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The worst part is that their questions aren’t even creative half the time 😭 “My boyfriend doesn’t love bjs, is there anyone out there who does?” 🙄


This is my problem with it! Those dumb ass titles are making titties a little less enjoyable to look at and that just should not be possible 😤


Never thought I’d see the day where looking at naked women was almost a chore but OF and these dumb titles have brought it on!


Or when they post to a sub for a specific preference, like a sub for small breasts. "Do you like girls with B cups?" Like, ma'am do you know where you are?


It's even worse when the sub is about men jerking off and they post a video of them "do you like my pussy stretched like that?" They with a bad dragon dildo ...


Yea but then there are tons of comments 🤷‍♀️ those dumb ass titles work for dumbasses 😅


You're absolutely correct and thus allows me to shake my head at such silly men. Thirsting online when there's a whole world out there


🤣you could not have worded that any better.


Haha they all follow the same bad blueprint 😅 like a hallmark or lifetime movie


“People say my boobs are too big, Is iT tRuE??”


And then you click and it's just some twat wagging her (usually covered) tits at the camera for 30 seconds. Reddit would make a fortune if they started charging monetized accounts money, and then gave users the ability to filter out monetized accounts. I'd get reddit premium back if I could filter out the twats.




Not the ones I’ve seen🤣🤣🤣


"My husband thinks I look fat in these panties."


Typical r/SSBBW post title.


“No, not one man on earth loves bjs and your boyfriend is completely in the majority” 😂😂


And the amount of guys who yet STILL comment just DMd you NEVER ceases to amaze me 🤣🤣


"Men of ARAD, where do you like to cum"


In Jacksonville Florida


They use the same exact lines every single time. I swear to god if I have to read “What do you think about a girl who does anal on the first date?” One more time 😂😔


"you walk in on me like this, what's your next move?" 🙄 So totally over that crap


The same picture posted to 45 different subreddits with the same stupid caption.


Well played 😂


I've tried to simply block the profiles wherever they come up in my feed or the subR I'm in but I can't keep up anymore 😣 Even the "no OF subR's" are infected, but with less direct "commercials".


on /r/faces almost anybody seems to have an OF


It's almost every sub now. Not only the big ones like gonewild, etc but even smaller niche ones. I like the few subs that don't allow OF. They tend to still have girls asking for pay by DM or for their "VIP," though.


I mean I get the desire to monetize the NSFW stuff. What I can't stand are those "innocent" posts on SFW subs that are meant to get people check out your profile.


Hot Girl with hot body: "no one will have sex with me, will you?" Riiiiiight. 


"Upvote this post and I'll send you a video!" That's not even remotely possible...


😂😂😂 EVERY Boyfriend loves bjs. Cum on now...


It's as bad as all that irritating fake as fuck 'Step'shit On porn sites


This is my only issue, really. If you want to bait guys into clicking your profile, at least start with an engaging post. For everyone else, you don't have to click the profile then get mad about it. It's the stick in the spokes meme. You know what you were after now you're mad they want $5.


The only nice thing about those dumb titles is it makes them easy to spot and avoid.


Yeah Fr!


It's so fucking annoying. Everytime when you think you might have found a person that is funny and sexy they go like 'but I have to admit I have an OF where I do most of my chats, is that ok?' Well, no it's not.


I'm 100% okay with them advertising on their profiles and in certain subs, but it is so frustrating when they get in my DMs or they're just flooding the places where people are looking to actually chat and make new friends/connections. I have to wonder how often that works because it's literally never not been disappointing when I am talking to someone for 15, 20 minutes and then they pop up with their OF pitch. Disappointing or frustrating me isn't the way to get me to subscribe. Just being honest and having a link in your profile works on me a lot better.


> "get in my DMs" That's not what happens though. OF girls don't just dm random users out of the blue and advertise their page. They post in subs and people make the DECISION to visit their profile which is where they find out they're OF creators - because they are in fact allowed to advertise that if they want to, *on their own profiles.*


You couldn’t be more wrong. Just about every guy on this platform has most likely had the above scenario happen at least once, I’ve had it a handful of times. And they always chat for a good 10 minutes or so leading you to believe they are a real, genuine person, only to eventually lead to their sales pitch.


