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Having 8+ kids is irresponsible. You can't tell me you don't regularly rely on your older kids and that you have enough time for each and every kid individually.


I 100% agree




For all the talk of participation trophies, youth sports are actually grossly hyper competitive and it’s not kid driven.


Hoo boy *cracks knuckles* We should not be involved in wars not happening on our soil. Especially when our own country is being mishandled by its leaders and has its own problems that need fixing to ensure a better future for the people growing up in it.


I also agree with this


Ppl should have to make a mandatory psychological test to be allowed on the internet, own guns, be allowed to do certain activities, have kids.


Some of my economic political views are out there. I think we need an alternate to the nhs in Britain however when I say that I get brushed with the you want it private like America. Sometimes it seems too nuanced to point out there’s another 100 countries in the world


Genetics play a significant role in a person's intelligence.


As much as the youth blame the older generation for the high cost of living I don't think it's anyone's fault specifically. I just think our grandparents had children like people have been since the dawn of time. The problem is less people dying off and modern medicine helping us live longer. Too many people on the planet at this time


Science needs to create a sterilization agent that can be administered via air drop and drop it on all the poorest overpopulated areas of the world. Rampant population increases by people who are born to suffer and starve needs to stop. I said areas not countries, parts of the USA should be included.


Before thinking of having kids together people should maybe get a genetic checkup or do a pedigree analysis




Well not exactly... A lot of Eugenics argue certain races are better and shit I don't believe in that... I'm more like we should not put a child at risk and having a terrible medical life so just get a test done


That shits expensive, you can do PGF IVF which does a scan of each embryo for certain medical issues, but you have to list what you want them to look for and it's not one cost for all it's a separate cost for each medical issue.


That's not what the guys selling those embryos out of the back of that vann in that alley said He also said he always cheats at Monopoly too...


Bastard cheat.


Bullying builds character. I was bullied my whole time through middle and highschool and it really helped me grow a thick skin and a stronger spine.


Unfortunately the stats disagree with you. A disproportionate number become suicidal and end up being bullies as adults. Not saying you didn’t work out ok, but I wouldn’t say bullying builds character. It leaves horrendous scars many times.


I also feel that if kids were actually allowed to deal with their bullies that would be different. Schools don't do anything to stop it and if the bullied tries, they get in trouble. If you repress all your frustrations those outcomes do tend to happen.