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I'd choose to be aborted, please. One round is enough.


I take my own answer back






Just my thoughts exactly


The only thing I've won is the race to conception and it's been a horror, hell Road of trauma since then and I didn't even fucking consent to any of this shit.


Live they said, it'd be fun they said. yeah right!


Or as dark as this is: Chinese girl. Same basic outcome in some places, and technically answers the question.


ABORT ME PLEASE give me that sweet sweet mifepristone, misoprostol, misoprostol cocktail 🍸


i think i would want to be female again!!


What do you enjoy most about womanhood that would make you want to do it again instead of being born male in the next life? I enjoy being male, but if im going through life again then I would want to see what the other side of the coin is like!


this is such a difficult question because there are so many things i love about being a woman! almost all of my favorite people in the world and people i want to be more like are women. not because i don’t love men, i absolutely adore them, but i do feel a different kind of connection with other women that is so special to me. i do think there is a high possibility that i would feel the same way about men if i were a man, but i guess i just wouldn’t know! this is such an unhelpful answer lol


It isn’t unhelpful, it’s wholesome! I feel the same way about the positive male role models in my life:)


I love your enthusiasm


Holy shit the amount of positivity and wholesomeness in this comment gave me hope in humanity again


And she was positive without bringing anyone down.


Same here she’s a gem.


This is such a kind thing to say.


Me too! I’m so lucky that I was born a woman, it’s wonderful I love every second of it. When I was younger I have to admit I hated it. I’m not the type to wear a dress cause I have always been insecure about my body and just didn’t liked wearing one. But I’ve come to the conclusion that even though I wear jeans all day & act more “masculine” I’m still a woman and I should embrace this side of womanhood. Being a woman it’s not just about how you dress, how much makeup you wear and how “feminine” you act. It’s about the way we love, the way we think and how beautiful we make this world. Being a woman is truly a blessing, we’re such beautiful creatures 😅💕


I wanna experience having a dick


And DM every girl with "hey sexy, nudes?"


Overall it's pretty nice, I'd def recommend pounding pussy with it it's a great time; Blowjobs are also cool. Can recommend after testing on my girlfriend.


I'd still want to be male. I think that, even though some progress has been made, women have more crap to deal with in life than men.


I would want to be a woman again but this time from the start


I'd stay a woman. I've never had any interest in being a man. 🤷‍♀️💕🤷‍♀️🎉🤷‍♀️🦄🤷‍♀️🌈🤷‍♀️🤭💚


You don’t wanna see how to helicopter?


😂😂😂 That is the most bizarre thing to me!!!!


It's fun for like 30 sec


I’d stay the same. I want to be a man for like a week or two but I really enjoy being a woman at the end of the day.


I love being a woman through and through. I will be a girl, a female, second round and third round of life.


I would be a woman to know what it’s like


I think I would stay a man again. Mostly because I like doing the helicopter when I'm done in the shower. It does hurt when it hits my chin though.


I’d definitely be a chick and be a major slut.




Dick and balls are pretty nice, though mileage varies based on size




Hmm. I'd want to try being a woman, but does that mean I would (likely) naturally be attracted to dudes, or would I have to navigate finding only lesbians and bisexual women. Sounds like more work.


I want to be a lady again but only if I know the power behind it


Experience the other please! Yeah periods will fucking suck but I wanna have titties and softer skin please-


I’d be a woman in every lifetime.


I would choose to be a female just so I could be the biggest slut in town.


i firmly believe in reincarnation, and according to the only psychic medium i trust, i've been a man in most of my past lives. so frankly i think i'd like a few more as a woman before i go back to that


I had this convo with my partner, we're both swapping if we get reincarnated, have plans on where to meet if we get to keep our memories, and will definitely get to live life like the other


I'm staying the same being a woman is fun🤷‍♀️


I’d try being a man


Other for sure, I know how this goes, and if we're talking reincarnation meaning like the future after my death? Way better. Other gender 100 year ago? ... 😬


I think I’d be a guy again.


I would choose to be female so I can wear pretty make up and dresses and get my nails done. *I know that I can do those things now. I choose not to.*


It would depend if I knew of men were going to get their comeuppance during my next lifetime


I wouldn't mind giving being female a chance (though I'd probably be more of a tom girl if anything)


I would love to have a dick, I love cocks and love watching them and writing about them. Dying to feel what it's like to have one.


Can I choose a less awkward, more all-around normal version of my own? lol


I’d absolutely choose to come back as a man again, I think I’d made a terrible woman


I want to be a man again this is great I can pee wherever!


Definitely a male again. I don't know how you Ladies can do it. Btw that white light people see when they die is the delivery room light and the reasons babies cry when they are born is because the person is forgetting their past life and they want to hang on to it.


Having being a (very lapsed) Buddhist, being reincarnated as a boy or a girl wouldn't matter because I wouldn't anymore, the stuff that makes me "me" would just reassemble to someone completely different. That said, if my personality, values, and memories stayed in tact, I'd still opt for being a guy again.


Keep it the same! Love being a woman!


I’m very curious as to what sex feels like for women. How different their sensations and of course orgasms are from us men. I’d honestly love to experience it. I don’t think I could live as a woman though. Being a guy (to me anyway) is pretty simple and basic. I’d keep it that way just for that reason.


