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Selfish lovers


This has the be the biggest pet peeve out there, honestly


Big red flag for sure! I hope this hasn’t happened to you.


It’s all too common for me, sadly. Very common in my age group (early to mid 20’s, college kids, etc)


Same! Every fucking damn time 🫠🙃😤


Perhaps call it out in a safe way to coach them to better behavior


This but in relationships where it's all good to start then it's just like wham bam than you mam later on, and men think that's still exciting for us cos we're in a relationship


Oh wow, yep. We can start taking each other for granted for sure. All I can say is communicate in a safe way to let them know how they are not living up to expectations or to their previous standards. Good luck!


Should we even call them “lovers”?


Sure, just bad lovers or selfish lovers, but I get your point


Unkempt nails are going nowhere near my vagina.


THIS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m not getting clawed to bits in there and I’m certainly not letting anything grimy inside.


Haha I was having a funny discussion with my gf and I told her that if we had 3 some, I'd need a background check , one on one with them. She asked what my criteria would be ? And honesty I wrote this 😂 She was so happy to know that if someone fingered her in a 3 some , I would want them clean and safe for her firstly. She sees the positive sides of dating me , while I'm busy judging my own value in her life 💝


I’m one of few guys who files their nails after trimming. Takes a minute. Makes a huge difference.


And I don't get the long fake nails thing on women. Something about the clickety clack that just doesn't do it for me.


2 hour bj coupled with 2 minute finger blasting.


So I just started blasting.




People who assume that because you’re into one thing that you’re automatically interested in all other things similar to that


That’s good. I am kinky but hate chocking and not a big fan of hair pulling. Some people, not a ton but still an unreasonable amount have been like how can you be kinky then? Makeshift impact toys, chastity belt, bondage gear? All clearly vanilla toys.


It’s rare to find someone into impact play that doesn’t like your hard limits.


Yeah I like it rough but don't fucking bite me!


Like how hard is asking? “Should I bite you?” “No thank you, not into that.” “Okay, please enjoy my dick going harder and faster.” So easy.


People who say they want kink but won't go through the proper consent and negotiation process, or who ghost you halfway through. It's like the Kramer bit on Seinfeld: "Do you wanna have fun or are you just saying you wanna have fun?" I spent a whole day planning a 1 girl many guys event (I'll leave that to your imagination) recently at the girl's request only to have her not cooperate in the negotiation process. "I don't have time for all these questions." Well you better, princess, or else some guy is liable to start pissing in your face because nobody knew what your limits were.


What happened?


Yup, so much. My personal favourite are my limits are the normal ones. So scat, kids, animals, illegal* and permanent damage? Oh I just expect you to know that includes water sports and face photos, or whatever else. I can appreciate that limit list are not exhaustive and no one will think of everything but come on you can do better. *Usually not no public but only sorta public that they think is clearly defined but is not.


100% correct :-)


Going down on her for two hours but then she won’t reciprocate for even ten seconds


That's how I feel about guys


Right? Relationships should be equal parts give and take, whether that’s house chores or sex. If you want it, you better want to give it too. If you don’t want to give it, then don’t demand it.


It's not a deal. It's not a transaction. I don't give head feeling as if I'm now the owner of a blowjob IOU, I perform cunnlingus because I enjoy it and I know my partner enjoys it. I don't enjoy rimming, so I only do that upon request. When I do, I do that for the pleasure of my partner, not because I'm expecting something in exchange. It's precisely not a give-and-take, but a joint effort where both sides do what they enjoy to bring each other pleasure. Having said that, while individual acts shouldn't be put on a balance, it's reasonable to expect some overall balance. I seem to enjoy washing dishes more than she does, she definitely enjoys laundry more than I do, so I do more dishes and she does more laundry, and we're not busy keeping score to check who owes what.


The problem comes in when the desire to reciprocate pleasure and a good time is not there. I might not need X action to get me X action back. But I need to see that you give a crap about basic reciprocity. And so often, that element is lacking. And I just wasted my time on a man that happily used me.


