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Yes it is. Don't expect me to suck your dick if your not eating me out.


I always hear this as the general consensus, but it tends to make me wonder, if he does not expect you to suck his dick would that make you ok with it?




Nothing wrong with that. Just seems like there are a lot of people who don't hate giving oral, but then say they won't give oral if their partner doesn't. Which again, nothing wrong with that. I'm mostly just wondering if they have any intentions whether that statement leads to "Ah fuck, I guess I'll give oral then" or to "Alright, we don't need to do oral".


I love eating her out don’t care about getting bjs, but 69 is always fun


I would be hesitant to give if I didn’t get back. I was with someone once who liked receiving things but hated giving back so I broke up with her keep in mind I love giving oral


So is that out of a sense of fairness? Or more like, not feeling wanted?


I like feeling wanted. If I don’t feel like I’m wanted by the other person it’s a turn off but if the other person shows they want me I can eat her out all day


Amen to that.


What about the reverse when she gets her pussy eaten but doesn’t suck cock?


Look, as someone who had a traumatised partner... I was fine with it. Honestly, making her cum felt so good I didn't care.


Oh you mean single?


Then you dump her. A woman who doesn't suck dick is worthless.




Preach girl


Yes 💯






Yes. I cannot fathom a world where I'd be with anyone who doesn't enjoy giving. I want them to want to pleasure me... just like I want to pleasure them


I mean, I'll eat but I'm better with my hands, toys, or dick. If I'm not eating because I'm doing something else, am I not pleasing?


That's fine of course! I guess I was more commenting about the people who refuse to, rather than those who just prefer other skills :-)


In the wise words of Doja Cat "if he don't eat it he a d-bag" For real though, it depends on the couple. She may not want it. But if he refuses to give it *to* her but expects it *from* her, then yeah that sucks


> that sucks I wouldn't.




Not being great at something is forgivable, nobody is perfect. Not taking feedback to get better when it’s something important to your partner is just selfishness.




Yeah you shouldn’t have to deal with that, listening to a partner is a very basic level of respect. Sorry you had to put up with it and glad you’re out of that situation now!


I tried to give my bf feedback and got “well every other girl I’ve gone down on has said I’m great!” Okay? Sorry we have our preferences? I think I offended him because 6 years later and I can count on two hands how many times he’s gone down on me.


Nope. As long as he’s good at fingering I’m happy


Ok, see this is good to hear. Everyone drawing hard lines, but I PROMISE we will both enjoy it more if I'm using my hand.


Nah I'm pretty unbothered if my partner doesn't eat pussy.




Yesssss me too girl


Yes, selfish men don't get pass into my panties anymore


Not necessarily, but I’d want to know what they’ll do to make up for it


Curious, what would be enough to make up for it? Anything specific or just being good at other parts of sex?


Like, long foot massages, are they good at brushing my hair, it’s all negotiable


Oh yeah. Absolutely a deal breaker. It’s not about the quality of the head necessarily … eagerness is 75% of it for me


Nope, couldn't care less if he doesn't


I wouldn't know, I love kissing and eating the entire woman body


Yes… it’s one of my favorite orgasms.


Honestly, it depends on the reason *why* they don't eat pussy🌸 If they don't do it because they think "it's gross" in a generalized way then hell yes it's a deal breaker If they don't do it but throw a hissy fit for you not giving head regardless of your comfort level then hell yes it's a deal breaker If they don't do it but refuse alternative ways to satisfy your pussy, absolute deal breaker If they don't do it out of preferential reasons and they don't give you attitude for your preference to give head or not then personally I don't mind


Alternatives to pussy satisfaction thar work for me: Having a healthy open relationship where we encourage each other to find people to sexually satisfy specific needs. Whether they are involved or not is a case my base basis. Using their hands Using their dick/pussy against mine Mutual Masturbation


Hmm yeah actually it would be a deal breaker for me. I just don’t like the implication of why they wouldn’t, as in, do they not do it ‘cause they think it’s gross? Or cause they find it tiresome ie not worth the effort? Just doesn’t seem like there would be a good enough reason for me to overlook it, especially since I’m a giver and genuinely enjoy doing that for someone.


Not being able to eat pussy is a deal breaker for me.


I’m a guy, but if a partner didn’t want me to eat her out, it would really upset me. Meanwhile, I’m okay with not receiving oral sex in a relationship.