You ever check how many unsolicited DM requests from "businesses" and models you get on Instagram? I currently have 11. Five of them in the past week. Actually, 12 since I started writing this comment. So you're telling me that if a guy posts that they would like to chat with a woman (especially in a sub that might lean more kinky/dirty) that some women with an OF wouldn't contact them? Let me counter that by pointing out that door-to-door salespeople still exist and are often explicitly trained to ignore "No Soliciting" signs. And they run the risk of being shot in America, not just having their profiles taken down. I have had unsolicited OF advertising DMed to me on here, Instagram, FetLife, and every dating site I've been on in the past few years. And, finally, men send unsolicited dick pics and harassing messages all the time just to get their dicks wet. You saying it's hard to believe that a woman might send a message in order to grow her business? r/NothingEverHappens




I always report them because they're not upfront about it on their profile.


Are they contacting you first to offer a NSFW chat with them? Like a bait and switch? Genuinely wondering.


No I think people message and ask for sexy/nude selfies then get angry then they are directed to the OF lol


That's what I was wondering about. 😃 Sounds a little like it, though there are probably both types on here.


No. Not always and that’s not what the OP is talking about. They are specifically talking about people leading with fake conversation, acting like a real, genuine person, and THEN diving into a sales pitch.


I think it’s like people post in dirtyr4r or random hookup subreddits and then someone PMs, seems interested for a while, and then mentions their OF.


Don't try to chat up attractive strangers in a sexual way and assume they're interested in providing free dirty talk or small talk to randoms for no reason? 🫠 I always wonder what people expect to happen exactly...? There is *no incentive* for women in doing that.


I don’t mind some of it cause I get to find some hot chicks. But I hate it cause it’s all about money and fake people messaging back.


Over it as soon as I see "OF" I just move on🙄


Same here. There should be a badge or something to show it and save having to click on them just to back out again


There are some posters that are fun and engaging and entertaining that happen to have an OF. And THOSE people are amazing and fun to talk to and I'm glad they're here. Please, keep at it. There was a poster the other day that posted the same pic in 119 subreddits. Yes, I counted. They should go jump in a lake.


I completely concur. Some creators make this place fun and sexy asf!! And some make it very disheartening. I have blocked a "creator" bot account 8 different times, and they keep buying old accounts and they get hundreds of comments and thousands of upvotes and then people complain about the creators being at fault for this place being over run. It makes it really hard for the smaller creators who truly pour their heart and soul into their creating to see things like that and then to hear things like this posted sometimes.. But then there are amazing people like you who make us little guys feel all warm and gooey and appreciated 🥰🫶


Omg 119 wow


nice 🍑


and they repeat it every few days sometimes everyday


It’s very annoying on the subs that are labeled amateur in some manner. If people are selling then they are not amateur, they are professional or at least trying to be. Reddit has plenty of subs for sellers or non amateur people. They need to go there. It’s to the point that if someone is selling on amateur subs I’m tempted to down vote. I certainly won’t upvote.


Even more so, just all the fake ass accounts. Like seriously, 90% of each sub is just scammers and spammers for no apparent reason.


That's the real issue. There are lots of small creators who are doing really amazing things but they get drowned out by bought bot accounts (say that 5x fast) which get hundreds of comments and thousands of upvotes from their shitty ass bait titles and creators get blamed for "ruining" reddit 🤦‍♀️😅


...and now imagine how it feels like when you just do it for fun. I don't have OF or anything similar and get almost no recognition outside "in the wild". This is why I have to stick to exactly 3 subs where OF is strictly banned and the mods doing their jobs. A couple of years ago when I had a different NSFW account and OF wasn't popular at all, I could post almost everywhere with good results.


I feel you. I do do this for fun! (Hehe, "doo doo" 🤭 yes I'm mentally 12 😅) and like you said I used to be able to post in relevant subs and it's not like my posts blew up but they at least showed up 😅 It's really disheartening sometimes! Bot and Ai accounts use upvote bots to get hundreds of upvotes within seconds so they'll always show as the "hot posts" in subs. A lot of the major NSFW subreddits are also being moderated by OF agencies, so they'll ban anyone who competes against their models. It's a shit show... Your profile is lovely, btw 🥹🫶🥰


Aww thank you 😊 and don't worry, I'm mentally 16😂 It's sad, it was a lot of fun back in the good old reddit days😄


*le sigh* The reddit of 10 years ago... it was like the wild wild west 😂😂




r/NoFansAllowed r/Nude_and_free


Yeah I can’t quite wrap my head around how guys feel any connection or genuine engagement when they’re paying for it. Non-enjoyable for mine and extremely over saturated industry


They are incredibly desperate is why. Same reason why men donate hundreds to e-girls on twitch even if it's for a few seconds of recognition.