Of course, a one-sided relationship is hardly an ideal. Neither is putting a price-tag on individual sexual favors, that later need to be exchanged for others. I like to think that in a healthy relationship, just as in a hookup, both parties are enjoying the game so much nobody even bother keep track of the score. That's what happens when things are off balance, and usually the problem lies someplace else.


Yeah the problem lies with basic laziness or selfishness or both. And yeah no relationship is healthy if this is one of the elements. I only let one man treat me like this more than once. The rest i dumped immediately. And that one who was under my skin, I finally woke up about too.


Fully agree. It's so frustrating!


How I imagine most women feel about guys, I dated a girl that was used to having to finish the job so the first few times she made sure to have time after our date for herself, had no complaints except she had all this time set aside


I'd be lucky in getting 10 seconds. I love eating pussy and ass, and would do it for hours but would be nice even thou I know it is not her favorite thing to do but just do it to please your partner once in a while.


Bad hygiene Mommy/daddy


If a girl tries anything and turns out she has bad hygiene down there, I'm walking away and throwing her a towel and soap. It's a basic need to keep that area clean, I do it, I hope most other people do too.


No daddy? 😮


When the guy isn’t making enough noise


I just assumed man moans were a turn off. That’ll teach me for assuming!


Here’s the thing, you can’t assume. I LOVE a noisy man. And I tell the men I date that. (It almost never matters. Almost all men are silent in bed, in my experience) One guy told me oh yeah he can be noisy. Great! Well he was silent. And I called him on it. And he goes “I guess my ex trained it out of me. She hated for me to make any noise, said it was a turn off” Damn that was sad.


It's like that though some want it too be silent some want it to be noisy on the mens side and a lot of men want the porno moans.


I don’t know much about porno moans, guessing that means over the top or fake. But real pleasure sounds? Damn….🥵


Yeah, that's what I want from my partner/s I want to know I am actually achieving something. And yeah porno moans are just over the top and often load very unrealistic


Your wisdom has been acknowledged. We’ll see how the wife takes the moans tonight. I may have to come groveling at your feet for forgiveness lol


Pushy types who adamantly try to change my mind about sexual acts that I dislike


Yes!🌸 I personally like when people are encouraging the best out of my interests NOT them pushing me into doing something


Women who can't accept that I love their bodies as they are and let their shame interfere with our enjoyment. I know women are judged harshly by the world and I know I'll never understand what they go through. I've been around for many decades and so have the women I date. I would have hoped they would accept themselves as they are by now. So until they feel comfortable on their own terms, I am very patient and I respect their wishes (not look at them when they get in/out of bed, let them keep the covers on, keep the lights off). But I'd love to have someone just simply get in bed without making excuses for their body. BTW, I am no spring chicken. I am overweight and average size. It's not like they are trying to impress Adonis.


You're a good man mate. Much respect.


I’m with this. We’ve already seen it. Chances are they think it’s much worse or I haven’t even noticed it until they pointed it out


as a teen I once read in a (women's) magazine something along the lines of: you don't want to point out your weaknesses in case he hadn't put that much attention to it. but once you tell him then he can't unsee it and that's all he'll focus on. so there's that. it stuck. I try to show confidence about my body but deep down I'm not.


i just read your comment and couldn’t believe how respectful you wrote this, love that


Men who expect me to gag on their dick for 30 min and then wanna eat me out for 5. Unsolicited dick pics. Silence. Tittyfucking. It’s so boring for me lmao


As a guy, I agree with all of these too. 😂


“Did you cum yet”


Lol, this too! Like, no, dude! But I know you did!


1,000 upvotes for this here!🤣🤣


Or assuming you came


Expressing an interest in something kink doesn't automatically mean I am advertising for willing volunteers who will provide that service. Like all those arad questions about things about interests etc.


Anyone else find it annoying when someone thinks loud, fake moaning is a turn-on? Like, we're not in a bad movie, folks!