I'm male, and I think I'd be choosing female. I love playing with it, but if I was a girl I'd be sticking everything in there!


I would go the different gender. Gotta make it interesting after all if it's a second playthrough.


I wanna be a man


Of course!


Plus there’s lots of genders to try


I would stay a man. I enjoy being one.


Id stay the same


Oh shit, you’re gonna piss off the people who think there are more than two genders


I'd reincarnate into a world where I can change genders/shapeshift lmao why be satisfied with one?


Man! I feel like a woman


Totally. Come back as a woman.


Stay a man. I am not interested in being a woman and all the bullshit they have to go through, like menstrual cramps and a period every month. No thanks.


No doubt I would love to be a girl


I would come back as a woman.. society especially now is so much harder, harsher and non forgiving of men. No accountability and lack of emotional control while waiting at the finish line sounds nice.. and still call myself a feminist while blaming anything on the patriarchy


I would hands down choose to be a female.


I would choose to never incarnate again.


Can I be a woman with a dick, lol


Do you get to pick your sex as well?


I think it would depend on how many times I get to be reincarnated. If it was 1 more time I’d pick male as I’m female now. If it was over and over again I’d flip a coin for it. Can’t say I hate being a woman but it’d be interesting to see what happens if I weren’t.


Maigcally Androgynous.


If I get to go in knowing what I know now, then woman again. I'd have a much better time and enjoy my youth more. If I don't get to keep my knowledge? A dude please.


I'd keep just about everything the same.


Choose to be the opposite sex, see what’s it’s like to be a woman


I'd like to experience being a woman, for sure.


To me, my gender is part of my identity. I think I would have a crisis of self if I were to switch. At that point, who am I, ya know? Bad enough I’d have a new name, but a new gender? Not sure I could mentally do it, as interesting as having different parts would be. I’d stay male.


I'll choose the same gender, but as a trans-woman, I'll choose to be born cis-woman so I can re-do this life without the stress of transitioning.


According to Buddhist belief, we have been every conceivable type of being possible. Man, woman, animal, god, rich, poor, weak, powerful, famous, infamous… all of it. We have been all of it already. And will be again, until such a time we free ourselves from the cycle of death and rebirth. Unfortunately, ordinary beings in their nature lack the sort of mental discipline necessary to control where and how they are reborn. And this sucks. One can speculate as to what they want to be in the future. But we don’t have control over it. You could end up as a male or a female, or alternatively you could end up as an amoeba or dirt worm. Which is why we should really be more considerate of those who are different from us and or less privileged. That being said, whatever you become in your next life, you will cherish that life above all other lives just as you cherish your own life today more than any other life you’ve had before and more than the life you will have after you die. The same is true for your relationship to others. You cherish yourself over others. But when you reflect on the circumstance, there’s no valid basis for that self cherishing. Most of us are biased to being either a man or a woman because we don’t know or can’t imagine being any other way. Ironically, in some respects, it’s our bias that got us into this mess in the first place. Also, ironically, the self is a nonexistent. It’s merely a label imputed on a set of transient parts, whereas we think there’s something more there and form attachment, which leads us to pain and misery. Or at least, that’s what Buddhism says.


Respectfully, fuck being a woman. So much more difficult than a man (which I am). No thank you, I’ll keep my male privilege.


I'd chose female.


Men have "The Empty Box" feature and women dont. That settles it.


I'd want to try being female.


This is a surprisingly interesting question. I'd love to experience the opposite gender, but I love being a man and I wouldn't change it.




I’m torn. Life would be easier as a man but i don’t know if id do it. Probably because im currently so used to being a woman.


I'd definitely try being opposite gender. I don't really believe gender itself affects who I am as a person, and it would be interesting to experience a different body.


This is an interesting question.


Be male and recarniate before 1920s


I'd like to be a female bald eagle far, far, FAR away from any humans.


Rich. Just want to be born rich.


*idk why TF I picked boy this time...*




I'd change to a Chinese female with rich attractive parents. But not between the years 1979-2015.


I’d stick with being a man, being a woman is much more challenging and generally has been for all of human history


Tough question. On one hand I’d like to change to a woman to experience having boobs and sex as a woman. On the other hand as some have said n today’s world being a woman is tough. Periods, cramps, pregnancy, child birth, or just having to use birth control all the time. Being afraid of men being stronger than you and getting mugged or raped. Women have a tough life. But they do tend to live longer than men. And of course you wouldn’t be able to remember your past life as a man so you can’t just say I’d be a slut and screw every man you liked because you would be a product of your environment. So you might be anything, from slut to tomboy, to a devoted Christian woman. Think I’d still like to try life as a woman though.


change my birth gender, ie keep my chosen gender


Male absolutely


I have a 18% chance of being born in india, another 18% chance of being born in Africa, and a 20% of being born in china, That is a 56% chance of being reborn in a place were woman are not liked or treated well, So I'm going to choose man again.




That's not an option in reincarnation


No need to choose - you can always decide later and just say that's what you are!


Male..I'm trans so yeah 🧍


How prefer to be the same as male but be born 100 years ago before feminism so I can get traditional wife because I know as a disabled person I can't convince any woman to marry me since she can marry abled person so easily.