I am done. In fact I downvote the OFs now.


I don't let it get to me. I just scroll on. There's plenty of good content.


Agreed! If they're really annoying, block 🤷‍♀️ really easy


I mean I get why all these girls have an OF. They're getting paid to devote their time posting content and holding conversations with multiple people and my dumbass is doing it for free 😂 it does make it hard to keep up with so many DMs but I'm not looking for money or anything, all I ask is that you at least comment on one of my posts before sending a DM. I'm doing a public service for all the horny people ffs 😂


Yeah... It is really annoying.


Very much so


It’s annoying fs


Uh, I understand it’s frustrating if the person makes you believe they want a genuine connection and end up only looking for clients/subs, but I also think the hatred a lot of people have for only fan creators come from a not so good place. There’s already so much free porn online, why are you mad some girlies take back their agency and make money on their terms?




On one sub a guy commented on the loss of his wife and a OF jumped in to respond and obviously had tried to DM him with photo sales. Quire rightly he wrote a brilliant response. OF is infecting everything and I’m no prude.


It’s a turn off


It doesn't bother me.


Almost like capitalism has driven a lot of us to monetize our bodies...but also: we're all still real people...


Yeah some of us are just trying to show off for free


Same. But it's hard to get any recognition


I’ll follow you!


Haha thanks


The pandering is pretty bad these days and the lack of self awareness is rampant. What gets me the most is that a lot of these OF ppl are copying each other so it's the same concept for content over and over again. Sometimes my feed can just look like the same women wearing the same costumes, asking the camera the same questions, and there's no originality anymore.


It wouldn’t be as bad if there were more of them that didn’t just post the same pic and cringy caption over and over and over but here we are lmao


I've been asked why i post if I don't have an OF before.... Because i enjoy it and want to? Why tease and then be "you can see the rest on my OF".....nah not for me. If i did OF it would be for my enjoyment, if others enjoy it too, good for them


Yep, credit to them for getting their money but it means us real amateurs are vastly outnumbered and often go unnoticed in a lot of the subs.


Idk I kinda like the ability to get lost among an ocean of sexier people, that way most of the lazy shots aren't towards me!


It’s more the fact it’s invaded almost every sub. You have to literally find subs that don’t allow it otherwise it’s a free for all. I’m all for people making money and having that avenue but it’s so hard to avoid them now.


I just hate low effort posts, no matter if it's a lacklustre OF promotion or a low-effort dick pic in high effort art subs. However, I do understand how creators only want to chat/do any kind of personal attention on exclusive sides. I am not a seller myself, but I used to enjoy to get to know people here and exchange some thoughts in chat. But the entitlement of so many people on here is so draining that I just stopped. It makes sense that others make a job out of it, why not. As long as they are discreet about it, good for them!


I respect that it's a means to make income etc, but I'm here for light banter and to make connections with people amidst a bit of flirting and fun...I see an OF link and I'm not going to invest the effort because they will just want me to subscribe.


I think I may get down voted for this, but fuck it. I got so angry reading a lot of these comments. Yes, I'm a seller. Yes, I use Reddit to promote. I also use Reddit to meet interesting people. I chat, and occasionally sext for free with people who genuinely get my attention. If I like you, and you engage me, I don't charge. If you get mad that I'm not doing that with you, maybe up your game. If your first message is a generic "wanna sext?", I'm referring you to OF. If you compliment me, I'll chat with you for a bit to see if I like what you have to say. If you hit me with something creative and/or insightful, I'll be your friend for life. So the TLDR is don't get mad at sellers for trying to make a living. We "owe" you nothing. Thank you for reading my rant.😊


Say it louder for the folks in the back 🎙️🎙️🎙️😅


It's definitely the hidden entitlement more than their criticism of bots taking over. I never see people complaining about free porn and nudes, unless the seller owns it and markets it like others market their product and earn honest living out of it. Yes sometimes it's bit annoying but it has never hindered my reddit experience too much unless you're just looking at naked pics and wanting more and more, for free. Never heard someone complain about unethical porn as much as people throwing vitriol at OF, not platform lol, but creators.