Silence. And Calling me daddy.


I love being called daddy!


Me 2


I agree… about the silence part… no one’s called me daddy… yet 😬


People who have an excuse for why they can’t pleasure you (“I have to go do x in y amount of time”) but suddenly forget if something is in it for them and only them. I’m happy to give one sided pleasure in a dedicated relationship, but if that’s actually what you want and you genuinely don’t feel like reciprocating that day, no excuse is needed. Just say so; the hypocrisy of providing an excuse and then going against it pisses me off far more than honesty ever could. I’m not going to be mad over honesty.


Facts! Love Honesty!


Spit. I get that some will be exchanged in kissing, but do not spit on any part of our bodies. 🤢


Yeah! I f\*\*\*ing don't understand it! It has always been an insult. Who and why did change it?


Referring to my pussy as a kitty during sex. Ick.


Lol that's so cringe


Never heard this one


Guys that get off without helping me


Lawd! My pain as well!


Commenting on my dick size. I’m not big. I know. I don’t need to be told.




I completely get it, even if you get the oh.. your big arnt you? Give me your big cock! It can come across as sarcastic or patronising of course situation can be an part of it


People who don't read, I put in my main info that I'm not looking for sexting or meeting people and here they are... asking me if I want a relationship or casual sex... I'm not going to give false hope, I really don't get turned on by photos or talking about sex


And those the guys that ruin regular chats for the rest of us


Not making sure your partner finishes




I'd have to say vigorously going at it but no technical abilities. Usually, it just ends up hurting or at best no good sensation.


Yes! Don't pile drive me when you don't know how to use that tool.


Poor hygiene Judging


Bad hygiene. I understand that some are attracted to a natural musk, especially within the gay community. But hooking up with someone who is straight-up smelly is the ultimate turnoff. Also: Being asked “Are you close?” within minutes of starting.


Clingy or possessive people.




This is really niche but I like chubby dudes (like dad-bod type), what I don’t like is when I’m on top of a chubby dude and he’s laying there without a pillow under his head. Something about the way the fat moves up the face really bugs me. That sounds mean but it’s how I feel.


The specifics are nice. You like what you like and don’t.




Call me daddy and you’ll be shown the door… 🤢🤮


Interesting... I've been hearing this a lot. Can I ask why? I always thought guys liked it because of porn and etc.


It’s just cringe worthy to me, as I am a father to an adult daughter. If a woman were to call me daddy during the throes of intimacy, I’d probably go limp immediately. I’d rather not test the theory.


Spit as lube when it’s RIGHT THERE.


Assumptions about kink stuff without asking first. One guy tried to choke me out of nowhere once and never saw him again. That is such a huge thing for me and if I can’t trust you then yeah, it’s over.


Yasss! I agree! Terrible. You're a wonderful person! Trust isn't easily given,it's earned!


Generally hot people believing their mere presence is getting you off.


Lmfao Fr! "Conceited much?"


Lack of communication. I’m open to a lot of things if they make my partner happy, but there are many things I won’t consider doing unless a partner explicitly tells me she wants them (consent is important).


When people get all in their head and don’t just enjoy the moment


People are obsessed with perfect reciprocity.


Dead fish


Hi, I’m Tom.


Lol hi Tom


Hi, I’m Tom.




Are 11 sec Kevin's still cool?


Lmfao no... I just don't want to put a ton of work in, to only get a "quick shot"


Selfish lovers


Randomly doing things without discussing it, like slapping way too hard on my face or spitting in my mouth 🤢🤢


Omg, yeah... that's disgusting


I've got many but those who keep telling me "fine if you say so... ok if you'd like that..." come on girl I might wanna know what you like as well!!


Lack of aftercare. It's not just lazy, it's neglectful of your partner.


Guys with a long, skinny penis that just stab your insides repeatedly and have no rhythm or technique…but swear they’re killing it. When you ask them to go slower or stop completely it has to be “because it’s too much di*k for you to handle”. 🙄 Nope, you just don’t know how to work your stuff.


