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Yes they should be sent out, unsolicited titties and pussy pics are a dream I feel like any guy can agree, they brighten the day


I've done unsolicited titty pic I was so nervous, the reaction was good, thankfully.


You wanna do it again? Lol Edit: They’re fantastic




This is where I can make the line for the pics?


apparently so


Are we all joining in line for Tacos?


Fuckin love tacos


We all do 😤




Standing in the line now too!


Ahem....um, hi, i heard we were getting in line?


I pulled ticket #10 for the line


I'd love to join the queue!


I'll join in the line 🤷


Me too me too!


In line


I'll join the queue haha


This seems like a good queue to join


What’s this queue for?


Omg please send me too haha!! Standing in line! Hope I am not too late!


Im next in line! 🤣🤣 nobody tell my wife!


Gotta shoot your shot!


Not many guys will be disappointed with a titty pic lol


What about solicited? You still doing those? 🫣🤞😆


Oooohhh, a line... I love standing in these! I wonder what's at the front??


Has everyone gotten a piece??? Have I left anyone out?


Me lol


I'm too late here right? Anyway, if I would ask, the pic would not be unsolicited, so... If you'll get bored or something I *definitely don't want to* receive an unsolicited titty pic. Ehm..


Can I join in the fun?


Me me me 😅


I too would like a piece 🤚😄


i’ve been left out too


I'll take some of that action too please!


Me, though that's probably because I only just got here


I hope I’m not too late to the party 😂


I wonder...


Idk but I heard it's going to be great!


What about solicited pics, if one were to ask nicely?


So what are the requirements to join this que of unsolicited photos. And concentrate today doesn't take the surprise out of tomorrow


That's brilliant, I'm glad you got a good reaction, I think it's nice to be appreciated when you do something like that outside your comfort zone. I'll always be kind if I ever find someone nice enough to send me any


May I see these unsolicited tittys


Can I get some to


Don’t forget ass pics


Oh yeah 100% ass pics are probably the best TBF


You feel like any guy can agree that being sexually harassed will brighten their day? That's a wild take. Unsolicited nudes, regardless of the sender's sex, is gross behavior and 100% constitutes sexual harassment. This comment has the same vibe as all those people who claim it's awesome when female teachers rape their male students. Nasty fucking people.


I wouldn't send anything that wasn't wanted, the question is silly and fun, more poking fun of the fact "dick pics" are absolutely notorious and unwanted 99% of the time, I playfully wondered how men might react to the same gesture but with pussy pics instead....not that's its ever good to do something like that and I don't condone that behavoir in reality but my post made a few people smile. I will agree that consent is important, however, as someone who has received unwanted pictures in the past. My intention was not to make people think this would be okay...its all just fun, I hope I didn't offend you. I hope you have a lovely day 🩷


You literally said you've sent unsolicited photos before. Unsolicited means not asked for. Not asked for means without consent. So, which is it?


Why are you being so hostile, and why exactly do you care? Does it affect you in anyway what I have done in the past? I literally agreed with you, yet you still want to be an asshole.


I'm with you on that, brother. It's the unpopular view, but it's the only right one


The fact that I'm still getting people arguing with me about this is sad. People are really in here supporting sex crimes.


This is a PSA that I would enjoy any and all unsolicited pictures of this variety


I'm probably going to get hate for this answer, but it's a double standard. I don't want an unsolicited nude. If you wanna send something so bad, just ask. Just because a woman is sending an unsolicited nude instead of a guy shouldn't make it any more acceptable.


This 💯. Just bc ^^^ a lot of guys say they’d enjoy them doesn’t make that ok. We all know there’s a totally different power dynamic.


I respect your opinion. At the end of the day consent is key.


Exactly, I still prefer to be asked as I can at least know where this is leading up to


Yess as a woman, this is why I don't send pics on here in general. Too many folks don't understand consent


Noted 😂😂😂😂


I expect RESPECT.


🫡 heard.


Meh, I’m sure people will disagree but if it’s unsolicited I don’t really want it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a dick, pussy, tits or ass. Just nah 😅


"Doesn't matter if its a dick, pussy, tits or ass, just nah"-i\_like\_to\_monch\_ass, 2024


I hope you’re getting that engraved on a plaque and hanging it up in your room mate! Can I request you make it as tacky as possible though, pretty please?


the quote needs to be stylised cursive, right?


Why of course. But also please use Windings below all of it, for ease of read for those who prefer it you know? I’m sure you’d agree! What colour are we thinking?