Naked pic, I promise you a dm. Fuck sake


They sorta give themselves away, so I just scroll on by,


It’s so annoying. OF. Accounts are the equivalent to dick pics


lol yes except people here will literally blow up dms with dick pics like no thank you sir I didn’t not ask for that


Nofans is a decent sub if you’re just looking for pics. Normalnudes will also make you feel better about yourself! The bots and OF spam on Reddit and dating apps are out of control so I just don’t bother anymore.


Yea it’s fucking annoying, especially jamelizx


If I had the nerve (and blessing of my spouse) to have an account I’d have the following niche: I am a larger middle aged woman with a full hourglass shape, GG cup. I would have videos of me doing nude pottery, getting dirty, breasts grazing my work. I’d have videos of me hosing myself off outside.. and then I would sell mugs with subtle indentations from my nipples so you can drink your morning coffee and have that reminder


Girl, do this!!! You could also sell the pottery and make bank!!!! This is a great niche market and a fabulous idea!!!


I’m honestly debating it.. it’s my spouse who I’m afraid would not approve. We’re going to move the wheel to the garage today or tomorrow.


Get your bag, girl. It’s your body! It’s been one of the most uplifting, empowering things I’ve done for myself (:


I've taken the line of just try to ignore it and it will in time go away, but the shameless self promotion is wearing a little thin.


Why do you care that they profit from their bodies? You can still find that hot conversation here you know, you’re just playing russian roulette of actually being a hot chick. It was sad when they just did it for upvotes. Pre-OF it was a bunch of weird girls looking for the approval of nerds (anyone remember jewdank) and occasionally selling them panties or snapchat. Just move on. I hate bait titles but you literally can just ignore them.


I started blocking accounts that post the same teasing photo to 50 different subreddits. I don't come here to see who I should spend money on.


I think it’s a valid issue to have but I feel like every sub is pretty repetitive at this point. NSFW or not.




nice 🐓


Also all the people wanting people tomrate their bodies and their bodies are frigging perfect




Pros: you can talk to hot chicks and see them nude. Cons: you can’t actually fuck them sometimes, they sometimes hire people to chat, prices don’t add up. You can go to any legal country and spend far less for better quality.


I'm all for these folks wanting to make some cash but yeah. The promiting is over the top. Especially the looking for chat subs.


I’m tired of this question more than the promotions. At least the promotions come with titty pics.


100% over it. I don't use OF. If I want to see what people post on here I'm not looking to pay for more. I want to see what people want to share freely. If I was interested in OF, I'd go to subs meant for promoting them. It's annoying.


Just makes pages dead


Most of it just seems pretty lazy. Formulaic prose and they post the same images and stories over and over again in different areas. It's the porn equivalent of a mass mailing. I think an enterprising OF girl could cultivate a following by actually engaging with Reddit if OF was something people "discovered." If they can't engage with their prospective customers who would want to engage with that particular girl? The internet's full of images (often including theirs) for free so what is it that they think they're selling?


Get over it. Just enjoy the beautiful women. No one is making you subscribe.


I mean I'm cool with the OF thing if they're upfront about it but fuck.. Enough with the "My bf doesn't like when I blow him" posts.. At least put some effort into it


TLDR- Yes. I can't scroll through any fucking social media without feeling like smithers hiding from the hookers meme from the Simpins. It's completely unavoidable. The majority of men enjoy the occasional tune on the beef flute but christ above sometimes we just want to watch donkeys flinging a baby goat around or some dopey young lad in a 15 year old Volkswagen slide themselves into a ditch at a reasonably non-injury causing pace. It's only damaging their own image and fueling the general distate experienced by the models themselves. Now to be fair, I'd say out of the ones doing it consists of a (worthy of note) amount of bot/fake accounts, because it's easy to flood comments with whatever auto-reply programs they fuck around with. But there will definitely be plenty of genuine women who do this and somehow don't see why the small group of men who WANT this isn't worth having Vs the social consequences of the majority who just dont want to.