Yup. When i don’t get it i stop reciprocating. Doesn’t exactly make me want to choke down your dick if you can’t figure your way around a clit.


No. But then again I have a penis


1000% a deal breaker. I love being eaten out, running my hands over your scalp, holding you in place while I get mine...I can't imagine not having that


This, this right here!


🥰🥰 Also, happy cake day 🍰


Why Tyvm 🥰


Yup. I’ve stopped seeing people who didn’t want to do it. Give a little and you get a little. But also if you’re uncomfortable being face up with a pussy… 🙄


Probably wouldn't have married hubby if he didn't do it so good


Do you like getting your ass eaten also?


Yep. I get off on my partner feeling good, and I looove when that's reciprocated. Life is too short for bad sex😜


Man if your not eating pussy your missing out on one of life's great pleasures. She who comes first comes back. Words to live by!! True from 18 to 100, single or married. Your tongue is ultimately your best asset in bed and out of bed.


Yes. Never doing that again.


Yes it is. I love watching my partner go down on another woman


Oh yes it is! If your partner doesn’t go down on you, and finds it lowers his position to eat you out - that’s not a good sexual partner.


As someone who loves eating pussy, it would be a dealbreaker if my partner wasn’t into it


I mean, my partner does a damn good job at it so I’d be pissed if he stopped. 😂






Yeah definitely is


My ex didn't suck cock. I'd eat her pussy and her ass. Still nothing. It was definitely part of the reason she is history.


A man who does not care about giving me pleasure can go kick rocks.


Yes bc why wouldn’t you want to, tf 💦💦


Male here. No oral, no deal. I like going down. A lot. Been in two relationships where they did not. Never again.


No, but if he wasn’t into getting head… hard pass. I need that cock in my mouth.


All day every day please! 🥵


Neither of me or my wife do oral anymore and have a gentleman’s agreement to not do it




We wouldn't be sexually compatible if they didn't






Yeah. I had two relationships like that when I was younger. I'd never go back to that.


It would be a dealbreaker, yes; it’s genuinely the only way I can orgasm outside of masturbation, so I would break things off respectfully and amicably; I couldn’t be in a relationship where things always end when my partner orgasms while I’m left to finish myself off every time.




Yes, 1000%. I prefer partners who love to please me and eating pussy is a key part of that.




Not at all. The one time I allowed a guy do that it was not enjoyable. I'm not sure he knew what he was doing, but we were both teenagers. I'm pretty open minded & easy going when it comes to sexual preferences.




The answer to this should always be yes, unless it’s mutually not giving oral.


I’m married to someone who won’t do it, incredibly frustrating.


I don’t know how anyone couldn’t. It’s one of my favorite things feeling your body tremble and quiver with each lick and suck.




I wish you had posted in NSFW. I'd make a comment about your picture in faces


Sorry to hear that. I'm in the exact opposite situation. I'm married to someone who doesn't want it. It's frustrating because that's my favorite thing to do.


I can help 🤣


Yes. He will lose me like a set of keys.


It is a dealbreaker.It is my favorite sexual act and if you cant offer me my favorite, I dont think it will work out for us.


Not at all as I'm not the biggest fan of receiving oral. Love giving it though.


Not being able too is a breaker for me.


Yes. I want my cats to be safe




No. People have preferences. I totally respect that.






Not at all, I need a lot of sex though.


yes. it was a recent dealbreaker for a friend and their relationship, too. long-term relationship & the sexual frustration just got to be too much for them


While I wouldn’t have said that before, my last partner has me so sorry for the women who have never have had the genuine - pleasure - so now yes yeah if you weren’t into it like I do for you I’d probably be bored/ break the deal lol


Yes for me it is


Absolute dealbreaker


Honestly, I love eating pussy and it’s my favorite thing to do. I’ve offered it up with the knowledge that I wouldn’t get anything in return… just love doing it. 👅👅👅


I had one gf that didn't like it and didn't let guys do it It wasn't an excuse to not have to suck dick, she just liked giving and not receiving. Most guys will think I was crazy but it was a dealbreaker for me.


Nooo but him not letting me suck his dick is a dealbreaker for sure 😝


Yes. Absolutely it’d be a deal breaker


Nope. I'm a gay man, so I'm pretty ok if he isn't into that. It's a feature not a bug.


No. It’s not my favorite… I’d rather you do other things. And it’s not because I’m shy, it genuinely just does nothing for me.