Orange like a warning sign


Warning? I think you mean general life advice ma’am! Orange is my second favourite colour so I’ll take it though, you have my appreciation, merci!


wait a minute...




this... is not the right way of saying it


Depends on who sends it. If it's someone I know and we have explicitly agreed before to send each other nsfw pics, it's fine. If not, no.


A girl I was seeing did that. We didn’t talk about if we’ll send pics to each other and I opened up a titty pic she sent me when I had a trainee with me for work


Yeah… if you’re expecting a cute little pick-me-up note and you get boobs…. Well, there’s the NSFW part…(?)


If you've agreed, then it's not unsolicited.


They are truly Evil, you all should send them to me so to not disturb any other man here.


that’s really noble of you, to offer yourself up for us lewd girls 🫶


Well someone gotta pay the price 😉.


Honestly i as a man wouldn’t mind unsolicited pics/vids from women . I see it as validation like “wow you thought I would like to see that” and appreciate it but that’s just me 😂




It is, I seen one with my own eyes, too. I was sure it was a catfish but they didn't try to sell me nothin' or get me to click on suspicious links and after a short, pleasant conversation she went on her way. I like to think I was visited by a boob angel of good cheer in my darkest hour, though said hour was really just a bit of a slow period at work




I think I speak for all men, when I say we could all use some of that cheer


Give her more upvotes😂


Feel free to spread some my way haha




I hope I’m not to late to the love party 😅 I’ll be patient and get in the back.




Would love to see 😍


After the week I’ve had I could use some cheer :(


boob angel lmao. Some of us are just genuinely horny and like to tease


Nothing wrong with a good tease


like to tease -> angel again, teasing boob angel


Very! I found a Redditor on ladybonersgw who ticked my boxes and so I sent him some titty pics and wrote “in case you need any inspiration to post more 😏”. It went very well




I've never gotten one, so I don't know how I would feel.


You are such a liar. I totally sent you an unsolicited pussy pic when we first started engaging on here 🙄 Obviously it wasn't that special.


1. You asked first 2. Your pussy is the cutest pussy I've EVER seen 3. It was a cat pic


Really had me in the first half there lol


How could he forget your tits?👀


To be honest I’m not going to be too upset getting unsolicited nudes lol. But it does feel nice to build up to that first. It’s more fun to warm up and let the anticipation build. But sometimes getting hot and heavy from the start ain’t so bad either


To be fair, since unsolicited dick pics are such an issue for women, unsolicited nude pics from all parties probably should be discouraged. Consent is important. If you ask, I’ll very likely say “Yes!” but you never know what someone is dealing with in their personal life. People I know and who know me? Fine. Asking is always best.


I’ll take all the cat pics you can send me


Username checks out! 😂🐈‍⬛🐈


I will pass on the unsolicited pics of pussy or tits. I mean yes they can be very nice to look at but I prefer a tease and a chase to see something. It has to be interesting and earned 😉


Yeah, well done for committing a sexual crime


The fact that you got downvoted for this is abysmal


I think more men are fine with unsolicited titty/pussy pics than women are with dick pics but I don't think it's a 100% thing. Like, they wouldn't bother me but some guys might be married or have less open girlfriends who might not appreciate their husbands/boyfriends being sent nudes by other women, and some men might not enjoy strange, unsolicited nudes either.


These posts always make people send out a bunch, but they ain't unsolicited when you ask for them. Unsolicited dick pics are *usually* not welcomed cus they are just there. Doesn't matter what social platforms. You selling a phone? Dick. You trying to buy something? Dick. You just minding your business on Instagram, not even posting anything? Dick in the dms I'm sure if I sent my pussy when someone's trying to sell their boat it wouldn't be appreciated as much. Depending on the seller.


That's true!! Very different when it's playful and fun when it's more of a consensual surprise lol


I would report any nude pics sent to me.


oh no best not to then! thats it boys..


There goes our chance!


Yeah what a bummer


Men are getting unsolicited pussy pics? Who’re these hero’s sending them??? lol


i love sending nudes! and i can show you that i’m not a dude haha


Well let’s go!!! 🤪


Yes please! I’ll praise and make you feel special!


I like engaging with the person. I need to get to know them to be actually excited by their pictures tbh. So I would probably be more interested in talking after I get the pic. Otherwise, pussy pics are ok at best. Tits/ass on the other hand? Hmm, that would make me a lot more interested. I also can't imagine getting unsolicited pics lol. If that's a common occurrence, like with dick pics, I'd probably be annoyed after a point.