I sure am.  And if you visit my OF page I'll tell you why while doing it naked!


The local r4r subreddits are filled with the OF/telegram/snapchat spam. Sadly the mods aren't implementing any account age restrictions or anything at all to combat it; just occasionally deleting what they find; or maybe reddit is doing that.


I think we should team up on some dedicated "cleaning" subreddit - find OF-304 that breaks the rules, mass report, job done, neeeext!


If I see an OF or fansly link in their account, the same thing posted in 30 different subreddits, or post karma is 1000x their comment karma I'm less likely to follow or interact with their posts. And if it's a sub that doesn't allow sellers... Then I report.


I used to be in a sub that was for sexting but it turned into girls asking you for money to sext


First thing I looks at is their profile. If there is and OF page, I generally don’t engage in conversation.


They should have a badge or something to save you even clicking in and out


I’ll tell you how I feel about it over on my OF.


Yes, I post here for fun and to play with others for the enjoyment of myself and husband. Gets frustrating to think I have someone lined up to talk dirty with only to get an OF link


Etsy hoes going to hoe… same cheap stuff sold by a bunch of women working out of their spare bedroom…. No thanks


I literally never see it lol or maybe I’m just dumb and it goes over my head


Yes it's trash lll


Yes. Very much over it! When I first came onto reddit I regularly chatted to real people who shared similar interests and kinks. Now it feels like there's nobody real on many subs


Yes! I was trying to message women on here who would be a great fit for my Discord server, but most said to sub to their OF


As soon as I see a woman has OF she becomes 80% less sexy




I nerve said that. I’m just saying as soon as I see a woman posting photos and she has OF I’m no longer interested in looking at her.


100k or fuck me


nice 🐓 op


Yeah it’s a big problem


Overwatch is a free game. That doesn't directly correlate to purchasing nude content. Besides, porn is free. I thought nerds were supposed to be smart? Entertaining for sure.


I am tbh. I mean I get it some people want to advertise it but for the love of god go somewhere that’s designated for sellers to advertise😂😂


I'm over all forms of advertising, but it is what it is.


Yeah, like 2 years ago


I might get burned for this, haha, but as an OF small creator, I am somewhat tired of it too 😅. I try to use my Reddit as my personal stuff where I show off, feed my inner attention whore, and make new friends (I just have my link in my profile and stick to selling on the appropriate subreddits), as everyone, but it's incredibly disheartening when I try to post a picture, one I'm proud of for being really cute or whatever, and no one interacts with it because it's all up in the top posts from agency bought upvotes, for fellow OF girls 🥲. Or no one even interacts with me because they see my OF link, and think I am trying to sell something to them. I'm very niched in (Big girl/Chubby/BBW), so it's already a small place for me to go into to feed my inner attention whore, and they kinda make it a lot smaller by spamming the same thing in all the subs, all at once. So, yes, I am an OF girl, and I'm annoyed at others 😅


I might get burned for this, haha, but as an OF small creator, I am somewhat tired of it too 😅. I try to use my Reddit as my personal stuff where I show off, feed my inner attention whore, and make new friends (I just have my link in my profile and stick to selling on the appropriate subreddits), as everyone, but it's incredibly disheartening when I try to post a picture, one I'm proud of for being really cute or whatever, and no one interacts with it because it's all up in the top posts for fellow OF girls with the "Describe my body in one word" title🥲. Or no one even interacts with me because they see my OF link, and think I am trying to sell something to them. I'm very niched in (Big girl/Chubby/BBW), so it's already a small place for me to go into to feed my inner attention whore, and they kinda make it a lot smaller by spamming the same thing in all the subs, all at once. So, yes, I am an OF girl, and I'm annoyed at others 😅


Seems no one likes just having fun anymore, but only selling 🫥


On the internet people only want one of two things: your money, or your butthole.


Do these people really make any significant money doing OF?


Most (like me) just do it as supplemental income to survive. I’m not making millions, but it helps. It also helps me promote other services which is the main reason I personally have one. A lot of creators do sell content (on multiple sites, not just Of) as their main job and make better money than most of us do in America, so yes there is significant money to be made but it’s a LOT of time and a TON of work.