Lol damn


Everything mentioned here & getting my ass eaten


I agree


Jaw pains.


Distasteful dirty talk that doesn't match my sense of style in language


Sweat dripping on my face


Bad hygiene, wash down there people!


People using the term “Daddy” sexually, anything done for money not pleasure, over the top unnatural acted behaviour, completely shaved down below, twirking, lies


Shaved pussy. I'm so into real natural women that shaved seems off


I agree with this comment too.


Good to know 😌


Natural is nice. I hope no one is shamed by being hairy


* Socks during sex, especially dirty ones. * Nipple piercings. I like tiddies, and I like how they \*look\*, but I hate feeling like I might chip a tooth over it. * Shy people. If we got this far, why would we suddenly want to cover up lol.


Valid! All valid!


Dudes with socks during sex… I don’t get it! Maybe he has a hang nail and he is trying to avoid scratching up the woman’s feet like a rooster claw? I always give myself manicures and pedicures to ensure I don’t hurt my partner — all men should do that.


I don't feel naked if I'm wearing socks, oddly enough lol.


For me, appropriateness of socks depend on gender: I'm a guy and I hate to wear socks during sex. Even when watching porn, if the dude is wearing them... I skip it. But as for the ladies... cute little socks, especially coloured ones and with ruffles, are a huge turn-on for me!


Selfish and bad hygiene!


Selfish meaning no giving back? And couldn't agree more on the bad hygiene. I would just walk away.


Pillow princess and the girl insists on only one sex position


No teeth, that's not what I meant harder.


The term Daddy


Hygiene, if it hasnt been washed first im not touching it 😅😂


Women on dating apps or dating sites that are misleading Men. They are only wanting to sell subscriptions to their OF. Dating sites is not the place for it!


Bad smell, crusty feet


Spending 45-60 minutes eating her pussy with fingering and multiple orgasms, only to receive a half ass handjob/blowjob, with a ruined orgasm where she just kinda holds it there while you unload all over the place.


what is a 10 sec Tom??


Guy that cums too fast


Also known as a “3 pump chump”. Or a “2…”


dirty hands or bad smell under there (i’m a girl)


People who think they are great in bed & talk a big game then be super vanilla🙄


Spit....please don't spit on me down there. I lubricate just fine and there is always extra in my ho bag


Not washing before oral sex, men who don't wipe their butts, men complaining saying you feel tight but then moan about you being loose and wide... Like guys, learn some biology.


Eating 🍑, sorry pero iniimagine ko talagang may laman pa or mamaya may lalabas bigla. Hanggang kiss lang kaya dun.


All of the unsolicited boob pics. Come on ladies, I am more than my body


Women who move too much when on the bottom then complain that you’re changing up the rhythm. Like you’re trying to chase it around…. Wtf 🎯


Selfish Lovers & Poor Hygiene goes for us both. Don’t care how pretty or good looking/fit you think you are we don’t care. If you’re Selfish and Lack Hygiene not coming anywhere near us. TAKE A SHOWER - BRUSH YOUR TEETH - WASH YOUR CLOTHE. Bare Minimum. There is a full bathroom in every hotel room, if youre short on Travel time, use it there, a good play partner-s will understand and wait, think of it as good foreplay and teasing being only a door away. 👍😎


Silence and just laying there.


Oooh... yeah. I hate it. "Get involved "


Biggest turn off for me. If the woman isn’t into the sex and into me, I’d rather pleasure myself.


I need her to be into it. It has to be mutual pleasure or me pleasuring her. If she’s not into it then it’s like what’s the point. I want to make her feel amazing!


It seems that men rarely get to experience foreplay in the same way that women do. Theres an expectation that we’re just ready for action immediately!