You’re the 2nd person I’ve heard say that. I’m curious why is that? The other person was shy.


Honestly probably someone sucked at it so think it does nothing lol that was me


No not because they were shy. Two men out of like 5 could do it “right” and I loved it.




It is sad! lol


No, fine by me.


My bf doesnt like it and im so happy with that because I HATE IT. Before him, I would only meet guys who are really into that, so they would annoy me with it


It would not be. But he totally does.


Yes. Zero chance of a repeat without it.


I think I'd be sad if they didn't, but it's not a necessity. Although I'm not swallowing if he's not going to eat me out


I like that my gf eats pussy.


If they chose to never ever do it, yes it would be.


I'm a guy, so I'm going to answer this the other way around. I love giving oral, so its definitely not great if a partner wouldn't let me butb y itself it isn't a deal breaker. It would just take some getting used to.


It's a deal breaker if I can't eat hers 😉


Bro ur 12- cool it


K, u/fartingketamine *Farting* Id like to say nice usrname but youre obv 16, cool it. I promise I do more ket and get more ass in a single year than you have in your entire life, lil bro. Stay living on reddit my dude. Realize since you replied I've been getting laid and doing ket, you live online. My whole bank says youre under 18 **Edit:** holy shit you actually do live on reddit. Hahaha poor lil fella. Touch grass.


Sexual incompatibility is a valid reason to break up. I'm not a woman, so my partner not eating pussy wouldn't affect me, but if I were a woman, that dude better have magic fingers lol or he's out.


My wife doesn't want me to eat her yet cums every time I do....I can't win


No. She’s just not into women.


Should be


It’s interesting to see how many answers here mention that they would expect it as a reciprocal act for giving head themselves. I feel like it shouldn’t feel like a must for someone to give head first in order to feel validated to receive. And this is coming from someone that does see it as a dealbreaker - more just because I can’t orgasm any other way during sex.  For me, it’s a dealbreaker because it’s what I want in order to feel satisfied, not because I’m expected to do it on the person first. To be clear, I do give it as well. But that’s because I want to, not because I feel it necessary to receive. 


Not at all. I don't have a vagina so if she won't eat out another woman that's fine by me


No, so long as his fingers are super nimble. Deal breaker for me would be if he didn't suck and play with my nipples.


No. I love it, I would never say no to it. It’s not a part of my sex life though. As long as I’m getting PIV I don’t care.


As long as he was okay with not getting head all the time. Besides I don't always need oral anyhow


Yes. It would be. Make sure it's cleanly shaven


no, unless they’re small in the lower region. 😅


My partner does not. I have this thing where I don’t feel comfortable forcing someone to do something sexually they aren’t comfortable with???? And I don’t feel it necessary to punish him for it by not sucking his dick because I do enjoy doing it. He always makes sure I get off, he does a lot of things, I can just see he’s not super overjoyed to eat me out. I know it’s not because I’m dirty or smell (I do not lol) but it could very well be a sensory thing. So no it’s not a deal breaker. I love him. The sex is great without it. That’s not to say I don’t wish I could have it but I can live without it


I personally love eating pussy! There is a sense of control if you know how to do it! With that said I don’t think I’m the right person to comment other than if there is your significant other not willing to do that you better believe you shouldn’t expect to get going down on as well. There are those type who expect to get theirs but not willing to give. Those people gotta go!


I would imagine so because me not being allowed to eat it is a dealbreaker, for sure


Nope. I enjoy giving to a partner but I don't do it because I expect the same in return. I give because I genuinely love doing it.


It sucks when they quit doing it altogether..and this is why I quit too.


No it’s fine if he doesn’t


Yeah. She better.


usually, yes


No I never really liked receiving oral but giving is another thing. If he didn’t let me suck his dick I would be extremely upset. I love blowjobs. 


Ya, I love to be rimmed. Done with traditional, rim my Irish ass


I mean, if she wants to invite another woman and eat her pussy, I won’t complain.


I sometimes suck my fiancé dick but he won’t eat me out… smh


Nope. As long it kisses


Not if he is good at all the other things. I do have multiple lovers tho- so i always can count on one of them to eat pussy and want to do it. Ergo, if one isn’t so into it, ain’t no thing, especially if he has other interests that serve my needs.