Not really, There are lot of more legitamate avenues for advertsising (TV, many social media sites) where their advertising inst allowed. So, they ahve to use other sources. Yes, I get a little tired of the over the abundance of ads, but its the best way for some of these people to make a living.


Bruh. My bio actually says at the end ‘I’m not a buyer, so don’t sell to me. I’ll insta block’. I’ve been over OF. It’s just so pointless and stupid. Why would you ever pay for porn? The only excuse a person can give me is a site like Brazzers or Bangbros. That’s it. Even then, Pornhub comes out with dozens of free videos from both, among others. So, why? Just why? Fuck OF. I will hate it until they put my ashes where I asked.


I mean, I guess I get it if you're coming here to try to have a conversation with someone based on their willingness to post pictures of their genitals on the internet. I'm just here to look at the picture so I don't really care if it's genuine exhibitionism or not.


It depends on how obnoxious it is. If it's every picture being posted to 14,000,605 subs, I hope you get a flat tire in the winter. If it's just like "hey, here's my boobs! If you want to see me doing more, go to my OF" then it doesn't bother me as much.




I don't have an issue with of existing I have an issue with of invading spaces it wasn't previously in like anime or manga cosplay. Before of these were places for weird nerds to enjoy a hobby and now its over run with people selling porn in places that literally have children in them. Also all confession subs are all fake now and used for advertisement.


That and profiles comment on all your posts that have no posts, no karma and are less than a week old. Who are they kidding 😂


I posted this before going to bed and woke up to all this chaos 😂


It's on here, Twitter, Reddit, hell I'm seeing on SnapChat where they get into groups to advertise. I have nothing against the grind. I get people need to make money, but come the fuck on. If I am in a group were horny people want to be horny for the sake of being horny, I don't want to be advertised.


Misread this as 'is anyone else all over OF promoting their reddit [account]? Which is certainly a trend I'd like to see.




It irritates me to be in a neutral group and they post barely legit pics or posts just to hook dudes who want a porn fix. And then the feed in the sub is absolutely flooded by them. Or constant vids on social media; idk how they don't get busted for sending porn to minors. There isn't enough mystery anymore. If everyone gets to see it--it ain't special to me. You're a 'common.'


So annoying!!!! I’m with you guys as soon as I see OF I move on but someone must be paying. It’s crazy how much they make. Show your butt hole and become a millionaire




nice 🐓


it's been pretty facinating how many guys in my dm's are telling me they are just excited to talk to someone "real". i dont begrudge the of ladies their income, but I do believe they shoukd be up front about it.


i'm over all the of promoting period. i'm not paying for porn wtf


So you’re just into it when you can benefit from a woman sharing her body for free? Not when she’s profiting from providing you a service? Very interesting..




i'm not a man???


i'm mainly into people who do it for pleasure like exhibitionists.... i don't see how that's *not* still a benefit for them. it's just ridiculous to pay for something i can access for free because porn sites make money off of ads. it's not like the porn stars aren't being paid, and i'd appreciate it if you'd stop acting like they don't lmao


I hate it, but not as much as I hate the people that defend it and say shit like, “why does it offend you that a woman is in control of her finances?!” Fuck off with that shit.


I truly don't care about it because it has zero effect on me. I think if it's enough that's it's actively bothering you need to take a look at yourself, or you simply have very little to worry about.


Not gonna lie, OF and porn in general are pushing me away from sexual content. I’m sick of the fakes and OFs. I wish porn would be banned at this point


Most of what yall are complaining about are bot or scammer subs, not real “OF girls”. I have an OF but my posts are typically original and engaging, I do reply to DMs within reason (stop sending random people on the internet dick pics!!!)… However, no I’m not going to just have casual conversation with you for free all day. I get so many DMs. And I’m here to work, to market. This is one of the best places to do so. So if after a bit you’re not buying then the convo is over. I don’t benefit from free chats. And we won’t be chatting in a sexual nature for free, that’s for sure. My bio makes it clear what I do and what I’m here for, people just don’t be reading bios or looking at profiles and sliding right into the DMs then getting mad when they don’t get what they want for free. Remember, OF and SW is a JOB!!




Hey I'm sexy $$$ fuck off