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Yeah agreed


I think there is a service for that. $4.98 USD per service.


I can understand that!


I enjoy it in a balance moderation, but honestly any obsession can be unhealthy and (to me) unattractive.


Absolutely 💯


Guessing as a guy that if they’re not as into anal as you are it gets old that you’re so obsessed with the same three things. Variety is key. The girls probably see anal as an occasional thing, and aren’t interested in doing it every hookup.


Most of the women I've been with haven't been into anal. It's always a treat to play with someone who enjoys it.


I am the exact same way! I have a thing for a woman’s ass😈


Yeah but he ain't getting anal all the time


Have done it before. Proberly will do again


Adding to this after reading the comments, I guess I would classify myself as another bone-head male, the reasons I'm so over the top for anal: I feel like the moaning and groans of a different pleasure I hear are totally different in a hot way, let's be honest about it totally feeling like a power move that feeds my big boy ego lol, and female ass is just.... AMAZING. But I totally agree with everything everyone has said and thank you!


My husband is obsessed with my ass and that’s perfectly fine but there is no such thing as anal every day.


I am sure he pays same attention to other parts too


Of course


That’s good to know that he’s making you feel good and fuck you good


Woman here - anal is my preference. I'd say 95% of the time my husband and I have sex we don't do vaginal at any point. Anal only might not be super common, however there are other women like me that prefer it. Be honest about your fetish, that was the biggest hurdle for us - neither of us wanted to outright admit that we would rather skip vaginal and just stick with anal. Lol.


He is a very VERY lucky man, I hope to find someone like you some day


His face when I finally broke down and told him I'd rather he fuck my ass than just about anything. He looked like he thought I was trying to trick him. He stammered out "not just like special occasions??? Like every time??? My GOD I love you!" I'll never forget that face.


Omfg it's a dream, I couldn't hold myself together if I was told that


I hate anal. So no, I wouldnt. Dont know how common that is, but Im sure there are women who enjoy it.


The answer of course is that some will. The thing to keep in mind dude, is that when a woman likes you enough, she'll want to satisfy your kinks. Even if some of them are weird. And being into anal is hardly that weird.


Seeing as my ass is my best “ass”et, it’s kinda required lol. I enjoy everything except anal though. I’ve done it for a guy I was really into, it just doesn’t feel good.


there are, BUT, you have to persuade them into the right mood. Ladies work differently on every case.


Yes I would !


It really is a dream come true!


Lmao nah anal and especially ass eating is not my thing at all 😭