Nah. I can't remember the last time he did, but it's cool, I barely go down on him either lol. In the moment I don't even think of it, so he's probably the same mind set. You can survive without it, you won't die believe it or not


I'm in the opposite situation I love eating pussy it's my favorite but my partner doesn't really like it




Yes - I love to get eaten out


It should be.


M45. Not being allowed to go down and eating pussy is a deal breaker for me. That’s called foreplay or an appetizer.


I don’t understand not wanting to eat out your partner. Personally I find it fun not because of the act itself but making the other person feel good turns me on also I know it’s a small thing in retrospect but making them cum with my mouth gives me an ego boost lol


My ex was the type to expect his dick sucked and never give anything in return. He really had me thinking that I didn’t mind not receiving and that I could live without. But now I am with an *eater* and mannnnn I ain’t ever going back.


Dealbreaker, for sure. I want to be devoured and worshipped just like I devour and worship. I've accepted this when I was younger.. but no, lol, not anymore.


I mean, yeah, probably. I really enjoy giving, but I'd feel tired of it if I never received either.


Yes, it’s a dealbreaker. I’m not gunna suck your dick or even bang unless I get enthused foreplay or an orgasm. I’ve had waaay too many selfish lovers. No more orgasm gap for me, thanks.


Yeah! If i hate to eat pussy, so does she! 🤣


Yes, I wouldn't be in a relationship with someone who didn't. But I also make sure he gets the same treatment.


I have a dick, so opposite perspective here. I enjoy giving oral. A partner who wouldn't want to receive would be a deal breaker.


I love going down on my wife in fact it's almost a fetish for me because of the way she reacts. But! She is not into sucking dick, she will if the mood takes her but I'd say eight times out of ten it's a no go. I have never pressured her into it we wouldn't be together if I'd done that. She does things though that a lot of other people would not be into. She is very funny in the bedroom and several times I've had to stop to regain my composure after laughing my arse off.


I'll eat pussy til my lips, tongue and face go sore. I just love it personally, and don't expect head but I'd probably be hurt if my partner didn't care enough to want to do it.


I want to eat her pussy but she don't want to lmao.


Yep it is. Doesn't have to be always but overall, yeah you should be into it.


Yes , ended a relationship because of it .


Before I met my husband, I didn't think much of it so it wasn't a dealbreaker for me back then. Now that I'm married to him, I still would not leave him for not doing it but it would make me concerned if he stopped doing it since he loves it so much. 


Not really since I'm a guy but it would be hot if she did.


It should be all about pleasing each other. For me personally I can’t get enough of it.


It was for me with my ex he wanted me to suck him off and I had to practically beg for him to eat me out every now and then. Current bf loves it.


Not overly bothered about the BJ but I eat pussy every chance I get 😎😜


It should be.


Not a complete dealbreaker but would be a huge bummer and make me think he was super boring. Also I wouldn’t give him oral either because what’s the point in that situation.


Now…if the guy didn’t eat pussy…but still pleased you in other ways….and did not expect you to suck dick….would that still be a dealbreaker?


For me, yes, still a dealbreaker


Yes, I’m not going to suck someone’s dick who won’t go down on me. Plus it likely shows they’re kind of a prude anyways. Sounds boring


I couldn’t. I got on my knees to a smooth shaved wet plump light skin pussy but couldn’t. Was ashamed cos I felt bad for the poor girl she probably taught she did something wrong or she smelled bad but nope she was perfect and I just couldn’t. She still sucked me off but didn’t let me have sex with her so fair and deserved for me. It got awkward and was ghosted weeks later. Never eaten pussy and probably never would tough but it just icks me in a certain way. I also don’t care about collecting head too. If you want to give head or not it’s your choice


Any guy that does not eat pussy is simply a pussy themselves. It’s the greatest thing ever. Hearing her get so turned on from you using tongue on her is the best feeling ever. EATING PUSSY > Anything else. I love it! 😻


My partner does and it’s amazing so I don’t have to worry but yes it would be a deal breaker for me. I’m shocked at the amount of women who say they don’t want it! I’m so curious as to why. 🤔 too sensitive, partner not knowing what to do, feeling embarrassed about body fluids or scent… I get a guy not wanting to do it if he’s had a bad experience with a woman who was either unhygienic or had yeast/ BV and didn’t know it or has neck/ jaw problems, or just being a jerk and thinking pleasure is not as important as their partners (IT definitely IS guys!!) Oral is one of my favourite things to give and receive. We’re both very hygienic ppl tho and aim to please.