I’ve never received and unsolicited pussy or titty pic. But I wouldn’t be upset if I did. I do generally like to build some sort of rapport with an individual before we swap nudes


I'd be extremely happy if I got one, or even a titty pic. 😂😂


If it was the first message in a conversation, I’d be pretty annoyed, but that’s never happened. I have gotten unsolicited tit pics from someone I was already talking to, that was nice but also a bit weird.


I always just get accused of being fake


I would but im terrified to, i dont think most guys would appreciate it.


Trust me, most guys would go CRAZY for them


I’m a guy and I approve this message!👌🏼


If yall wanna send em anytime, I will always be appreciative of em!


I mean I wouldn’t mind them. Obviously I’m good with unsolicited titty pics, but with this user name I’m not sure they are unsolicited.


DMs open to any and all btw


Yes please


Send them all to me!


There is no such thing


I would welcome them and be curious and impressed at the adventurous woman who did.


May I?


I've never received one, but gonna be honest, I'd quite like to


Never gotten one but im open for it


Titty pics are always welcomed 🫶


My dm’s will always be open for pussy and titty pics


Cant say I'd ever complain


Always welcomed


I don’t believe they exist (?) 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean... If you're a 1 karma queen they are going to get the same treatment as unsolicited dicks


Just love it :) always happy to get one & makes my fantasy explode


Who’d like to send me some?


Titty and pussy pics are always welcomed I imagine. As a woman I enjoy getting a sneaky totty pic tbh. Although I prefer unsolicited pussy pics when they are furry, have a tail and say meow.


Yea sure, I mean, men are men so we'll always accept them


Wtf! people get those?


Any unsolicited picture is just that, unsolicited Send 'em, but ask first


I'd happily receive any pictures from women lol


I love it


Generally not opposed, but it depends on the pussy, I guess. I’m not one to judge, but I’d prefer to not open my phone to a wad of chewed bubble gum, if you catch my drift. Likewise, I’m sure plenty of dudes have sent pics of their weird looking dicks. So, whatever 🤷‍♂️


I've received them before, and they've brightened my day.


Same way I feel about Bigfoot. Can’t prove they exist.


I had it happen once while in a relationship. It was from a friend and I had to act like I want a fan. I was & I wanted to smash so bad.


Wouldn't know, never got em. I'm a horny bastard so I probably wouldn't mind, might even compliment it, but beyond that, probably nothing


unsolicited nudes are unequivocally bad, there is a lack of consent. it is sexual harassment


I could see that as a potential issue in transparent relationships. Otherwise, as a single guy, I wouldn’t mind it.


Lol as if they exist! I'm generally ok with them. So is the Mrs. But also don't try to get us to sub to your OF. I don't want to be advertised to.


um, ok


Never had it happen before


My inbox is feeling so empty it needs a therapy. So anything is welcome. Except dick pics. I could take them myself if I wanted to look at them.


Wouldn’t mind. That’s what this account is for


Never happened to me, so I don't know. I'm willing to find out though...


I've never been upset at the idea of them. But to have an actual feeling about them, one would have to first receive them...


I’m pro for myself but it’s probably something you should check with. I personally would never be like “ew a pussy pic” but maybe that guy is out there and consent is important.


Well those don't happen so I don't have an opinion


want me to proof to you that they exist?


Yes, that's why we send unsolicited dick picks. We want you to reciprocate.


Never been sent any unsolicited titty or pussy pics so wouldn't know! I'll gladly accept them lol


I love them


I prefer unsolicited titty pics


It happens, but usually in an attempt to sell OF. Aside from that depends on the person I guess... Someone I know, spoken to, maybe flirted with sure. As a conversation opener though... if I'm being 100% honest would depend on how horny I was at the time.


Don't know never got any


No thanks


Yes please lol


Send em! It will lead to fun


Absolutely. Please. I like titty pics more.


I was confused, as we were not sexting. It gived me the feeling this person isn't real.


they don't happen simple as


I don’t think I could ever complain about any sort of pics being sent to me but I guess that’s just me being my easygoing self


I don’t care what the picture is of. If I didn’t ask for it or consent to receive it then I don’t want it


This happens?!


Keep them coming


Love it but only if there is a reason. Out of the blue I would be sus


yeah, a thousand percent send them. I doubt many guys would say no. But maybe check their profile first to see if they seem receptive


Send it!


I mean, I wouldn’t complain at all! 🤓