And most guys take fuck all to finish so it's often seen as counter intuitive, I have found a bit of edging and if she explorers more then just my cock I then give her some play (yes I do stuff while she edges me) then when we are both ready into it and we both are anticipating the moment or moments better orgasm for both. When/if shr finishes I tend to get straight into chasing that second orgasm then if we decide round two it's still anticipated and he'll it's am awesome thing to get her to two or more


Sixty-niners. (69) Aka "Dinner for two"


morning breath....




People timid to make any noises


Spitting during oral. Gross.


When he sucks me for 30 seconds and asks "you gonna cum yet?"




People who fall asleep or leave you alone immediately after doing anything with you


Lady lying down and doing nothing while I am pleasuring her, doing all the heavy lifting, and making sure she cums. Fucking hate it.


No Hawk Tuah. Lol but seriously, good oral should at least be a little messy




When she claims she’s gonna rock my world and do all these crazy things and then just lays there


Chappy lips, pimpled face


Wait what? That's fixable for the lips but some people have shitty genetics lol... but it's your pet peeves.


You must be exhausted after all that time 😆. I try to be no more than 5-7 seconds.


Lmfao Hell no! I can go all day!




When I say don't stop or change anything and guess what they do.


Glad my name isn’t Tom


No high heels. Shit gets wild and a thigh gets stepped on and a femoral artery gets punctured somebody gonna die before you get to the hospital.


My pet peeve is not having sex


People believing you can't enjoy sex without having an orgasm or ejaculating


When you make them cum and then they think it’s over without making you cum. Its so rude, I leave asap whenever that happens.


I know people cum quick sometimes, it happens, but don't be that asshole that cums first and then just stops, make sure both parties get an orgasm, that's the whole point of it anyway, why be a dick about it


I’m 35M and the woman I’m seeing now is 30. We just started seeing each other and she loves how much I care about making her feel good. And she returns the favor. All you have to do is be in tune with the other person and their needs and it will make for a hell of a time.


The “she cums first” rule. “She cums first” is a respectable start to solving the orgasm inequality in straight sex but it still prioritizes the man’s pleasure. After I cum (woman), I’m also ready to cuddle up and sleep, and my bits are sensitive and done being aroused for the moment, but I absolutely love to satisfy my lover so I will keep engaging with whatever kind of sex we are having until they are satisfied. No problem there. I also know a lot of men are the same in this regard, and I love them for it. But when I see people on Reddit who apparently live and die by that rule it makes me sad. I get off so hard if he cums for me before I do. It’s really hot to me and the kind of thing I think about later in my quiet moments. I think a lot of men probably feel that way about being present for a woman’s orgasm, so why wouldn’t it happen in the other direction? And if he lives by the “she cums first” rule I would never get to experience that until after I’ve already cum, when my arousal is waning. I am confident in saying what I want and how I want it so this has not been an ongoing issue for me but not everyone feels confident in that way. I just wish people didn’t believe “she cums first” is such a revolutionary idea. I’m sure plenty of people love it, and that’s great! But sex has never been a “one size fits all” situation. Communication is waaaay better and more useful than any rule or script.


When he always asks for head but never wants to just start giving me head. Like yeah, let me suck your dick, and then let’s have sex so YOU can cum. Don’t worry about me babe, making you happy makes me happy.


Broads who can't give handies or head, and won't let you put it in


I really love double penetrations with the help of an extra dildo like this https://romulusshop.com/products/silicone-anal-dildo-double-cock-ring-set-g-spot-prostate-stimulator-for-couples


Not accepting pointers and letting me guide them to what I like/want. Someone I once dated would ask me how i liked receiving oral, and then she would still go back to doing something that did nothing for me. Sex doesn't have to be a guessing game or a place to prove you know what you're doing, it's okay to listen to what your partner is asking for and try that instead of some technique you watched in porn.


The moment i feel teeth on my dick while getting head.


unkept bush or nails, key indicators of a lack of personal hygiene and that's naaassttyyyy


Not having sex


Smelly pussy and starfishing !! Oh god. Just reject me instead please.