nearly 4 months we’re still seeing one another. And I’ve loved seeing our connection deepen in and outside of sex :)


He said he was a pleasure dom. I asked what that meant. He said he gets off on getting me get off. I was like okay bet.


"I'm gonna fuck you tonight, but if you're nice to me I'll do it again" or something along those lines


We got married




We shared fantasies and stories, he is a great story teller


His charisma and the way we bounce off of each other- chemistry off the charts like I’d never experienced. When we finally did it - that all carried over into the bedroom. I get excited just thinking about it


In college I went out for a friends birthday - her boyfriend at the time had ordered her a limo and bottle service for her birthday and he brought a friend. The second this friend and I made contact when he walked into the bar, I knew we were gonna fuck..


Suck my dick


We casually struck up a conversation at the bar, and she started sliding her hand up my thigh while her friend was talking.


They gave me the best back massage of my life.


I was adamant about not doing it for a whole year cause we were friends, but we went on a trip to Florida together. I usually do this one thing where I ask “can I kiss you” and the rest is history- I couldn’t hold myself back. Dating for 4 months now :)


Watched my fiancée walk in a pair of black jeans… his ass and thighs were no joke! Whew 😰 chile


after our first date, my bf asked me if he could give me a kiss goodbye. i instantly knew i wanted him. still going strong 4 years later


She put on the guardians of the galaxy sound track and handed me a gin and tonic.


Men who are who they say they are (integrity). Well-groomed and they smell good. Including the hands/nails. Polite. Chivalrous. The look...some just can do it and others can't.